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Jeff Dawson

Sun 11th May 2008 14:26

Nice one Pete, very funny, back to the Brut for me! cheers jeff

Comment is about lynx lover man (blog)

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Philip Golding

Sun 11th May 2008 09:52

Great read. It seems to mirror society, ok from the waist up but decaying underneath

enjoyed the read


Comment is about Okay From the Waist Up (blog)

Original item by Dai Miles

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Philip Golding

Sun 11th May 2008 09:48

I have heard you read this and to read it for myself it gets funnier.

great poem

Just off the get some Lynx

Comment is about lynx lover man (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Sun 11th May 2008 03:32

I must be tired, I thought it was a new poem called the" pressure to cook good"! Ok going to cook, or order pizza, Im hungry, My eyes play tricks on me. see you peter!

Comment is about the pressure to look good (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Sun 11th May 2008 03:20

wow, what a rant! Peter, you have painted a pictur of some men I knew once. Very funny type! This is not a poem about you, unless you have changed a bunch, and for the worse Id say.
I had to laugh all through the poem,as I could remember the type, Very good poem very funny, to me any way!

Comment is about lynx lover man (blog)

<Deleted User> (4744)

Sat 10th May 2008 13:45

A snapshot from life. I'm going to have to think about the undercurrents on this one.

Comment is about Okay From the Waist Up (blog)

Original item by Dai Miles

<Deleted User> (4744)

Sat 10th May 2008 13:43

Deep sea diving in a one of those pod things? Nowt worse than a boil on the arse.

Comment is about Feeling the Squeeze (blog)

Original item by Dai Miles

<Deleted User> (4744)

Sat 10th May 2008 13:41

Nicely done. I now am forced to think twice about making any journey in the car becaise of fuel costs. Take the bus?.. doesn't go where I need to be and the ticket prices reflect fuel as well.

Comment is about Integrated Transport Plan (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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Jeff Dawson

Sat 10th May 2008 12:52

Like that Melissa, very thoughful, sounds like a lesson to be learned in there! thanks Jeff

Comment is about Conversations End (blog)

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Jeff Dawson

Sat 10th May 2008 12:49

Brilliant Tomas, fine analogy and comparison using the dogs, how apt, cheers Jeff

Comment is about Barking Dogs and Iraq (blog)

Original item by Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

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Jeff Dawson

Sat 10th May 2008 12:46

Like that, cheers, fitting pic too! Jeff

Comment is about Integrated Transport Plan (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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Dai Miles

Sat 10th May 2008 12:36

hey, Jeff

Thanks for reading -- glad you found it interesting!

Comment is about Wait (blog)

Original item by Dai Miles

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Dai Miles

Sat 10th May 2008 12:34

hey, Danny

Thanks for reading. I'll take a look at CleanSheets.. Cheers!

Comment is about Wait (blog)

Original item by Dai Miles

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Jeff Dawson

Sat 10th May 2008 12:09

Hi Tomas, thanks for comment. I've never heard 2 Unlimiteds 'Faces' so will have to see if I can give it a listen! Spooky, hope you liked it anyway, cheers Jeff

Comment is about Tomás Ó Cárthaigh (poet profile)

Original item by Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

<Deleted User> (4725)

Sat 10th May 2008 12:03

Thank you for your comment. I am all words and no structure! You, on the other hand, have that under serious control. I love Hound for Iraq.

Comment is about Tomás Ó Cárthaigh (poet profile)

Original item by Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

Pete Crompton

Sat 10th May 2008 10:01

hey great! bleeding office bleedin disease the hands and knees of the office worker

love the 'boredom factory' idea!


Comment is about Deadlines (blog)

Pete Crompton

Sat 10th May 2008 09:58

rock n roll old skool
thanks for the rant esque reply

errr yes that presha presha pressure

Comment is about the pressure to look good (blog)

<Deleted User> (4446)

Sat 10th May 2008 09:31

excellent! I think this poem would sound great read out loud as well

Comment is about the pressure to look good (blog)

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Sat 10th May 2008 09:07

hahaha luv it, just how i'm gonna feel today i think......picture funny too

Comment is about Deadlines (blog)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Fri 9th May 2008 22:45

Hello, Antonio,

Good write - Fabulous office reflection just like in a mirror;
Weekend is here – Enjoy some outings!

