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Philip Stevens

Thu 19th Oct 2017 19:52

Loved listening to this briillantly delivered

Comment is about Dragging my Life to School (blog)

Original item by David R Mellor

<Deleted User> (13762)

Thu 19th Oct 2017 19:35

I stayed in the old part of Valencia for a month or so some many years ago and have very fond memories of the city plus ones of almost being mugged by gypsies and watching the druggies try to steal the cassette radio from my VW Beetle. Fortunately neither succeeded. Thanks for sending me back to that time with this poem Tom. Col.

Comment is about Viva Valencia (blog)

Original item by Tom Doolan

<Deleted User> (13762)

Thu 19th Oct 2017 19:28

you have me reaching for my old Gong LP's David ?

Comment is about Acid mothers Temple, Lewes, 18/10/17 (blog)

Original item by David T Jones

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Chris Hubbard

Thu 19th Oct 2017 15:58

Thanks to both Graham and Frances.

I wrote this poem many years ago, and it remains one of my "old friends," as I like to call them. The Jarrah and Karri forests of the South West, and the coastline from Busselton around to Cape Leeuwin (and far beyond) are as majestic and glorious as anything I've seen elsewhere.


Comment is about And Now I'm Old (blog)

Original item by Chris Hubbard

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Tom Doolan

Thu 19th Oct 2017 15:31

A very poignant piece David - Give and you shall receive. T?

Comment is about So many are falling from the skies, of comfortable lives (blog)

Original item by David R Mellor

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Nigel Astell

Thu 19th Oct 2017 15:12

Thanks to all those that liked When the Tables are Turned

Comment is about When the Tables are Turned (blog)

Original item by Nigel Astell


Thu 19th Oct 2017 14:29

Very good I really enjoyed it.

Comment is about 'How to Catch a Fish in the Solent' by Helen Elliott is Poem of the Week (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Duncan McKenzie Ross

Thu 19th Oct 2017 13:51


Comment is about Burn and Rave (blog)

Original item by Laura Taylor

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David Taylor-Jones

Thu 19th Oct 2017 13:34

Keep fighting!

Comment is about Burn and Rave (blog)

Original item by Laura Taylor

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Tom Doolan

Thu 19th Oct 2017 13:22

Well said Lynn. T ?

Comment is about MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE (blog)

Original item by lynn hahn

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Tom Doolan

Thu 19th Oct 2017 13:19

Nice one Laura - You will go down fighting. T ?

Comment is about Burn and Rave (blog)

Original item by Laura Taylor

Frances Macaulay Forde

Thu 19th Oct 2017 12:58

Hi Chris,
I don't know if you're at home in WA at the moment or visiting UK as you've said you will be doing both regularly.
So I wondered if you find yourself in Ireland or the Cliffs of Moher may I recommend you pop into a lovely little bookshop near there:
If you have time and she's in - introduce yourself to Jessie Lendennie who also runs Salmon Poetry:
She's mentioned she'd love to meet more WA poets and please give her my best regards. ?

Comment is about Chris Hubbard (poet profile)

Original item by Chris Hubbard

Frances Macaulay Forde

Thu 19th Oct 2017 12:47

Yes, gorgeous writing. ?

Comment is about And Now I'm Old (blog)

Original item by Chris Hubbard

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Laura Taylor

Thu 19th Oct 2017 12:44

Hi Jane

I have also survived several episodes of extreme violence and sexual assault. I chose to 'metoo' although I didn't give any history, as I did not want to 'rake it up', like yourself. I can live with it now, but actually detailing it is not what I need for the sake of good mental health.

However, I think the point of it all was to show to everyone who wasn't aware of it, the horrific reach of sexual assault and harassment. I already knew it would be pretty much every woman I know. This has confirmed it. But more - it has shown the people who were unaware of the extent. And it has shocked them. Which can only be a good thing, if we are to effect any change in attitudes at all.

Good on you for writing this. I almost did one myself, but am currently trying to drag myself out of the doldrums with a funny poem.

Comment is about #notavictim (blog)

Original item by Jane C. Steele

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Duncan McKenzie Ross

Thu 19th Oct 2017 12:28

They have become my favourite three words, it's like the world speaks in the language of grown ups on Charlie Brown!!!

Comment is about Blah blah blah (blog)

Original item by Duncan McKenzie Ross

<Deleted User> (17847)

Thu 19th Oct 2017 12:05


Comment is about And We Begin (blog)

Original item by Karen Ankers

<Deleted User> (17847)

Thu 19th Oct 2017 12:03

wise words Lynn.?

