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clarissa mckone

Fri 22nd Feb 2008 04:21

Wow Peter, This is sad, so many die this way.alone

Comment is about (Death in Kind) Made out to Mable (blog)

Pete Crompton

Thu 21st Feb 2008 23:34

yikes what I mean to say is I do understand it fully.
but parts relate to my life others are my friends lives that i feel. pisceans, it seems take on pain from others and this is a trait of the ol fish sign!

Comment is about Bullet proof father (blog)

Pete Crompton

Thu 21st Feb 2008 23:33

thanks for your feedback.this poem just appeared in my mind.i don't understand it fully but that's not the point. the poem is for everyone. i feel the subject matter but may or may not have lived it.

once again I feel our best works are typed straight out with almost no alterations. this idea works for my stuff, how about you guys and gals?


Comment is about Bullet proof father (blog)

darren thomas

Thu 21st Feb 2008 18:57

Pete - your poem has a sadness to it that is touching. I have an empathy with this poem and would like to think that the answers you're looking for are already inside your writing.
Splendid stuff. The more i read it, the more i can relate to it. Interesting.

Comment is about Bullet proof father (blog)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Thu 21st Feb 2008 15:40

Hello, Lenford

… Torun'- I wonder what was so special about the city of Torun, besides Copernicus and his place of birth there. Your thoughts are well expressed from the view of the experience traveler, mirror reflection from your trip. Thank you for sharing your write. I have enjoyed the treat of reading it!


Comment is about Poland on My Mind (blog)

Original item by Lenford White

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clarissa mckone

Thu 21st Feb 2008 15:26

haha very funny one. It is great!

Comment is about Breath (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Thu 21st Feb 2008 15:10

Hi Peter, This is very nice.

Comment is about Bullet proof father (blog)

<Deleted User> (5984)

Thu 21st Feb 2008 14:21

Oh Pete

This is beautiful. I especially love the last line, it could be a poem in itself. As always, your use of questions provokes a profound response from the reader.

A lovely, lovely poem.


Comment is about Bullet proof father (blog)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Thu 21st Feb 2008 04:08

Hello Philip

WOW!! This is very magical and dreamy - tried to imagine being a passenger on this trip to that magical Island. Meeting all the souls there and drinking coconut milk. Sounds so good to be true. Fantastic imagination to tackle this poem...Thank you for sharing your passion for poetry...Zuzanna

Comment is about I swim against sand (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (4281)

Wed 20th Feb 2008 23:39

Hi, Darren
Well, perhaps we look at life from different angles. Not all will be able to get that perfection. There will be some obstacles and hardships that one encounters. The poem has a lot of life WISDOM’

I run through the garden,
a labyrinth
of my life,
and still
I have not found
my center yet.

Every day to discover and continue what life offers. Agree with your opinion, the above stanza makes perfect sense - we run in life like in a Labyrinth - that was what I had in mind - All makes perfect sense!… Thank you...Zuzanna

Comment is about Row of Flowers (blog)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Wed 20th Feb 2008 20:49

HI, Paul
I like the stanza. The content is very rich. It asks for more...It will be a great to read more of your writings.

Thank you for sharing...Zuzanna

Comment is about Universe (blog)

Original item by Paul Pyke

<Deleted User> (4281)

Wed 20th Feb 2008 01:22

Hello Carol ~ All your poems are very creative. You have a vivid imagination and fantastic mind that creates all sorts of writes. Did enjoy the futuristic poem the Year "2020"-Creative vivid and tasty with all those Cyber fruits etc...

"The gift

Spread your arms to catch the wind
Keep the rain in the skies
Absorb sunlight through palms open
To air unhindered
And sweep the moon on its side
Fill it with pity
Set it free
Let it fall to earth
The gift of experience"

THE GIFT"' - It is somehow my favourite.

Fabulous Poetess you are!!
It is great pleasure to read your words.
Sorry for the loss of your little four legged friend.
I love animals and my favourite are dogs and horses. They really are good friends of a man.

Thank you for visiting with me on my page.
Warm Regards,

Comment is about Carol Falaki (poet profile)

Original item by Carol Falaki

darren thomas

Tue 19th Feb 2008 15:18

Thanks for your encouraging words about my poem 'hurt'. I do tend to try and write from within and it seems that your poetry too is inspired by emotional events that still sound pretty raw.

