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<Deleted User> (4281)

Tue 18th Mar 2008 02:06

Hello, Philip

The poem sound magnificent!

""As starlight turns into daylight
He shows his vision for me
As daylight turns into starlight
He washes away life's mystery
As daylight turns into starlight
He washes away life's mystery""

Like a Gregorian Chant you have captured the mystery of life, spirituality, love, time...Etc...

Simply wonderful write!


Comment is about Starlight turns into Daylight (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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Paul F Blackburn

Mon 17th Mar 2008 21:48

Photos by Seamus Kelly

Comment is about Paul Blackburn at the Howcroft Inn, Bolton March 2008 (photo)

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Robert Black

Mon 17th Mar 2008 18:49

Clarissa, Mel and Darren - Many thanks for your supportive comments.
To Clarissa I say: It was a beautiful, unexpectedly sunny day and the poem describes a walk in the Derbyshire Dales.

To Mel I say: There is no greater gift I could give so I'm chuffed to bits that a little happiness was spread (the kitchen is a Welsh one BTW).

To Darren I say: I was pleased with the construction too - not unlike (how dare I compare!) Lennon & McCartney's "A Day in the Life" when they fused to songs into one. It does indeed have more than one layer...

Thanks again to all three of you :-) Robert

Comment is about Eggs, Eggs, Eggs (blog)

Original item by Robert William Black

Malcolm Saunders

Mon 17th Mar 2008 18:38

Hot cross donut

Comment is about Crusty (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

darren thomas

Mon 17th Mar 2008 12:53

Hi Phil - another great insight into your world with the whole cycle beginning again. Clever.

Comment is about Starlight turns into Daylight (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

darren thomas

Mon 17th Mar 2008 12:50

I have to agree Robert. This piece has a unique style and feel to it with, I suspect, more than one layer.

Comment is about Eggs, Eggs, Eggs (blog)

Original item by Robert William Black

darren thomas

Mon 17th Mar 2008 12:36


Comment is about Crusty (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (5984)

Mon 17th Mar 2008 10:44

Very funny Mr Malpoet

Comment is about Crusty (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (5984)

Mon 17th Mar 2008 10:43

Happy I was...after reading your poem. The sunshine shines through the lines.


Comment is about Eggs, Eggs, Eggs (blog)

Original item by Robert William Black

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clarissa mckone

Mon 17th Mar 2008 02:56

HI Malcom, Very good poem, felt like it could go on and on?! AS if I was reading a small part of a longer story. Great, loved it!

Comment is about Country Walk (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Mon 17th Mar 2008 02:51

HI Robert, This is very nice! Sounds like a great place too.I enjoyed it much!

Comment is about Eggs, Eggs, Eggs (blog)

Original item by Robert William Black

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Mia Darlone

Sun 16th Mar 2008 17:40

Blimey Phil, there's a whole book here! My favourite is still the one about Lorna - reminds me of when my sister's mate went to an 'anything but clothes' party wearing only turf.

See you at FREED UP

Secret agent Darlone

Comment is about Phil Golding (poet profile)

Original item by Phil Golding

darren thomas

Sat 15th Mar 2008 13:44

This a splendid piece Neil. There is no particular line that stands out, but i did enjoy the line "and the poem is the brains tide stretching". Great imagery.

Comment is about After reading a Huxley quote (blog)

Original item by Neil Francis Brooks

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Val Cook

Sat 15th Mar 2008 09:30

Thanks Gemma, yes I do feel more confident each time I read. Its down to the great atmosphere that is generated by so many talented poets like yourself. ;¬)

Comment is about Valerie Cook (poet profile)

Original item by Valerie Cook

David Roseaman

Fri 14th Mar 2008 19:45

so refreshing to read something so human that captures dark emotions

Comment is about Double negative (article)

Malcolm Saunders

Fri 14th Mar 2008 09:57

Thank you so much Shelley. You are very kind. By the way, I have posted a link to your Odd Sock Tree site on the Malpoetry Group on Facebook. Thanks for joining that too.

Comment is about Consciousness (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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Fri 14th Mar 2008 08:19

hey Malcolm

You're flow is great
I don't think I've read anything of yours I didn't really dig

Comment is about Consciousness (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

Malcolm Saunders

Thu 13th Mar 2008 16:20

Badmouth goodmouth.
Slurp sluts.

Comment is about Conjugal Writes (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

darren thomas

Thu 13th Mar 2008 15:26

Doubtful Thomas
Badmouth Sluts

Comment is about Conjugal Writes (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

Pete Crompton

Thu 13th Mar 2008 09:48

Thanks Matt.
the stories you tell, of those villages, horrific
I recall they made a documentary film about it - or at least one of the villages

horrible war

Comment is about Get it up for War (blog)

Malcolm Saunders

Wed 12th Mar 2008 16:12

Doubtful Thomas'
delirium tremens
Punched & Jaded
Dead good.

