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<Deleted User> (13762)

Mon 26th Feb 2018 19:29

that first verse is a beaut Ray. Us humans just love to give names to things, it's an obsession but no doubt one which has enabled us to progress out of the cave and into our semis through the evolution of language and communication. But it's good to remember that once upon a time there were no names and that's a rather nice thought I think. I guess your mother maybe summed up the same sentiment when she said "I love the wide open skies here". Sometimes the view is clearer without all the other clutter. Col.

Comment is about THE HOG'S BACK, A REVELATION (blog)

Original item by ray pool

<Deleted User> (13762)

Mon 26th Feb 2018 19:13

them new plackie notes don't makes for a good wad in my 'onest o-pinion guv but them silly little cards they still comes in handy for divvying up the coke if yer know what I mean? I likes yer style Raymondo. You'll go far if yer keep writing stuff like this. In fact, I might just 'ave a little job for you...

Comment is about LISTEN UP, SON (blog)

Original item by ray pool

<Deleted User> (13762)

Mon 26th Feb 2018 18:51

Well done Ruby. The wonder of Write Out Loud means we all get to read work by poets from all over the world. Poetry has truly become a global community since the advent of the internet - whether here or on blogs or Twitter or elsewhere - and that has to be a good thing. I've been enjoying your recent posts including the three 'Dear...' poems - my personal favourite being 'Dear Love' - so I'm pleased to see you getting headline billing. Good luck with your writing and performing. I remember my first time and my knees shook like some cartoon character so you're not alone in that respect. All the best, Colin.

Comment is about 'Dear Sad Friend' by Ruby is Write Out Loud's Poem of the Week (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Mon 26th Feb 2018 15:45

Hi David ; I think we're in middle earth territory here - the road through Puttenham certainly hasn't done much changing and still has the old "Arthurian" flavour. Not a place to break down at night. Everyone should be in touch with nature in the raw. My mum was a spontaneous person and quite sentimental ( a London trait I would say). Thanks for the lovely comment.

Hi Greg, yes I am familiar with the car park and the dark doings therein (not personally obviously). I did hear that poem and it was quite graphic if I recall. Rodney is master of the throwaway humorous line - pity he didn't throw it away that time!(just joking). Classic nostalgia neatly described on the way to Devon - a classic journey in the day. I imagine there were severe holdups even then as the 60s progressed. It's a pity that wasn't taken into account by Beeching et al. Thanks for that!


Comment is about THE HOG'S BACK, A REVELATION (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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Graham Sherwood

Mon 26th Feb 2018 12:24

Loved it the first time I read it. Interesting terminology in some of the expressions but they fit well.

Well done for winning POTW Ruby, keep writing!

Comment is about 'Dear Sad Friend' by Ruby is Write Out Loud's Poem of the Week (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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eve nortley

Mon 26th Feb 2018 08:30

thank you so much David and I'm so glad it has given you a taste of the joys of nature. I think sometimes we get so caught up in "all that glitters" that we forget where the real gold in life is. Hope its not too long before you can jump the waves again.

Comment is about come down to the beach (blog)

Original item by eve nortley

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keith jeffries

Sun 25th Feb 2018 22:22


Thank you for your comment which, as always, is well received. When I wrote this poem I was seeking to understand if people of faith and no faith regard themselves as being two or three dimensional. Body, mind, and spirit, which does necessarily need to connect with a particular brand of religion. If we are creatures only of body and mind then we function only within these dimensions. For me this poses the possibility of some interesting answers.

I well remember the call the muezzin in Jerusalem and elsewhere in the Middle East. I have a great love for the bells of Rome on a Sunday morning as they fill the air with a mystical enchantment.

