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Adam Rabinowitz

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 17:24

I am listening to the interview. Great stuff.
Tachycinetas is the latin for the swallows genus but once you suggested that it was the sound I felt that that felt right as well...and now the Chinese translation captures the feeding aspect.

Language is amazing.

Comment is about The Swallows (blog)

Original item by Adam Rabinowitz

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John Coopey

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 16:03

Thanks Devon for the “Like”.
Don- You must be hungry if she doesn’t come over the weekend.
Pleased you liked the song, Raj. But if you liked the singing you need to get your ears tested?

Comment is about I JUST LOVE MONDAYS (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

Devon Brock

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 15:15

You are welcome, Adam. You may find this intriguing. After reading your poem, I typed "Ta chi ci ne" into google translate in case I was missing something, and it came up as Chinese "He eats for you."


Comment is about The Swallows (blog)

Original item by Adam Rabinowitz

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Nigel Astell

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 15:14

Turning rage to courage
in the heat of pure devotion

I can see this in all your poetry Ruth

Comment is about Warrior of Spirit (blog)

Original item by Ruth O'Reilly

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Adam Rabinowitz

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 15:09

You are all kinder than you know and I couldn't imagine doing this without you. Thank you.

Comment is about The Swallows (blog)

Original item by Adam Rabinowitz

<Deleted User> (17847)

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 15:05

Coincidental I should be reading this while in the library listening to the kid's/parents corner congregation winding the bobbin up....

the noisy little b.....beauties! ?

I shall allow you 10/10 for effort-but no gold star! ?

Comment is about WOL's Kiddie Kindergarten (today's lesson the letter J) (blog)

Original item by Don Matthews

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keith jeffries

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 15:04


this poem has so much to digest for the readers who in their turn will interpret what you have written. There seems to be a touch of reminiscence as you ponder on Kent and then speak of returning northwards. I sense, although could be wrong, that there is a feeling of dislocation, of hankering after a better past. I am intrigued by the poem and shall re read it again later today.


Comment is about OUT HERE ON THE COAST [revised and re-posted] (blog)

Original item by trevor homer

<Deleted User> (17847)

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 14:53

Capturing sight of those beautifully burnished and bloodied tree fleeces makes Autumns lead-up to Winter that much easier, as does this lovely poem Keith. Cheers mate.


Comment is about The Final Blast (blog)

Original item by keith jeffries

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Don Matthews

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 14:39

Where's your sense of humour Cynthia? Maybe you don't have one? I'll avoid stepping on your toes in future. I wouldn't want to scuff my shoes.

I've just deleted a 'sensible' comment. I don't think you deserve it

Comment is about Depressive Moment (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 14:35

OK, Smarty Pants, I meant whether it was buried under clothes or not. Most people would not likely lift a shirt or pull down underwear, to access their own navel randomly. Or flirtatiously. On their own.

Comment is about Depressive Moment (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Jason Bayliss

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 14:34

Thanks Devon, I really do love Mae's recitals so it was a rare treat that she agreed to do this one. Glad you liked it.

J. x

Comment is about A Stone For The Miller (Collaboration Feat Mae Foreman) (blog)

Original item by Jason Bayliss

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Don Matthews

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 14:28

I'm having trouble Cynthia
I cannot find my navel
I'm sure it was there last time
I looked under the table

I said I am in charge of you
Come out and show yourself
It sits and sulks and won't come out
Tucked in it's navel shelf

Sheesh! Cynthia. I tell it I'm in charge
and it just cowers on it's shelf. Perhaps
I should have glossed over the 'navel if handy' line.......

Comment is about Depressive Moment (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Raj Ferds

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 14:26

John, I must say I thoroughly enjoyed that. It deserves an encore.

It led me to listen to that old favourite from Bangles "Just another Manic Monday".

Well done.

Comment is about I JUST LOVE MONDAYS (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

Devon Brock

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 14:26


This morning, before dawn, I was out with the dog and smoking a cigarette, taking in all the wondrous sounds in the darkness. And when I turned and glanced at the lit kitchen window - there was a moth ticking away at the glass. Your poem brought that moment back to life.



Comment is about Depressive Moment (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

Devon Brock

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 14:20

Leaping Lizards, Don
now that's a gas,
Jumpin' Jehoshaphat
is an exclamation of surprise
and dismay
a little mouth jazz
like "Great Gravy"
and "Heaven's to Betsy"

Comment is about WOL's Kiddie Kindergarten (today's lesson the letter J) (blog)

Original item by Don Matthews

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 14:19

I wish I could say where thoughts come from. What might be the motivation. But I can't. And yet, some 'reflections' do seem sincere enough, common enough , to consider 'sharing'. I never - ever - think of sharing as a 'contest'. More like 'communication'. I really do like people and all their diverse ways. All of us so different and so alike at the same time.