Comment is about MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE (blog)

Original item by lynn hahn

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Graham Sherwood

Thu 19th Oct 2017 11:20

Chris, this transported me back to Margaret River 2008. I can still remember the first look at the ocean at Cape Leeuwin and getting lost in the colour of it all.

You've also got the trees and the birds bang on!

Good work "mate"!

Comment is about And Now I'm Old (blog)

Original item by Chris Hubbard

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John Coopey

Thu 19th Oct 2017 07:40

Not sure a nod of the head or a smile would be admissible as evidence in court afterwards, MC.
I think a checklist like you're given at the Blood Transfusion Service is the way forward.
I hereby give consent to
Copping a feel
A bit of diddling
The Full Monty
(Tick as appropriate)

Comment is about "ME TOO" (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 19th Oct 2017 03:17

Oh irrepressible romantic!
But your point is well made. Women feel insulted if no
hint of an advance is forthcoming - and make out they're
insulted if it suits them when one is made. Their best
weapon against a male boor is either avoidance in the
first place or a withering verbal put-down if things get
that far. Wits of the past like Dorothy Parker and
Mae West knew their stuff and a man respected and accepted what he got - or didn't, as the case may be.
Perhaps a man might carry a form of poetically framed
consent which can be slipped across a restaurant table
- along with the bill (surely acceptable in this age of
equality?) when the hour and the opportunity seems suitable? No need for verbal misunderstandings -
a nod or shake of the head and a smile for either would suffice.
But it's all about timing, isn't it?

Comment is about "ME TOO" (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 19th Oct 2017 03:02

I still have some bank issue small bags full of the old one penny coins - instant reminders of so many long lost
machines in amusement arcades and on station platforms.
These lines bring back those days - as does the update
of "sixty years" on.

Comment is about PENNY ARCADE (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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Philip Stevens

Thu 19th Oct 2017 00:07

Fantasy speaks louder than words

Comment is about Reading (blog)

Original item by Louis Audet

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Louis Audet

Thu 19th Oct 2017 00:06

Thanks Colin .. Certainly not as deserving as your last POW .. That is talent and I'm not worthy .. I'm just an amateur ..

Comment is about Reading (blog)

Original item by Louis Audet

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Philip Stevens

Wed 18th Oct 2017 23:49

the whole feel of the piece is wrong...

Comment is about Kensington and Chelsea (blog)

Original item by David R Mellor

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Jane C. Steele

Wed 18th Oct 2017 23:32

Hi Hannah
Thank you for the feedback.
I think many women and men have been intimidated, hurt and subjugated by others - as you say, sadly.
But I don’t think we should be saying metoo and hashtagging it on social media.
Just by saying metoo, is like saying I am a victim and I don’t think we need to be victims. Also, a hashtag on Facebook is trivialising something that really goes a bit beyond the limitations of social media.
Hope that made sense.
Cheers Jane

Comment is about #notavictim (blog)

Original item by Jane C. Steele

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Martin Elder

Wed 18th Oct 2017 20:59

another beautiful poem Stu. The lines from
'the last garden where the rain catches in the necks of the black roses' to the end are magnificent.

Comment is about death poem (blog)

Original item by Stuart Buck

<Deleted User> (18118)

Wed 18th Oct 2017 20:50

A great poem Ray.
I love the work of Philip Larkin.


Comment is about LARKIN ON FILM (blog)

Original item by ray pool

<Deleted User> (18118)

Wed 18th Oct 2017 20:44

Sad, poignant. Full of images.


Comment is about Cooling Towers (blog)

Original item by Tom

<Deleted User> (18118)

Wed 18th Oct 2017 20:41

Very moving.


Comment is about Dad's Poem (blog)

Original item by Jane C. Steele

<Deleted User> (18118)

Wed 18th Oct 2017 20:39

A very strong poem and I do understand the title, it's positive.
I think many people can say 'me too' sadly.
Assault, intimidation goes on in every sphere. Glad you shared.


Comment is about #notavictim (blog)

Original item by Jane C. Steele

<Deleted User> (13762)

Wed 18th Oct 2017 19:49

Louis this is MY poem of the week ?

Comment is about Reading (blog)

Original item by Louis Audet

<Deleted User> (13762)

Wed 18th Oct 2017 19:47

gross encounters of the S&M kind?

