Pete Crompton
Sat 22nd Dec 2007 14:03
thanks! Zu Zu! andClarissa and Kev!
Comment is about So long since I laughed (blog)
This is such a treasure of a poem! Do you think she would come back if she knew?You old softy, but then I have always know this about you.I wonder if all men are the same, in this way?I know I have done the same thing. great poem and a wonderful show of the soft side that you try to hide.
Comment is about one thing in particular (blog)
This is a very true poem! Men for their own sake need to express emotion.If you bottle it and shake it up and try and keep a top on it, it will expolde. great poem peter
Comment is about mans sober state (blog)
<Deleted User> (4281)
Fri 21st Dec 2007 21:33
Dave~ Excellent and very creative write!
"They all came for good reasons,
seeking comfort and solace in the grounds of the dead.
Drinking spirits or laying flowers, readers of poetry,
and the loners with mental disorders."
I have learned that many great writers in the past had Bi-Polar Disorder and they were brilliant writers!! Your poem has a lot of creativity. Great Imagination!...Zuzanna
Comment is about The Key (blog)
Original item by Dave Stannage
<Deleted User> (4281)
Fri 21st Dec 2007 18:13
"Up in the morning
creaking and yawning
hungover and feeling
half dead.
I lurch down the stairs
full of worries and cares
and so fat I could
only lumber."
I can see this in picture so well!..Zuzanna
Comment is about Weight Loss (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
<Deleted User> (4281)
Fri 21st Dec 2007 18:04
You had truly vivid imagination in this one!
I think, I will stick to my old customs...No drinking! ..Smile...Zuzanna
Comment is about The True Story of Christmas (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
Kevin Connolly
Fri 21st Dec 2007 13:48
That's what makes Christrmas great.
there's nothing better than settling down at 1pm to watch the Queen's speech on the radio, while drinking a few mince pies and eating more than enough glasses of sherry to turn Santa herself anorexic.
Thanks for sorting out my confusion there, Malcolm. And in case I rofget to say it, Happy Easter.
Comment is about The True Story of Christmas (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
Thanks Zuzanna!
Comment is about words tattoo my soul and quotations (blog)
Original item by Daniel Hooks
<Deleted User> (4281)
Fri 21st Dec 2007 03:15
Interesting how you have captured the politics versa reality in this write.
"At uni they were marching
behind banners red and proud.
They proclaimed the fight for freedom
and they puffed the weed in clouds."
We want FREEDOM for ALL, but the FREEDOM is hard to come by...Great poem!...Zuzanna
Comment is about Triumphant Banners (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
I cant say why as I dont understand it, excet that is a great poem but your poem called Transgender Museum touches me so. It could be the Mom in me the protector of children. Im not sure but I really like that poem. Happy holidays to you!
Comment is about Bubo (poet profile)
Original item by Bubo
Kevin Connolly
Thu 20th Dec 2007 21:50
Too true. Santa should take more care with his list. I know he's not infallible, as he once gave me a DVD recorder instead of the MP3 player I asked for.
Exellent poem, Paul.
Comment is about Christmas time (blog)
Original item by Paul H Tubb
Kevin Connolly
Thu 20th Dec 2007 21:45
Another competition gem, Malcolm.
It's just as well it wasn't South Korea, or they'd be chawing on another sort of dog entirely.
Eating competitions rock! Although the world pie-eating championship is now based on how quick the contestants can eat one pie, instead of how many they can eat (PC gone mad).
Why do I keep thinking of Sergeant Bilko??
Comment is about World Hot Dog Eating Championship 2007 (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
Kevin Connolly
Thu 20th Dec 2007 21:35
The lady puffed
patiently, persistently
she puffed with Grace
until Grace expired, (lol)
but still,
the lady puffed.
From Pole position
the wizened leader
extracted his smouldering
glow from every
tobacco strand
in his perfect pipe
then dimmed to nothingness
and the lady puffed.
This poem sums up the art of perseverance. Never give up, and you can become the champion too.
Excellent, Malcolm.
