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John Coopey

Mon 18th Jul 2022 11:21

Thanks Stephen and MC. I prided myself on not needing any drugs until a couple of years ago. But now I get them free Iโ€™m taking advantage.
Mind the weather and, as we said in the 60โ€™s, โ€œStay Cool, Manโ€.

Comment is about OLD AGE KICKS (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Stephen Gospage

Mon 18th Jul 2022 11:14

Brilliant as always, John. I recognise one or two of these, but I fear the list will get longer.

Comment is about OLD AGE KICKS (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 18th Jul 2022 10:10

GF - sorry if my mention of "gripper knickers" brought on an
attack of what my maiden aunts used to call "the vapours". It
was merely a frivolous comment to lighten the mood. Too
much "seriousness" - like too much information - can be disconcerting.

Comment is about 1976! (blog)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 18th Jul 2022 10:02

Greg/Clare - thanks for taking the trouble to comment.
Greg - Your point about being a republican is taken, but begs
the question, why agree to meet the Head fo State, a person
who personifies a sytem you have no time for?
Clare - the hospice has had visits from HM before and she is
clearly very welcome there.
My point about technology achieving superior attention over even the most distinguised visitor can be readily experienced
by ordinary folk in any office or business premises to which a
person makes a personal effort to visit. .How many times is a
face to face meeting underway interrupted by the ringing 'phone that suddenly becomes more important to staff than your physical presence - and you are suddenly left staring into the
space that the person you were talking to has suddenly vacated
to converse instead with the intrusive impersonal demands of technology?
Common courtesy is immediately dispensed with - as if
your personal attendance rates second best by a long way
to someone who decided to make a call instead of making the
effort to be there in person - like you?
The Queen (she could always have chosen "Lady Protector" in
a diplomatic nod to the republican sympathies in her Realm!)
became a high profile victim of this egregious discourteous conduct.

Comment is about MEETING HER MAJESTY (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 18th Jul 2022 09:38

What a hoot! Thanks as always JC fo giving us "senior folk" such
pithy reminders of what we either have or might have in the
future. But this is seriously funny and so very welcome. By the
way, I'm a fan of carefully researched chosen supplements, plus
a set of modern cable exercisers that are already making a
difference to my sense of physical well-being. Moral: Age does
not necessarily mean decrepitude if the commitment is present. Hang in there - if you'll pardon the expression. ๐Ÿ’ช

Comment is about OLD AGE KICKS (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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John Coopey

Mon 18th Jul 2022 08:39

Thanks for the tip, Carol. And for the Like, Holden.

Comment is about OLD AGE KICKS (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Greg Freeman

Mon 18th Jul 2022 08:33

Thanks for your comments and memories, Graham, Steve, Ray, and MC. Although I'm not sure I was ready for an unexpected vision of MC in his 'gripper-knickers' ... too much info, MC! Muchas gracias for the Likes, Frederick, Hugh, Holden, and Nigel

Comment is about 1976! (blog)

Original item by Greg Freeman

<Deleted User> (33719)

Mon 18th Jul 2022 05:36

I find a magnesium supplement helps greatly with RLS. Take it 30 minutes before you go to bed. Old age is certainly challenging! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Comment is about OLD AGE KICKS (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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John Botterill

Sun 17th Jul 2022 22:35

Thanks for the like and your comments Greg. In some ways I think the Civil War still goes on! ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜ณ

Comment is about Cromwell (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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John Marks

Sun 17th Jul 2022 22:33

Thank you Holden.

The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..

John Milton,ย Paradise Lost

Comment is about Prophecy (blog)

Original item by John E Marks

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Sun 17th Jul 2022 22:22

It sure does... Finally. Thanks Nigel ๐ŸŒน

Comment is about Mis spell (blog)

Original item by Sunshine

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Sun 17th Jul 2022 22:22

Sure Nigel. Thanks ๐ŸŒน

Comment is about Page 1. New life diary (blog)

Original item by Sunshine

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Sun 17th Jul 2022 22:21

Thank you dear Nigel. ๐ŸŒน

Comment is about Page 2. NLD (blog)

Original item by Sunshine

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Sun 17th Jul 2022 22:04

Maybe his responsiblilities as a carer in a hospice (that could be a clue) meant more than meeting an extremely over priveleged person - with 24 hr access to on call private medics - felt more important to him. Just a thought...๐Ÿ˜

Comment is about MEETING HER MAJESTY (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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Greg Freeman

Sun 17th Jul 2022 21:53

Nor could I be a royalist, John! Never! Like the B-word, we don't talk about the civil war in this country as much as we should.

Comment is about Cromwell (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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Greg Freeman

Sun 17th Jul 2022 21:50

Maybe the chap was a republican, MC? Just a thought. Incidentally, have you ever considered what a ridiculously over the top term Her or HIs Majesty is? Henry VIII came up with it, apparently, to reinforce his status after the break with Rome - the Brexit of his day, you might say.

