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Not to be or R2P,

So what's the Dilemma?

when doing right

makes economies tremor.


When "Never Again"

is reasoned away,

no matter to those

who don't have a say.


The panga and bomb

the fist and the gun,

reign over a song

too often heard sung.


The pen and the suit

the fine things of State,

the willing recruit

to The Profits of Hate.


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What fear is


It is deep inside

at the back of the cave

where warmth never reaches

where the lick of the flame

is extinguished

by shadow


Something invisible

guards the black hollow

where eyes lose light

like a brain

behind thin skull

its fragile brilliance cowers and coils


It waits

for the unwitting word

that carelessly encroaches

with wickedness and ...

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The silhouetted beasts and signs

like cave art

in these darkening times


Overnight they herd in scrawl

to gather

on our city walls


Their short-lived lives fade too quick

they die

though they were never sick


What trace might last when we are gone

when no walls stand

to carve upon?


Video and Audio at link below

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The Sand Reckoner


The Sunshine of My Life


cancer neath the Surgeon’s Knife


The Calm that Lulled My Restless Mind


storm cloud of some Other Kind


The Pennies on My Shuttered Eyes


answers to My Living Whys


The Tears that Fall When I am Gone


not absolve me of My Wrong


The Words I've Penned with Flippant Hand


shift and drift like Wo...

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A Child's Sight


When I was young and only knew

of love as pure as morning dew,

I fixed upon a Scottish sky

with clear untainted childish eye...


and wondered what might lie beyond

to hold my heart and mind so fond,

that I could leave such sheltered home

and without want so idly roam.


Now I am old I've come to know

of love that stays wherever I go,

that see's beyond t...

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The accidental tourist


I am of fighting age

though all I've ever done is run


They put me in this cushioned cage

and tarred me with what others done


I'm the apple of my father’s eye

though here I'm stranger fruit


They say that we should leave or die

although they say their Police don't shoot


I am a child alone and scared

though women here have sheltered me


They ...

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Of Love, Lust and Faith


Farhad fucked his Brothers wife

and with that act also his life.

He ran at first to Gulbahar

though Gulbahar was not so far...


from where a pledge of bond was made

that honour with their lives be paid,

by those who with their blood were bound

and shared with him dishonoured ground.


Wawrina burdened by her fate

succumbed to rocks at Jahannam's gate.

His ...

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From Iberia to the Breadbasket (the brackets of battles)


Kransky took one in the head

his smile blown from his face,

the olive grove now green and red

Hail, Mary, full of grace.


The Warrior Poets pitch their pens

from Gijon, west to Alcazar,

convictions morphed from remember when's

"El Corazon's" know who they are


The heart and head are in the fight

torn between what gives them life,

The darkness of the comin...

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