If I Were A Wolf.
The big tree
Bends with the wind
Offering protection to the smallest of trees
The wolf howls
And the birds fly free
If I were a wolf
I would hunger for thee
But I am a bird
And I fly free
When the wind blows
And howls angrily
I will bow softly
For the protection of thee
Show me your heart
I’ll show you joy
The storm will pass by you
...Wednesday 14th December 2022 9:14 pm
Whisper my Name
And so here we are
It’s Christmas again
So, I thought I’d come see you
I imagined us hugging
And feeling your breath
In my ear
As you whispered my name
It’s been such a long year
Without you here
I’ve dreamt so many times
About having you near
And no longer loving you
From afar
I’ve packed and unpacked
A million times
Ruminated on whether to ...
Monday 12th December 2022 9:11 pm
I find myself walking
In the aftermath
Of your love
What should have been divine
Has become sadly benign
And so, here I am
On my knees
Praying for intervention
From a deity
Who looks down
From above
My tears fall
Like autumn leaves
From grieving trees
I yearn for kind words
But my fate has spoken
No more to be said
Friday 9th December 2022 9:39 pm
Serendipity found me
On this cold, lacklustre dawn
Her gracious hand reached out
And she wrapped me
In good fortune
What a gift she gave!
She followed me so joyously
As she sang her unexpected tune
Such that sent the clouds adrift
And made the flowers bloom
She pushed away the night’s long slumber
She usurped the fading moon
Her arrival breathe...
Tuesday 29th November 2022 8:59 pm
My Pen doesn't Flutter
Another punch to the gut
That’s how it feels
When my words hit the page
My pen doesn’t flutter
Like a butterfly
My pen is a sword
A weapon that wields anger
Melded with sadness
And rage
These letters
Made up of vowels wrapped
Around lazy consonants
They paint a picture
Of torment and loss
My ink digs in deep
Finding places in me
That I...
Wednesday 23rd November 2022 4:58 pm
My heart can Lie
Did you see me?
I was there
I waited
For you
I anticipated your
I wore my finest
In anticipation
Of your undying
I don’t think you saw
You were blinded
By the mist
I tried so hard
To be noticed
I hoped you’d get
My gist
You didn’t see me
You didn’t even
Smell my scent
Still I thought
Saturday 29th October 2022 8:37 pm
You've been redacted.
How nice for you
Your lies are redacted
Your sins
Will not be
You can rest
In peace
Your truth
Has been
Covered in grey
Unfit to be seen
In the broad light
Of day
Your guilt
Is guilded
Not in gold
Or silver
Just a dingy
Muddied grey
I, your victim
Am not worthy
Of your truth
There wa...
Sunday 23rd October 2022 8:50 pm
Lady With The Sad Eyes
Lady with the sad eyes
My heart aches
When I gaze
Into your pools of emerald green
My mind is taken
To dark places
As I glimpse what you
Have seen
Your face tells a thousand stories
And I know that they haunt
Your dreams
Lady with the sad eyes
Come sit with me a while
I will listen to the tales
I will hold you close to me
Let me shar...
Saturday 15th October 2022 9:25 pm
A Million little Why's?
Each new day
Draws me closer
To the inevitable
Still I fail
To understand
To comprehend
My purpose
As the sun rises
I awaken with hope
Today will bring me clarity
It’s now or never
I will rest my head
Having found the answer
To my why
The sun sets
At the end of each
Long day
And once again
I make the promise
To myself
Monday 10th October 2022 9:48 pm
Seasons Come and Seasons go
Autumn crocus has arrived
Purple hues imbued
By dappled light
Forest floors embellished
By the remnants
Of summer nights
And so it is that I
Have survived
Another season
I cannot speak
In rhyme
Or reason
The seas have raged
The tide has waned
Through it all
My strength remains
With tired soul
And aching heart
This old...
Sunday 2nd October 2022 8:47 pm
This place is haunted
By shadows
Of yesteryear
Watery shadows
That slip through
My fingers
And leave only
The stain
Of a tear
Here is the place
Where I last saw
Your face
Is where we laughed
And I bathed in
Your Grace
It’s empty now
But my mind fills it
With pictures
Of how we
Used to be
Hazy days
Filled with the joy
...Wednesday 7th September 2022 11:20 pm
The Fickle Wind of Change
There is nothing left to say
No gentle words to whisper
At the end of the long day
Silence is a blessing
A time for me to wrap myself
In loneliness
And find a place to pray
I will not beg forgiveness
My prayer will be for you
I pray that you find happiness
In everything you do
Time seems to have absorbed us
Who we were has disappeared
Leaving o...
