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Gemma Lees

Wed 16th Apr 2008 20:54

Hi, thanks for the kind words!

I really like Big Eyes Blinking Blankly, it's incredibly powerful.

Gem :)

Comment is about Tomás Ó Cárthaigh (poet profile)

Original item by Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

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Dai Miles

Wed 16th Apr 2008 19:41

hey, clarissa. Sorry I'm so late in replying... I'm getting lost around here! Anyways.. thanks.. it's nice to be different!

Comment is about Dai Miles (poet profile)

Original item by Dai Miles

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Louise Fazackerley

Wed 16th Apr 2008 18:43

i got gooseflesh. well done.

Comment is about Only Child (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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Julian (Admin)

Wed 16th Apr 2008 06:57

I agree with George: simple, perfect.
The writer's implied sadness touches me as I read: doesn't cling any more; cooler hand; she'll have her own varnish...
all point to the writer's anticipation of, what? rejection, increase in loneliness with the increase in her child's independence.
The wave goodbye is a wonderful touch, great imagery. raw, honest, well crafted and - sorry Tomás - better for not rhyming. I say this because I feel the raw honesty would be lost if Helen had tried to force it to rhyme.
This poem could not be 'better'; it just is.
Lovely choice, Sally.

Comment is about Letting-Go (article)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Tue 15th Apr 2008 19:04

Hello, Tomas

You are doing great translating from one language to another. I was not aware of Ireland having own Language...Interesting!


Zuzanna Musial

Comment is about Poems in the Irish Language with English Translations (blog)

Original item by Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

Malcolm Saunders

Tue 15th Apr 2008 16:32

Thanks Helen and Mel

Thoughts of Bordeaux with Wolers.

This is genuinely about the level of my French, but it is not my behaviour. I would not have had the courage to approach any of the French ladies or to have faced the beating up I would have got when I came home. I just settled for vast quantities of alcohol and lascivious thoughts.

Comment is about L'Amour Franglais (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (5984)

Tue 15th Apr 2008 15:04

If this poem were would be intoxicating.



Comment is about Surrender No 5 (blog)

Original item by Shelley Ann Dwornik

<Deleted User> (5984)

Tue 15th Apr 2008 15:00

I second Helen's comments. It is a very, very funny poem. where do you get your inspiration.

A fantastic poem.


Comment is about L'Amour Franglais (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Tue 15th Apr 2008 02:18

HI Mr Brooks, I loved this poem, so smart of you ! How much do you want for the pen? Try not to worry about what others think of your writting, I keep telling my self the same thing.I have a bad case of writters block at this time. So good job and let me know how much that pen is? LOL

Comment is about READ THIS!: Unique Pen for sale to all Poets (blog)

Original item by Richard Brooks

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Paul F Blackburn

Mon 14th Apr 2008 20:31

Dear Mr Brooks,
I certainly wouldn't send round heavies to steal your shoes because I've seen your shoes - lol.
I wouldn't pen-a-lise you either as we've encountered this very problem before and I'll send you a note on how to deal with it.

In the mean time try not to worry, always remember a pen's got a very limited intelligence even though it is mightier then the sword...I shouldn't have said that should I? Oh dear...

Comment is about READ THIS!: Unique Pen for sale to all Poets (blog)

Original item by Richard Brooks

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Richard Brooks

Mon 14th Apr 2008 19:54

very deep poem. Its the worst thing to deal with when family are in the hospital, its the only place we want to be because we want to be there for them yet at the same time its the last place we want to be. Best wishes

Comment is about Hospital (blog)

Tony Kinsella

Mon 14th Apr 2008 13:24

Just wanted to point out that, in order for the record to be rigorous and difficult to beat, we want to recruit poets who have already performed at least one gig in front of an audience and who will be performing their own original work.
Tony Kinsella

Comment is about How Many Poets Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb? (article)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Mon 14th Apr 2008 08:00

Hello, Philip

I think you already got all the answers to your own problem with your health. Your wisdom has been enormous! This stanza has all the answers.

***I may not be able to hear as well as you
but how many of you actually try and listen
I may not be able to see as well as you
but how many of you actually use that vision
I may not be able to be as steady on my feet as you
but how many of you get drunk, stagger home and or drive
I may not have the same physical strength as you
but how many of you actually use their strengths
I may not have the same beliefs and values as you
but how many so you have the courage and conviction***

Well written- research like poem.


