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In the Stars

When I was but a girl

I lay in my bed

and behind closed eyes

travelled to the stars,

floating in the calm

dark of the night,

feeling no fear,

feeling the deepest peace.

Now an old lady,

I search for those dreams of childhood,

the stars are further away

behind these closed eyes,

but patiently I wait,


the little girl 

is as close as the dream


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Infinitely Well

God made all this for us,

we give thanks.

We made all this for each other,

we give thanks.

Birds cawking,

helicopters flying,

both searching with their eyes--

au secours, au secours,

survival, help,

search for food,

search for well-being.

Nature and man-made sing the same song--

"All is well, all is well, all is infinitely well."

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Tasks of the Day

Don't think of it as work

Think of it as play

Like a child's eyes wide with curiousity

Everything dances

In a day of play


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This Morning

You like cinnamon in your coffee,

sometimes I forget to add it

to the piles of fresh grounds

in the coffee maker,

but this morning 

my mind was clear

and the sweet smell of cinnamon filled my senses

as I puttered in the early light

of the quiet kitchen.

Cinnamon in coffee is like

icing on cake,

gravy on potatoes,

whipped cream on an ice cream shake--

not esse...

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For the Laughter

Oh Life!

Sometimes you arrive at my door

as slow as a snail inching across the path,

other times you blow the door open

like a windy gust on an autumn's day.

The placid days of slow,

the wild days of rush,

all are equally valuable

on this meandering, uncharted road of existence.

Oh Life!

Sometimes I push you away like a heavy burden,

other times I wrap myself in yo...

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Tiny Blade of Grass

I'm exhausted down to my bones.

No amount of sleep can restore


When a soul becomes so heavy 

it just tumbles down

back into the earth,

is this death,

or something like it?

Does resurrection follow?

I think so.

Like the changing seasons,

renewal arrives,

like a tiny blade of grass,

hope grows.

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I'm a Believer


"If everyone in the collective consciousness

stopped judging and transmuted hate to love, the wars would stop," she said.

My, what a bold statement, I thought.

Could it happen?

History says no.

But I want to believe it anyways. 

Why not?

It couldn't hurt.

And so I will.


in the dream.

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