Tuesday 23rd August 2022 10:49 pm
The Last Time
Funny humans
Oblivious to their plight
They seem to find comfort
In denial
So much regret
The rain on the glass blurred my last sighting of you
I drew comfort from the warmth and the smell
Of the taxi that pulled me away
Wiping the back window to see you stood there
Just like when I was a child
Your solid frame seemed smaller
Didn’t seem to...
Monday 22nd August 2022 9:17 pm
Don’t You Think it Strange?
Don’t you think it strange?
A shadow needs mass
To allow the sun to rearrange
So how is it your shadow follows me
When you are never here?
I find it quite peculiar
And if I’m honest
It’s really quite perturbing
All the time I see your shadow
But you
Are nowhere to be seen
Every corner that I turn
Reminds me of what I’m missing
They say you don’t mis...
Saturday 20th August 2022 7:55 pm
Bad Blood
Every time I write about you
You become real
My heart makes it to the page
Imaginings don’t fade
My words seem to sketch your portrait
In ashen blues and greys
I search for brighter colours
I Consider cerulean blue
And cadmium red
My hand loses control
The pallet lies before me
Bright hues have blended into mud
With all my might
I wi...
Tuesday 16th August 2022 12:28 am
Imagine receiving your first criminal conviction
At five years old
Imagine a world where you are taken
By strangers
Imagine now that you are alone
Strange figures dressed in black
And white
Being convicted
Of poverty
Being sentenced
At five years old
Now imagine
You are taken
Away from your brothers
Saturday 13th August 2022 10:47 pm
Golden Wing
Soft whispers
On the autumn breeze
Sharing secrets with the trees
Reds running into golden hues
As the robins
Tweet and sing the blues
Feet cossetted
Comforted by last spring’s
Kicking thru the fallen
To the robin’s
Startled deer
Run for cover
Enthralling for life’s
Smitten lovers
Seasons come
And ...
Friday 12th August 2022 7:50 pm
My Sweetest Inner Child
Stay calm
Rest silent
Listen to your heart
Ignore the disturbance
This noise
Does not belong to you
Sweet child
The clatter resounds
Around you
Know it is not your place
To be held
In their over reaching
Hold your breath
And wait
Patience is your friend
The winds will soon arrive
To drive the poison
Now exhale
Wednesday 10th August 2022 12:13 am
You Promised
I waited
For you
But you never
I watched the sunrise
I cried as it set
The moonlight
Engulfed me
The stars
Spelled out you name
I stood in the ocean
Frozen in time
The wind took me back
To when you said
You would always be mine
I rode the white horses
I sailed over clouds
My heart was aching
But my hope
Never gave out
Sunday 7th August 2022 11:14 pm
Alone With My Thoughts.
I sit here
With my thoughts
I open the doors
To my ghosts
And in they come
At first they are shy
Like wisps of smoke
In the air
But I beckon them
And before long
They rush in
All vying for me
To reply
They float unconsciously
They are like visitors
Who outstayed their welcome
But now I feel bad
Just a little sad
Who asked...
Thursday 4th August 2022 10:01 pm
This Old House.
This old house haunts me
Each room is filled with memories
Snapshots of a well lived life
Pulling me back through foggy hills
And evergreen lanes
Every cobweb woven around my heart
Elicits a new daydream
Every creaky floor board has morphed into my bones
A reminder of how life used to be
When it was only them and us
Life spawned from you and me
When we we...
Tuesday 2nd August 2022 11:18 pm
I know not what this thing love is
I have no words to explain
I know of nothing but this pain
It is exquisite pain
It owns me
In it’s presence I have no power
So how is it I feel more alive
More real
More of everything
More powerful
Than I’ve ever been
It owns me
I own it
I am the channel
And it pains me but fulfils me
More than any other thing
...Friday 29th July 2022 8:48 pm
In You.
I saw myself
For the first time
I saw myself
In you
I caught a sense
Of my beauty
In you
I saw how I shimmered
For the first time
I caught my reflection
I saw it was true
It was in the glint of your eye
In your cheeky smile
Your stutter
And the way your eyes
You made me see myself
All shiny and new
You made me
...Tuesday 26th July 2022 9:08 pm
Silly Me.
