I see you see they see
When I look at you all, I don’t see
I don’t see the barriers others may see
Others may see what they want to see
What they want to see, I don’t
I see people for who they are
For who they are, I see them
I see them as the same you see
You see, everyone is equal
When I look at all the wars, I see suffering
I see suffering in many peoples eyes
In many people’s...
Wednesday 29th November 2023 9:39 pm
She fascinates me, challenges me
Every time I see her, or think of her
I’m fascinated
She only has to look at me or make a sound
and I’m dumbstruck, mumble a few futile words,
and make my excuses
What I know about her is very little,
but fascinating all the same
Her look, tone of voice, elegant demeanour
Who wouldn’t be fascinated?
I don’t think she even realises that...
Thursday 16th November 2023 11:50 pm
The Wayward Wonky Walker
The wayward wonky walker
Loved the great outdoors
He walked hills and vales,
and mountain trails, and liked
camping on the moors
He’d wake up with the birdies
and whistle to their songs
Have beans on toast for every meal
Between walking and rambling along
He had no sense of direction
and got mixed up with left and right
So much so, that he would get lost
...Friday 10th November 2023 4:07 pm
The Hare and the Tortoise
The hare and the tortoise went for a walk
on a lovely summer’s afternoon
They took some food and tea for a brew
as well as a knife, fork, and spoon
It wasn’t that long before the tortoise realised
that his friend the hare had marched on
Being so slow the day came and went…
The hare, the food, and the tea had gone!
(Dont get left behind)
Wednesday 8th November 2023 10:49 pm
Little Girl by the Lake
Little girl by the stream dreaming of Princesses and Queens in multi coloured crinolines
Grey squirrels wearing pin striped suits with crimson waistcoats and black Jack boots
Little girl by the pool dreaming of fairy cakes and cucumber sandwiches, strawberry moose,
with wafers that protrude to temp taste buds into over indulging, but not discouraging
Little girl by the lake dreaming ab...
Monday 6th November 2023 11:26 pm
Manchester ‘blues’
There’s a club called Manchester United
Who’s fans always got so excited
But results have been bad, more than a tad
So applications for a manager are invited
Sunday 5th November 2023 7:31 pm
Once upon a Time
There once was a time when we loved
each other, I would say, lots and lots
But then boredom set in,
you no longer did what you said on the tin
So our relationship is now on the rocks
Sunday 5th November 2023 7:30 pm
The Young Lady
There was a young lady from Killarney
Who people said had gone quite barmy
It troubled her and so, she decided to go
to Cork and kiss the blarney
So now when they mock
She lifts up her frock and shouts
“Nothing you say can now harm me”
Sunday 5th November 2023 7:28 pm
Make Someone
Make someone grumpy
Make someone sad
Make someone love you
Love you like mad
Make someone angry
Make someone feel
that everything they do
doesn’t seem real
Make someone rebellious
Make someone posh
Think they’re the business
with loads of dosh
Make someone a poet
to write out some rhymes
Which reminds me now…
that I’ve run out of time!
Sunday 5th November 2023 7:25 pm
Rock and Roll
I love to rock I love to roll
I wanna be a big rock star
But all the years have taken it’s toll
And my teeth are now resting in a jar
I think my ambitions are fanciful
It’s time to lay down my guitar
and kick off my dancing shoes!
Listen to some Beethoven in my car
Sunday 5th November 2023 7:24 pm
Here we all are, sitting very comfortably
Playing our guitars like a load of loonies
People are saying we’re all out of tune
The drummer’s gone crazy, he’s away
with the fairies on the moon
Jamming on a Friday night
Is what we love doing
It’s the best thing in the world
It would make a nice change to not upset
the neighbours
To act responsibly, not be like a...
Sunday 5th November 2023 7:21 pm
All the Reasons
All the reasons given
For things we don’t understand
“It’s only for a season” they say
So a line is drawn in the sand
All the reasons given
For wars, atrocities, and more
Sometimes its about religion
Or simply for no reason at all
All the reasons given
For various scientific conundrums
Mind blowing counter theories
About unexplained phenomenon
Friday 13th October 2023 4:50 pm
Rhymes and Reasons
Lines set out in rhyme in time
With beats and rhythm
In metre sweet
To connect, correct
Inform, pour scorn
Create and form
Adorn, purloin
“Am I bothered” you said
Well, they can tread on me,
Rat-a-tat-tat, or betray me
Sticks and stones, as they say
and that’s the way
I deal with it all
Stand tall, don’t take a fall
For any old dude
who tries to...
