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Paul F Blackburn

Fri 28th Mar 2008 00:05

He's not throwing up, but bowing submissively to the ghost of the Old Boars Head

Comment is about Freda Robinson at the Old Boar's Head, Middleton March 2008 (photo)

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Dave Morgan

Thu 27th Mar 2008 23:59

Is that bald chap just throwing up or is he trying to do a Hank Bukowski? We demand an answer.

Comment is about Freda Robinson at the Old Boar's Head, Middleton March 2008 (photo)

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Darren Whitehead

Thu 27th Mar 2008 17:28

Damn! That bald man is sexy!
Damn! That bald man is me!

Comment is about Darren Whitehead at the Howcroft Inn, Bolton March 2008 (photo)

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Tony Walsh

Wed 26th Mar 2008 17:35

Cheers Dave. Nice to see you there. The better photos are used with kind permission of official photographer Bernie O'Brien.

Yeah, i was a bit nervous about this one but ended up really enjoying it. Mcr Irish Festival is one of the biggest in the world. It meant a lot to me (would have loved my mum and dad to be able to be there) and there were at least 500 people rammed into the magnificent Great Hall of Manchester Town Hall - couple of hundred stood at the back. Despite pacing round nervously for a couple of hours beforehand, muttering my 2 poems to myself, I managed to leave the longest 5 seconds of my life between two lines but managed to recover - not sure if anyone noticed besides my wife!!

Can I just point out that I took no part in the later debauchery to which Mr Morgan refers. I neither singed nor signed any part of Dave's anatomy! I adjourned to the Contact Theatre to mingle following the Apples and Snakes event with Polarbear et al.



Comment is about Tony Walsh at Manchester Irish Festival Launch 2008 (photo)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Wed 26th Mar 2008 17:11

Great reflection of what happened that night in Paris. I will never understand why those two had to die-because of the pursuit of the paparazzi. They chased them every place they went. The poem says volume and there is some mystery behind as well. Thank you for the sad but truth-spoken poetry.


Comment is about Death in Paris (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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Paul F Blackburn

Wed 26th Mar 2008 09:34

Photos by Gemma O'Neill with more to come from Seamus when he gets back off Holiday

Comment is about Freda Robinson at the Old Boar's Head, Middleton March 2008 (photo)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Tue 25th Mar 2008 20:53

Hello to You!

Sad life for a young man. He must of been ill minded for some reason. I guess he deserved to die, although it is not up to me to judge.


McVeigh was born in Lockport, New York, and raised in nearby Pendleton, New York. He was the middle child of three, and the only male child. He earned his high school diploma from Starpoint Central High School. His parents, Mildred Noreen ("Mickey") Hill and William McVeigh, divorced when he was 10. His parents were of Irish and German origin. McVeigh was known throughout his life as a loner; his only known affiliations were voter registration with the Republican Party when he lived in New York, and a membership in the National Rifle Association while in the military.

Thank you,

Comment is about Death (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (4281)

Mon 24th Mar 2008 21:53

Hello Dear Belinda

Thought provoking poem; So many issues just with one word” INDEPENDENT" Well this word is a broad spectrum word to be used. Some like independence and some do no not!

I believe it is a matter of choice which direction an individual takes. Life in general requires being INDEPENDENCE...Again; I can go on and on this one… We had to teach independence our clients who lost the privilege due illness or accidents.

Kind Regards,

Comment is about Independent (blog)

Original item by Belinda

<Deleted User> (4281)

Mon 24th Mar 2008 21:42

Hello, Malpoet

The write is EXCELLENT!!
You have touched so much truth & issues that apply to the entire World. It is the Liberty that shall be respected…The Statue represent FREEDOM…Where is it?
And you used a lot of important substance in your write...All makes perfect sense. Thought provoking poem... Thank you.


Comment is about Dear George (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

Pete Crompton

Mon 24th Mar 2008 21:19

hmm I think the link is faulty, it seems to put wol as a prefix??