Here I am
Let the crows strip me
Of what is left of my humanity
I offer myself
To your depravity
My weakness
Is your strength
See my flesh
And feast
Devour me
I succumb
I Submit!
Your commitment
Has convinced me
I am worthless
Do you like the taste
Of my blood?
Go ahead
As you see fit
What is that ...
Wednesday 20th July 2022 9:31 pm
Your Choice.
When did we forget
Why did we turn our backs
How did it come to this
Did something
And nothing change?
Was it bureaucracy
That changed us?
Or was that simply
An excuse?
Do you hide behind
Your paperwork
Does that make you
Deliberately obtuse?
Can you absolve
Yourself of guilt
If you don’t look me
In the eye?
Is it easier to lie?
Monday 18th July 2022 10:23 pm
La Luna (unfinished)
Had she been born under the sun
Perhaps she would have dazzled
Maybe her light would never
Have dimmed
The sky so blue
Beholden to Theia’s Light
A vast expanse filled only
With gratitude
That’s what she should have been
When the stars aligned
They had other plans
She would defy all gravity
Such majesty would be bestowed
Upon her
Her birthright wa...
Sunday 17th July 2022 8:41 pm
The Ancestral Scream
Walk away
Leave me alone
You no longer have a home
My heart belongs
Not to you
This heart belongs to me
It is my only reality
Be gone, now
I need to live
My only goal
Is to thrive
You are dead
I am alive
Thank you, for all you’ve done
Because of you
I do survive
But I cannot stand
I refuse to be
Beholden to your mistakes
I am ...
Friday 8th July 2022 10:32 pm
A Fisherman Without a Hook.
I would be happy
If I wasn’t so sad
I am so sorry
That things are so bad
When I was little
I thought it a given
Respect your elders
If you want to enjoy
Look up to the wise
The educated
For they are your betters
They will tell you no lies
When I was young
I imagined a world
Where the privileged
Looked out
For everyone
Wednesday 6th July 2022 7:46 pm
Aging, simply put,
Is dynamic change
Key word here is dynamic
Without it we would simply
Be dead
Death, simply put
Is the end of dynamics
No more motion
Completion perhaps
So, if you are aging
You are a success!
A witness
To a natural process
Death comes
Only to the ego
Ask a physicist
They will tell you
Never ceases
...Tuesday 5th July 2022 8:15 pm
A Life Lived in Glory
‘Grandma, why are you old?’
‘My dear boy, I’m not old!’
But it’s true
I was here before you
And I’ve seen so much
I was here first
And I’ve been around
For some time
That’s how you
Are here
To hear my rhymes
I am the rehearsal
The years have taught me
My lines
Having played every role
I’ve been daughter and mother
Friend, foe and ...
Monday 4th July 2022 9:58 pm
The Sailor's Response
Well, thank you, dear lady
Your offer is fine
But I am sure
In all truth
I’d just be wasting your
You see
I’m a bit of a loner
It’s how I like to be
It’s just me
And my boat
And the wide open
Don’t get me wrong
I do like a good song
I confess that I’m tempted
By your blue eyes
And your golden hair
That’s so long
Sunday 3rd July 2022 9:19 pm
Come Sit with Me
Come sit with me, sailor
Tell me your tales
You’ve travelled the oceans
You’ve danced with dolphins
And sung with whales
Your weathered voice
So husky and wizened
It give me the chills
I’m eager to hear
All that you hold dear
We have time to kill
I’ve nowhere to be
We’ll drink whiskey
And wine
Til we’ve had our fill
Tell me your...
Thursday 30th June 2022 8:50 pm
The irony of being lost at sea
Yet knowing one must sail
To discover where that one should be
Such irony is not lost on me
As I launch myself and my ship
In search of what will set me free
What is life … if not just to be?
To swing from the branch
Of the old oak tree
To dance in the rain
Embrace the change
So the sun can warm my face
Wednesday 29th June 2022 8:45 pm
As I walk
This brambled path
I pick the thorns from my limbs
Alas, there is always another sting
Some are roses
Some are thorns
Yet, once. weren’t we all
The same acorn?
Somewhere, along the line
Something happened
Was it nurture, or the Divine?
Why are we all so different -
If technically, we are all the same?
How is it we all f...
Sunday 26th June 2022 8:30 pm
Under the Mackerel Sky
Under the mackerel sky
This is where we say
Times change
For you and me
Under this maudlin sky
Lovers are becoming
From broken promises
Souls are freed
Look for me in the dappled light
My shadow will lead you
Into the moonlight
Such beauty pierces through
The silver scales ...
