Another Day
Another Day
Failing to hold onto the night,
We spiral toward another day.
Ageless sun directs its might,
Throwing dawn into the fray.
Chaotic animation spurred
From peaceful restoration.
Abandoned nests of man and bird,
Turn cold from separation.
Voices raised at dawn’s command,
Alert the world to rise.
A gradual warming of the land,
Commands we s...
Sunday 9th March 2025 6:09 pm
Stop the World
Stop the World
Sitting on the edge accelerates spin.
Rotations whip, growing nausea,
To an un-halting acid tsunami.
Throat burns in failed containment,
Nostrils the primary escape route.
Emerging fire constricts breathing,
Forcing involuntary gagging.
Escape route two is established.
Waves crash through open portal,
Propelled with violent intent,
Until su...
Sunday 9th March 2025 8:10 am
School Reunion
School Reunion
You were the snot-nosed kid,
Out of uniform, in charity cast-offs.
Featureless pale face with retreating eyes,
Underscored with teary streaks.
You were the deep-thinking kid,
Masked by make-do and shut up.
Skin tattooed in black to yellow,
Inked by knuckles, spelling love and hate.
You were the corner-dwelling kid,
Wary of movement in sha...
Saturday 8th March 2025 7:35 am
Little Hope
Little Hope
…and, of course, there’s Hope.
Running around in circles,
With her flag waving,
Like a child at a funeral.
She would never comprehend,
Not in her lifetime.
Classics, such as despair or tragedy,
Macabre in thought and tongue,
Hang in the air.
Recent character assassination,
Vocalised for popular consumption,
Served to push Hope into a corne...
Friday 7th March 2025 5:14 pm
A Life Inevitable
A Life Inevitable
I think I want to die,
But thinking is overrated.
Age lends itself to darker thought,
Though time leaves us little choice.
History and time are not the same,
Memories are but photographs in the mind.
Dreams bring clarity in moving form,
In my dreams I fall and start again.
Wishing is for fools,
As fate is a script with no rewrites.
Friday 7th March 2025 8:21 am
In a Box
Today's composition 'Leaving Platform One' reminded me of a piece written a few years ago. I have re-edited it to accommodate my changes in writing style:
In a Box
In a box with rusty padlocks,
In a corner of my head,
Are broken toys of childhood,
Laid to rest in premature separation.
Drowned emotions and strangled feelings,
Together dressed in black,
Are shadows ...
Wednesday 5th March 2025 3:47 pm
Leaving Platform One
Leaving Platform One
My mind - dishevelled, disorderly.
As unreliable as the damp cardboard,
Spilling a childhood treasure.
I unearthed it in my web-strewn attic –
The box, not my mind.
An old railway set, fondly remembered, thought lost.
Its strength gone; contents scattered.
Track and train departed - uncoupled
And bound for darker destinations.
Wednesday 5th March 2025 8:04 am
Owed to the Subtitles Righter
Owed to the Subtitles Righter
The BBC runs through the knight,
I’ve scene it for myself.
That doesn’t make it write,
As ewe and eye can tell.
There stile is baist on Principal,
Witch eye think mite bee a waist.
They cud edge bets oar gambol,
And set President in his plaice.
Tuesday 4th March 2025 9:44 am
New Tricks
New Tricks
God love a pretentious poet,
Who’s a stickler for written rules.
He will, no doubt, deny it,
But he takes us all for fools.
Sat within his ivory tower,
He gloats at his creations,
And will spend hour upon hour,
Bemoaning our aberrations.
He’ll inform us of which convention
We’ve clearly laid to waste.
No free-form prose escapes attention,
Monday 3rd March 2025 12:36 pm
Insomnia Rules (Revised)
Insomnia Rules
The tether is overstretched,
I have reached the end of myself.
Nothing but a tortured wretch,
Chronically sick of lack of health.
Tired beyond despair,
No rest to speak of.
Mind and body beyond repair,
No cure, not even your love.
Oh, how I wish for soothing sleep,
That I might wake reborn.
My bones, in fatigue are steeped,
Mind overwork...
