The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas to my dearest friends,

Living on different and beautiful Lands!

Merry Christmas to all – big and small!

Merry Christmas to you and you, and you!

To all those who say more often “hello” than “adieu”.

Merry Christmas to all… rich and poor

To those who are always know and sure

That tomorrow will certainly come,

That our world is blithesome and ...

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The 22nd of December


The longest night,

 The shortest day

 The 22nd of December.

 The Sun turns into another way

 Putting more warmth into the amber,

 Into the humans hearts that pray

 For love, for peace, for happiness,

 For Merry Christmas!

 The 22nd of December!

 The Sun has got its own reasons

 To differentiate the seasons.

 And Jesus Christ birth

 On our b...

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Your need


Do not swim downstream!

Don’t go against the current!

Lead where is your need!


©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 19th of December, 2012

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The beginning is timid
time has not any limit.
magic movements are slow,
we dance the tango of love.

It's the music of feelings,
bliss and passion revealing,
dance of flight and explosion
of hidden love.

When we part it’s only for a moment
Dance of love will never end, be sure.

The beginning is timid
and it's not so vivid,
then it turns into wild
and gra...

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The Trumpeter


The war was all around

And the city was small.

The doctors laughed at him,

He was not like de Gaulle.


Well, may be the trumpeter?

OK, trumpeter, as a trumpeter!


Being a trumpeter is so good,

At least you don’t have to bow.

The bullets whistle over your head,

As the winds sometimes blow.


But why it happened like that?

For a boy ...

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How Many Questions Our Life Arise?


Not looking at anybody doesn’t mean not to see,

To do the things you like doesn’t mean to be free.

To be at the very verge of life doesn’t mean to die.

And standing on the ground doesn’t mean not to fly.

And how much to pepper so that all could be well?

And how much to sugar to sweeten  the hell?

To live a normal life doesn’t mean not to dream.

But how long to ...

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Turn Around


While you face the past
Your ass faces the future.
Turn around quickly!


©Larisa Rzhepishevska

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Went to treat my nerves
Will come back in the morning
Drunk tender horny


Larisa Rzhepishevska

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Dreams Are Forgotten


                                            Dreams are forgotten,

                                            They can be rotten.


                                            Pain ceases,

                                            Except soul diseases.                                          



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real life

Your Excellency


Your Excellency, a Lady of Separation!

I am cold, and that's a damnation!

The letter in the envelope, do not tear, my dove!

I am not lucky in death, I’ll be lucky in love!


Your Excellency, a Lady of Luck!

For someone you are kind, for another one a chuck

Nine grams in the heart, just wait, do not call!

 I am not lucky in death, I'll be a winner once for a...

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Today all talk a lot about Pussy Riot,

The girls from Russia that couldn’t keep quiet.

OK, I agree! It’s their right to fight

With the things they don’t like.

I can understand any strike.

Even when you have to take a gun,

But … sorry to say that,

I condemn their action as the dirtiest one.

They’ve become the world known heroines

Because of their dirty a...

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The time of weather...


The crystal city is shivering,
The unreal smoke is delivering,
An Easter Angel is flying,
It hardly goes to spring.
The matter comes to the strings,
To the old tales that eternity brings.
Wipe your eyes that weep!
It rains as in a sleep.

The poem is unwittingly shortened,
The sun is between the scapulas,
The bees are shivering from payola,
The morning is still dar...

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Don't....And You Won't...


Do not go for a walk

And aloud do not talk

As the thieves are all around

And you’ll easily be found.


Do not sin, you’ll get the AIDS

And will walk on the edge of blades.


Don’t eat nuts or something solid

As your teeth will be soon spoiled.


Don’t run quickly, you can fall,

Won’t be able to walk at all.


Do not sit, take care of...

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A Long Life Road


Our life is a real drama

In such a colorful gamma.

Our life is just a moment,

Sometimes with a torment.

Just have enough patience

To keep good relations,

To love truly and forgive.

You won’t believe

But today I cried away.

Someone thought it was a shame,

Someone comforted, didn’t blame,

Someone said: life goes on,

Someone dies and some are ...

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An Ideal Husband


An ideal husband doesn’t argue,

He never squabbles or swears,

Only about his wife he cares.


He always says kind words,

Doesn’t do anything that hurts.


Doesn’t play cards or guzzles away money,

Days and nights repeats: You are my honey!