Those which adorn
This magnificent macker...
Tuesday 21st June 2022 7:57 pm
Give Me Poetry
Give me poetry
I want beautiful words
Tell me about the birds
And the bees
Wrap me in adjectives
Curled around nouns
I don’t care if it elicits
A smile
Or a frown
Take me to places
I’ve never been
Illustrious spaces
But not seen
Paint me a picture
Invoke thoughts of a bard
Conjure up deities
Weave magic spells
I will even fo...
Wednesday 8th June 2022 8:49 pm
An Accident of Birth
Two women born into the unknown
One into riches pillaged from the overthrown
Her umbilical cord was made of gold
She was swaddled in cashmere
Christened and told
She was the chosen one
The other …
An accident
Born into squalor
Her cord made
Of cold, hard stone
Christened in rags
And told she was a sinner
The golden child
Lived off the tax payers ...
Tuesday 7th June 2022 8:34 pm
Summer Rain
Old friend, arriving like the summer rain
A soothing caress filled with tenderness
Light, smooth words to ease my pain
Old friend, it’s so nice to be with you again
You feel like the rain kissing the grass
Breathing new life into this wretched soul
Broken and breathless
Dear friend, your presence is priceless
With you I grow, I will not fold
You are the su...
Monday 6th June 2022 8:54 pm
Aphrodite's Blushes
The way the sunlight washes over your skin
Brings thoughts that would make
Even Aphrodite blush
Your smile full of warmth
The crinkle of your eyes
That shadow of doubt
When you breathe
Out ...
The raise of the eyebrows
Reveal even yourself ...
You surprise
Aphrodite weaves spells
Thoughts I cannot dispel
Beholden to a beauty so bright
It out...
Friday 3rd June 2022 9:00 pm
A Conversation with my Father
A conversation with my father
He was old when we spoke
Ninety years and more
I asked him what it was like
When he served in the second
World war
You don’t need to know girl
What I know would make your toes curl
I don’t want to remember
Don’t ask difficult questions
My memory is blurred
But I’d really like to know, dad
Was it really, really bad?
Monday 30th May 2022 9:06 pm
The Rose and The Butterfly.
The rose and the butterfly
Symbols of summer to my own eye
The rose in all it’s glory
Blooms to recount summer’s story
Blousey and innocent, the rose
Always seems so content
Still, she stands
Upright and tall
Head turned to the sun
She captures the attention
Demands respect from one
And all
The butterfly…
A passerby
She flutters
Hither, thithe...
Friday 27th May 2022 9:42 pm
The End of Trust
When I walk beside you, please, hold my hand
I don’t expect you to understand it all
But I hope … you might try to break my fall
You might reach out
You might even try to connect
Place your feet close, to where I stand
Your disconnect is wearing
A resistance to sharing leaves me wondering
Is this it?
Did I imagine you – was it real?
Digging deep, on repeat
Is ...
Sunday 22nd May 2022 11:01 pm
Splish, Splash!
Splish, splash!
Welly boots and rainbow coats
Puddle jumps and squelchy squeals
Muddy paws and tiny feet
Made this rainy day complete
Mud and ice cream stuck to our faces
Carefree laughter as we squished and dashed
Splish, splash, splish splash!
Puddle jumping in mid May
Helps to chase the gloom away!
Sunday 22nd May 2022 5:25 pm
Mother ...
You were taken by the wind
Blown from one place to another
I imagine you were water
Everywhere, but impossible to hold
Between my hands
Somehow you would always seep through
And soak into the ground
I know you were fire
Because you always burned bright
In my heart
You were the earth from whence I was birthed
I wish that just once
I could have ...
Thursday 12th May 2022 9:04 pm
Somewhere, in my mind
There is a place where life is kind
It is my favourite place to be
For I think it’s where I feel most free
In my minds eye, birds fly
The sky is blue
And the people few
Flowers bloom
In the mountain dew
Lakes and waterfalls
Erase my thoughts of gloom
Daisies tickle at my toes
Scent of mimosa
Assaults my nose
Tuesday 10th May 2022 9:12 pm
No rules
This is freedom
Written by a four year old
He didn't care
He wouldn't be told!
He didn't think
About spelling or grammar
He just wanted
To be free, wild and bold
I envy his ability
To do what I wouldn't dare!
K m xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[...
Sunday 8th May 2022 10:58 pm
What is Freedom?