Comment is about Conjugal Writes (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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Daniel Hooks

Wed 12th Mar 2008 15:47

Another poem with beautiful flowing imagery!

Comment is about Magical poem (blog)

Original item by Neil Francis Brooks

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Daniel Hooks

Wed 12th Mar 2008 15:44

Simply Beautiful with all lines well written!

Comment is about After reading a Huxley quote (blog)

Original item by Neil Francis Brooks

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Paul F Blackburn

Wed 12th Mar 2008 13:04

Hopefully we'll be getting more and better photos from this event soon

Comment is about Lynda Morgan read at the Aids Awareness Event, Leeds University Feb 2008 (photo)

darren thomas

Wed 12th Mar 2008 11:09

If i object will that make me a transitive verb Malcolm?
"Now all my work will only be,
with adjectives and nouns".
Go on then. Let's see the wonderful Malpoet bereft of his auxilliaries!

Comment is about Conjugal Writes (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

Malcolm Saunders

Wed 12th Mar 2008 10:18

Hi Clarissa

I wrote this some time ago when a crazy religious cult called the Raelians claimed that they had cloned several human babies. They were most probably lying just to get some media coverage, but it did cause speculation in the press that some very rich old men might be making discreet enquiries to see if they could produce exact copies of themselves before they died.

The reason that I have posted it again now is that a company has started advertising that it will clone pet dogs for people who can't bear the thought of their loved pet no longer being with them. Cloning of mammals is now perfectly possible and as things like this pet replacement develops it is more and more likely that humans will be cloned.

It is nothing to fear. After all, identical twins are clones of each other, but those people who think that they can get some sort of immortality in this way are deluding themselves. that is part of the point I am making in the poem.

I am, of course, immortal because my great works will live on in cyberspace after I have eaten and drunk myself out of my abused body. ;-)

Comment is about Clone (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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Gemma Lees

Wed 12th Mar 2008 07:06

Thanks Val x Will you be putting some of your new poems on here? Your latest performances have been really powerful, brilliant, you'll be giving Mr Crompton a run for his money soon!

Comment is about Valerie Cook (poet profile)

Original item by Valerie Cook

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clarissa mckone

Wed 12th Mar 2008 03:00

HI Melissa, I loved the poem, so full of heart. I understand it very well, and could feel each word. do take care, yours Clarissa

Comment is about Living (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Wed 12th Mar 2008 02:58

HI Phil, this is wonderful, I could see it all!

Comment is about Did who run, run? (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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clarissa mckone

Wed 12th Mar 2008 02:55

Hi Malcom, this is interesting, what made you think of writing a poem about it?I thought of the poor cow today, very sad really.

Comment is about Clone (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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Philip Golding

Tue 11th Mar 2008 23:13

Zuzanna with this poem there is a strong element of truth, embroided with my imagionation.

It did happen whilst I was at college many moons ago and I was the mischeivous instigator, although my conspiators included girls.

Thank you


Comment is about Did who run, run? (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (4281)

Tue 11th Mar 2008 21:19

Hello Lady Valerie

Nice meeting you. I have enjoyed your Blog. Been traveling above your Country But I must missed the spot with the lovely trees and the gate. Traveling by plane not allows site seeing... Smile
It is great to hear from you about the participation in live reading of poetry. I miss that over here. Somehow Britain has more advanced programs and organized evenings for those Gigs...I wished to be there when that takes place. Thank you for sharing.

I love the gigantic trees on your lovely picture.

Warm Regards,

Comment is about My First Blog in Ages (blog)

Original item by Valerie Cook

<Deleted User> (4281)

Tue 11th Mar 2008 21:11

Hello Carol

There is a lot to be said about your inspiring poem.
First of all I love you characters from your write. The Pirate story is always fascinating!
It reminds of the times when someone has invented the hooks to be able to function with an amputee arm. The hooks till today have been in use. AMAZING!!

Thank you,

Comment is about Inspiration (blog)

Original item by Carol Falaki

<Deleted User> (4281)

Tue 11th Mar 2008 21:05

Hello Philip

Did you use your imagination, or this write is based on truth? I my opinion you are to kind for this behaviour…Well you would never be able to take a revenge on someone especially a girl. This was really fun poem to read. I could imagine this poor girl running and screaming from the class seeing you offering a piece of chocolate!!
You are mischievous too…This poem really made my day!


Thank you,

Comment is about Did who run, run? (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (4281)

Tue 11th Mar 2008 20:55

Dear Melissa

These sounds like an echo of my life; I know that I am almost repeating Philip words here. But this is exactly how I feel. Life was not meant to be easy. And it seems getting harder as each year progresses.
You have captivated the moments of reality in a very well written piece of poetry.

