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Nigel Astell

Mon 27th Jun 2022 10:48

Thanks for your likes
John B
Stephen G
Stephen A

Comment is about Maybe I'm Amazed (blog)

Original item by Nigel Astell

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John Coopey

Mon 27th Jun 2022 10:30

Just seen this, Stephen, as we are on hols. Quality as always.

Comment is about The Wrong America (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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John Coopey

Mon 27th Jun 2022 10:26

Nearly missed this one,Kev, as we are on hols. Are you giving it a go at the next Well Spoken?

Comment is about Saint Rigobert's Graveyard (Grimstone Low) (blog)

Original item by kJ Walker

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John Botterill

Mon 27th Jun 2022 08:59

The odds do seem to favour those who show no care for others, Clare. Fine poem!

Comment is about Why? (blog)

Original item by Clare

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John Coopey

Sun 26th Jun 2022 23:03

Thanks, MC.

Comment is about BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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John Botterill

Sun 26th Jun 2022 22:57

Thanks for your lovely comment, Stephen G. I realise I am becoming obsessive haha. Thanks Stephen A for your like. πŸ˜€

Comment is about Whose words are they, anyway? (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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Stephen Atkinson

Sun 26th Jun 2022 22:19

A thought provoking piece, Clare 🌈

Comment is about Why? (blog)

Original item by Clare

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Stephen Atkinson

Sun 26th Jun 2022 22:04

Superb πŸ˜†

Comment is about Saint Rigobert's Graveyard (Grimstone Low) (blog)

Original item by kJ Walker

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 26th Jun 2022 17:20

Tremendous, Adam.

Comment is about This Better Be Good (blog)

Original item by Adam Whitworth

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 26th Jun 2022 17:13

Thank you for letting us in to the fascinating relationship with your grandson, John. The way you describe every twist and turn is lovely.

Comment is about Whose words are they, anyway? (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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Sun 26th Jun 2022 17:09

thank you for your comment!!! means alot! x

Comment is about Brenda Wells (poet profile)

Original item by Brenda Wells

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 26th Jun 2022 17:00

Nice pay off, KJ. I reckon a tenner might have done it.

Comment is about Saint Rigobert's Graveyard (Grimstone Low) (blog)

Original item by kJ Walker

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 26th Jun 2022 16:53

My thanks to Greg, John, Rose, Stephen and Patricia and Leon for the kind comments.

It's so sad to see this wonderful civilisation of the inventive, eccentric and the sublime descend into a mean-spirited and inhumane theocracy, interspersed with, as you say Greg, daily killing sprees. It's not just that these happen, but that the system is rigged to ensure that there is no majority for doing anything about it.

Many thanks to Nigel, Frederick, Graham, KJ, Julie, Holden, Brenda, K Lynn and Bethany.

Comment is about The Wrong America (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 26th Jun 2022 14:58

Much appreciation to all who took the trouble to "like" this piece
of whimsy.

Comment is about CHANGES (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 26th Jun 2022 14:52

There are some events that can seem beyond parody but they
seem to happen with increasing frequency nowadays. I do like
the repeated request...doomed, of course, to failure.

Comment is about I Demand to See the Manager (blog)

Original item by Steve White

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 26th Jun 2022 14:43

Feels like the "pay-off" to a performance on stage. If this had
come from one of those "Beat" poets back in the day, it would've
been eulogised fervently. 😎

Comment is about BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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John Botterill

Sun 26th Jun 2022 14:41

Thanks for the likes Holden, Bethany, KJ,, Julie and Frederick πŸ˜€

Comment is about Whose words are they, anyway? (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

<Deleted User> (33719)

Sun 26th Jun 2022 11:13

Beautifully painted with poetry!

Comment is about Dancing Diamonds (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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Dominic James

Sun 26th Jun 2022 09:10

Thanks for kind words folks, it is familiar territory. Maybe next week: the dentist. Maybe not!

Comment is about Minch Surgery last Monday (blog)

Original item by Dominic James

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Brenda Wells

Sun 26th Jun 2022 07:45

Love 'mossy eyes and woolen hands'.
Altogether a really soft and feeling piece.

Comment is about girls and their nonsense. (blog)

Original item by Nadia Coia

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Brenda Wells

Sun 26th Jun 2022 07:35

Thank you Stephen, that's very kind.

Comment is about Walking In The Wonder Of Midsummer Day (blog)

Original item by Brenda Wells

<Deleted User> (9882)

Sun 26th Jun 2022 05:54

Accurately entertaining Mr G! love it!

RC πŸ’‹

Comment is about The Wrong America (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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Nigel Astell

Sun 26th Jun 2022 02:40

Your poetry unlocks
love no longer waits
your poetry unlocks
heart must be open.

Comment is about Breakthrough (blog)

Original item by Sunshine

Holden Moncrieff

Sun 26th Jun 2022 02:39

Thank you so much for your kind comments, Stephen and John, they mean a lot! 😎😊

Comment is about Clarion Call (blog)

Original item by Holden Moncrieff

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Greg Freeman

Sun 26th Jun 2022 01:35

Superbly crafted poem, Steve, that encapsulates our changing attitude towards America. From the land of the free, to the land of the killing spree.

