The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The wind, blowing from a cruel westerly,

mild breeze to full-blown misery

We had the sun once: a light in the world 

we’ve lost sight of you, once the tempest blew.


Unable to catch our life given breath

This storm takes hope to its grave in death

We had the sun once: a light in the world 

that’s now estranged once the tide had changed, 


In a concerted effort of wi...

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Newborn, died old


Body warm,

Slow moving,

Mother soothing,

Crawling, not walking

Calling, not talking,

First realisation of his reflection,

Mirrored face, mirroring self affection,

Universal imagination

Onward, onward without hesitation, 

Time to knuckle down and study hard,

Give his future its due regard,

Find a wife and settle down,

See the world and paint the town,


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Alice and Ted

Alice and Ted went early to bed,

Where Ted hoped that Alice and he

Could be satisfied, be gratified,

But Alice thought differently.


Alice once said that both she and Ted,

Were as happy as they could be,

But time flew by, that's the reason why,

Alice's love for Ted had fled.


Ted thought Alice, acted with malice,

Refusing his conjugal rights,

Her back was turn...

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Echoed fragments of time

There was a time when,

this world stood still,

when life had neither intent nor will.

When a cold snap became the age of ice,

when seas froze, not once, not twice.

When giant dinosaurs roamed the world,

and luscious leaves on giant ferns unfurled.

When meteors haphazardly crashed,

and Cretaceous life died out en masse.

When early man discovered fire,

warmed gently as ...

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Birth and death: covers to life's book

When reading we all wonder, where,

that cherished future’s disappeared.

Once baby's crib, now rocking chair


We thumb through those pages slowly,

skipping quickly past self-regret,

Flicking promptly through printed grief

That we're desperate to forget.


The contents page; our promises

made by one, to each, to others


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Lessons for life and love

To sustain love,

make communication your key

understand that it's not just you

But you and me.



Our two sides to one perspective.

Neither is more nor less valid

Both effective,



Shows our overriding kindness. 

Should we wander off course, let's let

love, remind us


Glib promises

overambitiously made

create uncalled...

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No Cake

Dark schemes, meticulously planned,

Those who understood, could not understand

The anniversary of her birth returned

Any thought or concern for others spurned


Mediocrity took her by the hand

Those who understood, could not understand

Readying herself for life’s divorce

Yearning to travel a different course


Prescription tablets relished though bland

Those who un...

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Will you be my strength?

Dark shadows surround

my days and my sleepless nights.

I desire to feel you near me

a willingness to hold you tight.


I long for your presence

harbouring me in my storm.

hoping your strength will yield relief

from life’s chill by offering warmth.


Recline close beside me

gaze into these tear-filled eyes.

Be inclined not to question

nor to ask for reasons ...

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