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clarissa mckone

Tue 4th Dec 2007 00:13

OK Malcom this is brilliant! I really liked the bear touch...did you mean to do it? As for the latest story of grace from such a hell, the teacher. poor lady, I wonder if the kids get beating's for naming it ? You know I really try to have an open mind, but the more I hear of them/that place, the more a massive pig blood drop sounds like the best idea. They should thank Allah everyday that Im not the president. I have known for years about these people, and they are so back ass ward, I get enraged! Great poem, got me pissed off!

Comment is about Bear Facts (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (4249)

Mon 3rd Dec 2007 23:07

Hello Lenford

I have just registered on the site and was drawn to yout poems.

I am looking forward to reading more.


Comment is about Lenford White (poet profile)

Original item by Lenford White

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Andy Sewina aka Danny Wise

Mon 3rd Dec 2007 00:48

Dolce Vita! Mia,
You really do have a nice way with words...

Comment is about Mia Darlone (poet profile)

Original item by Mia Darlone

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clarissa mckone

Mon 3rd Dec 2007 00:31

its nice

Comment is about The Fisherman's rest (blog)

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Dave Stannage

Sun 2nd Dec 2007 17:53

You had me going there Phil. While i was getting into the story I was just thinking that I must lead a very sober life.
I reckon you must have been brought up on Jack London.

Comment is about Winters Dice (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (7790)

Sun 2nd Dec 2007 15:06

Hello Daniel, poet of originality, vision and imagination -- I am really looking forward to the skype sessions.

Comment is about Daniel Hooks (poet profile)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

darren thomas

Sun 2nd Dec 2007 13:20

I put my hand in this tombola of poetic orthography and pulled out your ticket. How glad I am. 'Shadows' is a fantastic multi-layered piece. The last three lines are, and I use this word on very few occasions, brilliant.

Comment is about Frank Burton (poet profile)

Original item by Frank Burton

darren thomas

Sun 2nd Dec 2007 12:52

Yes, wonderful. This is very precise.

Comment is about Two Grandfathers (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (7790)

Sun 2nd Dec 2007 12:12

Deeply moving and touched on a bit of family history -- this week in Lincoln a recovered memorial tablet was re-dedicated in All Saints church after the original church, a methodist, was demolished to build a car park. The tablet turned up in a back garden, was restored by the finder, a Mr Hudson, who also did some research about the named soldiers, all members of the Lincolnshire Second Battalion. The first name on the tablet was that of my father's grandfather, a man who had died at the age of 40 in the trenches -- quite old for a soldier. My dad had never known how his grandfather had died and it seems he was over 6ft tall, not a good height for trench warfare, and he had his head blown off by a sniper. Shocking details even now. Your poem is very haunting and beautifully controlled -- the narrative balanced and yet so very shocking.

Comment is about Two Grandfathers (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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Andy Sewina aka Danny Wise

Sun 2nd Dec 2007 01:21

Hi Steve, not seen you for ages but I see you're still going strong!

Comment is about Steven Waling (poet profile)

Original item by Steven Waling

Pete Crompton

Sat 1st Dec 2007 15:51

wow this touching thanks!!!
Hi Sophie and Clarissa

Comment is about almost empty (blog)

darren thomas

Sat 1st Dec 2007 10:44

I may not be your 1000 visitor - just the man who has paid a thousand visits. Enjoyable poems Danny/Andy - Andy/Danny.
Like your stuff - bizarre and real. The two go together.

Comment is about Andy Sewina aka Danny A Wise (poet profile)

Original item by Andy Sewina aka Danny A Wise

<Deleted User> (4249)

Fri 30th Nov 2007 22:58

Excellent . . . . and fun

Tina B

Comment is about If I was… (article)

<Deleted User> (4249)

Fri 30th Nov 2007 22:50

WOW . . . . heartfelt and grief stricken. The loss is so sad and raw. I have just found the site and tonight is my first browse. Your words touched me.

