There is no lifting of natures lockdown
I'm just a tired old man
on a mission
to reach a grassy knoll
before the sunsets.
I'm confident that
I shall get there comfortably.
The echo of the church bells
is guiding me.
There I will find
a row of poplars
atop a sunlight rounded hill.
Upon arriving I shall
remove my shoes.
And I shall lay me down
at the base of
the majesti...
Thursday 1st July 2021 8:43 pm
Can you see
the tall spikes
crowned with
delicate white blossom
growing in the SW
corner of the garden?
It is the herb valerian
its scent is most
pleasing and calming.
Saturday 26th June 2021 9:16 pm
Identity swapped
This year
April stole May's thunder
and spread sunshine and warmth
May upset wept April's tears
Wednesday 2nd June 2021 11:43 am
Natures restorative powers
Just a prayer
a nod to see if you all
at the Write Out Loud community
are well and
holding up fine.
What a wonderful world
we live in.
I'm not going to dwell
on the inadequacies of
our leaders as that
way madness lies.
I just pray that you
are all well
and as the weather
improves you can
spend more and more
time outside
and become one
...Monday 19th April 2021 9:04 pm
Nature reassures
battered by conflicting voices
uncertainties surrounding the accursed
pandemic become
confused from day to day
yesterday's confident pronouncements
are contradicted today
dread what will be announced tomorrow
but thankfully nature remains constant
and faithfully follows its cycle
the thick blanket of snow spread
across the landscape is a
welcome distracti...
Monday 8th February 2021 9:23 pm
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