Freedom is not licence
Although some may pretend
Freedom of speech
For example
Gives them permission
To fulfill their own ends
Freedom is a privilege
The meaning of which is greatly debated
Among philosophers and academics alike
Freedom relies on selflessness and selfishness
If you feel free, you are blessed.
Sunday 8th May 2022 12:38 am
First Date
First date
She wore leopard print
And red satin
He wore skinnies
He looked kinda Latin
They ate Caribbean
Jerk chicken
And spicy rice
They seemed comfortable
Just like
Silk and leather
I thought they
Looked really nice
Seemed like they
Had lots to say
Took it in turns
And looked at each other
In an attentive way
Friday 6th May 2022 11:47 pm
One Night Stand
I was twenty one
It was my birthday
I was looking for fun
I saw you
You were the one
I thought that you
Looked like fun
Kylie was playing
I should be so lucky
You sidled up
Said, ‘Hello Ducky’
I was feeling
Rather plucky
So I replied
With a flutter
From my eyes
And a flash
Of my slender
Did it take you
By surpri...
Tuesday 3rd May 2022 10:42 pm
French Doubles
Your face cutting through the thickness of the summer air
I could smell you, you smelt of patchouli and whisky
Your shirt thin enough to rile me
I remember, because I was enthralled
I had it all
We drank french doubles
A recipe for trouble
Our laughter must have wakened the dead
But we didn’t care
We were the only ones there
Images of you filled my head
Monday 2nd May 2022 9:34 pm
Mother, Father and Me.
When I was little
I fancied the moon was home to my mother
Peeking out from under my covers
I would search for her face
I imagined her sitting
Next to the man in the moon
-Perhaps he was my father
Night after night
As my heart took flight
My eyes would shine bright
To imagine them hugging each other
Sadness would smother me
When the cloudy nights
Wednesday 27th April 2022 10:53 pm
I See You.
I see you ...
I wish you could see yourself
The way I see you
I see the shadow of doubt
That crosses your face
The slowness of your pace
I see the look of sadness
When you think no-one
Is watching
I feel the weight on your shoulders
The despair in the air
That you breathe
I hear the sighs
That you heave
Your broken heart
Is hard to hide
Tuesday 26th April 2022 9:28 pm
You pushed so hard
To get your own way
You never seemed to understand
Or perhaps it was me
Who never understood
How hard you found it
To be a man
Don’t get me wrong
You were big and strong
But inside you struggled
You didn’t belong
I wish that you could have spoken to me
I wanted to take your shattered parts
Glue them together
With the...
Sunday 24th April 2022 11:12 pm
Living in Hope
Grasping at shadows
Catching reflections
Holding onto waters
Trying to understand
The slip of the hand
Lives lived
Friends gone
Loves faded
Not forgotten
Just lessons
On how to forgive
Happy and sad
And mad
Kisses and slaps
Life’s fusions
Treading softly
Skipping gaily
Saturday 23rd April 2022 11:03 pm
Being a girl can often be a precarious thing
I’ve often struggled with all the associated bling
A number of times I’ve found female accouterments
Really quite devastatingly mind numbing
Why does it take you so long?
A question many of my girlfriends
Have heard throughout their lives
Girlfriends, sisters, friends and wives
They’ve learned it’s best to keep quiet
Thursday 21st April 2022 9:56 pm
Osmosis Of Emotion
Tears, miniature universes
Prisms to human experience
Melodies, songs, and verses
Played out through the eyes
Osmosis of emotion
Tears in motion
Written on the face
With pure devotion
Feelings looking
For a sense of place
C.K. 22
Thanks for the invite, John Botterill. I tried my best! 😂
Tuesday 19th April 2022 10:33 pm
Ready By Nine
Sometimes I struggle to know how I feel
I think I’m OK but then the sadness
Begins to feel real
I don’t know why
But I just want to cry
Curl up and die
I think back on it all
The rise and the fall
The ups and the downs
And I straighten my crown
I release a deep sigh
I ache when I see
How history replays
In the lives of the girls
The girls I have ...
Monday 18th April 2022 11:36 pm
The Eagle's Wedding
Have you ever climbed a mountain?
Have you ever dreamed?
Did you imagine what you might see there
On that heady mountain peak?
I have climbed a mountain
And I will tell you what I saw
But you might not believe
What it is that I did see
Still, it’s true
So listen, I implore!