Tina B

Comment is about That Primal Scream (article)

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clarissa mckone

Fri 30th Nov 2007 01:42

Hey malcom,
thanks so much for telling me about all this.Its illegal to do that here to, but that type seem to get away with it here.Oh the slipped disc was very well crafted, ha silly me I figured he was hurt.Ah yes the sub prime deals, the scum that came up with those deals should have to take the pain on that. interesting personal info, I was renting a home for 2 years, made all payments on time, the owners had refinanced the home, to cover credit card debt, they asked me if I would mind the house /rent doubling, I said hell yes! I told them look, I know you paid off your credit cards but thats not my problem, and Im not paying for your bad debt. A few monthes later they forclosed on the house, I had already moved out. very sad deals going on out there with the sub prime, many not responsible are being hurt by it. The real threat to yours and mine governments are the banks that deal with, I believe "world banks" im still looking into it. From what I can tell we/yall/us and a few other countries, really dont own anything and really dont elect anyone. A few elite banks run it all the main governments and control all "fake paper money" and hold all the gold hostage. ah yes mervyn King, is he the one Kings college is named after?

Comment is about Annie Versary (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (3847)

Thu 29th Nov 2007 21:18

Sorry for the delay -forgot my password. Thank you so much for your kind words. Sadly the poem isn't about me, or at least only in the sense that I am a woman. It's not intended to be about a perfect woman either, but is in response to seeing so many wonderful women getting a bit bogged down in the dull routine of life - kids, dishes, etc. So I wrote it in a deliberately grand celebratory style.
And yes, one of my classic typing errors, it should be taint me, saint me, paint me, and then it scans ; )
Best wishes

Comment is about Woman (article)

Malcolm Saunders

Thu 29th Nov 2007 16:34

Hi Clarissa

No. This is about Gordon Brown, British Prime Minister who took over from Tony Blair.

At the moment he is stumbling from crisis to crisis. His political party (The Labour Party) recieved about $1.3m from a supporter who gave the money in the names of other people. That is illegal under our system.

Recently a government department lost the personal and bank information of 25m people on 2 computer discs they put in the post without encription or security (two slipped discs).

'The Rock is Northern Rock, a bank which got into terrible financial problems from the sub prime crisis and the Government has lent it about $50billion and more to come, without much idea of how it will get the money back.

Watt was the General Secretary of the Labour Party who was forced to resign over the donations scandal.

Mendelsohn is the chief fund raiser for the Labour Party.

The reason the poem is called Annie Versary is a silly little joke. It was written on the 250th anniversary of the birth of William Blake the poet who wrote 'Tyger, tyger burning bright'. Blake was a radical and the 'tygers' in that poem were people who represented a threat to government of the time because they wanted a revolution like the one in France. I was parodying his poetic form to imply (quite falsely I'm afraid) that Gordon Brown should fear the public too.

By the way, Mervyn King is now the Governor of the Bank of England. Gordon Richardson retired some time ago.

Thanks for the enquiry and taking such an interest.

Comment is about Annie Versary (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Thu 29th Nov 2007 14:36

Malcom,is this about sir gordon richardson the goveronor of the bank of england?

Comment is about Annie Versary (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Thu 29th Nov 2007 02:49

Daniel, these poems of yours are very nice, love the poetry bomb esp!

Comment is about Daniel Hooks (poet profile)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

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Andy Sewina aka Danny Wise

Wed 28th Nov 2007 11:10

Come on then!
Who's going to be my one thousandth visitor?
If it's YOU!
Please leave a comment!
Thanks for visiting and don't forget to check my pub-poetry page SweetTalkingGuy..

Comment is about Andy Sewina aka Danny A Wise (poet profile)

Original item by Andy Sewina aka Danny A Wise

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clarissa mckone

Wed 28th Nov 2007 01:30

Malcom, Ill never forget that picture, I would love to see it again, just so it sticks in my mind for life. I felt sorry for them, still do to a point. great poem!

Comment is about Transition (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

Pete Crompton

Tue 27th Nov 2007 23:59

John, I only just got back from holoday. Limited internet access sorry matey! ok, can you bounce an email? cheers

Comment is about the souvenir hunter (blog)

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John Turner

Tue 27th Nov 2007 11:25

Peter. Your enthusiasm on the night was obviously alcohol inspired. I'm yet to receive an email from you.

Comment is about the souvenir hunter (blog)

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Gordon Zola

Tue 27th Nov 2007 09:19

Mama Mia, Your chello, brings music to my ears and other parts of the anatomy. Welcome to Write out Loud matey. Gordon Z

Comment is about Mia Darlone (poet profile)

Original item by Mia Darlone

Malcolm Saunders

Mon 26th Nov 2007 12:06

Thanks very much Clarissa. It is a controversial poem and people react to it in many different ways. I am glad that you enjoyed it.