Out of the rest he is much wiser,

He is not poor or a miser.


In all he is good and so nice,


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wife and husband

I Am Unique


I couldn't become the best.

I couldn't become worse than all.

I couldn't become as the rest.

So?  What is left?

Yes, my dear friend Nick!

You have to know that…

I am unique!   :)))


©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 16th of September, 2012

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That's My Odessa



Early morning.

Sonia is yawning.

Her dressing gown is satiny.

This night was just a symphony

in a company of her Antonie.

She was sure he was her destiny.

All they did was in such a harmony.

With those thoughts she went to the balcony.

But … suddenly she has heard a noise.

It sounded with an irony.

It was her neighbor’s voice.


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Inspiration can’t be seen.

I mean…you can only feel it.

Your wit won’t help a bit

So that to convey the feelings,

To create a real art

That comes straight from the heart,

Like a holy writ recommit

God’s gift and revelation.

How do I feel my inspiration?

It’s not a certain motivation,

But only my emotions

And certain commotions.

Just the sam...

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My Elixir


I will make an elixir now.

Will you ask me how?

It’s such a simple science!

A bottle of reliance,

Another one with love and peace,

One more of trust love to increase.

I’ll mix all that with magic spoon,

My elixir is going to be ready soon.

And…to complete this picture

I’ll sing a song to my mixture.

How to take this elixir.

Five drops a day will...

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How Many And How Few


How many men with whom you just can talk.

How few of men with whom you cherish silence

And go for the longest walk

To feel the natures fragrance.


How many men with whom it could be better to keep silence

So that do not spill the beans when you are in grief.

How few of men which could be a reliance

And do not steal your credit as a thief.


With wh...

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real life





About many famous cities we can talk:

London, Paris, Naples or New York,

But when you walk along Odessa

You will love our principessa

If you are wise enough and not a bore.


The fact is such,

The fact is such:

There’s no city in the world

I love so much.


You will smile to the famous Duke,

From the second ...

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The Autumn Is Coming


The autumn is coming,

The August is charming,

But the rain often darkens the sky,

And I know, you certainly love me

As I once long ago loved you.


Why the yearning

Is burning inside you?

Why are you so sad when with me?

Why in August the dreams

Can’t be sweet as in spring?


The rowan is reddish

But not for the anguish

Rain drops k...

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autumnlove song

I Am As I Am


I am sinful, not trying to be saint,

Just want to live, not to complain.


I am a woman with a feminine beauty,

Just want to love, not to be snooty.


I can be giddy, behave as I am a queen,

But with an open soul say what I mean.


Down on earth I am, not in paradise

I get what I give, this I well realize.


I see the richness in the sun and...

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my words

Hot Summer


Burnt by the day time,

As it’s terribly hot,

I cursed today’s clime

About winter I thought.


Nights come with cool stars

It looks I can dream:

If apple-trees blossom on Mars,

What can be moved by steam.


Shut-eye can’t meet with my thoughts,

Confuses them, not letting me sleep.

Is it the nature’s faults?

Why does it hot days keep?


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Elijah the Prophet


Elijah - the Lord of storms,

Dew, hail, rain and thunder,

Today rides a chariot.

The Prophet with an effort

Breathe the autumn.


The days are shorter

The nights are longer

Warm days linger.

Two hours Elijah has taken.

By August He was awaken.


Water becomes overgrown

In the lakes and local ponds.

Our Lord agrees and nods,


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It's a Pity


It’s a pity that

you can’t take off your skin

like an old dress

can’t cover the rags

with a smart dress

so that to impress

can’t embroidery stitch the holes

made by moles


it’s a pity that

you can’t pull out your heart

to bask in the sun

can’t force it cut and run

from the life of one

can’t let your soul

fly in the sky like bird...

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It Costs Nothing


It costs nothing to feel the sunshine,

to watch the smiling Moon…

Those gifts from heaven are so fine,

The beauty of nature is a divine tune.


Showers of rain costs nothing,

Gentle wind is also free…

Sweet songs of birds are touching,

Meeting nice people is a glee.


We enjoy the sunsets and the dawns,

We breathe the air without a fee,

We a...

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My Angel Visited My Dreams Tonight


My angel visited my dreams tonight

And looked at me with sweet delight.

Listen-he said, and my heart gashed,

Crystal world of dreams has crashed.