Comment is about MEETING HER MAJESTY (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

Olivia Harris

Sun 17th Jul 2022 21:35

Education is an organic part of society's life, which vividly reflects the level of its development, contradictions, and problems. The professionalism of the educational institution develops as a part of the state structure, which is completely subordinated to the youth. The functions of youth development are defined in the socialization of the next generations, preparation for the performance of social roles defined by society.

Review is about Austin Poetry Slam on 9 Jul 2019 (event)

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 17th Jul 2022 21:09

The Tories have long had the reputation of sacrificing their leaders when they thought their chance of electability was
suffering. The knives (like Shakespeare's assassins in "Julius
Caesar") have always been kept concealed for just such a
occasion. Like "Royalty", the institution is seen to be paramount, greater than any leader however successful or popular at a given time,. Thatcher was the most notable victim
in recent memory - after Ted Heath, There is irony in her downfall when recalling her own part in Heath's departure from office. Unfortunately, Bojo seemed unable to grasp that a sequence of perceived dishonesty does not endear a PM to
the people when the latter suffer the consequences in their
own lives as a result. Bojo failed to understand that -
"You can be seen as a hero in Ukraine
But in the UK - just an arrogant 'pain' "
It was given to Sir Keir Starmer to provide the closing line
when referring to the knives out behaviour of Bojo's cabinet choices in neat poetical style:
"The Charge of the Lightweight Brigade!"


Comment is about The Tory leadership contest should not be happening !!! (blog)

Original item by hugh

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Nazia Khan

Sun 17th Jul 2022 21:06

Thank you Rasa ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

Comment is about Long is the way (blog)

Original item by Nazia Khan

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 17th Jul 2022 20:51

There were some Elvis songs I liked; "The Girl of my Best Friend"
was one. But it was Fats Domino and his driving rocking piano style putting across those fabulous Domino/Dave Bartholomew hits on Imperial Records that I looked out for back in the day when each week's "hit parade" was full of talent whose work
still sounds great today. My main popular music hero, Frank Sinatra, may not have had time for "Rock", but I'm just so glad I
was around when BOTH reached their best!

Comment is about Elvis (blog)

Original item by Stephen W Atkinson

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 17th Jul 2022 20:28

GS - there'll probably be a "Ministry of Mediocrity" by help them cope with all their failings. This parliamentary lot have much to answer for but at least we haven' had rubbish dumps filling the streets or corpses piled up waiting to be given a proper send-off. I'm enjoying this
unexpected summer weather in my little Londob flat, suitably attired in my "gripper-knickers" (as an old colleague used to describe men's underwear back
in the day" - making a few bob on the gee-gees online and following a modest exercise regime to keep the
circulation's cobwebs at bay. All
together now: "I will survive..." !! .

Comment is about 1976! (blog)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 17th Jul 2022 20:25

I'm slightly nearer your Dad than Hugh. But your Dad's genes
are certainly not of the "blue" sort on your evidence! Rock on!! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Comment is about 80 Years And Still Going Strong (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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Sun 17th Jul 2022 20:20

Have a very happy birthday ,only 4 years behind your dad.Looking forward to reaching 80 too.๐Ÿ˜…

Comment is about 80 Years And Still Going Strong (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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Sun 17th Jul 2022 19:47

A lot of toxicity in the debate tonight,Liz Truss came over especially well and knowing her modest background she would get my vote as she would be more sympathetic to us from poorer backgrounds.

Comment is about The Tory leadership contest should not be happening !!! (blog)

Original item by hugh

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Russell Jacklin

Sun 17th Jul 2022 19:07

Thank you Stephen

Comment is about Clouds of White (blog)

Original item by JD Russell

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Sun 17th Jul 2022 17:26

The reservoirs were running dry, but today it's our patience it seems! I was working in a club in Watford , no air con and I remember it being 100 degrees in there. The chicken in a basket didn't help. A nice political twist to it....


Comment is about 1976! (blog)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 17th Jul 2022 17:20

A sensuous poem, Adam. Atmospheric.

Comment is about Springtime For Adam (blog)

Original item by Adam Whitworth

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 17th Jul 2022 17:17

Thanks for this, Greg. It made me think of the Oval in August, with the outfield burned to a crisp and the West Indies racking up nearly 700.

Comment is about 1976! (blog)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 17th Jul 2022 17:14

A brave opinion, but a minority one, I suspect, Hugh. (Or tongue-in-cheek?)

Comment is about The Tory leadership contest should not be happening !!! (blog)

Original item by hugh

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 17th Jul 2022 17:02

Thanks for these observations, MC. Yes, it's true that not all celebrities and politicians disappoint. Many of them behave impeccably in public. Pleased to hear you had all these good experiences.

Comment is about Frost, not Nixon (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 17th Jul 2022 16:55

Thank you for kind comment, Adam. I suppose this poem is ironic, in the sense that the invaders claim it is not war but a special military operation (an even fancier name for the same thing).
I have an innate suspicion of all things military, with the uniforms and culture of forced obediance. When combined with cowardly initiatives, such as long-range bombing of schools and shopping centres, it is too much.
The territory of Ukraine has been violated and its people have a right to defend themselves. But I want this war to be over as soon as a just solution is available.

