The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Dawn (Remove filter)


It dawned on me

as the sun rose

and the blood red flowers

reflected my life and my dread

a hemorrhaging of vivacity

animated in the comic book

that is life and death

A seriously humourous tome

in which I am bound

until the conclusion

of the final chapter

when all has been fulfilled.

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Dawn the rising glint of light

The background whoosh of an electric float 

The cheery clink of bottles 

Returning from where darkness rules

Empty of energy but full of joy

Stop now and find that view

View from a hill I know so well

Then nature’s volume slowly turned up

My breath easing into peace

Many such dawns to open my days

Find the spot, find the view, find the p...

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The dawn of awakening

After a long night of sleep,

That was immersed in darkness deep.

Here comes happily frolicking,

The beautiful dawn of awakening.

The crimson and tangerine rays arise,

And look how they fill up the beholder's eyes,

With hope, optimism and merriment.

The heavenly sight of plants dancing to the morning breeze,

Spreading their fresh earthly scent. 

The birds filling in for t...

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dawnsunrisebeauty in the eye of the beholdergoodness

The Enemy of Love

These curtains don’t fit
Daybreak come too early
The drink’s still in my skin
and on that bed of marble white
I lost you from my life

The signals all conspired
the well of guilt refilled
Reality cracked wide open
spilt down the corridors of misadventure
I lost you to the dawn

Tangled in a sheet of white lies
the enemy of love
raises his black hood
smiling at the keenness of his bl...

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I like the dark

For what it brings

I like the dark

To stretch my wings

Slipping out of dusk into inks thick black

A cloak flung over life’s dullness

To swipe away all sadness

A clean slate to chalk up more living

Earths slow wink to set us spinning

To say it’s time for those who know

Know the magic of a push not a flow

Time to race, not delay

Night is ours, so l...

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Lizard Love

amid starlight she reposes

my life's in her lizard face

that library of dusty looks

records my fall from grace


she took the best from me

sucking me dry every day

each wrinkle taunting me

dry pointers to my decay


I pray she does not wake

no pity runs in my veins

but violation at the sight

of what sleep she feigns


she's a monument to loss


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For me, life is neither a day

nor a fearful night:

It's marching ahead

between the horizons, 

sometimes, swaying the swing

towards the golden rays, 

and the other times,

pushing it deep into the dark

to make me smother. 


Perhaps It's more a dusk

travelling towards the night, 

and abruptly receiving a call 

of the mischievous dawn, 

playing hide and seek


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Waking to see autumn's lustre

lit on my beech


rust leaves gilt glowing

red gold bathed by


a rising sun's first grasp

of day.


Turning to see gold amber cirrus

low light the east -


beneath a darker grey purple

cloud bruise


that golden gleam of

dawning dawn.


So my sad grey purple dreams

dawn dim


their dark ghosts disconnect ...

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In Mumbai

When the Sky is dark blue 
And the Dawn becomes true 
Just pray, same as I do 
May my wish touches you 


When sun rises in the Sky 
And the birds ready to fly 
Just remember what I say 
We'll meet, surely, in Mumbai 


When you stay lonely at night 
And you wear your lovely white 
Just be sure I'm always right 
You're lovely dream on sight

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becomebirdbluedardawndodream sightflyIndialonelylovelymeetMumbainightprayreadyrememberrightrisesayskystaysunsuretouchtruewearwhitewish


First, it is only that the tree

is more a presence

less a shadow

beyond my window

then other horizons

light their resting clouds

with a subtle pre-dawn glow

that slowly sets the first gold sun glint

on each high branch above

against a new pale blue sky -

will dawn chasten my succubus

end our companioned time?

that half-felt fragile warmth beside me

seems to s...

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Laugh to Live.


Happiness, in hands for you.

If you decided, not to be sad.

As a cup of water, to drink.

To clean your thoughts, to be glad.


Sadness, does not need to broach.

It always knocks, worried heart.

But Happiness, with a golden coach.

Asks, to ride happiness cart.


The Brain is yours, “to make use”.

Positively, think of your own.

Feel your value, never abuse.


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An Autumn Song for the Traveller

Before I go

Let me drink this rich wine

Let me sing my delight


This gold red dawn has promise:

vibrant with the cold sun

vanishing valley mists

leave damp spider web to shimmer

mistdrops on the long reeds

and ungathered lawn leaves

damply shining

against the muted green of wet grass.

This amber morning has perfection:

wonderfully wooded leaf tints


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Before the dawn

I will gladly be your beacon,
or equally the hand you hold 
in the moments just before the dawn 
you fear will never come.

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Supportdarkest hourDawndepressionantidepressants

Late September Morn

I, dreamlost,


to golden leaves of beech


from my bed

as airdew clouds over the hedge

rise and vanish

as the eastern horizon above the valley

is lost, sunk

beneath dawndrifts of mist

not yet warmed to fade

beneath the clear blue sky;

the uncut grass of the dew-wet lawn,

droplet bent:

cool promise as

I, barefooted,


the cusp of the...

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Invisible Rain

This is a commentary on living, when the living is hard.


Invisible Rain

Dawn has come to smother the light

in my house.

As I douse the candle's flicker

its feeble flame shines at the window,

lifting the road beyond

into patterned pathways, glinting

in the early bright;

the soft rain of midnight's darkling succour

is almost gone.


It will return tomorrow, u...

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Beyond Death

I find that I must live in a world

Where, between that desperate dusk and a new dawn,

And between many a dawn and its dusk,

The only reality lies in love.


To be in love in that first dawn

And in the dusk, was to feel the sun

Warm our very passion every minute of every hour,

Reality lay only in the other.

And beyond that dreadful dusk, nothing

but dawns and dusk and ...

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The Dawn

"It's coming!"
The excited chatter began
among the blades of grass
Damp with dew
Clamouring with anticipation
of a new day
But that sunrise
with its hues of pinks, blues and
smiling white clouds
was born to be seen
and exploded silently
All the better to listen
The hedges crinkled in admiration
The fields cooed one by one
Even the surliest of trees
blinked in th...

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Dawn is naked and alive
pirouetting in the street outside
she is a broad grey sky, endless above

It's not rain...
just some foggy spray licking windows
a coat the building wears
a metaphor I cannot interpret
all irony is groggily lost on me
yawning with my whole body
struggling with the load of memory
I'm oiling daily

So maybe I should stay indoors
get the fire going, boil the kett...

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dawnmorningnew beginningsstarting againfirereadingbooksstoriesnew years day


As the sun beats down

on another glorious day,

the blackbirds are singing

in their sweet little way.


The world is still

and my mind is at peace,

how I pray for this stillness

as it offers such release.


The sky so blue

and clear overhead,

the world still in slumber;

tucked up in their beds.


Dreaming of worlds

with strange designs

and, for now...

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Night is blinding

The road seems eternal with colorless blobs surrounding its path

With little to look at leaving me fearful and uncertain

It twists and turns as if a blowing curtain

The moon sheds some light 

Too weak to guide my way

It sits and awaits to be chase by the sun

And reveal this dark world around

So I will follow this road till tomorrow

And begin once again

On a new horizon's...

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