Thank you,

Comment is about Deadlines (blog)

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Jeff Dawson

Fri 9th May 2008 22:07

Hi, and thanks for comment, hope you like next two.

Sounds like you've had my type of week, mind you I had today of so not so bad. Very funny, and well thought out, nice one! Oh well, someone's got to keep the country running! cheers Jeff

Comment is about Deadlines (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Fri 9th May 2008 19:08

Hi Antonio, sorry your stuck inside. Nice little poem, I do understand your point of view as I to live it every day. thanks

Comment is about Deadlines (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Fri 9th May 2008 16:50

HI Peter, great rant, so true!

Comment is about the pressure to look good (blog)

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Jeff Dawson

Fri 9th May 2008 15:40

Wow, top notch stuff, it's true too, you summed it up well, think you're on a winner! Cheers Jeff

Comment is about the pressure to look good (blog)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Fri 9th May 2008 07:49

Antonio, there is lots of oil in Canada. The problem with the oil here is that needs to excrete from the oil sands. The process is very costly, but in Fort Mac Murray the production of oil is ongoing. All of it goes to USA, and we have to purchase back from them so we pay through our noses for the litre of gasoline...This is true and surely makes me think where is the sense in all of this? You have brought great subject in your poem, as it is current dilemma. I am not sure how Europe deals with the cost for oil. Really have no clue, but here everything is soaring- Food doubled the prices, as we do not grow much of veggies and wheat in our Country because the season of vegetation is to short. All imports from other Countries, which is more expensive yet? Thank you for the fantastic write.

Kind Regards,

Comment is about Not 'Drive' by The Cars (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Fri 9th May 2008 00:38

Cool poem, but I dont think they let Americans, vote on the issue. I will say that tree huggers did push it through and loby for it. Democrats were more for it, then republicans. I believe brazil uses it more, but its made from sugar cane.Most Americans are really pissed off by the deal, signed into action in 05 by congress and passed off to Bush, a total fool, that purchased his college diploma, to sign.
Things will not change as long as greed and power mongers rule the world. you made me have to think, great stuff man! thanks

Comment is about Not 'Drive' by The Cars (blog)

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Alvin Culzac

Fri 9th May 2008 00:25

Thanks all for your nice comments. I am going to put music to this poem.

Comment is about I cried like a baby (blog)

Original item by Alvin Culzac

<Deleted User> (4744)

Thu 8th May 2008 21:05

Lets not forget that Ethanol is even more damaging to the environment than oil when used as a fuel. No easy solution, but as long as it wins votes... they don't care.

Comment is about Not 'Drive' by The Cars (blog)

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Jeff Dawson

Thu 8th May 2008 19:02

Stark reality, great stuff, cheers Jeff

Comment is about Not 'Drive' by The Cars (blog)

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Jeff Dawson

Thu 8th May 2008 18:56

Very interesting Dai!!

Comment is about Wait (blog)

Original item by Dai Miles

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Jeff Dawson

Thu 8th May 2008 18:51

Hi Phil, my kind of stuff!! Great thinking, look forward to more, thanks Jeff

Comment is about Raise the Barrier (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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Jeff Dawson

Thu 8th May 2008 18:04

Nice one Alvin, like a bit of dark humour! Jeff

Comment is about I cried like a baby (blog)

Original item by Alvin Culzac

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Jeff Dawson

Thu 8th May 2008 17:57

Hi Alvin, 'Into the boiling sea Of: Cataclysmic Catastrophe!' - excellent stuff - was thinking burning sea off top of my head, thats great, all the best and let me know how it goes, cheers Jeff

Comment is about Earth, Our Mother Earth (blog)

Original item by Alvin Culzac

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clarissa mckone

Thu 8th May 2008 16:36

HI Phil, Good write, I enjoyed reading it! thanks

Comment is about Disabled of the Round Table (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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clarissa mckone

Thu 8th May 2008 16:31

HI Antonio, Nice poem. I enjoyed her songs, but felt sad and at times repulsed by her actions. Poor thing seems to enjoy abusing herself, she and she alone will pay the price, for drugs and drink.She is to thin, and looks sick all the time.

