The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Poor Man’s Holiday

I go to midtown and stare

at the professionals

they’re confident 
like they’re on television 

the more I walk 
the less I wanna spend 

until that two dollar pizza 
is looking like a bargain 

there’s been some error 
on my paycheck 

and now my department 
has been eliminated 

but there’s this wonderful 
feeling of freedom

that lasts a moment then 
something falls into...

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Past Lives

Past Lives

I recognize the guy in the photo-
I can’t quite place his face 
I can see a certain resemblance 
but it’s nothing if not vague 

they seem to be having quite a time everything shines at that age 
then you get fat bald and wise 
what you wouldn’t trade for another chance 

these past lives a fiction 
who’s writing them anyways 
I was once filled with anticipation 
now eye ...

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It’s personal

Between me and the world 
it’s personal- I’ve tried to make peace 
too many times 

I’m open to discussion 
but I’ve been lied to
and I’m ready to fight

always invading my space 
with a story that doesn’t track 
got a lot of explaining to do 
I’ve moved on from there 

you’re welcome to visit my bubble 
barely room for two 
it’s really crowded 
with chocolate, records, and books 


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Gift of Time

take everything 

it’s not mine 

never liked half of it 

chains around my neck 


I’ll spend the rest 

how I see fit 

sometimes it’s just 

staring at the sky  


enjoying this 

gift of time 


why are you in such a hurry 

the horrors will continue 

after a brief message 

from our sponsors 


come here and let’s 

light up this moment 

here ...

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It rhymes

my many enemies 
all hide inside of me 
the externals got nothing 
on my doubts and self-loathing 

I could be a cliff diver 
under my low self-esteem 
battling windmills 
like pigeons in gale force winds 

I fight I exercise and I read 
sometimes all for nothing 
just when things look 
the most bleak 

you give me a call 
and suddenly 
I’m standing 
seven feet tall in heels

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It’s a beautiful thing 

you do 

in these ugly times 


looking to the light 


to remind us 


of the 


in all of us 


it’s enough to just 

laugh in the face 

of these horrors






let’s not sell 


short or out


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For a Moment

In a moment 

In the space of a song 
in the time of a moment 
we can be somewhere 
we can feel transported 

short of a meteor 
or violent revolution 
we take our minds 
to another dimension 

with something 
delicate as a melody 
and a rhythm 

a lyric scratched out
as inspiration dictates
in the space of
an instant 

while the faucet links 
and poverty grinds 

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Prison Workout

Prison Workout

The slit opens 
I remember I’m here 
pain dares me 
just to feel 

I greet the body 
with a sort of prayer  
then think of anything other than this 

I go down to the floor  hope I return 
every breath 
a calculated concern 

calendar on the wall  needles on the clock 
up against nerve 
muscles and blood 

halfway done  
something takes over 
the self-talk prom...

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all my life 
I’ve made these 
guesses about 
what’s expected 

to a point where
I got too accurate 
I trip myself up now
just out of boredom 

I take my time 
with performance 
I don’t read lines 
without a check

that’s just professionalism 
don’t be disappointed 
I’m all about the 
pain of endurance

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if stars align 

you’re here on time 

money arrives  

no hint of a crime 


fates cooperate 

dates don’t change 

your sister leaves 

the lightest traces 


back don’t act up 

cat don’t wake up 

don’t rain next hour 

hitting traffic by four 


then sure 

we might 

have something 


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The Nothing

The nothing 

there’s a parasite 
that slips inside the mind 
found on every corner 
even in the water 

it attacks at night 
leaves you non-responsive inside 
if it reaches the heart 
you’re gonna be a goner 

it’s the nothing 
it doesn’t have a “y” 
it’s something 
that eats up our lives 

the nothing 
taking up our time 
shitting out money 
leaving you dead inside 

the ch...

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That Crooked Line

 That crooked line


I hold grief in one hand

hope in the other 

I can’t tell you 

which is stronger 


washing sins in 

that dirty river 

sticky and dry 

I remain  


walking that 

crooked line 

into a future 

not feeling any wiser 


moving towards 

something softer 

that whisper 

calling my name 



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