I put them on the site for now (

Comment is about 2 new audio poems (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Mon 24th Mar 2008 18:58

HI Malcom, this is a cool poem. You know, when 911 happened, I was at home watching it, before I went to work. Then I watched the economy start to crumble.I saw the videos of Mr Moore, Im like you, I dont know about him and Im sure I dont agree with all in the film.Im all so sure I dont agree with all the "war". From my view we have become terrorists, by engageing in this war, and not declairing it in the senate, per the constitution. The prision camps are an abomination, with parts of the bill of rights, suspended, it makes for no justice. I have been active in the political arena, and found that nothing can/will get done. I have written my congress and others, to get no answer, I have signed petition after pettition, to have nothing change. as I have stated before Im a libertairian, that has infiltrated the republican party. I can tell you its one bunch of bull shit after another. If I owned the media, or if I was a lobbiest, then I would be given time as I would be paying my elected officials to listen to me. However they already get a fine wage for doing nothing. I believe we are in need of a march on Washington, a possible revolution is around the corner.They tell us McCain is winner of republican party and all delegates, however we have flooded the party, they have no clue just how many are NON McCain, and are pro Libertairian.I dont know what will happen.I know the media lies.I know we will have to go public at some point, that we have taken over the republican party.Great poem man!!! Keep writting, at some point I may not be able to say anything, just to save my family.I hate to think of my country in that way, but I have no trust for it/them.Take care Malcom, remember your government is my government.Not much difference in the 2.

Comment is about Dear George (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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ian leslie

Mon 24th Mar 2008 15:26

Hi pal, seen you a couple of times and really enjoyed your performances. Finally plucked up the courage to submit. Hope all is good, Ian.

Comment is about Gordon Zola (poet profile)

Original item by Gordon Zola

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ian leslie

Mon 24th Mar 2008 15:21

Wow, great stuff.

Comment is about Mia Darlone (poet profile)

Original item by Mia Darlone

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clarissa mckone

Sun 23rd Mar 2008 17:27

Hi malcom, nice little poem. Daffodils are one of my top 10 fav flowers.They are in bloom here.

Comment is about Daffodils (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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Belinda Johnston

Sun 23rd Mar 2008 09:30

Thank you very much David, Mel and Clarissa for your comments. You're all quite right about the character and a mimi story. I sat down for quite some time and thought about the person that influenced this poem. It's like they became part of me, and I was feeling there pain, emotion.

It can be a lonely existence in this world sometimes eh?

Comment is about Independent (blog)

Original item by Belinda

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clarissa mckone

Sun 23rd Mar 2008 05:45

Hi Belinda, this is very nice, I could see it as if its a mini movie. How those words ring in my head and heart. take care

Comment is about Independent (blog)

Original item by Belinda

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clarissa mckone

Sun 23rd Mar 2008 05:38

Im sure they are great! I cant get them to work on my PC, cant hear the 2 of them but can hear others.I always liked mixed grill, to read, so Im sure you do it well.As for being in love with kate Bush, cant hear it or understand it, but then, its the PC thing.

Comment is about 2 new audio poems (blog)

Pete Crompton

Sun 23rd Mar 2008 01:18

MEL! Thanks wow you always help me along with my writing with your reviews!

Dave you aint got the monopoly on age boy! :-)

Comment is about growing up (blog)

Pete Crompton

Sun 23rd Mar 2008 01:09

really good point Clarissa! it makes sense in a crazy way, too put that mad music over all the killing. the killing was stupid in the first place. to underline it with this just extends the lunacy. it is all part of the same self re inforcing club. like jinkies hangin out only with junkies. it all seems fine if you share the same delusion.

Comment is about Please help me to glorify war (blog)

Pete Crompton

Sun 23rd Mar 2008 01:07

thanks Clarissa for all your comments. You always take time to read my work and its great to see what you think. Blind faith is difficult. yes. Im more a pagan I think.

Comment is about our own silence (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Sun 23rd Mar 2008 00:10

Hi Peter, very nice poem! Can you imagin being God? Having to hear all at the same time billions of people asking things? I cant, would not want the job.You cant test God. You either have faith, or you dont. Church is not required.Answers come when God can answer and you can hear.Dont you know the answers at times, to the questions you ask?I remember we talked about this before, and you never said what you believe.Blind faith is at best difficult.I have had answers, as I told you. I have seen things, that some would say was of heaven. I dont know, others would say I was crazy, but I know what I saw, and how it made me feel. To not be on drugs or drunk and have visions...well I dont know. Loved the poem. Happy Easter..Psss its a pagan holiday, the way most all churches do it.