Thanks again David.
Take care

Comment is about More than the eye can see (blog)

Original item by keith jeffries

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Greg Freeman

Sun 25th Feb 2018 22:04

I love geological poems, Ray. And I was driving along the Hog's Back just the other night, down to Rodney's spoken word night in Aldershot. (Have you ever heard Rodney's poem about dogging on the Hog's Back? One of his more outrageous ones). The Hogs Back was also part of our route to Devon on our camping coach Easter holidays in the early 60s. I can still hear my brother asking: "Are we there yet?"

Comment is about THE HOG'S BACK, A REVELATION (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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Sun 25th Feb 2018 20:23

Thanks so much ?

Comment is about Poisoned (blog)

Original item by frey

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keith jeffries

Sun 25th Feb 2018 19:24

MC., thanks. Keith

Comment is about More than the eye can see (blog)

Original item by keith jeffries

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 25th Feb 2018 18:24

I like the brevity and can only agree with the final line.

Comment is about Whimsy (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 25th Feb 2018 18:14

Interesting thought-provoking stuff. But...
All the more reason for me to say
Let's grab some fun along the way! ?

Comment is about More than the eye can see (blog)

Original item by keith jeffries

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 25th Feb 2018 18:02

One of the great "unspoken" aspects of the problem in the
USA is the mental state of mind that appears relevant to
these criminal obscenities. The prevalence of drugs and
social alienation that serve to promote these murderous
assaults seem to take second place to the eagerness with
which the blame is placed upon guns per se - very useful,
of course, to those who seek to escape/ignore/ excuse
the deeper social malaise festering in that great country.
In the UK, the problem is now of endemic proportions,
and much seems based in the arrival over recent years
of those from countries and societies lacking stable social
origins and cohesion - alien to our more ordered
and hard-earned social well-being. Tie that to the drug abuse that feeds criminal greed and gang culture and
the problem shows no sign of being remedied by an easy "fix".

Comment is about A weapon and its morality (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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J R Harris

Sun 25th Feb 2018 17:52

Wonderful... loved it and felt it

Comment is about Poisoned (blog)

Original item by frey

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Andy N

Sun 25th Feb 2018 11:05

i met him once in Liverpool i am sure. A nice guy and a very, very clever writer. 89 is a excellent age and more the fact he was still writing until close to the end. Exactly the way i would like to be also

Comment is about Harry O'Neill, staunch member and supporter of Write Out Loud, dies aged 89 (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Andy N

Sun 25th Feb 2018 10:54

Thanks Chris. He wasn't a friend that was for sure and i can't claim to have been a massive fan of the Fall, but he was a artist i respected and when I met him for the third time kinda understood.

Comment is about Three Short Poems about Mark E Smith (blog)

Original item by Andy N

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Andy N

Sun 25th Feb 2018 10:53

thanks Linda and Martin. Proud to read it out at WOL Stockport the other week.

Thanks also Natasha. The accidental thunder was a bit of a accident as i was originally going to write something there but it kinda stuck (:

and Jeff - thought you would like this one. Makes me proud being fromManchester when we have characters like him (:

Comment is about 'Three Short Poems About Mark E Smith' by Andy N is Poem of the Week (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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kJ Walker

Sun 25th Feb 2018 09:20

Hi Martin
I'm assuming this is about ancient conflicts between Catholics and Protestants. (i could be wrong,and often am)
Sadly it could also apply to the middle east today.
So many bad things have been done in the name of religion, and so many people have allowed themselves to be martyred, because they believe "they alone hold the true faith"

Apologies if i misunderstood it, but i did like the style and tone,all the same.

Cheers Kevin

Comment is about I lay my head (blog)

Original item by Martin Elder

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Gerald Morgan

Sun 25th Feb 2018 04:34

Thank you Nicola

Comment is about (blog)

Original item by Gerald Morgan

<Deleted User> (16099)

Sun 25th Feb 2018 03:19

Always prayers to you every day of my life.....