Comment is about Malpoet (poet profile)

Original item by Malpoet

Malcolm Saunders

Mon 26th Nov 2007 12:05

I don't disagree with anything you say Clarissa. The public must be protected from violent criminals. I would not necessarily believe Williams in his claims of innocence of the murders or his conversion to the promotion of peace, but I am sure that killing him will not have helped anything.

I also think that the decision to execute was a cynical piece of politicking.

I don't claim to have solutions to these appalling situations. I just comment.

Comment is about Tookie Williams Died Today (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Mon 26th Nov 2007 04:46

Melissa, This is wonderful, and yes they do walk with us and at times we can feel them, its freaky! In dreams they do talk to us, I love the poem and the pic is wonderful. I have a small video a friend sent me of orbs, its awsome! Loved this poem really hit home with me. thanks

Comment is about Spirits Among Us (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Mon 26th Nov 2007 03:36

amazing great poems, enjoyed reading them

Comment is about Julie Boyle (poet profile)

Original item by Julie Boyle

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clarissa mckone

Mon 26th Nov 2007 03:28

this is very good, it was as if I was there finding this dead it a true story?

Comment is about the souvenir hunter (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Mon 26th Nov 2007 03:23

very good and very funny!

Comment is about Elvis McGonagall (poet profile)

Original item by Elvis McGonagall

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clarissa mckone

Mon 26th Nov 2007 02:54

I enjoyed so much reading your poems, It was as if being there and seeing it all, hearing it all and understanding so well the feelings involved. your poetry is wonderful thanks

Comment is about Kath Dodd (poet profile)

Original item by Kath Dodd

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clarissa mckone

Mon 26th Nov 2007 02:33

wow, very nice poems, thanks for posting them for us all to read.

Comment is about Paul Pyke (poet profile)

Original item by Paul Pyke

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clarissa mckone

Mon 26th Nov 2007 02:27

HI Lenford,
Your poems are very nice. I can tell from your poems that you really lost a special person. Im sorry for that, and hope that time helps. I know for me that reading and writting poems has helped me. take care

Comment is about Lenford White (poet profile)

Original item by Lenford White

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clarissa mckone

Sun 25th Nov 2007 21:03

Bravo on the poem Original Sin, its wonderful in every way and simply put...perfect! I enjoyed reading it very much.

Comment is about Malpoet (poet profile)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Sun 25th Nov 2007 18:12

great poem,I am against the death sentance, however these street thugs need to be stopped. Dont most of them "find god" after the fact. I feel mainly to save their hides.The history of gangs is very interesting. The crips and the bloods were some of the most violent american gangs of our time.I was once a wittnes to a mini riot between the Latin Kings ( the leader lived next door to me) and other gangs. These people had no respect for others or themselves, they ran drugs, prostitution,beat up and raped girls, smoked crack in broad daylight,exposed themselves etc...cops had no way of controling them, most of the time gangs have better guns then the cops.I once worked the night shift @ a 7-11, I have been robbed by gang members, I can assure you that the true scum come out at night to reign terror on inocent people. I quit that job as I never felt safe again and felt as if I needed to lock myself in the cooler, its a joke to say that you can call the cops here and feel safe. By the time you dial you are in a pool of blood on the ground.I lived in the "hood" as that was all I could afford at the time, I made my mind up to make friends with the rival gangs as I could not fight them, so for a time I was called (MOM) by the bloods and crips of my area.I think some can be saved from a life of crime. I feed them, let them stay with me when it was obviouse that their parents had no love or care for them. I engaged them in conversations and made them think, showed them that their were other ways to live. I saved 2 kids that I know of , took them off the streets and showed them love and that adults did care about them. some are beyond help tookie was one of them.The justice system is no good here, and the prisons are like a motel 6.Thi system needs reform, but as long as our government is in the business of making money from crime it will not. As long as the media continues to glorify crimes, it will not change.As long as the guilty can write books and make movies that glorify their wild wicked lives it will not change. As long as it takes 2 parents working at times 2 full times jobs, thus not being able to spend time with their children, this type of thug mentality will continue as the kids of these are looking at first for family, a place to belong. Its true that a power group of rich are behind most of this, caos and terror, begets bigger government, more laws, less rights, and nets the big boys more power /control/money. great job on the poem!