Poetry is a conduit into many worlds and when your emotion travels with you it makes the writing and the reading process that much more enjoyable. Great stuff to read. I can't say that i agree with Zuzanna on it all making sense. I get a feeling of confusion or a hesitation about something. Mixed emotion tied to a decision in life. Listen me - i sound like Russell Grant the Astrologer!

Comment is about Row of Flowers (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Tue 19th Feb 2008 04:29

HI Peter, wow, this is different from what I read most of the time from you, is this really you? Im sure I would not know this side of you ever. How is Rose? I remember a rose, and a friend, that all seems so long ago faded into dusty dreams almost forgotten. nice poem

Comment is about The easy rhyme of St valentine (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Tue 19th Feb 2008 04:11

Oh and the Baby is beautiful ! Is that a granddaughter? You dont look like you could have kids old enough to have kids yet.

Comment is about landings (blog)

Original item by Carol Falaki

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clarissa mckone

Tue 19th Feb 2008 04:09

HI Carol, this is a very nice poem about us poor females havin babys, I had 3 and never want to have any ever again, knock me out cut me open and get it over with. I tried the "natural way" did not work for me, nothing like being in pain for 24 or more hours with nothing to help, you can say walking and showers,breathing and the like help, but to me it was a load of bull.Sorry Ill recomend drugs to any poor female in labor. Love the pic, your little dog is wonderful!

Comment is about landings (blog)

Original item by Carol Falaki

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clarissa mckone

Tue 19th Feb 2008 03:53

HI Peter, This is very nice, I felt like a baby for a time and could feel it all and see it, just as you have written. Im so glad others enjoy bringing babys into the world, I have had friends ask me to be coach etc, and the thought makes my tummy flip, its really to personal of a time, and I have zero desire to be a part of it. I know people think that strange of me as I have had three kids, but I assure you had I been able to remove all from the room I would have, Hahaha Infact I did order people out of the room, with a YELL, get out freak and take your camera with you! now I look back and feel bad for yelling at them, but for me that time is personal and not a party.take care and enjoyed the poem Clarissa

Comment is about the very first wall (blog)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Mon 18th Feb 2008 07:15

Hi Carol~ Loved the cute picture too!!

Beautiful baby...Is that Pete when a babe?

Comment is about landings (blog)

Original item by Carol Falaki

<Deleted User> (4281)

Mon 18th Feb 2008 07:13

Beautiful Dedication to Pete!!
Thank you for sharing....Zuzanna

Comment is about landings (blog)

Original item by Carol Falaki

<Deleted User> (4281)

Mon 18th Feb 2008 07:05

Hello Melissa~ Excellent write. Creative - filled with a lot of metamorphosis. Makes the poem stands out. The expression like running in your garden of life and did not find the center yet. Like a labyrinth you are feeling sort of lost there. But it all makes perfect sense when the reader follows your thoughts. GREAT JOB!!
Thank you…Zuzanna

Comment is about Row of Flowers (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Mon 18th Feb 2008 03:30

HI Melissa, this is such a nice poem. Do any of us really know ourselves,or where we are going? I really enjoyed this poem and felt a connection to it. thanks Clarissa

Comment is about Row of Flowers (blog)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Sun 17th Feb 2008 19:07

Hello Lauretta

Strongly expressed frustration in a word form. You have a talent to show the reality in this world of craziness...The picture worth thousand words too.!

Admire your imagination and creativity.
Thank you...Zuzanna

Comment is about up yours (blog)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Sun 17th Feb 2008 19:01

Pete, this is your best I have read so far!
Beautifully written. Almost with tiny details of the new born arriving and yes you spoke his/her feelings of the experience seeing the new World behind the Wall.


Enjoyed the entire poem.
Thank you....Zuzanna

Comment is about the very first wall (blog)

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Val Cook

Sun 17th Feb 2008 16:30

Lovely poem. Pete. Thanks

Comment is about the very first wall (blog)

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Dave Morgan

Sun 17th Feb 2008 11:35

Check out Luke Wright of Aisle 16, he has a long running campaign to be next poet laureate, don't know what impression he's creating at Bucks House but his reviews are good. I always thought Tony Harrison should get it but I'd settle for RM.