Sunday 2nd March 2025 2:21 pm
Insomnia Rules
Insomnia Rules
The tether is overstretched,
I have reached the end of myself.
Nothing but a tortured wretch,
Chronically sick, deprived of health.
Tired beyond despair,
No rest to speak of.
Mind and body beyond repair,
No cure, not even your love.
Shadows, all that remain,
Of a hollowed shell.
No release from insanity,
I’m fast going to Hell.
Sunday 2nd March 2025 7:07 am
Poet's Prayer
Poet’s Prayer
Guide my hand to write it right,
That I need not regret.
Guide mind’s eye to see the light,
That evil ne’er beget.
Guide my feet to find the path,
That I might find my soul.
Guide my mind to suffer wrath,
‘til joy might make me whole.
Guide my conscience to fight the cause,
That I might justify.
Guide my love to see through flaws,
Friday 28th February 2025 11:37 am
Worse Things Happen at Sea
Worse Things Happen at Sea
I knew my love would grow and grow,
When I saw her on that pedalo.
Calves of steel and thighs so mighty,
She soon became my Aphrodite.
A bow wave heralded that craft,
Powered by an enormous aft.
Swimmers scrambled in disbelief,
As from her tsunami they sought relief.
The fast-approaching beach prepared for landing,
And then I started un...
Thursday 27th February 2025 2:49 am
Signals Crossed
I apologise in advance for this one. Please don't be offended, as I mean no harm.
Signals Crossed
He asked me for direction,
As he wasn’t getting anywhere.
I could tell from his mid-section,
That he was comfortable being bare.
When I asked him what he wanted,
As all appeared just swell.
He looked at what he flaunted,
And said he couldn’t quell,
The feelings ...
Tuesday 25th February 2025 9:33 pm
King Grumpy
King Grumpy
Blisters of youth, replaced by cynicism.
Graft and sweat neglected.
Potential replaced by criticism.
Passing time. Dejected.
Years spent in an easy chair,
Softened mind and sharpened tongue.
No regard, not self-aware,
Feelings hurt and insults flung.
Grumpy King sits on his throne,
Subjects flee to other lands.
Tomorrow finds him on his own,
He ...
Monday 24th February 2025 9:53 pm
Cricket pitches and bowling greens,
Tennis courts and golfing dreams.
Close-cut grass and whitewashed lines,
Effort and energy in younger times.
Reclining in my riser chair,
Drifting back, I’m almost there.
Batting and bowling, serving and driving,
All so easy when health was thriving.
Halcyon days when heroes were made,
Adoring fans wherever we ...
Monday 17th February 2025 9:50 pm
We were made before time was measured,
When worlds were forged by furious fire.
On bellowing breath of raging titans,
We rode unicorns, elemental and mystic,
Then tamed dragons, to rule forests and skies.
Serpents recoiled in reverence
And gryphons circled beneath us,
Never daring ascent to our heights.
Spiteful gods, having created us,
Grew jealous...
Monday 17th February 2025 5:13 am
Percival took pride in his appearance,
So he tolerated human interference.
He looked forward to his daily hosing,
After which, he enjoyed vainly posing.
Snout in the air to hide his chins,
Pride was always the proudest of his sins.
He would prance and strut around the sty,
With a devilish twinkle in his eye.
But he was in no hurry,
And mating made him wo...
Friday 14th February 2025 12:07 pm
Hostage to Love
Hostage to Love
Please return my heart,
Without it I can’t leave.
I looked for it today,
But it wasn’t on my sleeve.
When I last took notice,
You were playing with it.
Now there’s a gap,
Only a broken heart can fit.
I’m sure it was damaged
By a previous user.
Scars may have healed,
But I’m still the loser.
It was vacant and empty,
As heard by the...
Monday 10th February 2025 11:56 am
A sombre bell tolled.
Unaccompanied, it sounded desolate.
The clang gave it away.
It was being controlled.
Alone, it would have said nothing.
Air would not have moved.
Not enough to resonate.
Sound meant another thing.
It implied interference.
A controlling hand, arm, shoulder.
Someone made an effort.
Pulled a rope with reverence.
