The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Angry and confounded

People think he’s sad and crying,  

shedding tears of regret,  

for the love they lost,  

a tapestry unraveled by careless hands.  


No, he’s not crying, nor is he depressed,  

but caught in the thorns of truth,  

a revelation that shattered his trust,  

like glass underfoot, sharp and unforgiving.  


He believed in spirits,  

the tamers draped in wisdom’s cloa...

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Useless pursuit

In the tapestry of trust, you're a thread pulled taut,

A figure in shadows, weaving deceit and doubt.

With shovel in hand, you dug my destined pit,

Whispered sweet nothings while your heart took a split.


Your words, sharper than shards of a shattered mirror's glee,

Reflected a tale of me, distorted for all to see.

In the whispers of gossip, my name took flight,

As you dan...

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Result: Failed and demoted 😭

In the devil's home of arrogance and deceit,

He beat his chest, his ego complete,

Boasting powers over others, so grand,

His hatred towards her, he couldn't withstand.


She, a woman of strength and grace,

Refusing to be a puppet in his twisted race,

He spewed venom, lies, and tales so vile,

To tarnish her name, to harm and defile.


Sworn to demons, he vowed to destr...

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The release

In the depths of despair and degradation,

He couldn't bear the weight of humiliation any longer,

So he made the choice to walk away,

To leave behind the false accusations and bitter curses,

And in that moment of clarity, he found his self-worth.


She sealed the coffin of their toxic past,

Locking it tight, tossing away the keys,

The final resting place for all that had sou...

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Lilly's heartbroken lover

When heartbreak strikes, the world collapses in

A thousand bullets pierce the soul within

Head spinning, unable to cope or mend

Only when true love's lost, the pain descends


Lilly's departure leaves a void so deep

Aching heart, unable to find sleep

Sunflower was pushed away, was in pain

You enjoyed her suffering, but had nothing to gain


Realization dawns, where tr...

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Witches and Angels

This world of twisted labels and deceit,

He fancies himself an angel, pure and sweet,

While she, by him, is called a witch,

Yet their roles are reversed, a bewitching glitch.


He claims to soar with celestial grace,

Wielding magic in a darkened space,

But angels know no gender, nor such tricks,

People call his arrogance, a facade that quickly flicks.


On a broomstic...

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Lilly's lover

In his professed love, a truth untold,

His heart, a captive of the water lily's hold.

Weekend rendezvous, a fleeting charade,

Sunflower's presence a bittersweet masquerade.


He swears his commitment with a soulmate's guise,

But the ties that bind are veiled in lies.

A desperate bid to reclaim what's gone,

Yet his loyalties lie where they've always shone.


Sunflower ...

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She's so dangerous 🤪

She's so dangerous, a mystery untold  

Stay away from her, a warning to behold  

Don't associate, keep your distance clear  

Just keep away, from the danger near  


She's so dangerous, made many walk away  

A fake saint, in a deceptive display  

Walking humbly, but hiding within  

A chameleon, wearing a deceptive skin  


She's so dangerous, keeps faking her self  


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In this universe where divine hands guide,

God did choose the two, intertwined by fate's tide.

Time merely a vessel to bring them together,

Their reunion a destined bond, immune to sever.


God's army awaits, ready to descend,

Upon those who dared to anger, offend.

No disruption shall alter the course set in motion,

For God's will reigns supreme, a steadfast devotion.



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Choose wisely

Ebb and flow, life's grand dance

Choices made, taking a chance

Stay or go, it's up to you

No push, no pull, just what you choose


To talk or block, the power is yours

Decide what opens, what closes doors

Love or hate, the spectrum wide

Embrace your heart, or let it hide


In this game of hide and seek

You're still growing, finding your peak

Your emotions, your ...

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Just a backup plan

In the shadows of his twisted desires,

He did not lose her, but pushed her away,

A deliberate act of cruel betrayal,

Disrespecting her wishes, mocking her dreams,

Forcing tears to fall for all she held dear.


He did not release her, but forcibly cast her aside,

Taunting her with his callous friends,

Their covetous eyes hungering for her compliance,

To serve as a pawn in...

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The crashing

Crashing into nothingness,

As the memories fade away,

Grainy images of the past,

And voices now gone astray.


Crashing into disaster,

Like a wild rollercoaster ride,

Once so curious and full of wonder,

Now with strangers, I collide.


Crashing into chaos,

With all the messed up things,

A web of lies and deceits,

And experimental strings.


Crashing int...

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Twisted shield

In shadows deep, a tale of love concealed,

He lied about her death, a twisted shield.

To protect her fragile heart from cruel strife,

He wove a web of fiction, secret life.


A marriage hidden, veiled from prying eyes,

A clandestine affair, a false demise.

For unseen foes sought to destroy their bliss,

He chose deception, sealed with a lover's kiss.


But now, accepta...

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She didn't die

She is still alive

Real flesh and blood

A drama staged to see

Your love and loyalty


To make you realise

That if she dies

She won't return

To teach you a lesson


To care for those who are around

After knowing this truth

You still love me?

