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God is love

God's wonderful attributes shine from above.

Four are outstanding,his power,his wisdom,his justice and love.


Evidence of God's power is seen in his creation,

The warmth of the sun on our skin exudes elation.

God granted power to Jesus to perform deeds to be praised.

The blind are seeing,the lame are walking and the dead raised.


God's wisdom thrives on how we have been m...

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A sad loss for us both

I looked over the fence and noticed Fred,the boy next   door,was digging a big hole.

"What are you doing ?"I asked.He repliied,"I'm burying my dead pet mole!""

"That's a massive hole to bury a deceased mole," I said.

While placing the last bit of earfh,"That's because he's in your cat ,"said Fred




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“The wounds on his head, thank God they were detected !”

A man went into a homeless shelter wanting a bed for the night.

He was dirty,malnourished,with grass clinging to his hair,quite a sight !

He had obviously been sleeping rough for quite a while.

He was given clean clothes and washed,but his hair was vile.


It was noticed that the new occupant kept scratching his head.

A day later it came to pass that a bad hair infestation throug...

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Parental guidance

Bad influences can be accessed on mobiles anytime.

Your child  could be sat next to you watching dirty grime.

Guide and train your child down the proper path to go.

A foundation of good values ,a blessing as they continue to grow.

If a child doesn't know what is right and what is wrong,

It becomes much harder to decide as they go along.

Bring them up to say please and Thankyou ...

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Advice,when buying a secondhand t.v. watch what you’re doing !

I went out and bougbt a secomdhand t.v.

It seemed like a real bargain to me.

"It's stuck on full volume," my dad said with a frown

"But dad it was so cheap I couldn't turn it down !"

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Homelessness is dangerous,devastating and isolating.

The average age of death for people experiencing it frightening.

43 for women and 45 for men,

Some losing their lives early,who knows when?


People can become homeless not able to afford their rent,

Leaving prison or the army,onto the streets are sent.

Relationship breakdowns,losing a job,put people under immense strain,


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