And my thanks as ever to Frederick, Tom, KJ, Holden, Clare, Hugh and K Lynn for liking this.

Comment is about Fancy Names (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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Adam Whitworth

Sun 17th Jul 2022 13:05

I've never quite understood the personality cult that surrounds a leader. Surely the KKK or the Hitler Youth just carry on with a changed leader, why should I consider my opinion on the outfit?

Comment is about The Tory leadership contest should not be happening !!! (blog)

Original item by hugh

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Adam Whitworth

Sun 17th Jul 2022 13:00

Very well done.

It's so hard to take an alternative stance on these issues, even when everyone must sometime.

Negative comments about our boys and 'help for heroes' don't go down well while any kind of jingoism and supposedly patriotic jazz comes in a constant stream.

You've managed to say your piece in a way that I suspect won't upset too many wonderful people. Congrats.

Comment is about Fancy Names (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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Graham Sherwood

Sun 17th Jul 2022 10:00

Love this! Where was Greta back then?
Iโ€™m waiting for a โ€˜Minister for the Bleeding Obviousโ€™.
Whatever will the young โ€˜uns do when us lucky boomers have died out?

Comment is about 1976! (blog)

Original item by Greg Freeman

<Deleted User> (33719)

Sun 17th Jul 2022 04:38

Really enjoyed this Tom. I particularly like ~
'While the poplars trees
sway their shadows
on the ceiling above'

Comment is about Saturday (blog)

Original item by Tom Harding

Holden Moncrieff

Sun 17th Jul 2022 00:47

A truly powerful poem, John! "If only I'll sell him the right to the light" is such a brilliant and profound line! ๐ŸŒท

Comment is about Prophecy (blog)

Original item by John E Marks

Holden Moncrieff

Sun 17th Jul 2022 00:37

Thank you so much, John, your kind comment really means a lot! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Comment is about Cardboard (blog)

Original item by Holden Moncrieff

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 16th Jul 2022 17:21

A cleverly constructed, entertaining poem, Russell.

Comment is about Clouds of White (blog)

Original item by JD Russell

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 16th Jul 2022 17:18

A beautiful poem, Tom.

Comment is about Saturday (blog)

Original item by Tom Harding

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Sat 16th Jul 2022 16:50

Clever and very thoughtful as always Tom, to have imbued a fly with some dignity in a way and to slightly compromise the human condition into such compartments. Reverse roles.


Comment is about Saturday (blog)

Original item by Tom Harding

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 16th Jul 2022 16:27

My main complaint is the mediocrity that has now become today's excellence. We praise the mundane and the not so good,
as if somehow it makes up for what we know we are failing to
achieve nowadays. But there is hope in the small courtesies
that can be met in our daily lives, even if they do not appear to
be practised or promoted by some - notably the politically
employed - in our public services. It's more of the ""
standards that prevail for too many in those jobs...when they
should be about "".- or at the very least - "".

Comment is about Post War Bliss (blog)

Original item by keith jeffries

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Sat 16th Jul 2022 16:00

Welcome back Julie to the cost of living crisis.

Comment is about Home Sweet Home (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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Russell Jacklin

Sat 16th Jul 2022 13:39

enjoyed the match for the same reasons

Comment is about A pride of Lionesses (and all the other teams) (blog)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Russell Jacklin

Sat 16th Jul 2022 13:37

got the image, I will reconsider mine and a fly's life

Comment is about Saturday (blog)

Original item by Tom Harding

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Tom Harding

Sat 16th Jul 2022 12:30

Very much enjoyed this Greg

Comment is about Watching England with Carol Ann Duffy (blog)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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John Botterill

Sat 16th Jul 2022 08:31

Fascinating, Greg! I suspect Carol Ann is a Scotland fan and I love her referencing the 'wally with the brolly.'
Great stuff! ๐Ÿ˜€

Comment is about Watching England with Carol Ann Duffy (blog)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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John Botterill

Sat 16th Jul 2022 08:21

You are right, Keith. Times have changed and not, necessarily, for the better.

Comment is about Post War Bliss (blog)

Original item by keith jeffries

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John Botterill

Sat 16th Jul 2022 08:10

A brilliant synopsis of modern life and its values, Holden. Very cleverly expressed. As ever!. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Comment is about Cardboard (blog)

Original item by Holden Moncrieff

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John Botterill

Sat 16th Jul 2022 08:04

Gave me pause fot thought, Stephen!

Comment is about A Song Of Earth (blog)

Original item by Stephen W Atkinson

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Greg Freeman

Sat 16th Jul 2022 06:56

Gratitude for your comments, Steve, and thanks for the Likes, Frederick, Stephen, and Holden.

Comment is about Watching England with Carol Ann Duffy (blog)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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