And no rose again. I don't know what I have to do. Sorry.

Comment is about Depressive Moment (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Don Matthews

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 14:14


Yes Johnny? You have an enquiring mind today

Mr Bayliss is clever. He knows it is Jolly Jubilant not Golly Gubilant. He must have had a good teacher like you.

He's Just Jolly Jubilant he was born post 1500.

Johnny: ???? (she speaks in riddles)

Comment is about WOL's Kiddie Kindergarten (today's lesson the letter J) (blog)

Original item by Don Matthews

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Don Matthews

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 14:05


Yes Johnny?

Who's Joesfat?

Don't know Johnny. You'll have to ask Mr Brock

Mr Brock? Who's Joesfat? Does he play with his friend Jumping Jack Flash?


Yes Miss?

I know we all sang the Jumping Jack Flash song today but Mr Brock is American. He might not know.

Comment is about WOL's Kiddie Kindergarten (today's lesson the letter J) (blog)

Original item by Don Matthews

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 14:01

Hallelujah! - so to speak - for someone who uses 'intuit' as casually as 'hear' or 'speak'. It is a SPLENDID word, not given nearly enough credence. IMO, of course.

Comment is about Adam Rabinowitz (poet profile)

Original item by Adam Rabinowitz

Devon Brock

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 13:36

Jumpin' Jehoshaphat!

Comment is about WOL's Kiddie Kindergarten (today's lesson the letter J) (blog)

Original item by Don Matthews

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Don Matthews

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 13:23

Kiddies, lesson for today
Is pushing boundaries
Yes Johnny, what's the problem?
Our fence is made of trees

How do we push these trees miss?.....

Comment is about WOL's Kiddie Kindergarten (today's lesson the letter J) (blog)

Original item by Don Matthews

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Don Matthews

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 13:15

I'm 'fraid I don't like Mondays
I have to stay in bed
And wait for little girly girl
To come, and me be fed

I'd rather get myself up
And stay real hid, unseen
And get my own meal ready
(To fatten up my lean)

But no, must wait for girly
Wait girly (in my bed)
I'd rather get myself up
And get my ownself fed

I hate Monday girly-wait......

Comment is about I JUST LOVE MONDAYS (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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trevor homer

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 13:00

These little homilies contain more than it appears at first glance - insights which 'exist between the lines' I suspect. I think the last line reads better minus 'ah well,. Cheers Ray

Comment is about THE CURSE OF A NON DRINKER (blog)

Original item by ray pool

Devon Brock

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 12:37

Jason and Mae,

I have been waiting for a moment alone to listen to the recitation of this beautiful poem. And, I must tell you both, it bowed my head in reverence to a journey that we all must take.

Thank you both,


Comment is about A Stone For The Miller (Collaboration Feat Mae Foreman) (blog)

Original item by Jason Bayliss

Devon Brock

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 12:30


Lovely send off to summer. The last five lines, the sense of Autumn consciously holding back, "as not to intrude", is an image that will stay in my mind for quite some time.



Comment is about The Final Blast (blog)

Original item by keith jeffries

Devon Brock

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 12:22


Glad to see you are back and so very tasty. The grit of this "Tom Waits meets Edward Hopper meets Bogart" poem is stunning. Like Keith, I was mesmerized.


Comment is about Smoky joints and hard bitten smiles (blog)

Original item by Martin Elder

Devon Brock

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 12:13


This is wonderful. And thank you for capturing their chittering song: ta chi ti ne tas. It is a hard thing to do successfully. Swallow aerobatics are the dance of summer and I share the sentiment of the last two lines. Your comment brings the poem to a different point of reflection as your last swallow takes flight. Given your vocation, however, you'll be surrounded by them throughout the winter. Happy flying, and a deep thank you for the compliment.


Comment is about The Swallows (blog)

Original item by Adam Rabinowitz

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Jason Bayliss

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 12:04

Thanks Martin. I really appreciate the comments, I love the interpretation Mae put on this, it adds a whole different level on for me, so I'm glad that others feel the same. I'm sure I speak for both of us when I say thank you so much.

J. x

Comment is about A Stone For The Miller (Collaboration Feat Mae Foreman) (blog)

Original item by Jason Bayliss

<Deleted User> (18980)

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 12:02

Thank God we've got someone pushing boundaries!

Comment is about WOL's Kiddie Kindergarten (today's lesson the letter J) (blog)

Original item by Don Matthews

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Ruth O'Reilly

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 11:59

Love this fact about the invention of the letter J! A scientific study has been done into the fact that children whose names are the beginning of a school register end up being more successful in adult life than those who are called further down the line and this poem reminded me of that.

juxtaposition is one of my favourite 'J' words especially when trying to construct poetry

Comment is about WOL's Kiddie Kindergarten (today's lesson the letter J) (blog)

Original item by Don Matthews

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Ruth O'Reilly

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 11:46

Thank you for reading and your kind comments Martin I appreciate that.

