You’re a literary lion!
Yet you’re invariably sighing
as you prowl round the page
lines escape from the cage
and the herd run off trumpeting.
Or was that I heard a siren?
You’ve been out clubbing with Lord Byron,
I’m digging your deeds done abroad
with a pen and a sword,
at least that’s what I thought –
now I’m strangely discomfited.
There’s been a local revolution:
Friday 26th September 2014 5:36 pm
Eastnor Castle Easter Monday
~~Eastnor Castle Easter Monday
The bluebells, he decides, are a slide made of sky
lying over the hill where I’d like to decline
his interrogation fired ad infinitum
until all the eggs have been counted and eaten.
The Question-Master needs instant answers
and a database big as The Bible.
The family might call it repartee -
for me it’s a case of survival.
Dandelions can be yellow or whi...
Thursday 18th September 2014 9:24 am
Wild Geese in Tesco
You do not have to be free.
You do not have to point yourself through sky,
over rivers and mountains for your value to soar.
You only have to let plucked and frozen
flesh, naked and pimply, nestle
on a sterile white shelf. See
how much more is your worth.
Meanwhile the talk is of how long
to leave you and the climate that most
enhances your taste; we discuss and dissect
our favourite pa...
Wednesday 26th February 2014 1:21 pm
And when we were sat in the Odeon
the day after the social worker phoned,
Remember To Leave Reality At Home
the voice from behind the curtains boomed.
She said Ray, have you left ‘ality at home?
I nodded and laughed. She frowned
and asked What is ‘ality, Ray?
as if I were The Light, The Truth and The Way
and would never dream of letting her down.
And when the school report suggests
she’s below average intelligence
I re...
Thursday 28th November 2013 10:43 am
He knew the score
and said suicide is like hanging
up your boots when the season
is early doors. It’s going to ground
too soon, not waiting for the whistle
and refusing to play through
the pain barrier once more.
It’s not being able to look
at yourself in the mirror
because you’ve lost the dressing room.
Unbelievable, really. He went straight
past us like we weren’t there.
He was just giving us the eyes.
Monday 25th November 2013 1:28 pm
Soul Music
Suppose there are souls that really exist
in eternity on the other side
where 24/7 evangelists
promise death to those who bridge the void.
Suppose them sitting in homes and cities
in their virtual, spiritual forms.
Would their ghostly, gaseous entities
risk it all for a stirring of warmth?
Suppose that a soul accessed a peep-hole
and observed you ...
Monday 18th February 2013 10:46 am
Potted History
The way you don’t handle a cue like a broom
sweeps up and tucks me in the pocket of your room.
How you chalk the tip before you bend and break;
I stand up to study the positions you take.
As we kiss I am cast upon cushioned walls
before coming to rest within gaping jaws.
Using top and bottom to maintain command
you pull me across with the bridge of ...
Wednesday 13th February 2013 11:52 am
When I Was Your Father
I used to call you Clockwork Mouse -
wound by an invisible hand
on waking and off you went
like Mr Fluff, the cat who leapt
from our fifth floor flat
to a broken leg and holes in the head.
We paid the visits to the vet,
bathed the wounds and he bounced back
into the nest for several years
and a new address; then his face
appeared less an...
Friday 8th February 2013 10:33 am
My Favourite Glass
We’d ring in sick and drink a draught,
stick a needle on a turning track,
jump in bed and shag ourselves daft
to Martha Reeves singing Jimmy Mack.
When I tried to punch above my class
your shoulder straps outranked my cap
as you went Wham and I went Clash
with a nose turned up in the aftermath
of jig and fizz that flowed and splashed
from early doors ‘til whe...
Monday 4th February 2013 10:06 am
Lady Jane Grey was little more
than a holiday home, a change of air;
Elizabeth Woodville was Long Stay –
students dreaded placement there.
Hers was a thicker atmosphere: moon-fogged
with menace throughout the year.
It’s the Western Australian Blue Mist, Doctor,
or else I’m losing my eyesight.
When a man said he wanted to meditate
it mea...
Friday 1st February 2013 9:12 pm
Lady Jane Grey was little more
than a holiday home, a change of air;
Elizabeth Woodville was Long Stay –
students dreaded placement there.
Hers was a thicker atmosphere: moon-fogged
with menace throughout the year.
It’s the Western Australian Blue Mist, Doctor,
or else I’m losing my eyesight.
When a man said he wanted to meditate
it meant he wanted to ...
Thursday 31st January 2013 4:32 pm
Bethlehem is bolted shut
and there no jobs in this England
The innkeepers hold cardboard doors
and he been on his bike so long
That say no room and we full up
for twenty, forty miles and more
An angel’s crying for her mum
and he has turned his cycle round
The shepherd cannot find his flock
and wise men have all been and gone
The donkey’s ears have fallen ...