Comment is about Tookie Williams Died Today (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Sun 25th Nov 2007 00:01

as in the case of WW2 it did create peace, it was a declaired war, it was needed and other words not an act of agression/tresson/terrorist invasion.Why we have war? many reasons,the makers of bombs and guns need cash flow, cant keep people working and stock pile the stuff up to heaven, can we?So you would need to look closely at who benifites from war. Its not the people fighting the war, its not their parents,or the people next door.Its the investors, the board of directors, the high rolling machines on both side of any conflict that CASH in! You cant force others into having a government that they are against from the very core of their being, that being religion. unfortunate as it is religion has so many times been the problem and not the solution. History is ripe with bullys of faith killing in the name of peace and their god.I say let God deal with it, he/she can fight it alone. as a god it would win. no need of our help in this matter.If the invasion is for say oil, even thought we are not and have not recieved any and our prices continue to climb, and we have been acused of warring for oil. Then why is the war costing us so much cash? By God our great grandchildren will still be paying for this invasion. Did you know we as Americans just paid off the spanish american war? TRUE was a tax in out phone bills till a few months ago. I do believe that war may indeed be with us forever, however if we cant afford it, we need to have the guts to get out of it. I read last week that the troups are going to run out of food, no bill has been passed to keep the war going. I read that the act of going a wall is up 80%, our boys know whats going on and its time to put an end to this act of terror on forgien soil. Bravo on the poem got me going!

Comment is about Black and White (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Sat 24th Nov 2007 03:43

well I want a Celstial teapot, full of fables and romance, trips to the moon with singing baboons.I can do without the lies and biteing flies and the greed,the money lust in mens eyes. ah all the illusionist right before my eyes. great poem, full of feeling

Comment is about Dead Dog (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Sat 24th Nov 2007 03:35

HI Melissa,
Its a very nice poem, wisdom mixed with real life living courage...

Comment is about Building Blocks (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Sat 24th Nov 2007 03:32

YOU TELL THEM!! I dont understand why we even trade with such pigs...If I was the boss we sure would not. great poem!!

Comment is about In Praise of the Glorious House of Saud (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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Daniel Hooks

Fri 23rd Nov 2007 13:42

Thanks to paul for your comment I Hope I can catch it when it does come back.
And Clarissa I also like pen and paper better than sound recorders the poems that wake you up in the middle of the night are so loud they beg to be writtten!

Comment is about poem lost (blog)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

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Julian (Admin)

Fri 23rd Nov 2007 00:38

Hey Melissa
I love this poem, particularly the first 8 lines and from with each Tear... to ... nothing. I think it oculd even stop at that point and have said it all.

Excellent sentiments, well expressed, in my humble opinion.

Thank you

Comment is about Building Blocks (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Thu 22nd Nov 2007 19:54

hi daniel,
I have had those to, makes you crazy, they can be some of the best. I went out and got a mini tape recorder, seems to help at times. I am more comfortable with pen and paper.Oh the ones that wake you up...they are so loud! great poem thanks

Comment is about poem lost (blog)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

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Paul F Blackburn

Thu 22nd Nov 2007 19:19

Hey Daniel I think I may have seen your poem it floated past in the ether last night but I couldn't catch it. Maybe it's on it's way back to you

Comment is about poem lost (blog)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

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clarissa mckone

Thu 22nd Nov 2007 02:43

I love it...its naughty and wonderful! you have a wonderful talent

Comment is about Rosemary Dun (poet profile)

Original item by Rosemary Dun

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clarissa mckone

Thu 22nd Nov 2007 01:33

He looks like my grandpa...devil. I read about this guy....your poem says it all. good job!

Comment is about Black Smith (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Thu 22nd Nov 2007 01:31

aww poor mouse...

Comment is about Thomas (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Thu 22nd Nov 2007 01:31

wonderful poem/story...nature violent...just like us in a way. I have been camping many times in the mountains with snow, been hikeing loads of times, Im thankful never to have come across a bear. great one! thanks

Comment is about Winters Dice (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

Malcolm Saunders

Wed 21st Nov 2007 12:01

And little fleas have lesser fleas upon their back to bite them.

Yeah the quick shall not be spread.

Gospel according to Thomas.

Comment is about Thomas (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (7790)

Wed 21st Nov 2007 10:41

Alas poor mouse in that he hath pervaded the parlour with entrail and pith, and that Thomas hath rendered him unto distribution and mayhem.Oh may the Lord giveth forgiveness for the deed and show tenderness unto the once quick but now spread. May the rodent's relic be comforted.

Comment is about Thomas (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Wed 21st Nov 2007 01:40

LOL I could not believe it when I heard that... was so girl fighting, I know if it was me Id bite and it would be over. great poem, was a disgracful day in the world of boxing.

Comment is about Bite Night (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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