Comment is about Poet Laureate? (blog)

Original item by Paul H Tubb

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carol falaki

Sun 17th Feb 2008 08:55

Its good to the start the day with a smile.
And this made me smile. A lovely thoughtful poem Pete.
I'm sure we do hold a memory of our birth.

The midwive's aura is a mix of hope fear and love. I hope to be at the birth of my fourth grandchild in May, I have fear because I want everything to be fine and I love the unborn child already.

Comment is about the very first wall (blog)

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carol falaki

Sun 17th Feb 2008 08:17

I love this and really really wish I could have written it, its got the lot.

Comment is about Elvis McGonagall (poet profile)

Original item by Elvis McGonagall

Pete Crompton

Fri 15th Feb 2008 20:04

this is great stuff.

I really love this part of 'in sleep'

On grubby skin
A bedpost leg
A rotten peg
A spring un-sprung
A mattress wrong
A sheet undone
A little one

when I read this selection of poems I was quickly taken in had to read all.

as Julien says, very tightly written, tricky thing to do.

original and bitter sweet
I see the influence of being a mid-wife, how this must open your eyes and spirit to sometimes the tragedy but more importantly the fantastic things in life

I think that a career as a mid wife must give you such a huge platform of experiences from which to draw some very emotionally writing.

I find myself intrigued and I don't know why, and I find that intriguing in itself.

I feel strange as I spent a while on a photo assignment in Billinge Maternity Hospital, and more recently Southport. I think I found the room in which I was born. The very first view, the very first wall upon which I gazed.

you have inspired me to go write a poem.
I have the urge and its always the emotion that drives me.

Your collection of poetry is inspiring.


Comment is about Carol Falaki (poet profile)

Original item by Carol Falaki

Helen Thomas

Fri 15th Feb 2008 13:24

Chloe Poems said:

"This book of young people's verse will have your sprogs agog with humour both cheeky and endearing. The right side of risky and just a little frisky 'We Are Poets!' promises mirth and learning from the offset."

Pat Longmuir said:

I got my copy in the post this morning and have hardly stopped smiling since. I've read it from cover to cover and love it!"

A Year 1 pupil from Holy Spirit School, Netherton said:
"I love your poems so much, I think you deserve a treat!"

And Ms Thomas said: Thanks for including my book in your news section - it's greatly appreciated which I hope you know already! Thank you.

You can also preview some of the poems at:

Comment is about We Are Poets! (article)

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carol falaki

Fri 15th Feb 2008 12:28

this is a lovely poem thanks Pete

Comment is about The easy rhyme of St valentine (blog)

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carol falaki

Fri 15th Feb 2008 12:18

I liked this poem, it was fun

Comment is about Val ate Mine (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

darren thomas

Fri 15th Feb 2008 12:00

Pete - you do this very,very well. The emotion and feeling is palpable (is that a word?). I've just listened to your poem 'jealousy' on your CD and marvelled at its delivery. Is there a hint of Gel 0 C in this one?

Comment is about The easy rhyme of St valentine (blog)

Pete Crompton

Fri 15th Feb 2008 10:05

Im not saying its wrong to have a book, just dont shove the cover in my face, ill find it my own way
thats what I meant

Comment is about I am book (blog)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Fri 15th Feb 2008 04:04

Hello Malpoet

Beautifully written Tribute poem to a sport hero.

To bad that the good ones die young.

Comment is about Best (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (4281)

Fri 15th Feb 2008 00:36

Hello Philip

I enjoyed reading your beautiful writings. All the poems are excellent! I regret we do not have the opportunity to hear the writer to read his/her poems on the stage… Most of these performances take place in Toronto or the cities near Cosmopolitan Toronto. Reading loud it is a great pleasure for the Author as well as for the Audience. Then you can also hear others read their work, which must be fabulous experience. Your romantic writes are the best; you know how to use humorous lines that catch the audience attention.
Thank you for reading my ‘Sentiments.’ I appreciate your comment.

Hope you had beautiful Valentine's Day...Zuzanna

Comment is about Phil Golding (poet profile)

Original item by Phil Golding

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Graham Eccles

Thu 14th Feb 2008 18:29

Phil, your words make me smile everytime
great poem, romance has to be funny, or its not worth it

Comment is about Val ate Mine (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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Val Cook

Thu 14th Feb 2008 17:34

You should write more often Dave. I enjoyed reading about your Long Good Friday.