Comment is about GROSS ENCOUNTER (blog)

Original item by ray pool

<Deleted User> (13762)

Wed 18th Oct 2017 19:43

I think Larkin was very good at being Larkin - a bit like Clarkson.

Comment is about LARKIN ON FILM (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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kJ Walker

Wed 18th Oct 2017 19:42

Hi Philip thanks for taking the time to comment on the Smegroyds. You really wouldn't want them moving in near you.
Cheers Kevin

Comment is about Phils Words (poet profile)

Original item by Phils Words

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Wed 18th Oct 2017 19:32

I get a warm glow when that happens David. Makes me think of greater things. Cheers!

Thanks Greg; I enjoyed trying to capture that mournful look in a poem - the advantage is I don't have to be as good as Larkin ! As you once said, just aim for that quality - and also I love monochrome photography.


Comment is about LARKIN ON FILM (blog)

Original item by ray pool

<Deleted User> (13762)

Wed 18th Oct 2017 19:06

blah blah blah - 3 of my favourite words

Comment is about Blah blah blah (blog)

Original item by Duncan McKenzie Ross

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Greg Freeman

Wed 18th Oct 2017 17:42

I had lunch with an old school chum today who remembered seeing the Mersey Poets perform in Liverpool, and Brian Patten streaking across the stage. Eagerly, I asked for more details, sensing perhaps an article looking back on it all for Write Out Loud. Sadly, the streak was all he remembered.

Comment is about Roger McGough and Little Machine, Farnham, 2017 (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Tommy Carroll

Wed 18th Oct 2017 15:44

Cheers Steve for your warning re Wittgenstein

Comment is about steve pottinger (poet profile)

Original item by steve pottinger

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Tommy Carroll

Wed 18th Oct 2017 15:42

Cheers Steve. You've made my day. ☺

Comment is about Wittgenstein (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Graham Sherwood

Wed 18th Oct 2017 10:45

This is a very cleverly thought out piece Tom. I love the repetition and the slight changes (mad bad sad) in them.

Good work


Comment is about Cooling Towers (blog)

Original item by Tom

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Greg Freeman

Wed 18th Oct 2017 09:38

Enjoyed hearing this at Write Out Loud Woking on Monday night, Ray. You've caught something there. As someone who remains fascinated by Larkin, despite everything, like many others, I've seen the film, got the book.

Comment is about LARKIN ON FILM (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 18th Oct 2017 01:24

Laughter is the best medicine - so they say. So, why does
it never get the plaudits that are awarded elsewhere?
Just as Hollywood rarely gives Oscars to comedy, so the
same attitude prevails in humorous writing in prose and
It's something akin to melody in music: rejected and
resented by those who have no ability to create it .

Comment is about Roger McGough and Little Machine, Farnham, 2017 (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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John F Keane

Wed 18th Oct 2017 01:01

Nigel's liveried clothing is becoming legendary.

Comment is about Well-versed pupils are stars of the show at Marsden's poetry jam (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Harry O'Neill

Tue 17th Oct 2017 23:39

Nice to read you again...Away a bit now...but I like the way this little fourteen liner nods to form as it strolls along.

Comment is about 'How to Catch a Fish in the Solent' by Helen Elliott is Poem of the Week (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Tue 17th Oct 2017 22:30

Hi Philip, a lovely comment that means a lot, thanks !

Comment is about HUNTERS' MOON (blog)

Original item by ray pool

<Deleted User> (18118)

Tue 17th Oct 2017 20:41

This is beautiful, the eagles, the dingos.
Filled with great imagery.


Comment is about The Traveller's Eye (blog)

Original item by Chris Hubbard

<Deleted User> (18118)

Tue 17th Oct 2017 20:38

Very moving, beautiful poem.


Comment is about Death Is The Only Song (blog)

Original item by Tom

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Philip Stevens

Tue 17th Oct 2017 20:38

Hunting down the words, the ferrel poet delivers another killer ensemble of script that bites and tears at the imagination...

To much, ? ok i like it ..

Comment is about HUNTERS' MOON (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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Tue 17th Oct 2017 16:52

Good points all, Suki. I always admired Poe as having a streak of black humour in with the depression. Thanks for that. I'm in good company. Sometimes in a poem you think "this makes no sense," as I did with this. A suspension of disbelief can be good for the poetic soul though.


Comment is about GROSS ENCOUNTER (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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