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Always Love

Letting go of physicality is difficult,

Letting go of physicality is beautiful.

The physical is wondrous--

a bird in flight,


a song at night,

melody settling into the eve.

The physical is laborious--

things break, things decay, ceaseless entropy.

But some things last,

we stumble upon them in archeological digs in our homes--

a card of love written long ago...

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Words Like Rain

Words dance like

wildflowers in the poet's mind.

Sometimes the words

make it to a page,

crying out pain,

singing out joy.

What then are words?

Do birds have their own words

in their wild cheerful chirps?

The words in the mind of the poet

have no precise definition;

they are as varied as the stories of the human experience.

Write on, oh traveling pilgrim!

Let ...

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Happy Holidays to All Poets and Readers!


I could
I would sing
you a song of

holiday cheer but,

alas, I fear my dear

I cannot carry a tune

so here I am with pen in hand

sending instead: warm greetings to all!

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Like Stardust

I always wondered how it felt to be getting old and family and friends are dying away. 

Slowly, I am learning.

It is a letting go.

Little by little,

you fade into the mist,

you become lighter and lighter,

like fairy stardust,

like the thinnest silk,

like air.

You float, you say goodbye,

you ponder a new hello,

someplace else,

someplace invisible,

someplace be...

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I will go

and breathe happiness

in that place

of shadows and sorrows.

Oh the tears that have flowed!

But when met by the river of love

and the sky of hope

and the trees of growth--

I will go

and breathe peace

in that place

of redemption and resurrection,

I will go, fearlessly,

I will go with you, my beloved.

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You can rage against reality,

or you can accept your fate

and just laugh.

Laughter, a bit of a chuckle really,

a resigned smile,

is so healing.

It's all good, you say to reality,

and reality smiles back.

Somehow we survive,

all these upsets and calamities,

people carry on.

Look at you, writing this, reading this, still alive.

A testament to survival.

Find the...

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