Comment is about our own silence (blog)

Pete Crompton

Sat 22nd Mar 2008 22:25

thanks, Ive found it. So you took it Paul, great work.

Comment is about the picture of David and Lynda (blog)

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Paul F Blackburn

Sat 22nd Mar 2008 21:28

Hi Pete
I took the photo at WOL's first Poetry Picnic at Entwistle in July 2007, you can find it at

Comment is about the picture of David and Lynda (blog)

<Deleted User> (5984)

Sat 22nd Mar 2008 20:16

Lovely poem, beautiful Belle. Its' really interseting the way you have got into the head of the character. It is a very thought provoking poem.


Comment is about Independent (blog)

Original item by Belinda

<Deleted User> (5984)

Sat 22nd Mar 2008 20:07

A lovely poem Peter. I liked the nursey rhyme influence, it works. A dark poem, but with a glimmer of optimism at the end.

I die
I'm born


Comment is about growing up (blog)

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Dave Morgan

Sat 22nd Mar 2008 19:16

I'm sorry Mal, they don't look that saggy to me, not that I'm an expert or even fussy
One shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth,
or even think of ignoring a playful pussy.

Comment is about Cyprus (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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Dave Morgan

Sat 22nd Mar 2008 19:07

I've told you before, young Peter, stop writing poems about me.

Comment is about growing up (blog)

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Dave Morgan

Sat 22nd Mar 2008 19:05

Love this Belinda, says so much in so few words, tells a story, my weakness, a film within a poem, great.

Comment is about Independent (blog)

Original item by Belinda

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Dave Morgan

Sat 22nd Mar 2008 19:01

I have to say I was asked to move aside so that one of those photos could be taken, how's that for a brush with fame. TW was excellent as ever, and as far as I remember so was the Guinness and the Janesons. The evening only marred by some nouveau riche notions of topping it with flaming sambuccas in the Tiger Lounge which almost led to conflagration, immolation and singed testicles.

Comment is about Tony Walsh at Manchester Irish Festival Launch 2008 (photo)

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clarissa mckone

Fri 21st Mar 2008 01:43

Hi Neil,
I enjoyed reading this poem and thinking about being a cloud and looking down.I think you have done very well with your poem.

Comment is about Eyes of the clouds (blog)

Original item by Neil Francis Brooks

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clarissa mckone

Fri 21st Mar 2008 01:39

HI Neil, I really enjoyed reading this poem and thinking about the words used.I like the poem, its deep and makes us think.I kinda think that some times in life, may need silence, no words can make some times any better.Voids in life, wow, yeah Im sure I have had them. thanks

Comment is about As the night begins to dream (blog)

Original item by Neil Francis Brooks

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clarissa mckone

Fri 21st Mar 2008 01:32

HI Daniel,
I really like this poem. I think most people are a bit mad, in one way or another.Some of the most sane, have been crazy at times. I know for some its a chemical imbalance. For others its a bad day/week/month/year.I know I have totally lost it at times,no imbalance, I guess I can blame hormones, mine were out of whack for years and IM sure some thought I was really crazy. Ha at times I think Im crazy, but its just life, the ups and downs of it all. My fav movie line "Life is like a roller coaster"I try very hard to be and stay positive, for self and others. Hope your well, TC Clarissa

Comment is about walking talking contradiction (blog)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

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clarissa mckone

Thu 20th Mar 2008 23:30

HI Peter, This is very nice.

Comment is about growing up (blog)

Malcolm Saunders

Thu 20th Mar 2008 14:18

Thank you Robert.

The glimpses were moments when he would be working on a bike he was putting together for me from scrap parts that we had collected and he would introduce me to a knowledge of engineering (e.g. the nature of metal fatigue in aircraft and unexpected failures resulting from it) that I couldn't imagine where or how he had acquired it. Other times he would make an incubator for his chicken and turkey eggs from a light bulb, some recovered glass from an old shed and a thermometer. He never really communicated though.

Comment is about Dad (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (4519)

Thu 20th Mar 2008 12:33

Fantastic descriptive.

Comment is about Double negative (article)

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Robert Black

Thu 20th Mar 2008 11:18

Absolutely great...and painful to read at the same time. It reeks of "true".
I regret that you didn't expand on what the "glimpses of an intillegence" might have been exemplified by, but that is just being greedy.
Thanks for sharing this.