Comment is about Danger of Societies Shackles? (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (4281)

Mon 14th Apr 2008 07:52

Hello, Philip

The poem explains a lot of your sorrow for the unwanted health issue. Just keep positive thinking and take your medicine God will help you to cope with this. Just to assure you that you are not alone with this. Yes, you are young, but with this slow illness, you have many years ahead of you if properly monitored. I worked with patients in the hospital for over 22 years. You have lots to offer to the family and the World as long as you take good care of you. Perhaps monitoring your food and taking good care every day will help. Writing is good therapy as well. Keep up the fabulous work!!


Comment is about Word Trigger Memory Churn (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (4281)

Mon 14th Apr 2008 07:45

Hello, Graham

What an excellent write you created here!
The metamorphosis in each line- well implemented.
I wonder how you would like as being one of the pebbles on the mountain. This is lovely.

Your imagination is very impressive and great poem.

Thank you,

Comment is about pebble (blog)

Original item by Graham Eccles

<Deleted User> (4281)

Mon 14th Apr 2008 07:41

Hello, Phil

Your poem has been written with all the deep feelings and the fear of who you will become when the illness progresses. There is good medicine out there to slow the process. You are doing great, Fight for the best in your life.
Be strong. Your family loves you. Your sons love you the way you are. Trust me on that!

I went trough very difficult time in my life with family health so I am speaking of my own experience. Just think of those who lived up to 80 plus and affected by this illness. I love your poem so much. You wrote this extremely well.

"""Then I say be dammed with all my Parkinsonism
I have a lot to offer and by God the world will get it"""
Do your best and God will do the rest!

The wrapping is self assuring and very powerful.
With my best wishes always;

Thank you,

Comment is about It’s not just me (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (4281)

Mon 14th Apr 2008 07:28

Hello, Antonio

I am sorry that you have a family health issues. You have captured the very essence of the hospital scenarios in your Sonnet.
I hope your loved ones will be fine. I understand that health is the most important in life. This is what I found always very stressful when someone gets ill. You wrote this in a very peaceful manner. The Sonnet is great!

Wish for your parents the best of health.

Kind Regards,

Comment is about Hospital (blog)

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David Franks

Sun 13th Apr 2008 10:55

Thanks, Tomas - that introductory poem/experience was really the catalyst for my whole collection; and I've just enjoyed a visit to your profile.

Comment is about David Franks: Walkabouts Verse (poet profile)

Original item by David Franks: Walkabouts Verse

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David Franks

Sun 13th Apr 2008 10:16

Thanks for your visit, Tomas, and, in turn, I do like your meaningful traditional metre-and-rhyme; also great to see verses in Irish as I love the world being multicultural.

Comment is about Tomás Ó Cárthaigh (poet profile)

Original item by Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

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Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

Sun 13th Apr 2008 02:19

Loved your "Bobbing and Peering" poem, a great commentary on the scene is given. My poem "For Sale: A Soul and a Body, Whole" is on a similar vein.

Comment is about Malpoet (poet profile)

Original item by Malpoet

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Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

Sun 13th Apr 2008 02:10

Checking out your site to read more of your work, love your imagery... you should try rhyme a little, no?

Comment is about Jude Fowler (poet profile)

Original item by Jude Fowler

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Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

Sun 13th Apr 2008 02:08

Poems to motivate cats? Should make interesting reading...

Comment is about Rachel Pantechnicon (poet profile)

Original item by Rachel Pantechnicon

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Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

Sun 13th Apr 2008 01:56

I dont know how I came across your work before, but I did, and on finding you a second time, your work is all the more refreshing!!!

Comment is about Elvis McGonagall (poet profile)

Original item by Elvis McGonagall

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Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

Sun 13th Apr 2008 01:50

Eerie poem, reminds me of a holocaust poem where a man reached into a pot of boining meat and grabbed some to eat it only to find out it was human flesh being boiled down after e in thpost mortems at one of the camps.... scary stuff.

I loved the message in the poem, no matter what anyone does to you, they cannot keep you silent. Should be a motto for all of us.