Comment is about World Pipe Smoking Championship (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
Kevin Connolly
Thu 20th Dec 2007 21:26
Well the poems are a bit cheeky,
but not really obscene.
Maybe they misunderstood.
I know I talk about death a lot,
but I don't kill people do I?
I don't tell others to kill people.
I know, it's that hatred thing isn't it?
Because I took the piss out of religion a bit.
It wasn't bad.
A few bits of fake Latin and the odd
giggle at crazy clerics.
Not that bad is it?
If they locked people up for writing offensive poetry, I would be on Death Row.
No less damning than the carbon
was my water footprint.
The oozing pools of sweat
they extracted from my socks
told them of midnight sprinklers
and deep baths.
Joseph K ... shades of Franz Kafka.
Deep stuff, Malcolm.
Comment is about Guilty (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
Kevin Connolly
Thu 20th Dec 2007 21:00
I have a good friend in New Mexico, Malcolm, and it is exactly as you've described it!
It's a pity they were wrong about December 15th. Maybe they'll get it right one day, eh?
Great stuff.
Comment is about Desert Scorn (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
Cheers Dave - I've stopped sulking now, it went so badly it's actually quite funny! If it's fancy dress then I'll do it again (I've got a robin outfit made out of teddy bear fur - it even has a fur balaclava with built-in beak. It's most excellent).
Merry Christmas to ya.
Comment is about London Writers Cafe (group profile)
Original item by London Writers Cafe
Malcolm Saunders
Thu 20th Dec 2007 13:50
Thanks everybody. I came to Belfast for a week in the early seventies and it was not a pretty sight. A year or two a go my wife and I spent three weeks touring Ireland north and south. Belfast, Dublin and the rest of the island were all charming, lively and welcoming.
Thirty years ago I heard twisted garbage from all sides when the 'troubles' were interpreted through a range of different bigotries and hatreds. Let us hope that the prospects of growing peace and prosperity are not knocked off course by new objects of contempt. Passionate Irish peopple have a capacity for great art, love and creativity. When they choose to be negative, they can be vile. Here's to a positive future, building on a pleasant present.
Comment is about Agadir (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
Malcolm Saunders
Thu 20th Dec 2007 13:38
All my bubbles made a curly wave,
Now Wayne Bent has emptied Elvis' grave,
Oh, I believe in yesterdave.
I'm not half the man I used to be,
They shot me in the Old Town street you see,
Oh, yesterdave came suddenly.
Why we
Had to go I don't know, we didn't pay.
I saw,
Some thin thong, now I long for yesterdave.
Spotty doge are so much fun to play,
Now I need a place to hide away,
Oh, I just heave in yesterdave's.
Why we
Had to go I don't know, now we must pay.
I read,
Something strong, now I mourn in yesterdave.
A UFO came and took their minds away
Now Branson flies them if they want to pay
The clowns all live in yesterdaves.
With apologies to the Bugs.
Sorry your Messiahship Michael Trevasser. Put a Bent word in for me with your Father when he gets his watch fixed.
Comment is about Desert Scorn (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
<Deleted User> (7790)
Thu 20th Dec 2007 12:24
I shot the sheriff but I did not shoot his secretary. Oh my, Toto, this doesn't look like Kansas. Hello Dave. What are you doing, Dave? Richard Branson -- flying monkeys! What's she gonna look like with a chimney on her? Bang on the button again, Mr Malpoet!
Comment is about Desert Scorn (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
Malcom, as always you teach me new things! I loved the story/poem you do such great poems! thanks
Comment is about Agadir (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
Kevin Connolly
Wed 19th Dec 2007 20:39
Tearing earth ripped a hard
working fishing town apart.
and in the scar grew sunbeds.
I am totally in awe of those lines, Malcolm. My own hometown is now a thriving hub for tourists, but in the dark days we never heard a foreign accent. And some people here actually despise them for coming here in peace time... as if they should be ashamed of themselves for not coming while we were killing one another.
Comment is about Agadir (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
Kevin Connolly
Wed 19th Dec 2007 19:58
Had he been able to write, Tony Hancock could have written this.
Or me, another sad clown.