Sunday 9th February 2025 10:14 pm
Who Are You?
Who Are You?
Who are you, and why are you here?
I am your security, your protector and your safety blanket.
We will start this age of discovery and wonderment together,
Pausing only to sleep and refuel our curiosity.
Who are you, and why are you with me?
I am your companion, here to hold your hand.
We will travel through gates and down paths into green meadow and dar...
Friday 7th February 2025 4:34 pm
Bad Dream
Bad Dream
On an endless night a clock ticked,
Its hands unmoved, fighting time.
Darkness swelled to fill empty space,
As if to test light’s boundaries.
Aware of the battles materializing,
But incapable of taking sides,
I surrendered to a looming fate,
Knowing only my limited expectation.
Evil exhaled and darkness shuddered,
As if cowering to the greater powe...
Thursday 6th February 2025 9:55 pm
A hippo called Harriet
Arrived in her chariot,
Pulled by a jumbo-sized team.
She’d come to sing
At this charity thing,
Her voice, the latest hit on the scene.
She requested a rider,
A barrel of cider,
Made of cabbage and her own river water.
She informed all her crew
They could share her home brew,
But none of them thought that they oughtta.
...Wednesday 5th February 2025 4:40 pm
Sharp Edges
Sharp Edges
I need protection from life’s sharp edges.
A genuine bodyguard, not empty pledges,
They’ve left me an empty, pitiful soul.
Jagged edges pierced a hole,
Left a void where my heart should be.
Fill that hole and look after me.
Take me places I’ve never been.
Show me everything I’ve never seen.
Fight off their barbs and piercing spears.
Take me aside and ...
Sunday 2nd February 2025 1:27 pm
Second Chances
Second Chances
Her smile set my mind adrift,
Fueling feelings, long ago held captive.
Released chains that held fate anchored.
Freedom, once a scary thought, now active.
Our eyes locked and passion kindled.
Flushing blood; yearnings to the fore.
Pupils, in full dilation, seldom lie.
Breathing quickened, pulses more.
Her voice, in melodic harmony,
Sunday 2nd February 2025 1:20 am
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
She floated through a room.
Clocks stopped; their faces turned.
If hands could only reach,
Touching her would be glorious.
A worthy sacrifice of their existence.
She floated through a room.
Heart stopped; face turned.
My hands paralysed.
Touching her in my thoughts.
A glorious sacrifice of my existence.
Saturday 1st February 2025 2:08 pm
Pure Folly
Pure Folly
Elon Musk bought a planet,
With every Xtra that goes with it.
Today’s billionaires have bigger follies,
Than old mill bosses, or owners of a pit.
Their desires become immaterial,
As whims are dished on golden plate.
They dance around the rule of law,
With the Metaverse told their reign is great.
They wring our world of its resources,
Act ignorant ...
Wednesday 29th January 2025 5:52 pm
Home Town
Inspired by Graham Sherwood's 'First Thursday' and the recent work of Red Brick Keshner. Thanks fellas.
Home Town
Where bookies are only outnumbered by charity shops,
The bag for life zigzags sarcastically down High Street.
Multi-lingual food stores offer a taste of home,
Wherever the sparse crowd originated.
Banks repurposed, pubs left high and dry,
Shuttered premis...
Tuesday 28th January 2025 3:42 pm
Pinned to my mind’s toolbar,
Waiting to be put to good use.
Reliable in times of need,
Ever faithful, loyal friends.
Kept apart from those I dread,
Who will remain compartmentalized.
Padlocked away in rusty boxes,
Keys long since disappeared.
Helping me sleep at night,
Guiding the brain toward peace.
Fending off daylight’s doldrums,
An esca...
Sunday 26th January 2025 10:29 pm
Broken Heart
Broken Heart
She wore her heart on the outside.
Never easy to protect.
Such a fragile, exposed target.
Tears, always ready to reflect.
Bad boys were her youthful downfall.
Lessons she never learned.
Led astray by furtive lies,
Her fingers often burned.
She pulled deadweights behind her,
Broken promises too hard to bear.
Expectation turned to sunken h...