For I saw such beauty
Beyond anything that’s real
You may never have imagined
...Sunday 17th April 2022 8:55 pm
She Knows Her Worth
It is not in your lies
Nor in your charms
It was never there
In your deceit
She wasn’t born
To make you replete
Her worth is not drawn
From your opinion of her
It’s time for you now
To take a back seat
The fruit of my womb
Is not yours to keep
Her beauty runs deep
Beyond skin and hair
When she drew her
First breath
You were not there
Thursday 14th April 2022 10:12 pm
Did you think I was a Bogoff
Or a rechargeable battery?
I can’t imagine for one moment
You believed there was more
Than one of me
Or did I get it wrong?
You thought you’d get a snide
A pretend version for free
It slowly filtered through
That you thought you could
Replace the one and only me
With a Black Friday deal
Or a Discount Tuesday
Sunday 3rd April 2022 8:56 pm
Why? (A quick ditty before dinner.)
Oh, springtime
Why, oh why
Have you abandoned me?
It is that you think
I am not worthy of thee?
The caress of your warmth
The joy of your life
It brings out the best in me
The pessimist
Becomes the optimist
I dream of only opportunity
Yet you dessert us
With impunity
Off you go with a spring
In your step
Leaving us cold and alone
Don’t you ...
Saturday 2nd April 2022 6:31 pm
Sunshine and April Snow Showers
Sunshine and April
Snow showers
Early dandies
Have been crowned
In white
Daffodils are holding
The birds have
Had their fill
Once again
They have returned
In search of human
And their wish
Has been fulfilled
Spring lambs
Have lost their spring
What is this white
Cold, fluffy thing!
After last weeks sunshine
Saturday 2nd April 2022 12:36 pm
They Know
The trees stand silent
But they are watching
The earth welcomes
Your feet
But she rumbles
Ready to make her
The sun shines gladly
Don’t take her smile
For granted
She feeds all
That you have planted
The moonlight shines
Tugs at time
But she is ready
To pull the lifeline
The flowers bloom
The wheat doth grow
But, they know...
Tuesday 29th March 2022 7:36 pm
Old Flame
There are no embers
Only ashes
Lying cold
And void of hope
No matter now
How hard we try
The spark has gone
Faded into the corners
Of our minds
Nostalgic memories
Cannot reincarnate
Or compensate
For the love
We’ve left behind
Yet still
I search
Trying to catch
The shadowy pictures
That ricochet
Through the vignettes
Of tim...
Tuesday 29th March 2022 5:25 pm
The Humble Bumblebee
I found myself
At the river’s edge
How I got there
I cannot say
Perhaps it was because
I had nowhere else
To go
And, I had lost
My way
But it was in this place
That I made my pledge
Never again
Will I walk that road
Or that spiteful
dusty lane
I am afraid my beating heart
Has been fully dredged
Only silt doth remain
I am nothing
...Monday 28th March 2022 9:13 pm
Don’t unleash my rage
Don’t tempt your fate
Don’t poke my wounds
Unless you are ready
For what awaits
Fifty five years
I have walked
This earth
Fifty five years
Since my birth
Many times
There have been questions
About my worth
But you have a vagina!
Obviously you don’t
Have a brain! (haha)
From manly things
You must refrain
It i...
Friday 25th March 2022 9:42 pm
Like A Passion Flower
Like a passion flower
He wound his way
Into my life
Winding his way
With grace and power
His tendrils curled
Around my heart
At first
So soft
He made me
Like a precious
He said I was
His precious
All gold
And diamonds
And rainbow
We laughed
And danced
Friday 25th March 2022 8:36 pm
I Am To Blame
It was my fault
As I took my last breath
I know it could never
Be that mans
He knows not
What he does
Without the smile
Of his mother
Or a wink from
His lover
I am to blame
For Sarah
If only I had
Mothered him
Perhaps I
Should have
Sent him
More love
It’s my fault
I am to blame
If only I had been
...Wednesday 23rd March 2022 9:26 pm
Missing a Star
When the roses
Have dropped their petals
And the mist on the hills
Has settled
When the trees
Have relinquished their leaves
And all the flowers
Have gone to seed
When the birds
Are replete
From the fruit
Of the hedgerows
And the autumn winds
Given way to winter snow
I will light the fire
Lay out a cashmere throw
Burn incense
And se...
