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I am stripped bare of all

but my faith.

I stand here shaking

in the wind.

Try to clothe me,

and I shrug my shoulders

in release.

I am dressed in garments

of sorrow,

all my dreams

are shredded rags.

But take no notice of me,

this emptiness

is my redemption. 

I am rising to meet the sun,

I will be propelled back down

to the green earth.

I am a chrys...

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Love Song

I release myself from everyone and everything,

hey, it's not my job to make you feel better,

(although I would love it if I could),

I'm just working on raising my own vibration,

you know, getting my frequency tuned in to all that's good.

Maybe that will help raise your vibration too, who knows,

but really that's your job, you know.

You take care of you,

I take care of me,


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Evening Reverie

Call your sprit back

And wrap yourself in a coat of bliss

These earthly travails are not meant to hold you down

Shed them like a tired garment

And adorn yourself in the fresh gown of resurrection

Be as a bird and soar high in the sky

Travel the distance between heaven and earth

It's not as far away as you think

Fly! Fly! Fly!

The arms of joy are wide open

Awaiting you...

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Shimmering Light

A beloved one arrives

in your line of vision,

you can feel the energetic 

dance of their form,

you can feel their sorrow and their joy,

you cry for their troubles

and smile with their happiness.

Looking deeply,

you also see the light

that shines through their form,

this is where the fullness of joy resides,

this is the eternal light of the divine.

Yes, it is the...

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Seasons of Life

I can feel my light

fading softly,

the brightness of youth

dims to the gentle glow

of old age.

Is life measured in years

or is it better to count the expansion of the heart?

Oh, how the heart rides the waves of love!

Turmoil gives way to peace,

doubt blossoms into faith.

Aging rises slowly,


while youth walks away 

at a fast pace.

The old ones s...

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Joyful Faith

Don't try to interfere with destiny,

don't worry about failure and loss,

everything self-corrects in its own time.

It is all written in the Book of Life,

your own,

their own,

yours is yours

and theirs is theirs,

no need to boss people around

and stir up the dust of anxiety--

they will discover how and what to do

in the expanse of time.

Just reach out and encoura...

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What Do I Need, Really?

I need a tree

to give me shade from the sun,

I need a flower

to give me joy when I'm blue.

I need some dirt

to plant a few seeds,

I need a bit of rain

to grow the plants.

I need a little wind

to blow away sorrow,

I need a friend

to join me in laughter.

I need the morning

to wake me up,

I need a star

to hold my wishes.

Really, this is all I need,


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Butterflies Alight

Butterflies flutter


when we are nervous,

butterflies alight

on flowers

to say hello,

little messengers,

reminding us to breathe

and smell the flowers.

No need to hurry,

no need to worry,

life unfolds

at its own pace,

problems resolve

at their own pace.

Be like a tree,

steady and calm,

open branches

inviting the butterflies

to rest on ...

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Carry On, Oh Fellow Voyager

From where comes your strength, oh fellow voyager,

when your steps are heavy and your heart sorrowful?

Do you look high to the skies and implore the celestial for assistance?

Do you look deep within and ask for an outpouring of solid will?

Do you crawl into a corner and breathe until you feel an opening for resurrection?

Every being finds strength in their own way.

Even collapse ...

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Look Up to the Sky

I feel like I'm living under a dark moon,

I'm waiting for the clouds to pass, 

waiting for a light to open its rays,

so many sufferings, 

so little relief.

But patience peeks from the corner of thought,

remember, remember,

all is in movement,

nothing is stagnant, 

the moon will shine bright again, 

guidance will light the path.

Wait with peace,

fret not,

the ...

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Sitting On A Cloud

Go into the clouds,

the beckoning clouds,

hear the rhythm of the rain,

hear the song of the thunder.

I did not breathe you

into existence,

but I joined you

in this walk of life,

I can not carry you

but I can help you

in our uplifting.

Yes, this life is heavy

with many burdens

but we have strength

in each other.

Let's go sit on a cloud

awhile and smil...

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I Ask

I ask for illumination

I ask for freedom from trepidation

I ask for exploration of solutions

Immense are the problems

Wide are the divisions

I ask for guidance

I ask for resolution

I believe in wisdom

I believe in strength

I believe in boundless joy

I ask, I believe

I jump into expectation

Let it be so

And it is so

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When I feel mother earth beneath my feet,

I am soothed.

It matters not where I am

north, south, east or west,

it matters not what I see,

birth or decay,

I am soothed

by the rhythms

of the turning globe

beneath my feet.

Looking down,

dirt and weeds,

flowers and trees.

Looking up,

sky and clouds,

rain and thunder.

Destruction and reconstruction,


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