Saturday 25th January 2025 4:26 pm
Sharing Life
Sharing Life
She asked if we could share a dream,
But there were few left on my shelf.
She said she would grant me one of hers,
As she had enough of them herself.
I accepted her offer on certain condition
That it be returned if ever required.
When I inspected the gift she had given,
I realised the man that she desired.
He would be brave enough to receive h...
Friday 24th January 2025 10:14 am
Secrets (of a Happy Marriage)
Secrets (of a Happy Marriage)
I saw a man confronting a tree,
So I asked that fellow to confide in me.
Tell me sir, would you be having a drink?
To which he replied, no its not what you think.
I’ve been talking to trees for half of me life.
I can say things to them I can’t say to me wife!
She was fair and reasonable when we first met.
Now her tongue is so sharp I know ...
Wednesday 22nd January 2025 3:17 am
Provocateurs demanding a response,
Through their very existence.
Misdirection and disinformation, their tools of choice,
And their work is disruption.
To comply or deny their wishes,
That is the question.
Saturday 18th January 2025 8:30 pm
What Next
What Next
Going forward a nothingness loomed.
Blank space, an empty, dark void.
Trepidation haunted the scene and
Cowardly spirit abandoned his body.
Crippled by an uncaring assailant.
Captivated by eternal anguish,
He paced his new cage.
Hopes of an escape plan extinguished.
Life limiting, an ill-fitting shroud.
Hostage to purgatory’s whims.
Saturday 18th January 2025 1:50 pm
Now and Forever
Now and Forever
Barely detectable to those in the vicinity.
A nudge to the conscience at most.
Perhaps it was a glitch in the matrix,
Or an insignificant memory lapse.
She was compassionate and vaguely familiar,
But her name escaped him for now.
She gazed into his pale blue eyes,
Recalling the moment they first met her own.
An instant connection she thought wou...
Tuesday 14th January 2025 3:07 pm
Mirror Images
Mirror Images
This morning a crowd appeared in the mirror, but
As I went to investigate, they evaporated.
Taking station beyond the corners of my mind,
Leaving only me, as I am today.
Younger than the days ahead, but
Years older than yesterday.
Truth lines fracture darkening eye surrounds, and
Their larger cousins, ‘The Worries’ stack up,
Creating a furrowed field a...
Saturday 11th January 2025 8:02 am
Full Benefits
Full Benefits
Far horizons disappear behind rising walls.
Dreams and destinations exiled to memories.
Spirits suffocating in a python grip,
Face unnerving truths as life becomes crushing.
Existing on cocktails of chemicals,
Masquerading as mystical elixirs.
Souls exist on Hippocratic promises,
Extending agony as hope diminishes.
Let it be known we were not consulte...
Thursday 9th January 2025 8:16 am
Memento Mori
Memento Mori
Sun shone through the greying lace,
And highlighted her wrinkled face.
Dormant now, no signs of breath,
Not unexpected, a timely death.
Months of pain relieved by time,
Old age being nature’s ultimate crime.
A better place her soul now seeks,
Drying tears nestled on hollowed cheeks.
This disappearing woman faded from sight,
Unnoticed, she left us all...
Tuesday 7th January 2025 12:34 pm
Scarborough Sleeps
Scarborough Sleeps
Distant church bells probe fretted air, where
Roof top gulls roost, wrapped in feathery cloaks.
Shivering clouds sob mournfully about everyone’s panes, and a
Hibernating town huddles under a grey blanket.
Shuttered shop fronts rattle their complaints,
Shared only by a spiteful wind that patrols dark doorways.
Customers long departed to foreign part...
Sunday 5th January 2025 3:06 pm
The View From Castle Hill, Almondbury
I stood on Castle Hill,
Gazing at the tide washing in.
Leaving no corner untouched,
It overwhelmed and engulfed,
Bullying the light away and
Filling the vacated space.
I knelt on Castle Hill,
Refocused my eyes
To search for signs of life.
Fireflies and glow-worms drifted
In the flow like departing flotsam,
Distancing themselves in hushed escape.
I clim...
Saturday 13th January 2024 2:13 pm
Recent Comments
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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh on A forgotten England
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