I am leaving you, I’m fed up and sick

To save you from the mistakes in lyric,

Love is only and only an earthly thing,

Without my help you will better sing.


Don’t fly away, - I begged him kindly,


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Oh, My Darling Odessa!



Years fly and my love

Always stays in my heart,

Floats with me.

You invite as before,

You cosset even more

Odessa my home.


Anywhere I go I can hear your voice

Your waves ring like the bell

Your trees tales tell

Not in vain you call again

In my heart you will remain

In my heart you will remain.


Oh, Odessa my love, darling c...

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Yes And No


I will give you some advice

And I think it’s really nice.

It can be for you quite useful

As my words are always truthful.

Learn to say surely “Yes!”

Honestly in your sins confess.

You say “Yes!” when there’s no doubt

In the things you speak about.

Learn to say your strongest “No!”

And your confidence will grow.

It’s not easy but worth learning,


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no tags

Love And Parting


Your wedding dress is not ready yet,

A choir does not sing in our honor,

But time is hurrying us not to forget

The horses that ask for honeymooners.


If only the troika would not lose its way

And the bells  would never stop ringing.

Parting is a high price for the love to pay,

Two friends for eternal love are singing.


We’ve opened the love gate o...

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Oh, God! Give me the strength.....


Oh, God! Give me the strength to forgive

Even when I was not forgiven,

No one to humiliate or to offend

Even when I was humiliated or offended

Give me the wisdom to be always fair,

Teach me to fly and not to be scared,

Not to be indifferent to the neighbors,

But to live and create for world's favors.

If I doubt to ask my heart for advice

As my heart ne...

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Let's Live! Let's Love!


Let’s live, let’s love and even wonder!

Let’s cry, let’s laugh and trust!

Let’s hope for the best and even blunder,

Forgive, believe and do be just!


Let’s just admire fields, the sky and dew!

And if it’s hard do not give up but fight!

Go ahead, tomorrow you’ll all renew,

Without fright as truth is always right.


Let’s be honest when communicating...

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real life

Ginger's Marriage


Ginger cat decides to marry.

His pussycat lives in the yard.

Tri-color coat she wears wary,

On her lips – a beautiful pomade.

A manicure, eye-lashes, a hat …

Ginger loved all that in his  pussycat.

It was her birthday when he

Made her ​​an offer his wife to be.

Pussycat loved ginger, it was not a spoof,

Wedding ceremony was made on the roof.

An old ...

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On The Photo In The Newspaper


On the photo in the newspaper -

The soldiers, standing arm in arm,

The heroes of the World War II,

With smiles on faces and charm.


The photo was taken before a battle,

Before the guns began to rattle.

The sky was blue,

The grass was green,

The friends were true

The truest you have ever seen.


No one knows their names,

No one knows who...

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war poetry

I don't write poems


I don’t write poems,

I drink them like wine,

I become tipsy

with each coming line.


I don’t write poems,

I breathe them like air,

I become so happy

when each one I share.


I don’t write poems,

I live with them;

they prolong my years,

they are as true as I am.


I don’t write poems,

I weave into verses

sadness, joy, tea...

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For Whom To Fish Or Hunt


I will not write about love or separations,

About types of men are my cogitations.


Number one is a man of super class.

Abundance of them goes to the mass.

A car is the main thing in his life,

He marries it and it becomes his wife.

He is free like a bird and forever in flight

The highway he travels days and at night.


Another one here seems to be ...

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May be it's a sin...


Maybe it's a sin

so much to love,

forget about all,

for my love to starve.


Or it's heavens gift

about you to think,

love as a sweet nectar

from your lips to drink.


I can even be

for my love a slave,

all can be with me,

but you should be save.


If our God can judge,

I will  pray for you

and the words of salvage


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God Save You!


God save you from uninvited sadness

that  knock at the windows at blind  nights,

from sweet cheats that seem to be happiness

but then …. as an enemy smites.


God save you from unneeded advices,

from  insulting libels, from vain expectations,

from those who pretend to be friends

and then …. go with denunciations.


God save you on the non shallow ro...

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I Am a Lady


I am a lady of a stunning age,

I can still perform on a stage.

I can still be someone’s pride,

My range of interests is wide.


Putting on a stunning dress

I’ll make every man confess

She is a woman of super class

Who hates swagger and sass.