Saturday 19th March 2022 10:12 pm
An Gorta Mor
His boots were far too heavy
For me
I tried walking in them once
I sunk
Into the mud
Squelching and slipping
I pulled myself free
Only to find
I was standing
In the jaws
Of the past
Pulling and tugging
At the ivy
That shrouded the gate
I stumbled
Tumbled into
His history
In the distance
His coat
Friday 18th March 2022 8:43 pm
Not the right time
I walked to the edge
Where the shore met the sea
Searching and hoping
It would be you that I’d see
I imagined you standing there
Looking at me
You called my name
Beseeching me to remain
We reached out for each other
Walked hand in hand
Along the wild windy beach
Sharing stories and laughing
At our memories
You told me you loved me
But the wi...
Saturday 12th March 2022 9:18 pm
Red Kite
Red Kite
So graceful
In flight
Soaring high
In the sky
From heady heights
Never was there
A more elegant sight
Free to wander
At will
Such wonder implores
The viewer
To stand still
As you regale
And leave us breathless
In your trail
By your skill
Thursday 10th March 2022 8:51 pm
I Am That Woman
I am that woman
No matter how hard
I try
I am that woman
I am that woman
Whose glasses
Are always crooked
Lenses clouded in dust
So continuous squinting
Is a must
I am that woman
Who wears her t-shirts
Back to front
Or inside out
I don’t know what
It’s all about
All I know
Is I am that woman
Frizzy hair
Yes, that’s me!
Odd ...
Thursday 10th March 2022 3:15 pm
That Man
I will never understand the man
The man that; if he is lucky
Will have a hundred years to live
I cannot understand the man
Who is so very hard
To forgive
The man who craves
So much power
He will go to extremes
To deprive another persons
Right to live
I do not want to delve
Into the mind of that man
For it makes me cold
To the core
To thin...
Wednesday 9th March 2022 9:04 pm
Rhythm and Blues
Behind closed curtains
On a bleak winter night
She plays the old rhythm and blues
While she dreams of her muse
And relives the heights
-The heights
That he took her too
Swinging and swaying
She imagines him saying
My love, it was always you
Caught in mid twirl
She remembers the girl
-The girl
That she used to be
Her mind becomes frozen
Monday 7th March 2022 9:25 pm
Spring is Birthing
Spring is birthing new hope
I saw it on the sloping hill
Not far from where I strolled
Lambs were springing
Gaily with their kin
It was such a joyous turn
Life filled with possibilities
Unfurling like a fern
The trees demand my admiration
For the buds they have just burst
What joy it brings to me
To see that nature
Is in an optimistic mood
Saturday 5th March 2022 9:42 pm
I'd like to be a Owl
Oh, to live like a tree
Silent in it’s majesty
Grounded and free
Oh, to be a daffodil
And Happy
Just to be
And oh, to be a rose!
Not a care
For what it does
And doesn’t know
Perhaps I could be
A cloud
Floating aimlessly
And proud
I’d rather be
A bird
I would fly high
High away
From the absurd
I think...
Friday 4th March 2022 6:25 pm
The High Priestess
The night falls
A gentle hush
Ushers in the Sounds
Of the night
Wise owl hoots
With the
Light breeze
That whispers
Through the trees
The time has come
For her to leave
And, she goes
Contently knowing
The day is done
She idles up
into the attic
Of her mind
She makes her
The thin...
Wednesday 2nd March 2022 5:40 pm
Polina - The Girl With Pink Hair
I will never forget
Your oval face
It’s etched
In my mind
Your almond eyes
Of deepest brown
Stare out at me
From the page
You look at me
I see a girl
Of hope
And pride
I am reminded
Of my own
When she was
Your age
Maybe eleven
I imagine you
Were like her
Fun and free
And wild
Tuesday 1st March 2022 6:12 pm
I Offer Flowers
So, I ask you
Is this it?
The moment
We have quietly
Are we to die
At the hands
Of a Russian
For the first time
In my life
The unbelievable
Has become believable
His cold eyes
Glaring out
On the TV screen
Send shivers
Down my spine
Assures me
It’s a bluff
Trust us
All will be fine
Monday 28th February 2022 9:41 pm
Elvis is Dead!
Ring o ring
O roses
What’s the time
Mr Wolf
Hop scotch
Hop scotch
It’s time for tea
Let us skip
On home
Knock down ginger
Did you say
Let’s play!
The Queens Jubilee
Tug of war
And Jelly on the street
Mrs Jones
Is playing
On her wash board
Hughie Green
Is on TV
Rag and bone man
Is calling
Any old ra...