Comment is about Ain't life a bitch? (blog)

<Deleted User> (4744)

Thu 8th May 2008 16:02

It's sad when your rejected by the groups that claim to be inclusive of everyone no mater who they might be. There is a ring of truth about this one.

Comment is about I cried like a baby (blog)

Original item by Alvin Culzac

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clarissa mckone

Thu 8th May 2008 15:51

HI Malcom, Great write! Enjoyed it much, roast him over an open fire pit!

Comment is about Accountability (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Thu 8th May 2008 15:49

HI Phil, great work! It is an imbalance and very sad. We seem to have some of that same problem here too. The Boy scouts, an old wonderful club, just for boys, is being sued all the time, for teaching values, and wanting to be exclusive to boys, with male leaders. Men and boys need to be just that, men and boys.

Comment is about Men Only Groups (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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clarissa mckone

Thu 8th May 2008 15:39

HI Alvin, Nice poem, very song like. Things go wrong, just have to keep movin on!

Comment is about I cried like a baby (blog)

Original item by Alvin Culzac

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clarissa mckone

Thu 8th May 2008 15:37

HI Phil, Nice work, I agree totaly with you. Find the common ground and work with eachother. great Idea. To bad so many never try.

Comment is about Raise the Barrier (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (4744)

Thu 8th May 2008 14:35

Busy man.... I'm chuckling here. Have you considered submitting some of these saucy pieces to CleanSheets ... it's an online magazine that likes this style.

Comment is about Wait (blog)

Original item by Dai Miles

<Deleted User> (4744)

Thu 8th May 2008 08:47

Nice ..... This is very much like the "lads" trip away. To the football, or in my case a fishing trip (june) or powerkitesing (week tomorrow) where the wives are left behind and we can revert to boys again.

Comment is about Men Only Groups (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (4744)

Thu 8th May 2008 08:41

Ahhh haa... I wondered when you'd post one up again. I ain't about to pick at this one. Just small enough to roll in a ball and flick at the wall yesssir.

Comment is about BOGIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (blog)

Original item by Shelley Ann Dwornik

<Deleted User> (4281)

Thu 8th May 2008 02:51

Dear Phil,

Thank you so much for your comment, which is, appreciated a lot!

With my best wishes your friend in Poetry.

Thank you,

Comment is about Phil Golding (poet profile)

Original item by Phil Golding

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Philip Golding

Thu 8th May 2008 01:58

Your poem had me hooked from the first verse. Each word fired inspiration into my mind and gave echo's of me.

Thank you for this poem and your kind words on my poem

Comment is about The Ghost of Me (blog)

Original item by Alison Mary Dunn

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Philip Golding

Thu 8th May 2008 01:48

Great commentry about a talented singer who has hit the self destuction butten before her career reached the summit.

She even turned down Nelson Mandella. She probably thought he wrote a column in a newspaper. (I'll use that)

Comment is about Ain't life a bitch? (blog)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Thu 8th May 2008 00:19

Hello, Shelley

Interesting twist in your little poem-
I wonder about the nose with a zit.
Cute write!

Thank you,

Comment is about BOGIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (blog)

Original item by Shelley Ann Dwornik

<Deleted User> (4281)

Thu 8th May 2008 00:10


Quite impressive write. Words etched from the Bible into more naughty style...Eh?


Comment is about What Do I Know? (blog)

Original item by Dai Miles

<Deleted User> (4281)

Thu 8th May 2008 00:06

Hello, Phil

Quite a story here; Loved the way you presented your tale in a form of poetry.
Fantastic Write !

Thank you,

Comment is about Disabled of the Round Table (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (4281)

Wed 7th May 2008 23:58

Hello, Phil

Beautifully penned very romantic poem.
Totally enjoyed your words from your heart.

Thank you,

Comment is about Love's Internet Shore (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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