The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 48 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Unravelling.

The Unravelling. 


You were just one moment

But it felt like a lifetime

To me


One stitch in a tapestry

That unravelled 

Without you there


Now I carry you

Like a mist

That cannot be grasped


Always slipping away

While clouding my vision

Of tomorrow 


Your absence weighting my feet

In memories

Of what could have been


I blink ...

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And If I Never Met You.

And if I never met you.


And if I never met you

I wonder, would this day still wrap around me

In a thousand shades of grey?

Perhaps the tender raindrops 

Would never have had a reason to settle in this place.


And if I never met you

I guess I’d still believe the world was cruel

I’d see shadows instead of rainbows

Or suffocate in clouds

As they smothered skies ...

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Cornwall in January.

Cornwall in January. 


Church bells ringing through the rain

Seagull perched upon the highest rooftop

Blackbirds skating through the sky


Clouds sobbing against my windowpane

Chimney tops spluttering like an old man in pain

A congregation of little houses huddled undercover of black slate


Jostling for a view of the sea

Blotted out by a sheet of grey—

This is...

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