Sunday 27th February 2022 9:03 pm
What Will Happen To The Women
It’ is reported that The Women
Will be used
As weapons of war
Like thousands who have gone before
Their bodies will be targets
Breeding grounds for ethnic cleansing
They will have no say
Against the men
Who will have their way
By force
And anger
A deranged sense
Of ownership
See Bosnia
And Rwanda
Thousands born
Torn from the wombs
Saturday 26th February 2022 9:05 pm
She has gone now
She has gone now
Like Alice
Disappearing down the rabbit hole.
I wonder, will she ever come back?
I’m not sure she wants to
If she could find her voice
She might say
I am happy here, where I am
It seems hard to believe
Once, long ago
She was a joyous girl
Skipping and hopping
Her way through life
She was innocent
And free
Friday 25th February 2022 5:33 pm
Jacquie was a proud woman
Walking through the streets
With a swagger
And her head held high
Jeans clinging like a second skin
Cotton tops with super cling
Hair long and black
A complexion
Of the Red Indian
Jacquie knew her power
She wore it like an accessory
As she strutted through town
Leaving behind a string of men
Wide eyed and stuttering
Thursday 24th February 2022 8:28 pm
Kind Kathleen
She was a quiet woman
Kind eyes
And the brightest smile
She’d bid you good morning
And the softness of her irish lilt
Would make you believe
That she meant it
And she usually did
She liked a drink
More than one
Or even two
Trouble was
She couldn’t stop
Once she started
She got lost
Her kind eyes
Were replaced by glaciers
Her soft irish l...
Wednesday 23rd February 2022 6:11 pm
Keeping the Shrink Away
A daily poem
Keeps the shrink away
So I try to write
At least one poem
Every single day.
C.K. 22
Wednesday 23rd February 2022 4:08 pm
Learning How To Be
While meandering
Through the Country lanes
And Deep in thought
I contemplated everything
Asking how it came
To be
The trees
And lost in dance
Appear as tortured souls
Some embrace their lover
Entwined and in full
Others prefer solitude
Standing tall and proud
They stretch up
Into the bluest blue
And seem to
Tuesday 22nd February 2022 8:42 pm
Waiting for Answers
The past never leaves
You may, if you are lucky
Feel the joy
Of reprieve
But, the past
Never leaves
It waits
In the shadows
I am waiting
For the past
To find me
The past
Never leaves
It hovers
On the outskirts
Of your reality
I don’t know
If I have
The past
To follow me
I thought
Monday 21st February 2022 8:25 pm
New Musings
And so I walked
Not bare footed
It’s not quite springtime
I didn’t see a buzzard
Nor did I see a crow
I did hear the birds
A song so sweet
In my ears
It is still
A ringing
The grass has not
Been cut
Still only the scent
Of chimney smoke
Mingled with the occasional
Waft of tobacco smoke
Such is the nature
Of the country ...
Sunday 20th February 2022 9:00 pm
It's Gone!
The flow has halted
Creativity is thwarted
It’s gone
Frustration blocks the pipes
I can’t write
My photos feel contrite
Paintings may have well been done
At night
In the dark
Mud takes the place of crimson red
Words fall onto the page
Like lead
I might as well be dead!
Once there were
Exquisite words
Brilliant colours
Feathers of ethereal b...
Sunday 20th February 2022 3:44 pm
Tigers Wear Orchids
Satin lips
Spitting pins
Silken tongue
Slipping lies
Organza eyes
Veiled with
Oiled Feathers
Fur balls
In the back of your throat
Wilted words
Tumbling from
From your funeral pipes
Words reflect
The workings
Of your brain
You project
Your pain
Urging me to soak
It in
Sweet peas
Lose their scent
Roses fade
Friday 18th February 2022 4:16 pm
The Kids Home
The Kids home
It’s a bit like a scrap yard
But maybe it’s more like
A recycling centre
The Kids Home
Is a kind of waiting room
For kids who wait
They wait for something
They don’t know what
These are the kids
Looked after by the state
The kids are different
To the ones with homes
They live their lives in
This liminal space
Waiting to be w...
Thursday 17th February 2022 9:10 pm
The Wandering Wise Woman.
The wandering wise woman
Gives her words for free
Winding through life
She walks with elegant ease
This is a woman who-
No longer feels the need to please
Preferring only to talk to the trees
Not for her
The malaise of blind acceptance
A life time of learning
Informs her well
She cuts her own pattern
She tacks her own line
Crafts her own dance
Wednesday 16th February 2022 9:57 pm
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