Comment is about Monica S. Kuebler (poet profile)

Original item by Monica S. Kuebler

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Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

Sun 13th Apr 2008 01:40

I loved the Pen poem!!! Fantastic!!!

Comment is about David Franks: Walkabouts Verse (poet profile)

Original item by David Franks: Walkabouts Verse

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Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

Sun 13th Apr 2008 01:38

Wow, the "Hearts Triumphant Cry" shows how divorce -(or wodowhood???) made you one happy lady!!!

Comment is about Valerie Cook (poet profile)

Original item by Valerie Cook

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Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

Sun 13th Apr 2008 01:36

I loved the Grandma poem.

Comment is about Gemma Lees (poet profile)

Original item by Gemma Lees

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Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

Sun 13th Apr 2008 01:14

So, do you love her or hate her in "Robots Built the Moon"? Its a complex piece displayed as being lighthearted: I really enjoyed it reguardless!!!

Comment is about Steve O'Connor (poet profile)

Original item by Steve O'Connor

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Dai Miles

Fri 11th Apr 2008 22:55

Hi, again, Clarissa! Sorry I spelled your name wrong first time. My keyboard is wonky.

Comment is about We've got Your Favourite for Tea (blog)

Original item by Dai Miles

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Robert Black

Fri 11th Apr 2008 09:04

I loved this Shelley Ann - made me grin! The last verse contains a universal truth...:-)

Comment is about Surrender No 5 (blog)

Original item by Shelley Ann Dwornik

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Fri 11th Apr 2008 08:46

hya tomas,
your stuff aint old fashioned its cool....diverse too.
the island is lovely..where did you stay?
shelley d

Comment is about Tomás Ó Cárthaigh (poet profile)

Original item by Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

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Philip Golding

Fri 11th Apr 2008 02:35

Hi Mia

Here is that email as promised. Let me know how you get on.

Lainey McLean <


Comment is about Mia Darlone (poet profile)

Original item by Mia Darlone

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carol falaki

Thu 10th Apr 2008 22:04

Hi Phil your poems are interesting and varied, Thank you

Comment is about Phil Golding (poet profile)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (4281)

Thu 10th Apr 2008 07:13

Hello, Richard

Your poem is wonderful. Any subject you can easily tackle with such delight. I loved this sad but real poem as this incurable disease has affected so many people. If not caught on time the days usually numbered.
I hope it is only your imagination Thank you for sharing!

Great Write,

Comment is about Dying Poet (blog)

Original item by Richard Brooks

<Deleted User> (4281)

Thu 10th Apr 2008 07:03

Hello, Richard - I agree with both Poets before me it is sad painful and the question is why it happens to some people. What is the cause of such illness? Your poem flows so well.
Excellent write!

Warm Regards,

Comment is about Exzema (blog)

Original item by Richard Brooks

<Deleted User> (4281)

Thu 10th Apr 2008 06:55

Wow!! Antonio
Another Sonnet of your pen …Really well done!
It is lovely. Life captured as its happening every day. The pure description of our weaknesses and how well are being hidden. You have woven this so well. In addition, there is thought provoking sonnet as well. The only thing I noticed that the picture have been loaded sided so I needed to tilt my head to see what is it there...Smile :)

Thank you for sharing.

Comment is about Sonnet 583 (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Thu 10th Apr 2008 04:14

very nice richard!

Comment is about Coat Of Arms (To Kym) (blog)

Original item by Richard Brooks

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clarissa mckone

Thu 10th Apr 2008 04:13

HI Richard, its so painful to read about it. I have seen such bad cases of it, the pain and itch of it all. I read once its due to an internal imbalance, not sure how ture that is. good poem!

Comment is about Exzema (blog)

Original item by Richard Brooks

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clarissa mckone

Thu 10th Apr 2008 04:09

Hi Richard, This is a nice poem, almost card like in places. Im reading the history of cancer at this time. history wise its not card like at all, in the past it seems as close to hell as one would want to get. thanks and good poem

Comment is about Dying Poet (blog)

Original item by Richard Brooks

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Tony Walsh

Wed 9th Apr 2008 21:38

This was a wonderful trip at the invitation of The British Council, Poland as part of their "Faces and Places: New British Writing" programme. More at

The event had full professional PR and someone called Tonym Walshem was featured on around 20 Polish websites!