Comment is about What I Need (blog)

Original item by Chiari Warrior Soldier

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Ria Richardson

Sat 24th Feb 2018 23:48

Thank you Patrick
It’s lovely to meet you


Comment is about forward (blog)

Original item by Ria Richardson

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Sat 24th Feb 2018 21:58

This takes some getting into Martin, and really worth it! Not your usual fare perhaps. It seems to have conscience and individual choice at its heart, and takes us on a journey of self doubt , resolving into a philosophical acceptance. Nice!


Comment is about I lay my head (blog)

Original item by Martin Elder

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Sat 24th Feb 2018 21:53

A clever portrayal of concentration and distraction if I may say Tommy - a letter still has the edge over emails in the mysterious sense as the letter is literally enveloped by the envelope.


Comment is about Classroom - vertices - (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Sat 24th Feb 2018 18:24

Thanks Martin, so pleased you liked that word; just seemed to gel.

That's good, David; just trying to do a descriptive piece for its own sake . I imagine Billy Graham as a popout in a birthday card with an audio clip to boot, coming back to life and scaring the shit out of us.

Cheers, Hannah. A bit of an experiment in description.

Always welcome comments Suki. I tried scrambling the lines to give a jagged look. I'm no expert but glad you liked it.

Thanks Col, and Des for the likes.


Comment is about RHAPSODY FOR A DEAD REPTILE (blog)

Original item by ray pool

<Deleted User> (13740)

Sat 24th Feb 2018 13:30

Now ain't that beautiful? X

Comment is about (blog)

Original item by Gerald Morgan

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Chris Hubbard

Sat 24th Feb 2018 00:33

As well as can be expected, Colin, since I had to get my geek of a brother to revive its ancient predecessor, put aside for just this possibility!

I am a digital idiot I'm afraid ...

Comment is about On The Border (blog)

Original item by Chris Hubbard

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suki spangles

Sat 24th Feb 2018 00:08

CPD - love it it Col!

Perhaps I should phone in unwell for work claiming I have chronic CPD. Will report back on whther that's a success or not.

Have a great weekend, CPD notwithstanding..


Comment is about Crimewatch Verses Spartacus ~ Blame Russia (blog)

Original item by Suki Spangles

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suki spangles

Fri 23rd Feb 2018 23:50

Has a lovely nourish feel ~ abyss dreamtime..


Comment is about dramamine blues (blog)

Original item by Stuart Buck

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suki spangles

Fri 23rd Feb 2018 23:35

Hi Ray,

Has a slight Beat Poetry feel to the piece. Intriguing imagery:

veins of ferns..

..a subcontiment/ the sun your mentor



Comment is about RHAPSODY FOR A DEAD REPTILE (blog)

Original item by ray pool

<Deleted User> (18118)

Fri 23rd Feb 2018 21:23

Guns and knives being used a lot recently to kill.
A strong piece, thought provoking. I read it twice.


Comment is about A weapon and its morality (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

<Deleted User> (18118)

Fri 23rd Feb 2018 21:19

Love this poem.
Rich in imagery and words.


Comment is about RHAPSODY FOR A DEAD REPTILE (blog)

Original item by ray pool

<Deleted User> (18118)

Fri 23rd Feb 2018 21:13

Strong writing on an issue I feel strongly about myself.
Someone said, children should be seen and heard and listened to.
Thanks for writing this.


Comment is about The Good Fight (blog)

Original item by Wendy Higson

<Deleted User> (18118)

Fri 23rd Feb 2018 21:08

'Normality a cultural prison'
That is so true.
A brilliant poem.


Comment is about Normality a cultural prison (blog)

Original item by 220August

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Fri 23rd Feb 2018 19:45

Clever...Thanks for sharing.

Comment is about size matters (blog)

Original item by eve nortley

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eve nortley

Fri 23rd Feb 2018 19:44

Hi Adam,
thank you so much for your feedback. I do have a bit of an advantage as I have the good fortune to work with asylum seekers and refugees and am constantly inspired by their tenacity and lust for life. Thanks again - it is a piece close to my heart.

