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I saw a man confronting a tree,

So I asked that fellow to confide in me.

Tell me sir, would you be having a drink?

To which he replied, no its not what you think.

I’ve been talking to trees for half of me life.

I can say things to them I can’t say to me wife!

She was fair and reasonable when we first met.

Now her tongues is so sharp I know I’ll regret


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Provocateurs demanding a response,

Through their very existence.

Misdirection and disinformation, their tools of choice,

And their work is disruption.

To comply or deny their wishes,

That is the question.

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What Next

What Next


Going forward a nothingness loomed.

Blank space, an empty, dark void.

Trepidation haunted the scene and

Cowardly spirit abandoned his body.


Crippled by an uncaring assailant.

Captivated by eternal anguish,

He paced his new cage.

Hopes of an escape plan extinguished.


Life limiting, an ill-fitting shroud.

Hostage to purgatory’s whims.


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Now and Forever

Now and Forever


Barely detectable to those in the vicinity.

A nudge to the conscience at most.

Perhaps it was a glitch in the matrix,

Or an insignificant memory lapse.

She was compassionate and vaguely familiar,

But her name escaped him for now.


She gazed into his pale blue eyes,

Recalling the moment they first met her own.

An instant connection she thought wou...

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Mirror Images

Mirror Images


This morning a crowd appeared in the mirror, but

As I went to investigate, they evaporated.

Taking station beyond the corners of my mind,

Leaving only me, as I am today.

Younger than the days ahead, but

Years older than yesterday.

Truth lines fracture darkening eye surrounds, and

Their larger cousins, ‘The Worries’ stack up,

Creating a furrowed field a...

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Selfinevitabletime passesaging

Full Benefits

Full Benefits


Far horizons disappear behind rising walls.

Dreams and destinations exiled to memories.

Spirits suffocating in a python grip,

Face unnerving truths as life becomes crushing.

Existing on cocktails of chemicals,

Masquerading as mystical elixirs.

Souls exist on Hippocratic promises,

Extending agony as hope diminishes.

Let it be known we were not consulte...

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critical illnesslife and deathloneliness

Memento Mori

Memento Mori


Sun shone through the greying lace,

And highlighted her wrinkled face.

Dormant now, no signs of breath,

Not unexpected, a timely death.

Months of pain relieved by time,

Old age being nature’s ultimate crime.

A better place her soul now seeks,

Drying tears nestled on hollowed cheeks.

This disappearing woman faded from sight,

Unnoticed, she left us all...

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Scarborough Sleeps

Scarborough Sleeps


Distant church bells probe fretted air, where

Roof top gulls roost, wrapped in feathery cloaks.

Shivering clouds sob mournfully about everyone’s panes, and a

Hibernating town huddles under a grey blanket.


Shuttered shop fronts rattle their complaints,

Shared only by a spiteful wind that patrols dark doorways.

Customers long departed to foreign part...

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The View From Castle Hill, Almondbury

I stood on Castle Hill,

Gazing at the tide washing in.

Leaving no corner untouched,

It overwhelmed and engulfed,

Bullying the light away and

Filling the vacated space.


I knelt on Castle Hill,

Refocused my eyes

To search for signs of life.

Fireflies and glow-worms drifted

In the flow like departing flotsam,

Distancing themselves in hushed escape.


I clim...

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