The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

If We Had Won The War

Oh, how different, if we had won the war!
There’d be no Nazis in The Whitehouse, that’s for sure
We’d all have homes for heroes, provided by the state
Free healthcare at point of need, without having to wait
Refuge for the needy and the poor
Oh, how different, if we had won the war!

Oh, how different, if we had won the war!
We’d want for nowt, and never need for more
One nation under God

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Happy Hour Is Over

Happy Hour is over in the New Austerity Inn
 And Rachel’s surveying the thinning crowd. 
“I thought it would be better than this,” 
She says to no one in particular.

The locals call her Rachel the Barmaid
They don’t think she’s qualified
To run the pub on her own.
She’s pinned her certificate to the wall
But done nothing about the flat beer
Or watered down spirits.

Meanwhile, outside...

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The Wife of God

The reason that we call the past history
Is that his story was written by men, she said
But we were a veritable pantheon
In the temple of Jerusalem
In Jerusalem, back then

Before Israel and Judah drew the battle lines
Before the waves of Assyrians, Babylonians
You didn’t need a penis to turn water into wine
Before the wife of God was erased by the custodians
Of history
His story
His b...

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