The venue was the groovy Cafe Kulturalna located in the incredible if controversial Stalinist monument The Palace of Science and Culture.

The official photos are now online at

The event was the 5th anniversary of slam poetry in Poland as organised by the good people at

Poets had travelled from all over Poland and 250+ people were crammed into the smoky room, many sitting cross legged right at the poets' feet. The energy was excellent - transcending the language barrier.

I did two different 20 minute sets between slam rounds and, despite nerves and language issues, they were pretty well received. “Tony is a versatile performer, who proves that there is no such thing as language barrier in poetry” Wojciech Cichon, The British Council and slam poet at

Huge thanks to Wojciech and all at the British Council, to Warsaw slam master Grzegorz Bruszewski who looked after me so well
, to Bohdan Piasecki the excellent compere and slam founder and to everyone who made me so welcome. I hope to come back someday!

Na zdrowie!

Comment is about Tony Walsh guests at 5th Anniversary Slam, Warsaw, Poland (photo)

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Dai Miles

Wed 9th Apr 2008 20:33

Hi, Anton. Thanks for commenting.

Comment is about A Special Client (blog)

Original item by Dai Miles

<Deleted User>

Tue 8th Apr 2008 15:40

What a great poem - you must look up Cayn White - I think you guys would have a lot in common.
Sorry hun I've forgotten the title but your 'love' poem is it 'love sickness' is wonderful very sexy. Great stuff. Good luck with your work.

Comment is about A Train of Thought (blog)

Original item by Jordan

<Deleted User>

Tue 8th Apr 2008 15:32

Hey honey,
Thanks for your reply - you are very welcome you have a truly beautiful way with words and such a light touch and intense flourish, keep at it sweet.
lots of love.

Comment is about Richard Brooks (poet profile)

Original item by Richard Brooks

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Steve OConnor

Tue 8th Apr 2008 08:54


Cheers for the comment. It's been a while since I've had absinthe, but next time the opportunity arises I'll give you a shout if you're up for it!


Comment is about London Writers Cafe (group profile)

Original item by London Writers Cafe

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Steve OConnor

Tue 8th Apr 2008 08:49


I like it. Some of the words I don't understand, and it doesn't rhyme, but I like it.


Comment is about Warsaw (blog)

Original item by Tony Walsh aka Longfella

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Steve OConnor

Tue 8th Apr 2008 08:33


It's fantastic that you're going to Japan. What an adventure!

Having said that, you're not excused from posting on this site or attending Freed Up!

Have a brilliant time. Take care.


Comment is about Ja Mata, Domo Arigato (blog)

Original item by Belinda

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clarissa mckone

Tue 8th Apr 2008 03:28

HI Belinda,
I think its wonderful that you are going to Japan. Im sure it will be different. I have a friend that once taught english there and in china.They are different, but very polite, and I hear it is wonderful and so pretty there. Do email us and keep us posted. Im always happy to be an email pen pal. take care and I hope you have a camera, I bet the pics could be wonderful!!!! XX clarissa

Comment is about Ja Mata, Domo Arigato (blog)

Original item by Belinda

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clarissa mckone

Tue 8th Apr 2008 03:24

HI Antonio, Poor tree, what a bummer it was cut down and in spring time too ! I sure hope that there are trees in heaven and worms and lady bugs.I dont know what its like there, all we can go on is what the bible says, believe or not. Its up to each person. It was nice to have you document the tree and its life cut short. thanks

Comment is about Dead tree (blog)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Tue 8th Apr 2008 02:32

Viva, Antonio !

The writing certainly provides a lot of thought provoking lines. Well, I am not sure if the trees and warms will be in Heaven . I hope so -There shall be more beautiful then here.

Great write! ! !

Thank you,

Comment is about Dead tree (blog)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Tue 8th Apr 2008 02:27

Hello, Belinda


What a wonderful news!!
I am sure the culture will be a little shocking by for teaching English I suppose this would be wonderful opportunity. I use to host Japanese students. They are very respectful of others.


Best Wishes,

Comment is about Ja Mata, Domo Arigato (blog)

Original item by Belinda

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