Do you think she was a wrong choice?


Did you make a mistake choosing her or

You are making a mistake now?


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Heartfelt request

Kindly, don't repeat same messages in ten different ways,

For I have grasped your words, understood what you convey.

Your feelings and emotions, clearly they have been portrayed,

No need to think I'm deaf to your point of view,

It's crystal clear, like sunshine when clouds disappear.


I have forgiven, forgotten the pain you caused me,

The hurt, allegations, defamations, your ...

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Precious gems

In the entangled web of emotions,

We often wind ourselves tightly,

Unknowingly we get into a mess,

That was to be kept at bay, probably.


The more we discuss with others,

Our problems and our daily affairs,

It's sure to lead us astray,

Than find our way, beware!


Too many advises from passersby,

Isn't a wise thing to take,

For not all gems and jewels they hold...

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Love pangs

Will you trust my words if I tell you my feelings true?
Will you laugh and mock, or feel what I'm going through?
Can you understand the depth of my emotions?
Without judgment or jest, can you sense the devotion?

This distance between us, my greatest plight,
Endured reluctantly, under the weight of night.
Mountains of understanding, guarding my heart,
Yearning for connection, though we're ...

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Answers for confusions

Was it the tears of love she cried or of shame,
The day he left her and ended their lustful game.
She felt heartbroken for the love she lost,
Or were they tears of shame her lustful life brought.

Thinking about her parents who would be defamed,
And all the pleasures that would end with the lustful play.
Was she heartbroken in tears or in defamation,
She couldn't picture what would people ...

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compos mentis

This is a world where pretense tries to deceive,
A call is heard, a voice that softly speaks,
"Be normal, dear soul, with no mask to weave,
For love shall find you, as pure as it seeks."

Confidence, dear one, be your guiding light,
With upright character, walk with grace,
For those who love you see your inner might,
Weave your essence, in every embrace.

No need for efforts to impress t...

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suspended in a state of convalescence

Brokenhearted, yet in his soul regret did reside,

For actions and choices, made in others' stride.

Each word, each deed, a pang of remorse,

He wept tears of regret, night after night, of course.


With genuine apologies, he bared his heart,

Seeking forgiveness, a chance for a fresh start.

Resetting the stage, erasing the past,

As if those wrongful moves had never been cast.


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The world where our paths did not just cross,

But merged into one, a unified force.

Together, we tread this road as one,

Facing ups, downs, whirlwinds, and storms, undone.


Our souls, intertwined, did not merely meet,

But fused into a unity complete.

Like a jigsaw puzzle, we now align,

Filling up spaces, fitting line by line.


Cupid's arrow missed, yet our hearts di...

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Yin and Yang

In the depths of his soul, an emotional roller coaster,
He sat, anticipating a ride filled with fun.
Little did he know, his heart would race and head would spin,
As others around him were emotionally undone.

But as the twists and turns took hold of his mind,
He realized the truth he once failed to see:
A peaceful life, devoid of heartbreak's grind,
Was far more precious than a thrilling ...

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In a moment fleeting, love took its hold,
The foundation was built, strong and bold.
Their glances exchanged, harmony found,
Peace embraced as memories abound.

Within those weeks, a lifetime they lived,
A love foundation no storm could upheave.
Yet they separated, she kept looking afar,
Holding onto hopes of his return like a star.

Years passed by, still she built with care,

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The wisest knight

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, where iron steeds with claws and teeth roamed,

A knight with suspicion's helm and ravage's cloak adorned.


He rode through meadows pure, tearing apart the lies,

Seeking truth amidst the whispers and disguised guise.


A maiden stigmatized, hidden truths her plight,

He watched her closely, seeking answers through the night.


His hear...

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Unity in diversity

Upon a roller coaster ride they go,
With people boarding, row by row,
Thrills and laughter, their hearts collide,
Creating a circle, unbreakable, tied.

Each one a piece, fitting in just right,
Building a wall, impenetrable, with might,
No outside forces can find their way in,
Nor can anyone escape from within.

Round and round, merry go round they spin,
No need for another circle to be...

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Shards of glass

In a world where words can cut and pierce the soul,

He aimed his shards of glass, his only goal.

To uncover the darkness that lay deep within,

He sought to reveal her grave and hidden sin.


With profane thoughts and suspicions in his mind,

He used his words recklessly, so unkind.

Horrid actions, nightmares, and ugly fears,

He believed her past held secrets, crystal clear.


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Ph.D 🤪

In his quest for truth, he delved deep,
Exploring every vein, every nerve, he did creep.
Seeking answers to what went wrong,
Or perhaps what made her strong.

A question that haunted his restless sleep,
Why was she the way she chose to keep?
The spiritual high seemed too simple, too plain,
His logical mind yearned for more to gain.

This thought pierced his heart like a sharp dart,

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Blocked within

In the depths of my heart, feelings reside,
Emotions locked away, where they hide,
He tries to storr them, keep them concealed,
But I can sense the truth that's revealed.