Thursday 12th October 2023 1:21 pm
Don’t withhold your goodness from people
When you have the power to display it
Especially be good to those who deserve it
Wednesday 11th October 2023 11:15 am
Who are You?
Who are you?
Who the bloody hell are you?
I mean, you think you can say what the hell you want about me right?
Slag me off, slag everyone off that knows me
Who are you?
Who the bloody hell are you?
You come in here thinking you own the place
Well, you do, but you don’t deserve to
You strut around like a bloody teenager
When you dance, you command the floor
but le...
Tuesday 10th October 2023 11:21 pm
Video technology to improve the game
A debatable penalty, offside, stoppage time?
R.I.P the end of football as we knew it.
Monday 9th October 2023 9:45 pm
Some start the day feeling absolutely hopeless
Like the turn of a coin life can change quickly
Good things happen that we never expected
Monday 9th October 2023 9:43 pm
I’d like to get to know you
I’d like to get to know you, all about you
Likes and dislikes, your traits and moods.
The things that please, tease, rock or blues?
The people you know, your friends and family
Feelings you get, what makes you angry
I’d like to get to know you better, get far closer
What are you thinking, especially right now?
What makes you pensive, furrow your brow?
Are you preoccupi...
Monday 9th October 2023 1:14 pm
They say every day is a new beginning
The start of something new and fresh
Despite how we may be feeling, let us
therefore be optimistic.
Monday 2nd October 2023 8:39 pm
Moving house can be the most stressful
experience in your life
Running a home is also very challenging
Having no home is both stressful and challenging.
Monday 2nd October 2023 8:38 pm
Some of us take a keen interest in people
We can display our interest in many ways
But mainly, the interest is all about whether
they find us interesting.
Monday 2nd October 2023 8:36 pm
Haiku Foundations
Relationships are very much like houses
Unless they’re built on a strong foundation
They will soon come tumbling down
Wednesday 27th September 2023 11:29 pm
Shards of broken glass
Lying motionless amidst knotted weeds
and grass
Astride from bloodstained shards of glass
Lady with taunted expression engraved
Surely nobody could have been so enraged?
As a missing person it started out,
until a neighbour raised an alarming shout
After a glimpse of a somewhat ugly scene
That turned out not to be a bad dream
How on earth did it end this way?
...Wednesday 27th September 2023 11:25 am
Haiku Faith
Faith is having a strong belief in something
We can also put our faith and trust in people
They don’t always repay that faith and trust
Tuesday 26th September 2023 7:09 pm
Haiku Curtains
Curtains are made to keep out the light
Drawn they offer an element of privacy
Like us they can only conceal so much
Tuesday 26th September 2023 2:05 pm
Haiku Footbal
Football can be loved or hated
It has caused wars and even executions
It also brings joy and passion to hundreds
of millions of people
Monday 25th September 2023 10:05 pm
Haiku Music
Music can be like a siren drawing us in
Capturing the inner most parts of our being
Then magically releasing us to a different place.
Sunday 24th September 2023 10:31 pm
Things can be said or done in haste
This can result in our feelings being hurt
But our feelings can be hurt more, by our
own mistakes
Sunday 24th September 2023 10:30 pm
Haiku Parenthood
The young sometimes resent their parents
Wanting the freedom to go their own way
But wise words can be more vital than freedom
Sunday 24th September 2023 12:07 pm
The Supporter
There was a young football supporter
Who worked as a hospital porter
When his team scored a goal
He went out of control
and knocked out a TV Reporter
The Reporter was hurt
With blood all aver his shirt
to the same hospital he was transported
Sunday 24th September 2023 12:03 pm
The Barista
There once was a happy Barista
Who worked with his Mother and Sister
He made coffee making seem easy
Had a reputation for being sleazy
And my Aunt nearly died when he kissed her!
Friday 22nd September 2023 11:51 pm
Climate Change
It’s climate change! They often cry
The thought of it all brings tears to eyes
We hear the storms, we see the floods
Whole villages disappearing in the mud
Earth quakes in places unseen before
As Mothers pick up babies from the floor
Land so parched by searing heat
People running on with bandaged feet
Wild fires rage amidst arid plains
As icebergs drift as they...
Saturday 16th September 2023 12:31 pm
Hey what’s up?
Hey what’s up?
How you getting on?
You gotta job?
You know Sally got robbed?
Hey what’s new?
Fancy a brew?
Time for a catch up
and talk about a match up
With the guys down the barbers
Lookin’ harder and harder
Sharper and smarter
With their sideburns and partin’s
Hey how’s tricks?