Comment is about they came (blog)

Original item by eve nortley

<Deleted User> (16099)

Fri 23rd Feb 2018 17:58

Very hard to see you go through this. Way to come out the other side...

Comment is about Him (blog)

Original item by Chiari Warrior Soldier

<Deleted User> (16099)

Fri 23rd Feb 2018 17:39

I wish there is so much more to this poem so many lines you started with this fantastic jumping off point I wish you would've jumped And in the eye of the dead cow for a moment I thought it was winking back at me certain that I too would be dying in this night but I would not go quietly into the white ...I would instead sing in hope that old cow might hear me and
Like a newborn child come to dance with me again....

Comment is about forward (blog)

Original item by Ria Richardson

<Deleted User> (16099)

Fri 23rd Feb 2018 17:28

Deep and passionate and caring a glimpse of The inter-you loved it..

Comment is about my dreams (blog)

Original item by Ria Richardson

<Deleted User> (16099)

Fri 23rd Feb 2018 17:26

I welcome your change in your name I applaud your survival hello I am patrick

Comment is about Ria Richardson (poet profile)

Original item by Ria Richardson

<Deleted User> (16099)

Fri 23rd Feb 2018 17:22

We survive By having faith and finding the people we care about and by always sticking together..just as I have Found you ......

Comment is about What Is This? (blog)

Original item by Chiari Warrior Soldier

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Fri 23rd Feb 2018 14:26

Thanks, I was afraid I was to far off the mark to suggest I was doing it in the poem (last line). So, I appreciate the comment.

Comment is about Creating Another Shakespearean Tragedy (blog)

Original item by 220August

<Deleted User> (9882)

Fri 23rd Feb 2018 11:23

and what a clever lovely head you have Martin! as to our being the ain't grown boobies, have you?


( just to make you laugh and give me a good reason for getting my coat matey )

good job well-done squire!

Rose ?

Comment is about I lay my head (blog)

Original item by Martin Elder

<Deleted User> (9882)

Fri 23rd Feb 2018 11:16

Good morning Wendy. Keep that axe sharpened girl! ?

Rose ?

Comment is about The Good Fight (blog)

Original item by Wendy Higson

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Chris Armstrong

Fri 23rd Feb 2018 10:45

Thanks, Martin. I take great pleasure in individual words - I would almost say the feel of them - so I know what you mean about jouncing! Trying to combine the right words in the right order is what its all about!!

Comment is about Pastoral (blog)

Original item by Chris Armstrong

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Adam Whitworth

Fri 23rd Feb 2018 10:38

Hi Eve

Astounding. So effective and really moving.
I'm so jealous of your artistry!

Comment is about they came (blog)

Original item by eve nortley

<Deleted User> (13762)

Fri 23rd Feb 2018 08:56

welcome back Chris - a fine poem to return with. Hope the PC is happy now? Considering we rely so heavily on our technology these days it's a shame they can't make the stuff more reliable. But then again they want us to keep buying and upgrading and...

Comment is about On The Border (blog)

Original item by Chris Hubbard

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nick armbrister

Fri 23rd Feb 2018 08:18

thanx mate just an idle ramble written while bored in my job lol

Comment is about to what (blog)

Original item by NICK ARMBRISTER

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Martin Elder

Thu 22nd Feb 2018 22:56

Love the comparison between a religious form of communion and what we see and feel in life .
great stuff

Comment is about Cyclades (blog)

Original item by Tom Harding

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Martin Elder

Thu 22nd Feb 2018 22:54

It starts off so well ray with that lovely word Rapscallion and just goes on in a like minded vine. Love the whole piece

Comment is about RHAPSODY FOR A DEAD REPTILE (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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Martin Elder

Thu 22nd Feb 2018 22:48

I think Keith is right in that it has an almost mystical quality about it. Wonderfully put as usual Ian.
Love it
I am intrigued to know where the accompanying picture is of.
Nice one mate

Comment is about Sacred Path (blog)

Original item by Ian Whiteley

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