He believes I try to curb his care and love,
Turning my glances away, high above,
He thinks it's too late, this realization,
The end of what never had true foundation.

Regret fills his soul for the lies he told,

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Twisted minds

Some children are born with a twisted sense of humour,
Finding delight in crookedness, both in word and act.
Their deeds are evil, their words draped in darkness,
Born to serve a monstrous creed, their hearts intact.

Twisted minds perceive a world as grim as their dreams,
Restless nights plagued by nightmares they cannot shake.
Their thoughts, a tapestry of negative schemes,
Emotions dead...

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The neighbours

Mr. Goodman and Mr. Badman, neighbors they were
Living like enemies, since the day they moved in
Different cities they came from, fate brought them near
A clash of good and evil, a story to begin

Mr. Goodman, kind and humble, a heart of gold
Mr. Badman, jealous and greedy, a soul so cold
Their differences, insurmountable it seemed
Their hatred for each other, fierce and unredeemed


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Mixed vibes

Mixed vibes and twisted minds

A dangerous game that he plays

For all those demons he tries to please

But in the end, he himself is the one to pay


Giving mixed vibes to keep the demons satisfied,
He thinks he's playing with fire, but he's just lying.
Using manipulation as his twisted therapy,
Keeping others guessing, causing them to worry.

Every decision he makes, with a seco...

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Demons at play

Amidst the altered state,
Where thoughts and actions dissociate,
One may make decisions in a drunken haze,
That later bring regret and disarray.

The allure of intoxication,
Can lead to a loss of inhibition,
As demons take over and control the mind,
Leaving rational thinking far behind.

Darkness spreads, unhealthy and unwise,
Sabotaging all that was once built with pride,
in a sound s...

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He wants to seek revenge on her,

Till she takes her final breath.
To watch her slowly succumb,
Is what brings him the ultimate satisfaction.

Sending demons, one after the other,
Pushing her loved ones away.
Turning her into an epitome of disgrace,
Her shame and disrespect a spectacle for him to behold.

In her agony, he finds victory.
In her anguish, his pleasures find peace.

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Forever haunted

The weight of guilt resting on his shoulders

The demons he sent now making him smoulder


Wishing he had never made that choice

But now he must bear this anxiety with its deafening noise


In his pursuit for control and power

He invoked demons in the darkest hour


But now they have him tightly within their grasp

And he's trapped in a never-ending dance with these dem...

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The haunting

In my deepest slumber, I find solace,
Where darkness fades and light prevails,
The weight of your presence no longer lingers,
My spirit released from your toxic trails.

Gone are the whispers of despair,
Replaced by whispers of hope and grace,
No longer shackled to your cruel snare,
I soar in dreams, finding my own embrace.

No more nightmares to haunt my mind,
No more shadows to sow se...

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Keeping a tab on her

At last he withdrew,
Knowing she'd never return,
The end of their relationship,
By his own hand it was burned.

She gave him time,
Hoping he'd sever the ties,
His vindication complete,
Leaving behind hate and forgotten lies.

Faded memories covered in dust,
Like echoes of a long-lost song,
He departed with a final warning,
To scare and alert her, he longed.

"I'm keeping tabs on you...

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"Wisdom lies in displaying Wealth with Grace"

In a world where ants live in colonies,
United in purpose, they toil as one,
Sharing food with their fellow kin,
Gathering sugar, leaves, and fallen remains.

Birds, early risers, greet the dawn,
Their mornings aflame with fervent desire,
Throughout the day, they toil and strive,
Providing for offspring, but not hoarding for self.

Tigers, lions, leopards roam the forest,
Thriving toget...

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Break the curse

In the depths of his heart, a grudge remains,
Unyielding, unbroken, it forever sustains.
No forgiveness can reach his hardened soul,
For vengeance consumes him, to take its toll.

He seeks retribution for the pain he endured,
Believing he's entitled to goodwill assured.
How could she harm him, cause such despair,
Even if friends tore her apart, he'd still be unfair.

He wishes she'd take...

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Holy facade

In the realm of shadows, he discreetly roams,
A devil concealed behind a charming facade,
A sinister soul, a cruel heart in disguise,
Beneath a radiant visage, darkness resides.

He dons the skin of a wolf among the meek,
A predator disguised amidst the flock,
The vulnerable, the lonely, his chosen prey,
He captures their innocence, then flees away.

Beneath his chef's attire, a butcher'...

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It's an old Yànyǔ, 

Says the master to his student 

Relationships are a beautiful task woven 


The student says to the master 

I'm done with all the fixing in relations 


If you are done, my son 

Then that's how important it was for you from the beginning


Relationships needs constant fixing 

You can't fix it all up and think it's constant 

Rather it's a dail...

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Tiānhuābǎn, a canvas wide 

Rephlicating stories gone by

Full schreen focus on future 

Life that's unlohcked for survival 

Phenance comes after rhealisation 

Phondhering over indhelible dheeds 

Resistance to urges vile and unclean 

Míngxiǎng, the theraphy of Tiānhuābǎn







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