With sniper fidelity and my charm,

Without any noise and extra alarm

I’ll kill all men on the spot,...

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Virtual Life


Virtual life is a strange thing,

Something certainly abbreviating.

Despite the fact it’s electronic

It’s still a real one and sonic.

The same passion, love and vices,

The same problems, the same prices.

It’s easier here to communicate,

It’s harder here to offend and hate

It’s possible to find love here

But virtual love brings real tears.

It’s possib...

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virtual life

The Day Of Liberation


Once again the spring’s in the Victory Gardens,

Once again the 10th of April to Odessa’s come,

The memory of that day hardens

This wonderful feeling of freedom without alarm.


About 30 months the occupation of Odessa lasted

The streets and houses by fascists were blasted.

But the nation with sense of humor no one can kill,

The defense of the city was every...

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freedom liberty independance

Palm Sunday


The palm branches in churches,

The light of candles resembles

Jesus glorious entry to Jerusalem.

Psalms the Christians sing, glorious hymn.

He was healing the sick,

He was raising the dead.

It looked as a magic when

He turned a stone into bread.

A Prince of Peace!

He wished to increase Love.

He has come to set up

A kingdom of freedom,

A ...

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palm sunday

Poets Souls


I read the poets souls in the poems,

I read the poets inner world.

Pulse beats louder, then duller,

And all my doubts are just hurled.


The sadness sometimes a kiss cover,

Then suddenly curled at my feet,

Giving the whole body a heat,

The warmth of a true lover.


Fever passes through my nervous points,

Chill runs through the whole body,

I ...

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poets soul

My Only Love


I feel so bad without you,

All my dreams are about you.

I lie in bed, thinking of only you.


You are my dearest and nearest,

The only one and sweetest.

Out of all you are the greatest.


You are so delicate and good

You quickly change my mood.

Your love I prefer to any food.


I love you so much, my darling.

You always look so charming,


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Happy Marriage


A little bit confused was beautiful Spring,

She had to choose for life a bridegroom.

Who would  give her a wedding ring?

Three suitors wanted to be her happy and bloom.


March, April and May vied with each other.

About their great love they quietly talked.

April was for Spring like a brother,

With March she just often liked to walk.


Timid March g...

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The Formula of Love?


Man’s logic is so illustrative and simple,

He thinks he is so nimble.

Remembering the words of the great Pushkin:

“The less we love a woman the more she likes us”,

He is neither in a hurry nor in a fuss

To express his feelings and…. Alas!

There is nothing more here to discuss

From the attitudes of the poetic lyrics.

Pushkin’s words are not yardsticks.


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With Love Only


I hear the music of the Creator
In the fire of the sunset, in the blue darkness of the night,
In a starling’s song – a spring’s curator
Even when the quietness is tight.

It seems that love embraces all the creatures.
No more sadness, loss and tears.
No more wars, no more killed soldiers,
And only Madonna tenderly cradle her dears.

But how to understand where the evil...

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Fly Has Sat On The Sweetest Jam (nonsense comp)


There is no order here,

There is no any sense.

Can you make it clear?

Can you change a pence?


On a tin there sat a cat

It looked exactly like a rat

Poor little biggie rat

It has swallowed a cat.


Little cow wore a wig

And the ground it could dig,

Like a purple brown pig

Sat on thin and thickest twig.


In the farm and in the z...

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In A January Morning (nonsense comp)


 In a January morning,

On a sunny April day,

A crocodile croaks as it is May.

On the pavement bricks out of board,

There walks the tallest little lord.

In a hospital is healthy.

Poor man is so wealthy.

Fed to teeth I want to eat

And a cheat is so sweet.

Come my dears! Come to me!

I don’t want to see you.

Any false you say is true,

In the yar...

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Cat Is Also A Chick (nonsense comp)


Who is knocking at the door?

Can’t you see I’m not at home?

Only yesterday you come

We shall eat for breakfast rum.


Glass is crawling on the wall,

It is wooden like a brick.

Let it crawl, let it fall!

Cat is also a chick.


Brick is crawling on the wall.

It is hairy like a tram.

Let it crawl, let it fly!


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utter nonsense

Smart Little Johnny (competition)


It’s a real story that happened in one school

when a teacher appeared  to be a complete fool.

Once when a teacher of math was sick

a teacher of physical education came, named Nick.

He wanted to show how intelligent he is,

so he said: Solve my problem please!