Comment is about Dad (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

Malcolm Saunders

Thu 20th Mar 2008 09:53

The fat, hairy beer filled bellies hanging over, and completely concealing, swimwear bought decades before was an even more awful sight than the wrinkled, gravity defeated, mammaries, but writing about myself would be too egotistical.

Comment is about Cyprus (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

Malcolm Saunders

Thu 20th Mar 2008 09:50

Best by far. Most too gruesome to leave the sand :-)

Comment is about Cyprus (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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Robert Black

Thu 20th Mar 2008 08:16

Hi Sophie,
What a lovely, warm response to my poem. Thanks a lot - it is a great feeling to know that one's words can warm others don't you think? All of the people in the poem exist - the "chicken man" was such an irrepresibly cheery chap and sooooo proud of his chickens! (His wife, who we only heard from inside the house, made it clear that she was a bit less in love with them!).

Thanks again.

Comment is about Robert William Black (poet profile)

Original item by Robert William Black

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Philip Golding

Thu 20th Mar 2008 03:13

Hi Clarissa
Yes my Jen does receive these poems. I started writing the odd poem 25 years ago, when we went a courting. Married 23 years this year.

Thank you fot your comments

Comment is about We will dance ‘til Winters end (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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clarissa mckone

Thu 20th Mar 2008 02:59

HI Malcom, LOL to funny! I have noticed that.Was she the best they had to offer to look at? hahaha its great!

Comment is about Cyprus (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Thu 20th Mar 2008 02:57

HI Melissa, This is wonderful! It is such a needed message for all to read. I once wrote one with similar message, how ever more hidden and cryptic, almost sounded as if I was on acid...LOL and thats a never.I could never post it. I could never say it in a beautuful and "normal" way. As you have done!! Wonderful, and I hope your doing ok. TC Clarissa

Comment is about Wet Soil Beneath My Hand (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Thu 20th Mar 2008 02:54

HI Phil,
This is great! I sure hope you give these to your wife. You write such nice poems and storys.

Comment is about We will dance ‘til Winters end (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (4235)

Wed 19th Mar 2008 18:15

Thank you, Phil for your comment. Life is never easy, but I like to think we draw our inspirations and creativity from the challenges that we face.

Take care. :)


Comment is about Phil Golding (poet profile)

Original item by Phil Golding

darren thomas

Wed 19th Mar 2008 13:18

Hi Neal - what I enjoy about your work is the imagery that you use. It is superb. This, together with your technique of 'showing' the reader and not 'telling' makes for a two way experience between you, as the writer, and me as a reader.
You may want to consider correcting the inclusion of possessive apostrophes where they're not needed (it's wings - it's worth - it's feathers). While I accept that this does not jarr with some readers, it does with others and can be distracting. A truly great piece though. Well done.

Comment is about Eyes of the clouds (blog)

Original item by Neil Francis Brooks

<Deleted User> (4519)

Wed 19th Mar 2008 09:36

You go Phil! Your personal poetry is helps me to understand a little of what you're going through.

Comment is about Richer, tomorrow (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (4519)

Wed 19th Mar 2008 05:19

Souls Cry... Beautiful, beautiful poem Cheri.

Comment is about Riddlewoman (poet profile)

Original item by Riddlewoman

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Philip Golding

Tue 18th Mar 2008 15:08

Hiya Mia, thanks for your comment onn my page.

You have a natural talent to both write and perform commedic poetry, a rare gift. Long may it continue.

Drop me your email add so I can send you a couple of my poems, talked about after the last Green Tee gig

Talk soon

Comment is about Mia Darlone (poet profile)

Original item by Mia Darlone

<Deleted User> (4519)

Tue 18th Mar 2008 10:09

I'm so glad that you are channeling the negative stuff from your P.D. into wonderful poetry! Well done!

Comment is about Phil Golding (poet profile)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (4281)

Tue 18th Mar 2008 02:13

HI, Philip

Tapestry of love life and a poet imagination; All of that I found in your write.
The poem sounds wonderful.

“”Ropes of velvet were being thrown over my heart, which purred
My love was being captured by you, could I or did I want to resist? “”

Gentle yet powerful like a thunderbolt.
Great poem!

Thank you,

Comment is about Ropes of Velvet (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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