Comment is about The Wrong America (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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Greg Freeman

Sun 26th Jun 2022 01:28

Great poem, Dom. And I certainly know that feeling ...

Comment is about Minch Surgery last Monday (blog)

Original item by Dominic James

<Deleted User> (33000)

Sat 25th Jun 2022 22:50

Excellent poem Dominic.

We've not only been,
but are still there wearing the same t-shirts coming out of the same cinema, carrying the same dog-eared book.

A very much enjoyed read,. despite the crumbling content! πŸ˜„

P & L

Comment is about Minch Surgery last Monday (blog)

Original item by Dominic James

<Deleted User> (33000)

Sat 25th Jun 2022 22:36

Great piece Stephen, we love it!

P & L.

Comment is about The Wrong America (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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Stephen Atkinson

Sat 25th Jun 2022 21:56


Comment is about The Wrong America (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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kJ Walker

Sat 25th Jun 2022 20:00

Thank you John. I wrote it for a Royal Engineers site, and wasn't going to post it on here.
I seems to have been well accepted so I'm glad I did post it.

Comment is about UBIQUE (blog)

Original item by kJ Walker

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John Botterill

Sat 25th Jun 2022 19:25

Wow! Powerful and apposite, Stephen. Right out of the top drawer. πŸ˜€

Comment is about The Wrong America (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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John Botterill

Sat 25th Jun 2022 19:23

Superb poem, Holden. A joy. 😎

Comment is about Clarion Call (blog)

Original item by Holden Moncrieff

<Deleted User> (33540)

Sat 25th Jun 2022 17:31

ugh! those horrible all too soon health turn arounds

brilliant piece of eye candy Dominic

Comment is about Minch Surgery last Monday (blog)

Original item by Dominic James

<Deleted User> (33540)

Sat 25th Jun 2022 17:26

great part and parcel of..!

Comment is about Spills (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 25th Jun 2022 17:20

It needed saying and you said it brilliantly, Linda.

Comment is about She Chooses (blog)

Original item by Linda Cosgriff

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 25th Jun 2022 17:18

Glad to hear she's fighting, John. Our love of these wonderful creatures goes beyond our understanding.

Comment is about Molly (blog)

Original item by John E Marks

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 25th Jun 2022 17:05

Beautiful poem, Brenda. 'portal of possibilities' - wonderful.

Comment is about Walking In The Wonder Of Midsummer Day (blog)

Original item by Brenda Wells

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 25th Jun 2022 16:53

A positive anthem, Holden.

Comment is about Clarion Call (blog)

Original item by Holden Moncrieff

Holden Moncrieff

Sat 25th Jun 2022 16:34

Thank you so much, Carol, for your kind comment, I really appreciate it! 😊

Comment is about Clarion Call (blog)

Original item by Holden Moncrieff

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Sat 25th Jun 2022 13:42

To me freedom means everything. It's like a blind person seeing the light for the first time.πŸ˜”

Comment is about What's meant to be, will definitely be. (blog)

Original item by Sunshine

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Sat 25th Jun 2022 13:40

Good night Nigel. Sleep tight. Just a little bit more sleep you need.😴

Comment is about P. 2 (blog)

Original item by Sunshine

<Deleted User> (33719)

Sat 25th Jun 2022 13:12


Comment is about White Feather (blog)

Original item by Mike Bartram

<Deleted User> (33719)

Sat 25th Jun 2022 13:07

That last line says it all!
'may these blossoms fruit among their vines'.

Comment is about harvest (blog)

Original item by Red Brick Keshner

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Sat 25th Jun 2022 11:48

Thanks for all the likes folks, forgive me if I don't list them all this time!

Yes Graham, good advice, i'm a hoarder of tools , the older the better but the steel is great. Thanks.

Mark, you've hit the nail on the head there!


Comment is about DIY AT SEVENTY EIGHT (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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John Marks

Sat 25th Jun 2022 10:45

Thanks Ray and Stephen. She's holding on.

Comment is about Molly (blog)

Original item by John E Marks

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John Coopey

Sat 25th Jun 2022 09:40

One does one’s best, Kevin, to push back the boundaries of high brow literature.
And thanks for the Like, Pete.

Comment is about BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

<Deleted User> (33719)

Sat 25th Jun 2022 09:06

'And the focus that was narrow,

Effervesces to welcome

The essence in the flight

Of every sparrow...' love this!

Comment is about Clarion Call (blog)

Original item by Holden Moncrieff

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julie callaghan

Sat 25th Jun 2022 09:01

Thank you John for the brilliant reply.

Comment is about Perfect View (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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John Botterill

Sat 25th Jun 2022 08:49

Oh I see, Julie.
You change Amir's words
Into poetry.
Well, please allow me then to
You should take great credit!
Your skill is sublime!
I like to read them all time!
Shakespeare adapted Hollinshed
And he wasn't too shabby
When all is said! 😎

Comment is about Perfect View (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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John Botterill

Sat 25th Jun 2022 08:34

Only just found this poem KJ. It's fabulous! A marvellous piece of narrative with a fine conclusion! πŸ˜€

Comment is about UBIQUE (blog)

Original item by kJ Walker

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