The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.


I often think about her

turning away and pointing

she points (always)

from a winning stance

she says

that she thinks about me

or so she says...

I think of her push

and shove laugh

and her fingered arguments-

I was wrong

she was (always) often correct

and as we crawled into

each other's wet laugh...

we waited...

and she waited longer.




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Taking the Knee

We clap some Blacks,
we clap them Blacks,
tho' we mow those
others shacks
and dish out smacks,
we clap them Blacks
and forget those whacks
and their blistered backs
and hands that pick the
music tracks,

and then we clap them Blacks
them stand-up Blacks
but not them bent over blacks
for earning all your stacks
of dirty cash
and maids we lash
and keep from dash

yet we stand and ...

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I Never Sleep

I Never Sleep...  
looking at you,
I never sleep when  
counting your breaths,
I never sleep when  
watching you dress,
or serving a dish...
or writing a report...
when choosing a wine...
or turning  a page...
and sitting astride...
waiting for an answer  
then folding your arms and
then pushing toes into me,  
sighing at an excuse:
holding my face:
yes, when you are  

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Cats on mats

Cats on Mats

by Tommy Carroll

Cats on mats
by Tommy Carroll

 25th June 2019


Wittgenstein says he:
'Languge merely pictures facts'

then changes his mind and retracts;

'It's more complex than I at first thought,

my Tractatus has all come to nought

for there's more to them cats on them mats'.


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