Good stuff, Pete.
Comment is about So long since I laughed (blog)
<Deleted User> (4281)
Wed 19th Dec 2007 17:29
Daniel! Great write! Lots of creative thinking in this write. Loved the metamorphosis you have implemented in your write!!
"Words tattoo my soul
Everything I have ever written is who I am
They are a better representation of myself.
Than this fragile body,
than my words spoken,
Which are the things you want to hear me say
they are the token things I say everyday
I choose the words I write carefully
With anger love pain and poise
These words are my choice
Between actor and person
My voice comes from my poems
They are not just noise they speak for me.
The same skin as me "
GREAT WORK!!...Zuzanna
Comment is about words tattoo my soul and quotations (blog)
Original item by Daniel Hooks
<Deleted User> (4281)
Wed 19th Dec 2007 17:25
Well written winter poem, sounds like in Canada...Cold icicles hanging from the roof too and the prints in the snow too...Smile... Loved you cute muse...Zuzanna
Comment is about Winter (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
<Deleted User> (4281)
Wed 19th Dec 2007 17:21
Hello Malpoet, nice meeting you...I like the write and how you described the tragic situation in AGADIR. This is perhaps based on reality. Sad as it is, that some places are being touched by terrible disasters...Your poem shows that very well. Great write, however very sad....Thank you...Zuzanna
Comment is about Agadir (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
<Deleted User> (4281)
Wed 19th Dec 2007 17:08
Good thought in your writing! Not sure if only Poland would be the Champion in smoking in that matter as I found Europe in general people are heavy smokers there. When traveling through European country I was basically chocked by the smokers...Smile I wished the people responsible for the Health -doctors should do something about that! You brought good point in your write. Smoking shall be banned.
Thank you...Zuzanna
Comment is about World Pipe Smoking Championship (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
Hello Kevin
Thank you for your kind words on this poem. I am really pleased you enjoyed it.
This poem was written by drawing together all the variuos stands contained in societties ratrace. It is sad to think that the contents within this piece of work actually exists in our world.
Getting feedback like this gies me a real buzz.
Thank you once again and have a Merry Christmas.
Comment is about Remember me at Christmas Time (blog)
Original item by Phil Golding
Hi Clarissa, The story contained in this poem is an observational commenton the layers of our society. I actually wrote it at our local baths, whilst my son was having a great time with his mates in the water, sitting in the small cafe area.
I havent read any news of this type of life endured my so many. When i read it I feel blessed, yet sad for those left behind in this rat race we call society.
Thanks for you comments on this piece
Have a wonderful Christmas
Comment is about Remember me at Christmas Time (blog)
Original item by Phil Golding
Thank you or your feed back. Yes its annoying that Dads are almost always right. With some of my poetry I try to put myself in ficticiuos situatons.
Really pleased you liked it
Have a lovely Christmas
Comment is about 2 X Girls = Don't (blog)
Original item by Phil Golding
Malcolm Saunders
Wed 19th Dec 2007 10:29
Malcolm Saunders
Wed 19th Dec 2007 09:47
Thanks Kevin. Yes, like a merket or the internet it did sort of write itself to begin with, but then I revised it and shortened it. Yet another case of meddling that may have made things worse rather than better. ;-)
Comment is about Simply Organic (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
<Deleted User> (4281)
Wed 19th Dec 2007 02:53
Hello Pete,
Nice meeting you and thank you for the warm welcome, Kevin is my friend too. He emailed me about this lovely site. Pleased to meet you and all the other Poets and Poetess as well. ---Now let’s go to the business. You’re "So Long since I have laughed" poem - prompts sympathy for you… But reading it further I came to realize that it was just a muse...Great write. It is important to have a good laughter. Day with out of a good laugh it is a lost day. I am sure you are aware of that! Thank you for sharing your art in writing...Zuzanna
Comment is about So long since I laughed (blog)
Malcom, she has nice legs! so true the streets can take a nice person and change them into such a sad person.
Comment is about Adventure (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
Bubo, this is wonderful!