Friday 7th December 2012 2:36 pm
Alf Ramsey - My Part In His Success
Around the time Cup Finals
were first shown on television
and the towers were erected
overlooking our back garden
with the lawn striped and manicured
just like Wembley Stadium;
the Chief Scout would be watching
from the 6th or 7th storey
as I tried to keep the ball within
the central midfield area
away from the flower beds
my father set such st...
Monday 3rd December 2012 2:25 pm
Path of Peace
It wasn’t that her parents wouldn’t attend
because the wedding clashed with Remembrance Day
and poppies exerted a powerful hold;
nor that my Best Man was newly diagnosed
as a schizophrenic cum manic depressive –
though we were both in two minds about that.
Neither that my brother-in-law turned up
in a T-shirt bearing the legend
Thursday 15th November 2012 5:44 pm
Sky Garden
He was of a kind that’s highly individual
and his feet were barely felt upon the earth;
not exactly selfless but so spiritual
though he hadn’t followed Jesus since Rebirth
as an Astral Avatar known as Sky Garden -
which hadn’t pleased his parents very much;
they’d have rather he remained their little Gordon
but while he tried to find himself they kept in touch...
Wednesday 7th November 2012 9:54 pm
We reel ‘em in with Ritalin,
(Big Pharma pockets the profit)
Viagra and the Vitamin –
it gets so hard to come off it.
Increasing dependency doses,
the playground exchange of bright sweets;
damned by a dual diagnosis,
the endless prescription repeats.
To manage stress a bullet-proof vest
is obligatory in these quarters:
the weight you can’t get...
Wednesday 24th October 2012 4:12 pm
They reckon at 7 you’re too old
for adoption. I look down on your head
that’s too tiny to fit in a swimming cap
or a bicycle helmet and trails behind
your peers by 4 years in reading and writing ;
at your inside out and backward dress
bespattered with pie and think on all
of the words you forget from one line
to the next; the daily reports of doors slammed
Monday 22nd October 2012 7:27 pm
Betting on a Photo
On the back of a picture of me as a nipper
are the names of four horses: six doubles,
four trebles and a roll-up. I’m bearing
the stamp of my father already,
his Daily Mirror crossword precision.
I try to imagine when it was written:
rationing over - no shortage of paper;
betting illegal but under the counter;
in a hurry, late for work or the boozer,
Thursday 18th October 2012 10:07 pm
Donkey Jacket
They said it was the longest suicide note in history
and created Care in the Community.
They said it was disrespectful to wear a donkey jacket
and then they sold us shell suits.
They said that council houses were rubbish
and lots of people bought one.
They said there was an enemy within
and gave birth to New Labour.
They said there was no ...
Sunday 14th October 2012 10:32 am
The Dark Ages
Claudia Cardinale was wearing
white linen as old as the century,
milky light clinging to the clouds
of her breasts. Her voice no more dubbed
too dangerous for cinema. Her sweat
shone as cold as a magazine cover
and the eyes of the audience blinded
by labour and driven mechanical.
I’d love to retrace the wheels of her carriage
and carry her luggage all the wa...
Saturday 6th October 2012 7:46 pm
Black Market
Someone whispered on a fiddle,
a siren blew that hung and stretched
out long notes, slung slow rope
around my baby’s neck.
Man came with tape and pencil,
cut him and coloured him grey,
cast a net and like a marionette -
pull on a string and he sway.
My man look sorry
now he nobody
these melancholy days.
An agent of the devil,
Jezebel in disg...
Tuesday 2nd October 2012 10:50 am
The evening paper and the scuffers
brought revelation. Sammy wasn’t even
his name I discovered and the prayers
I’d offered were misplaced and useless
or somebody else had stolen salvation.
He wore Ben Shermans, Doc Martens
and a Harrington jacket but a uniform
isn’t a suit of armour and a five-inch blade
punctured his stuffing, left him clutching
at nothi...
Sunday 30th September 2012 9:22 pm
Napoleon’s Hat is there, so they say,
on the pink granite coast where water’s weight
has rounded rocks to a sculptured flesh
etched frozen rosé, creating shapes
of Turtle, Bear and Elephant.
We took the customs officers path
and came upon an Upturned Foot
and The Pile of Crêpes. At Ploumanach
two scuba divers, female, French,
surfaced crablike and cli...
Monday 24th September 2012 8:14 pm
We’re sharing a bottle of vin de table
and your mother’s letter
wonders who you take after -
all this gallivanting palaver.
You took after me across La Manche
swapping one tongue for another,
sliding down France’s helter-skelter
wherever our thumbs meandered.
You slept through a film in Angoulême.
I stabbed the stomach of un étranger
whose fin...
Wednesday 19th September 2012 10:04 am
I met Madonna in a dream run
by the Foster Care Co-op
for parents who’d adopted
from unusual angles.
We split into pairs
to address a dilemma
and she sat at my table
all crucifix and cleavage
revealing how she used
the kids to keep a handle
on the teenage market.
An in-house focus group;
it beats climbing chimneys
and it’s tough at the top
Saturday 15th September 2012 8:50 am
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