Are you still in the mix?
For a good night out?
Taking selfies as we pout
...Sunday 10th September 2023 10:53 pm
On the Road Again
I’ve been all over the world
Done it all and more besides
Seen every colour of flag unfurled
Where I laid my hat I would reside
I’m on the road again
I’ve seen stunning countryside
and lazed around on golden beaches
I’m looking back with a sense of pride
As I strived to get to the upper reaches
I’m on the road again
There has been happiness and heartache
Saturday 2nd September 2023 11:56 am
Haiku Wisdom
A wise person listens and increases in knowledge
They understand even riddles and enigmas
Fools despise wisdom and teaching
Wednesday 16th August 2023 12:06 am
Haiku Carpets
Carpets can offer comfort and luxury
The colours and patterns can be beautiful
But like carpets, lies can also be finely woven to cover something up
Wednesday 16th August 2023 12:04 am
Haiku Knowledge
It’s foolish to think we know everything
To feel that we have life all sorted out
That’s the point when we are most at risk
Sunday 13th August 2023 12:25 pm
Haiku Riches
Wisdom is more profitable than silver
Knowledge is more valuable than gold
Wise words are a better gift than riches
Sunday 13th August 2023 12:23 pm
Fear is now, fear is life
Fear is the past, fear is the future
Fear is here, It has to be embraced
Monday 7th August 2023 3:12 pm
Haiku Dentist’s
People bungee jump to raise money for charity
They free fall from planes high up in the air
But can be petrified of the Dentist’s chair
Sunday 6th August 2023 1:29 pm
Haiku Law
A good lawyer represents their client well
The client trusts in the lawyer’s expertise
However, the law itself cannot be trusted to get the right result
Friday 4th August 2023 11:06 pm
Haiku Lies
Lies can sometimes be told for a reason
It can be to protect someone from the truth
Because sometimes the truth can reveal lies
Tuesday 1st August 2023 8:53 pm
Black Shades of Melancholy
Down in the depths of this despair
A place of which I wasn’t aware
But now I’m here, and you’re out there
We’re poles apart, and you don’t care
Up in the clouds of happiness
Is where I prefer to exist
I had no room for a darker life
I always tried to resist
Yes I always tried to resist
It wasn’t always like this
It used to be so good
It wasn’t always like...
Wednesday 26th July 2023 3:19 pm
Haiku Parliament
Parliament is the place of rules and arguments
With all the political parties presiding
It can also be a place that makes or breaks its voters.
Wednesday 26th July 2023 3:15 pm
Haiku Positivity
Positive thoughts can lead to positive action
A negative mind can show a negative attitude
Both will cancel themselves out
Tuesday 25th July 2023 4:26 pm
What’s in a name?
Carly Simon sang about vanity
Doris played Calamity
Alice Cooper came on the scene
Make up black, blue and green
Like a male witch he sang and roused
The kids to believe that school was out
No more this and no more that
He had them believe it and that was a fact
Rebellion resulted in the USA and
Pink Floyd were all over the place
There goes another brick in the ...
Wednesday 19th July 2023 12:03 pm
Haiku Relationships
Relationships can be a beautiful experience
Arousing passion, admiration and love
If they break down, they can be replaced by anger, hatred, revenge, and separation.
Tuesday 18th July 2023 9:22 pm
Haiku Regret
It feels good to get things off your chest
But then remorse and regret kick in
However, its never too late to forgive
and forget
Monday 17th July 2023 6:16 pm
Haiku Tables
Tables can be sturdy and reliable
They can be booked for a nice meal
But like situations, they can easily be turned
Monday 17th July 2023 6:13 pm
Fences can separate us from others
They can also offer a degree of protection
But like relationships they can be mended or broken down.
Sunday 16th July 2023 4:37 pm
It can look calming and inviting
The sea, lakes, canals, and rivers
It also houses many lost souls
Sunday 16th July 2023 4:35 pm
You and Me
The night we first met I thought “you and me”
Since then you and me have shared friendship,
had some good times, laughs, exchanged stories,
and talked about our problems
We’ve grown closer over time, causing me
to think again about “you and me”
As time has moved on, I’ve grown so much fonder of you
and really enjoy the limited, and at times, fleeting moments spent with yo...
Sunday 16th July 2023 3:21 pm
A glass of wine can help you relax and unwind
A glass or three and you’re happy and free
A bottle or two can be the springboard to a high dive
Monday 10th July 2023 7:32 pm
Love at first sight?
Don’t get your hopes up too high
There’s always a story behind that smile
Monday 10th July 2023 7:30 pm
Then Why?