Comment is about I Think I Love You More Than Chocolate (blog)
Original item by Bubo
hum I felt this way a few times, its a nice poem.
Comment is about So long since I laughed (blog)
Hi Bubo, I remember an owel with your name! I like your poems they flow very well and you have a great talent or a wonderful muse!
Comment is about Bubo (poet profile)
Original item by Bubo
If its enough to say that I like it, then good! I feel like I understand it, seems to be a longing for more and a fear at the same time,so much of this in life. Its a nice poem, if this is real feelings say the words, it helps at times to speak!
Comment is about Arthur Matthew (poet profile)
Original item by Arthur Matthew
You know it does not have to be this way. ah its my day off, I had a wonderful christmas party I have a had a few drinks, putting the tree up. life is good for the most part xx me
Comment is about Microwave Michael (blog)
<Deleted User> (4281)
Tue 18th Dec 2007 23:02
I think it is excellent write! You have used a lot of creativity in your poem. It does paint a nice picture for me. Awesome write Daniel....Great work!
Comment is about Disturbia (blog)
Original item by Daniel Hooks
Kevin Connolly
Tue 18th Dec 2007 22:04
Night time creatures come out to play
moonlight fear has its way,
owls howl,
wolves growl,
I am glad it’s over I hate the dark
But when shadows fall
and the cold moon glows bright
it will happen again in the night
I thought this was Lon Chaney Jr fearing the full moon, when he would turn into the wolf man...
waiting for the sun to rise
I’ll have to wait for the deathly haze to lift
and my loneliness not to disappear but to shift
away in the sun lit day.
I prefer the dark to the sunlight, but I can appreciate fear of the dark.
I like the 'loneliness not to disappear, but to shift' line. Even the sun is no comfort when you're all alone.
Good poem, Daniel.
Comment is about Disturbia (blog)
Original item by Daniel Hooks
Kevin Connolly
Tue 18th Dec 2007 19:37
Curled fingers hold wire
Baskets fold handles
By tills
Choices, instant vitamin pills
Sunday roasts
The atrocious toasts
And the ills of
frozen gravy lazy
chicken ready meal for one
mounted upon
Solid state and silicon
A white Platter
To the vendor
It does not matter
That he is lonely
Michael has embraced
The furious pace
Of the modern man
And his vacant housewife
Lives only in imagination
Yet is real in desire
Like traditional cooking
And coal fires
No time in the modern age
A missing ring 3rd finger
Clinks bars an imaginary cage
become prisoners
Yet there is no escape
From the bland
4 minute wonder
The mini meal cellophane lid
Is torn,
seeps steam when born
a soggy frown
and a palette worn out
by chemicals
yet sharp for the taste
of something real.
- It's amazing the crap we eat nowadays. If it's frozen and it can be microwaved in a couple of minutes, that's our Sunday lunch. Whatever happened to traditional values?
John Cooper Clarke couldn't have written this better, Pete. Wonderful poetry.
Comment is about Microwave Michael (blog)
Kevin Connolly
Tue 18th Dec 2007 19:31
20 million giga watts of fancy stringy fairy lights
desperately clinging on to slipping tile suburbia
while impoverished consumers
fight for a slice of the action
in Asda
global warming heat me up
an idiot made power gobbling
Xmas tree lights.
killed a million farm fed feathered friends
and asked we turn the oven down
A rat race bus fuss top piled up tv shite
wintered spray snow delights
of piped rock and roll Xmas tunes
in every god forsaken bauble room
from the unemployed
to the silver spoon
don’t pretend your having fun
let the office party blood run
when the beer boy office joker
spills his cock hard intentions
all over her dress
and wrecks the spotted specs
of the director whom when sober name checks
a god
and when pissed envies his wallet wad
and calls him every name under the sun
I'm sure we can all see ourselves in there somewhere.
The office party often leads to nightmares until Easter.
You have suc a way with words, Pete. Yet another gem.
Comment is about in the name of xmas (blog)
Kevin Connolly
Tue 18th Dec 2007 19:25
"You see this lovely fifty note.
I'll roll it nice and tight.
Just sniff the line of powder.