Comment is about The Long Good Friday (blog)

Original item by Dave Morgan

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carol falaki

Thu 14th Feb 2008 16:20

Thanks Julian
Where's the Wirral ode show poets?

Comment is about Carol Falaki (poet profile)

Original item by Carol Falaki

<Deleted User>

Thu 14th Feb 2008 14:34

Hello My Gorgeous Abi,
Happy Valentines Day my darling - how are you? I miss you lots and lots and hope to see your beuatiful smile in the flesh very soon.
Love you my honey.

Comment is about Abi (poet profile)

Original item by Abi

<Deleted User>

Thu 14th Feb 2008 14:23

oops think that should read 20th - ah well Jim's a God of any century - interesting fact for you - do you know that they 'The Doors' got their name from a William Blake poem. ooh and I forgot to say The Poet and His Muse is absolutely beautiful - well done.

Comment is about Richard Brooks (poet profile)

Original item by Richard Brooks

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Julian (Admin)

Thu 14th Feb 2008 13:56

Carol, fantastic poetry. 'Unplanned. is very moving, tightly written, spare and compassionate.
'I found you' is almost a Haiku in encompassing so much detail in so few syllables.
If you are Wirrall based you might consider reading your stuff out loud at the wirrall Ode Show Poets. I am sure they would love to hear such lovely verse.

Comment is about Carol Falaki (poet profile)

Original item by Carol Falaki

<Deleted User> (5984)

Thu 14th Feb 2008 11:41

Enjoyed this poem Phil and also your performance at the Contact. Lovely.


Comment is about Val ate Mine (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (5984)

Thu 14th Feb 2008 11:38

I love this poem. It grabs you from the first line, the internal rhyme is delightful. A wonderful poem.


Comment is about God bless you, Dad (blog)

Original item by Belinda

Malcolm Saunders

Thu 14th Feb 2008 09:46

I am completely with you on that Dave. The long history of the Christian Brothers child abuse is a matter that I have addressed elsewhere. I am an atheist so I do not agree with any religion, but religion is not the whole of the problem either. The government of Sudan is a criminal regime which is engaged in genocidal murder in Darfur as well as many other atrocities. Although it makes claim to be an Islamic government, its real motives are much more complex than religious ones.

I am concerned that some people are reluctant to express criticism of terrible behaviour for fear of being thought 'Islamophobic' or racist. I am not racist nor am I opposed to Islam any more than any other religion.

Yeah, I am for rationalism and an end to religion, but I will rant rather than pray :-)

Comment is about Bear Facts (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (4281)

Thu 14th Feb 2008 04:54

Hello Lauretta

I must say, you did fantastic job on this write!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!
From Zuzanna

Comment is about steel tip toe (blog)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Thu 14th Feb 2008 04:50

Hello Belinda

Beautifully expressed love for your Papa. I like the Tribute. It is just on time for a Valentine's Day!! Thank you for sharing!

Happy Valentine's Day!!


Comment is about God bless you, Dad (blog)

Original item by Belinda

<Deleted User> (4281)

Thu 14th Feb 2008 04:45

Hi Malpoet

Beautiful poem about flowers and Nature.Miss the warm summer days. Your poem warmed my heart.
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Thank you....Zuzanna

Comment is about Baskets and Tubs (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (4281)

Thu 14th Feb 2008 04:42

HI, Philip

You are amazing with your creativity for the Valentine's Day!!
Great poem and lots of pictures to envision in your write. At times love is a strange thing.

Enjoyed reading your creative write!

Happy Valentine's ...Zuzanna

Comment is about Val ate Mine (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

Frances Macaulay Forde

Thu 14th Feb 2008 00:55

"Stuck Unsaid" is a new favourite which I've bookmarked. If ever you get yourself over to perth, Western Australia - I run a monthly Poetry event in the City and would love to have your perform your work!
I like your style!

Comment is about Louise Fazackerley (poet profile)

Original item by Louise Fazackerley

Frances Macaulay Forde

Thu 14th Feb 2008 00:52

I absolutely agree with Louise (above)!
Good stuff: this poem's like a good short film script - succinct with plotpoints 1, 2, 3 and a powerful punchline.

Comment is about Soul (article)

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