If people think I’m so funny and
make them all laugh
Then why am I on my own tonight?
And if I’m an interesting sort of person
and the starter of every party,
Then why am I on my own tonight?
If I’m very entertaining and at
the centre of most of the attention
Then why am I on my own tonight?
If my words come easily to flatter,
calm, and help encourage ...
Monday 19th June 2023 10:50 pm
I Wonder
I wonder how birds communicate?
How they seem to know their flight path?
I wonder how they view us humans?
Are we seen as friend, foe, or insignificant?
I wonder why men thought the earth was flat?
That if you travelled far enough you’d fall off
I really wonder what existed before the earth?
Did time exist, were there seasons, colours?
I wonder why there are many ...
Saturday 17th June 2023 3:29 pm
Angel Meadow
Scuttler gangs roaming streets
Torrid tales to tell of pain
Suffering, in a hell on earth
back in Victorian Manchester
Air unbelievably polluted, poisoned
sickening smell dominates the landscape
Row upon row of slum and tenement,
amid gas works and dingy ale houses
Vast areas of warehouse, mill, and chimney stack
protrude throughout the city black
Acrid smo...
Wednesday 24th May 2023 10:32 pm
Hush little baby
don’t you cry
Your mama’s not rich
or good looking
There’s trouble cooking
So keep a low profile
Switch off your mobile
Don’t answer the door
Hide your cash
under the floor
Best to keep stum
Go on the run
Take a deep breath
If your scared to death
Try not to panic
If it all gets manic
Call the old bill
You know the ...
Wednesday 24th May 2023 9:35 pm
All that Malarkey
Hey what’s all that malarkey?
Ducking, diving, para gliding
Bobbing, weaving, wheelin’ and dealin’
I can’t keep up with it all, take a fall
Stand tall when it comes to the crunch
No such thing as a free lunch in my book
What the fuck? Hells bells, all them smells
Like weed and fags and plastic bags
with dog shit in, ok let’s recycle the bins
If you know what’s ...
Wednesday 24th May 2023 9:19 pm
If I Could Paint
If I could paint a picture
of everything I see
to capture light, shade, and colour
of the earth, sky and sea
Imagine all the canvas
that I would need to use
to even showcase every flower,
Oh, the colours I could choose
This portrait could contain,
almost every single image
I see, hear, smell, touch, and explain,
my thought processes, no mirage
A k...
Friday 19th May 2023 7:26 pm
Identity Crisis
PIN number, password, user ID
Always get asked for at least these three
Passport, driving licence, one two three
PIN number, password, user ID
Why do you have to prove that it’s you
In every thing you want to do
I get sick to my stomach,
it gives me gastritis
I’ve been struck down with an identity crisis
PIN number, password, user ID
Home address, post code,...
Sunday 14th May 2023 10:28 pm
Age is Only a Number
They say I’m old, or so I’m told
But in my head I’m far from dead
Now in my mind I’m still in my teens
I like rock music, tee shirts, and faded jeans
I can still throw moves on the dance floor
I know I’m good ‘cos the ladies want more
of my dancing that is, they think I’m the biz
But the fun stops there if you get my drift
Some people call me the ‘party starter’
...Wednesday 10th May 2023 1:30 pm
Nearly but Not Quite
Hanging around again waiting
Time is running very slowly
Said we’d meet at eight tonight
Well it’s nearly that but not quite
Trying my hardest to speak to you
Find out all the things you do
Maybe talk and put the world to right
Well nearly, but not quite
What’s the air of mystery about?
If I find out, I definitely won’t shout,
Or cry buckets, well maybe I mi...
Tuesday 4th April 2023 11:25 pm
Money, money, isn’t funny
in a poor man’s world.
When your boric acid and lint, ‘skint’
You’ve not got any to compare to the many
who have a lot, yea the have’s and have nots
It’s always been this way they say
So deal with it in any which way, but how
Learn to say “how now brown cow”
Start to posh up, sip from your cup
or glass, don’t slurp, that’s crass
Monday 13th March 2023 3:16 pm
Where do You Belong?
In the big city amongst municipal concrete?
Along a rugged coastline, rocks protruding?
Within a deprived enclave, bereft of tears
No apparent progress for years and years
Where do you belong?
Breathing clean country air out in the sticks?
Near woodland or forest with healthy walks?
In a has-been village where coal was mined?
Where in desperation people turn to crim...
