A tale of two places
And now another Christmas is over
And glad tidings are hidden amongst
Tinsel and mirrors
The smoke and choke of dust filled lives
Falling away into the in between days
Of hangovers too much pudding and turkey
Soon to be thrust into layers
Of left over mountains of mince pies and cheese
Whilst in other parts of the world
Little birds cry out for warmth and food
The cl...
Tuesday 31st December 2024 12:19 pm
Mary with child
So, I said I am with child and it’s hard to move
And he says no way
And I said yeah way
And he said yeah, I know
And I said how do you know
And he said I just do, but we have to go
And I said go where?
And he said I’m not really sure,
But it’s all getting kind of heavy out there
So, I said I’m the one that’s really heavy
With child and I have to ride a donkey?
Friday 13th December 2024 3:43 pm
He sits at the old desk
The blighted strife of words stuck
In between then and now
An empty ash tray kept for old time’s sake
A typewriter with a half- eaten sheet of paper wedged
The re-arranged desk tidied re-arranged again for the seventeenth time
An empty pad and pen lay supine to one side
A cough that still nags
The racking hack of many years of abuse
The reminder ...
Thursday 12th December 2024 12:19 pm
The tree Part 3
Blue dress high heels and pursed lips
Stand underneath the tree
Watching waiting ever vigilant waiting for him to arrive
She straightens her hair for the fifteenth time
Checks her phone
The hours’ worth of make up on her face
That begins to melt
The promise she wants to keep
That simply can’t wait
She begins to question was this a good idea
But Wednesday was their day
...Thursday 17th October 2024 10:26 am
The tree part 2
It’s Sunday and he stands underneath the tree
The cloud dark and smooth
But she is not there
He looks like a long- lost puppy
Another girl of the night passes by
She’s had a beating she says
Ignoring the blanket shrouded drizzle
By bus and tram he is at her bedside
Her bruised and battered swollen face knocked
From one world into another
A bunch of soggy flowers lay...
Monday 14th October 2024 10:39 am
The tree part 1
Two souls underneath a brolly
At the corner of a park after dark
Business as usual transacted
She wants to find another
The rain pours in cobweb sheets
He wants to say
Do you want a cuppa
But is sure she will say no
Last chance gone
As it stops, she steps away
Into the night
Trying to avoid the congregation of puddles
Leaving him with same time Sunday
He st...
Thursday 10th October 2024 10:49 am
Steam rises from vents and grates
The back-alley dumpsters are scattered
Whilst the smell of once fresh meat
And hot grease pervades the night
A guy in white uniform and lazy trousers
Sits on a crate making his smoke last
And looking into nowhere
Oblivious to the world
Oblivious to what is happening
A block away from the intersection
Oblivious to the freezing dri...
Monday 16th September 2024 3:15 pm
First or last
She had that nervous lined smile
The kind that said this is my first date
With this guy who is more experienced than me
Or maybe she was just looking
For a way to say goodbye
A sting in the tail for a man whose confidence
Coud so easily be bruised
But she told herself he would quickly recover
As he joked about the menu
And a time he had
When somebody else had said
...Monday 5th August 2024 12:20 pm
The night is mine
Tonight, the night is mine to own, to hold
To walk with
To talk with
To share with nobody
To argue and to party
To laugh with and to parley
To parry thrust and take a
Chance with
The night I have possessed
And strolled under leaden skies
With polka dot spots
Holding it close to my chest
You see the night is mine
And when it is finished
When it has d...
Thursday 11th July 2024 3:43 pm
The Daddy day care shuffle
I sit in my cell dressed in the clothes they provide
The ones they say would suit me
I feel strange and awkward
It’s been nearly three years
I’m nervous and sweating
What will she see in me
What will she remember
Will she really care
Has her mother made her come
Does she want to know
All of the questions circulate in my head
Falling over each other
Never findi...
Monday 24th June 2024 10:18 am
A street full
There is the guy with the paunch and
The hat that’s too small for his head
Looking kind of bemused and confused
The two young lads with a dog
That just won’t move
The guy with cropped down cargo pants
And long grey beard parted in the middle
The edging traffic
The chippy with nobody in it
The tight-fitting girls with a child in a buggy
The older man at the bus stop g...
Wednesday 19th June 2024 10:05 am
The smear of days
He knew that summers would never be the same again
He had wanted to brush away
The smear of days
That still hung around his neck
That which had found its way
Into the landings on sword gold Juno and Omaha
The implacable concrete machine gun bunkers
He had wanted to soak and scrub
To relinquish the very nature of all that had gone before
The bodies floating in the sea
...Wednesday 5th June 2024 4:36 pm
Two into one won't go
She soaks her body
Scrubbing and peeling layers of invisible dirt
Flushing away the undue haste
Of the last two days
Letting the shower taste her face her body
The weeks of anticipation
The grieved upon tears
The streaks of hair
The makeup gone wild
She carefully dries and scores every
Fibre and cell that clings to her flesh
Creasing and smoothing fresh sheet...
Thursday 30th May 2024 10:26 am
The woman of her dreams
And it’s just another day
For the secret satin sheeted lover
Who hides behind the days of curves and covers
Avoiding the serves of each and any other
Nights alone at home
Pretending he will turn up
At the flick of an invisible switch in her head
She will hear the purring sound of a stingray or corvette
To do the bedtime tango
Enough to make the neighbours curtains twitc...
Thursday 2nd May 2024 10:08 am
Full circle
So here we are again
We have turned full circle
Or so it seems
But we have turned another year older
And no matter how we try
Our resolutions to change all that was
To all that we feel it should be
Only grow bolder
This year I will lose those vital pounds
Shedding like so much Christmas wrapping
Or the unwanted brightly coloured pullover
My Gran knitted with one...
Wednesday 10th January 2024 1:25 pm
The last ditch stand of seasonal Jovility
The last vestiges of lights strung across
Doors and house hang on defiantly
Trying desperately to deny the season
Of goodwill and merriment has ended
A gap of yawning wind and rain fills the void
As people nudge themselves around
In a kind of semi-conscious semi detached
Where am I
What day is it anyway
Where did all the bon vivere go
And the retailers brush away t...
Wednesday 3rd January 2024 8:46 am
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