Comment is about Warrior of Spirit (blog)

Original item by Ruth O'Reilly

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Chrystel Roberts

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 11:28

Hey Raj,

‘A wonderful tribute to our tribe of scribes'

It's a wonderful tribe, Raj. I meant it in all sincerity, when I said ‘I can be me'.

Comment is about Chakraj (poet profile)

Original item by Chakraj

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Chrystel Roberts

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 11:24

Hi Jason,

Saying that you shall endeavour to live up to the line ‘Poets see the beauty of the glass' is one of the highest compliments anyone has paid my work.

Thank you. It means a lot to me.

Comment is about Jason Bayliss (poet profile)

Original item by Jason Bayliss

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keith jeffries

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 11:14


With this poem you have excelled yourself indeed. As I began to read it, the first description of the man in a fedora smoking a cigarette immediately brought to mind the image of Inspector Maigret as all his series started with this scene. Then the poem began to unfold into a description which held me fast as it trigged my imagination of bygone days of which I had been a participant.

I enjoyed this. Any more?
Thank you

Comment is about Smoky joints and hard bitten smiles (blog)

Original item by Martin Elder

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Chrystel Roberts

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 11:13

Hi Tommy,

‘Why the rhyme or the rhythm?'

You're absolutely right. No need for either. That's the beauty of poetry ‘no finicky rules'!

I appreciate your feedback, Tommy

Comment is about Tommy Carroll (poet profile)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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john short

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 11:13

Three of them are up here as blog entries:
Chances to Leave
History Lesson
The Dogs of Athens

John S

Comment is about Third Eye Blind (blog)

Original item by Vautaw

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Graham Sherwood

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 11:11

Cleverly done as always. Sadly the source material only tells half the story, just like the referendum.

Comment is about "OLD, RACIST AND THICK" (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Chrystel Roberts

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 11:08

Hi Mae,

I appreciate your comment on ‘Three Empty Words'.

Thank YOU!

Comment is about Mae Foreman (poet profile)

Original item by Mae Foreman

Gopal Gupta

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 11:01

well said Ms. Bindu , True and real fact of Life

Comment is about Death is an Eternal Peace (blog)

Original item by Bindu Trigunayak

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keith jeffries

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 10:45


Thank you for your comment. As you will know he is alive and well and creating maximum mayhem in today´s world. The six o clock news bears evidence to this.


Comment is about He Stepped Inside (blog)

Original item by keith jeffries

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Martin Elder

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 10:26

This certainly has a ring of truth and authenticity about it
Nice one

Comment is about Warrior of Spirit (blog)

Original item by Ruth O'Reilly

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Martin Elder

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 10:14

superb as ever Bob
nice one

Comment is about Flipping Switches (blog)

Original item by Robert C Gaulke

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Martin Elder

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 10:06

Mind totally blown. I am so glad that I did not miss this wonderful poem with its beautiful delivery.
Jason this is fabulous just as a poem that lends itself lyrically to almost any interpretation.
but Mae you just take it to another level
well done both

Comment is about A Stone For The Miller (Collaboration Feat Mae Foreman) (blog)

Original item by Jason Bayliss

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Martin Elder

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 10:00

This is something that I cannot imagine in terms of being rent away from where someone might have grown up. Thanks for posting

Comment is about Partition: Nightmarish verity (blog)

Original item by Ankita Srivastava

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Martin Elder

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 09:58

There is a very gentle and unhurried pace here which suggests to me no animosity but perhaps a hint of sadness mixed with fond memories and having moved on
Nice one Tommy

Comment is about We've each got different partners now... (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Martin Elder

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 09:55

very eloquently put as always Keith. A wonderful take on this particular individual.

Comment is about He Stepped Inside (blog)

Original item by keith jeffries

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Martin Elder

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 09:47

this is an interesting poem not least because of its phrasing and use of words. Also a new take on being lonely even with somebody else.
wonderfully put

Comment is about Broken (blog)

Original item by Blackrose

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Jason Bayliss

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 09:19

So true. We don't choose which way the river flows, but we do choose how to swim in it.

J. x

Comment is about Life is a Chain Reaction (blog)

Original item by Belinda Sue Kiser

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Raj Ferds

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 09:18

I can't remember who said it but it talked about how we should not fearfully hold on to what was needs to end.
And that the familiar life disintergrates so that a new life can believe.

Wondering pondering over eh.

Comment is about We've each got different partners now... (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Jason Bayliss

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 09:16

I didn't know that there was no J until the 1500's, I suppose I should be jolly jubilant ?.

J. x

Comment is about WOL's Kiddie Kindergarten (today's lesson the letter J) (blog)

Original item by Don Matthews

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