Life will be alright."
"Good evening Miss. Who is this man
whose car you'e leaning in?
You're the lady in the court last week
soliciting again."
"He's just a friend." she slurs
and cries. "A friend that's all. I swear."
"You'll know his name then won't you luv.
And know his wife as well."
"OK, OK. Just take me in.
As you will always do.
Take my money and send me back
to pay for gear, my pimp and you."
Lofty ambitions can so easily turn into a road to perdition. This poem would be a great Christmas present for Amy Winehouse.
An excellent flow and a brilliant poem, Malcolm.
Comment is about Adventure (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
Kevin Connolly
Tue 18th Dec 2007 19:15
A little fatal flaw
I think I love you
More than chocolate
More than those lyrics
In that song you remiss,
Perhaps more than yawning seas
Or buttercup sun’s artery,
Or the softness of God’s breeze
More than mythology, theology or
More than life’s mysteries
Position me wisely
I’ve not far to fall.
The very title of this poem would bring the house down at a poetry recital, Bubo. Now that's what I call true love.
Brilliant stuff.
Comment is about I Think I Love You More Than Chocolate (blog)
Original item by Bubo
Kevin Connolly
Tue 18th Dec 2007 19:12
I’m not going to roar at seagulls
Scavenging left over pickings
As they flap
Unsettling silence in the air,
Don’t really see me
When careless eyes stare.
Is there an Oliver
In all of us
Asking for more
Palms out flat
Weight of the world on our backs?
Smooth all my worry lines
Smooth my laughter lines
Lift my breasts so they sit just right,
Mold my world
While my toes curl
And Prozac hour arrives
As we develop our swallowing reflex
Guzzling a gallon of God’s water
To wash away the pain
Flood your cosmetic pores
But can’t quite numb the brain,
As I whisper in the mirror
“I don’t think so”
Today, leave me alone.
- This poem would be the star piece at any recital. The words just rolled off my tongue as I read it.
You will go far, Bubo!
Comment is about Bubo (poet profile)
Original item by Bubo
Kevin Connolly
Tue 18th Dec 2007 19:07
I pull you into the future
You pull me beyond
I am the adult
I should be strong,
But I’m lying between a sandwich
Of right and wrong
My loss, my son,
Stretching my configurations
Staunch and stem
To a society that will bend
Allow us to blend
In a museum of transgenders.
Judge not my child
For she came from God
And I,
I her mother
Shall be the road she is standing on
As I journey into her eyes,
Cradle the tears
Bind the ties,
I shall be the society
That shall accept
As we follow the path down
Grappling to stay in control,
But losing a foothold
On her precious soul.
- A mother's love is a blessing. You write absolutely sublime poetry, Bubo. I won't pretend I understand it all - some of it is way above my head: as all great poetry should be.
Comment is about Bubo (poet profile)
Original item by Bubo
Kevin Connolly
Tue 18th Dec 2007 19:02
Call me damaged, call me strange
I am not this woman you claim,
But for you
Perhaps I could spread my legs
Take out those dead
In your imagination
You’re ever possessiveness that you are blinded
By me,
Think of me
While she waits for the exorcism of your hate.
Good ole catholic boy
Judge me, judge my heart
Splintering glass across years of suffocation
Until light of lies will shine past
Alone you will stand, calling yourself a man
Amongst debris and disease,
That you call your life.
You're following in the footsteps of Seamus Heaney - only a brave poet would dare to do that. Fantastic!
Comment is about Bubo (poet profile)
Original item by Bubo
<Deleted User> (4281)
Tue 18th Dec 2007 17:22
Bubo - This is great write. Lots of metamorphosis in your romantic write. I loved the entire muse. Your creativity shines! 'I Think I Love You More Then Chocolate'...Really great poem...Thank you...Zuzanna
Comment is about I Think I Love You More Than Chocolate (blog)
Original item by Bubo
Pete Crompton
Sat 22nd Dec 2007 14:04
Hi Clarissa, Thanks you write so many poems!
I cant keep up!
Its best to wait till the feeling comes like you
Comment is about mans sober state (blog)