The car moves at a high speed.

To go to Spain a plane we need.

How old am I if the plane now is high...

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Once Upon A Time....


Under the moonlight in the park

The stars shined like sparks.

A young couple walked,

You could hear them talk.

He was a guy with a sportsman's figure,

She was like a thin fragile stalk.

All the time the guy talked.

For a bet he crossed the bay

And it was on a stormy day.

He fought with the devils stream,

He heard the petrels scream.

How brave yo...

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Tenderly stepping on the last snow

The first of March is coming.

Spring will release the love arrow,

Beautiful songs of love humming.


The feeling of spring is known to all,

It happens every coming year.

My loving spring has no wall,

Its sounds I can clearly hear.


March is a harbinger of changes.

It smiles happily together with me.

Its gr...

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This February


This February took me to the frosts,

Experienced me by heavy snowstorms,

Wanted to know how much my love costs.


But…I was laughing boldly.

Happiness can’t live lonely.

I warmed myself by this verity.


This February tried to cool my heart,

It wanted us to live forever apart.

But…it forgot: March will be a start.


It tried to ice-bound my ...

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From the Dating Site


I am tall one when on the hills.

Kind one if he my life fulfils.

Would like some battles with him .,,, but…

Only in case if he doesn't destroy my skills.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 13th of February, 2012



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The Winter's Tale


It’s amazing to watch the frost’s work.

It made the sea side a fairy tale.

The frost’s quirk made the sea not for a sail.


The silence is all around.

For a while the time stands still.

The seagulls  can’t swill.


Like in the realm of Antarctica

Throughout the frost, snow and ice

I see the beauty of a paradise.


But! In the next few momen...

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The anguish in your eyes?

Change the lenses!

The winter in your heart?

Fill the light! Be smart!

Someone betrayed you?

Says: Don’t love you?

Forgive that hurt!

It’s just a bullshit.

You are feeling nervous?

Drink tea with sweet honey!

You won’t buy health for money.

Your days are blue and gray?

Take the guitar and play!

Greet every new d...

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Life is not a tale.

You can many times fail.

Life is a science.

It’s your reliance.

If you all the time learn

you will certainly earn

the knowledge you need

so that your life to feed.

You can be joyful and cry

and million times to ask:



Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 24th of January, 2012

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I am smarter than all but it’s not noticeable. Want someone who wants me. Hippopotamus – there are so many nice sounds. Under the coat was a goat. It was sunny and funny in bed with my dearest lad. Control shot has changed a lot. A sad glance. Are you my last chance? The dream was such a charm! But the noise of the alarm…! Feet prevented...

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She Is A Whore


She is a whore.

Do I have to tell you more?

Someone thinks that she is brute.

Well ! She is a prostitute!

But! No one knows from where the guilt grows.

She sometimes behaves like a lamb.

Oh!!!  Damn! Damn! Damn!

Who can condemn the one

Who sometimes has nothing to eat.

Those women often plead.

But…a lot of men need just sex.

And…have only greed.


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Red And Brown

Why do you always wear the red shirt? They assert that…it’s to avert the fright of seeing blood

 when I am wounded.

             I am quite salted and not a crud.

       -     Now I understand your point of view.

             Looking at you a picture I drew:

             You always wear the brown trousers

             for not having any moral traumas.


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Winter Kiss ( Competition)


Snowfalls bring me to madness,

I catch the snowflakes with my lips.

Snow! The fluffy and sparkling snow!

Its falls make beautiful all my trips.


I love the snowfalls very much

Though I am not eighteen!

Even at my age as such

Catching the snowflakes I am a teen.


What ever that I am not eighteen?

What ever that I am not so young?

The apples...

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I Thank You


I thank you for the quietness,

For the bank on which I wasn’t left,

For your soul which gave me happiness,

For letting me know my craft.


Yes, I loved, but… in the way I could.

Yes, I laughed, but… in the way of my mood.

When falling down I drank and smoked,

But there were always  prank and I joked.


I simply knew I was not lonely,

I didn’t re...

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Love lost



Love is a mistress of herself,

She comes without asking.

She can be so cruel or like a kind elf,

She can be true or just masking.


Your fate – my sorrowful pilgrim,

With the key on the neck to walk,

To look for a fairy kingdom,

With different people to talk.


You want to know whose you are,

Where your love lives.

Do you have to walk so far...

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