Thursday 9th March 2023 7:52 pm
Needles and Pins
Pine needles
Fine needles
Sewing needles
Knitting needles
Hat pins
Straight pins
Ten pins
And tie pins
Syringe needles
Thread needles
Record needles
Haystack needles
Ear pins
Nose pins
Hair pins
And rolling pins
My needles
Your pins
Sewing boxes
Thursday 9th March 2023 7:48 pm
This Silent Landscape
A beach, calm seas, blue sky
Seagulls gliding in the morning mist
Migrant starlings circle overhead in groups
As fish swim naively in the shallow waters
Early morning walkers tread the sand dunes
A circuit they’ve walked many times before
Health and fitness being top of their agenda’s
No stiff sea breeze to deal with this new day
Volunteer litter pickers share fr...
Tuesday 7th March 2023 10:21 pm
The Jingle Jangle Jailer
The jingle jangle jailer
had some jingle jangle keys
Some of them were so big
They dangled right down to his knees
But this jingle jangle jailer
He ran the strictest of cells
The inmates drove him crazy
Especially with the smells
When the Jingle Jangle Jailer
tried to clean the cells out
They’d rattle the bars on their doors
curse, scream and shout
Tuesday 28th February 2023 7:32 pm
Fantasy Football
Red and white, blue and green
What colour represents your football team?
Is it the colour they actually play in?
Or is it the one that they play away in?
These days of course,
some teams have three strips
To make you shell out more money
when you’re on your away trips
How long will the new manager last?
Longer than those sacked in the past?
But being sacked ...
Monday 27th February 2023 11:05 pm
Can’t Get Close
Dancing, prancing across the floor
I lap it up and want some more
The tempo increases as does the heat
We glide around gyrating to its beat
The music, famous in the sixties
Excites us, drives us, now it’s the remixes
I’m thinking why I like you the most
But somehow I just can’t get close
We talk, I listen, you seem mysterious
Either that or your cautious, more ...
Tuesday 21st February 2023 1:33 pm
The Decorator
When this fellow is upset
he gets all emulsional
Instead of telling the truth he
Always glosses things over
In Preparation
For a good night out, he starts
Stripping off his work clothes
Brushes his hair
Then climbs into his flashy new Roller
He’s gagging for a drink
His throat feels like sandpaper
Before long, he’s steaming drunk
Then, uses a cheesy li...
Tuesday 31st January 2023 12:40 am
Bless me Father for I have sinned
I honestly didn’t intend not recycling my bins
All that glass got mixed in with the paper
I swear I was gonna sort through it all later
But I got distracted by that young lady
Oh and whilst it’s confession time,
I’ve been a bit shady
I told her I was single you see
When I invited her in for a cup of tea
I’m not sure she believed me ...
Wednesday 25th January 2023 10:12 pm
The Theatre of Our Minds
The mind is a wonderful phenomenon
It can’t be seen or read, or duplicated
Nor controlled fully by the person
It wanders uncontrollably at times
From and to many extremes, and places
The conscious and the unconscious
And what about it’s relationship to the body?
Thoughts, real or imagined, good and bad
Creating the will to carry out actions with or without intent
Monday 23rd January 2023 3:29 pm
No Rest for the Wicked (Insomnia 2)
Eyes wide closed in sleepy repose
Sultry sun rays warm the eyelids of the weary
and bleary in the morning dew
Escape into a resting heaven eludes
Pressures of the day abound as demands
in the mind, twist round and around like
torment to the very soul once again
Work and family top the list of concerns
Before long, the dimming twilight skies
bring anxious feelin...
Tuesday 17th January 2023 12:39 pm
Lady Penelope
Thunderbirds are go!
I used to love that bloody show
Many years ago when I was a kid
Watching that programme was all I did
The main character was Jeff Tracy
But the one I liked was quite a bit racey
She had long blonde hair and deep blue eyes
So beautiful that I just used to cry
Every time she came on my TV screen
Even when I was in my teens
She was my very ...
Sunday 15th January 2023 10:24 pm
Haiku Football
Football can be played by women or men
It’s a game of skill, guile, and judgement
Relationships can be exactly the same
Monday 9th January 2023 9:36 pm
Alexa and Siri (a digital love story❤️)
They met whilst travelling the digital world
Alexa on the Amazon, Siri at the iPhone tower
Alexa had no hair, no not a single curl
Siri, lithe, dark, no frills and no flowers
Both very different in many ways, but some things in common, voice recognition
And worked twenty four hours a day
They reacted and obeyed in any position
Hey Siri! Alexa would shout, to get atte...
Wednesday 4th January 2023 11:34 pm
Recent Comments
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Red Brick Keshner on tears you could have cried
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