This Stanza """The ghost of me remains,
and it is still hard to live.
But I hear my dream's call,
and hope has touched me again."""

I hope this is only your imagination and creativity in this one. But truly sounds close to my home.

Warm Regards,

Comment is about Living (blog)

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Val Cook

Tue 11th Mar 2008 20:26

Hi Gemma
As always you blow me away,Love your poems love your accent.

Comment is about Gemma Lees (poet profile)

Original item by Gemma Lees

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Val Cook

Tue 11th Mar 2008 20:20

I enjoyed your "Octopus" Poem Carol. Wonder what it would be like to have all those arms. I would get through the house work in no time.

Comment is about Inspiration (blog)

Original item by Carol Falaki

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Val Cook

Tue 11th Mar 2008 20:11

Thanks Carol
I have just posted the Valentine Poem. "You are the One" And yes, "Bliss" is rather romantic too.

Comment is about Valerie Cook (poet profile)

Original item by Valerie Cook

darren thomas

Tue 11th Mar 2008 08:24

Hi Melissa - you posted an entry on my profile page which is don't really understand. Was it meant for me or as a reply to Philip's comments? Either way, I have read your work which I know is done to a very high standard. The style that you use is very intimate with words that appear smooth when the reader 'strokes their hand across them'.
Keep on writing and posting what you write - if you want a constructive critique (let's face it - none of us do - but it does improve our work) then let me know.

Comment is about Living (blog)

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Philip Golding

Tue 11th Mar 2008 05:10

This sentiment woven into your poem, hits home in so many ways, an echo of my own life. I wish I had written it.

Thanks for a great read


Comment is about Living (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Mon 10th Mar 2008 23:22

HI Carol, its very nice poem. Did you have to learn it in school? It would be fun to dress up as a pirate and read it out loud. wonderful thanks for sharing!

Comment is about Inspiration (blog)

Original item by Carol Falaki

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carol falaki

Mon 10th Mar 2008 22:03

Hi Val,
It must be 'Bliss' - your romantic poem - and very romantic it is too!

Comment is about Valerie Cook (poet profile)

Original item by Valerie Cook

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carol falaki

Mon 10th Mar 2008 22:00

Thanks Valerie,
The photo is lovely. I'm just off to see if your winning romantic poem is on your page

Comment is about My First Blog in Ages (blog)

Original item by Valerie Cook

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carol falaki

Mon 10th Mar 2008 21:57

Comment is about My First Blog in Ages (blog)

Original item by Valerie Cook

<Deleted User> (4281)

Sat 8th Mar 2008 20:49

Good Day Philip

Thank you so much for your time to read my poems. I want you to know that your comments mean a lot to me. Every word has its value in comments. I do believe that commenting gives the Author a feedback and the desire to write more, as it is very motivating knowing that there are people out there who enjoy read poetry. You have a great talent in writing. Your feelings are very real and true.

Thanks again,

Comment is about Phil Golding (poet profile)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (4281)

Sat 8th Mar 2008 20:29

Hello, Philip

Beautifully etched poem, romance rekindled. After many years still very much alive, it shows in your writing. You are very passionate writer. The love you described so well. These moments spent with your Soul Mate, it seems like a teenage love again.
Fantastic poetry here- really enjoyed reading!


Thank you,

Comment is about Jennifer My Love (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (4281)

Sat 8th Mar 2008 20:17

Good Day, Philip

This write is masterfully written - it absorbs the reader attention to the very end. Your imagination is of a Genius'. Thank you for the great read. It is a beautiful story and sad at the same time. This is happening often in reality. I had a friend who went through exact thing in his life except it was him having the cancer. Apparently he survived after the operation but also his wife took him back knowing what he went through (They had 3 boys) - I was very happy for him that the situation has resolved in his relationship in a positive way.


Thank you,

Comment is about My Silver Rose (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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clarissa mckone

Sat 8th Mar 2008 20:05

HI Phil
This is such a nice poem! Great work Thanks

Comment is about Jennifer My Love (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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Philip Golding

Sat 8th Mar 2008 04:13

Clarissa I am sorry, but I got you.

My wife is happily asleep fit and well. In fact we are off on holiday on the 21st to the USA. Me, my creative juices are flowing.

One more to come yet before I sleep

Thank you for you kind words

Comment is about My Silver Rose (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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clarissa mckone

Sat 8th Mar 2008 02:30

Wow phil, this is so tragic and so sad. If there is any truth well..God is Interesting and life is so interesting. that we know of its just this one life. I sure hope its more. This poem reached in and grabbed my heart. I hope that if its real, that things get better. if its not real well you got me, it felt real! take care Clarissa

Comment is about My Silver Rose (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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