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Alba's 2 Unicorns


I met beautiful Alba after school for a KFC.

Have I told you Alba means the world to me!

Alba’s ocean blue eyes twinkled in the sun.

She chased Mister Spider and made him run!

Alba told me all about her lovely school day.

She drew a picture for me, 2 unicorns at play.

They had 3 coloured horns upon their head.

And were surrounded by hearts, blue and red.

2 unicor...

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Dark Is The Hour

Dark is the hour on this autumn night.

I will think of my Angel until daylight.

I will search for answers, I will not sleep.

Sorrows pain tonight attacks me deep.


I’ll need God’s help tomorrow for sure.

If only for heartache, there was a cure.

3 years on, I miss him more by the day.

All my love sent to Heaven, is on the way.

Maybe when he gets it, he’ll send a sign.


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'Magic Boo' Alba Play Diaries 9/1/25


In the Turnpike, Alba granted me a wish.

I said, I’d love to swim just like a fish!

Immediately, that wish was granted to me.

And I found myself swimming in the sea!


With her wand, Alba then said ‘magic boo’

With those words, Alba granted me wish 2.

I said, big numbers I would wish to know.

Because the only numbers I know are low.

That’s because you’re very sill...

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Walton Snow Fall...5/1/25

I looked from my window and what did I see?
Covered in snow, the Walton Christmas Tree!
As they predicted, heavy snow fell overnight.
So I woke up this morning to a beautiful sight!

The tree looked so amazing on this 12th day.
If only a day or two longer the tree could stay!
But tradition is tradition, so today it must go.
But what a way to depart, all sprinkled in snow!

So, I jumped...

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The Liverpool Bold Street Time Slip

This is my story from New Year’s Day.
Down Bold Street, I was making my way.
And it’s an unbelievable story to hear.
I was transported back to yesteryear!

Bold Street has often done this before.
Hooked people into the past’s trapdoor.
I saw dated fashions and shops long gone.
I saw a dark sky were the sun once shone.

60’s style cars, I saw the motorists drive.
This was no longer New Y...

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A knotty Ash Boxing Day Secret!!


Strange goings on in Doddy Towers…number3.

A disguised man moved, but he didn’t fool me!

He was a big man, very jovial man, he’ll fit in well.

But was he young or old, it was impossible to tell?

He had a very infections laugh, it came with a roar.

And I can vouch for that, because I live next door!

He was a well built man, politely I’ll say ‘well fed’!

‘I love Knotty ...

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