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Tue 21st Dec 2010 16:42

Thanks Gus I'll pop by some time when you're at the studio, or gi's a bell when you're there. Have a good xmas both of you!

Comment is about Where dragons and maidens are no more (blog)

Original item by Dermot Glennon

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Gus Jonsson

Tue 21st Dec 2010 16:03

Wow Rachel superbo love the line

'crack of face, eyes skenning'

I always wear the inside of my nose on my chin when I;m out in the snow...

Wonderful poem

Comment is about Snow at Solstice (blog)

Original item by Rachel McGladdery

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Gus Jonsson

Tue 21st Dec 2010 15:58

....5 gold rings!!!!!.....hoping you'll ever cheer up is much a fantasy as this wonderful written jouney . Wonderful stuff it.

Hp to c u soon.


Comment is about Where dragons and maidens are no more (blog)

Original item by Dermot Glennon

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Chris Dawson

Tue 21st Dec 2010 15:04

Lovely piece.

Comment is about Snow at Solstice (blog)

Original item by Rachel McGladdery

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Chris Dawson

Tue 21st Dec 2010 15:02

I see you're in festive mood! Really like this, though a little on the bleak side. Some fantastic lines there.

Comment is about Where dragons and maidens are no more (blog)

Original item by Dermot Glennon

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Ray Miller

Tue 21st Dec 2010 10:42

Lovely poem."the wreck of the garden beautified by it" - I'll save that one for my wife.Never heard "skenning" before and not in my dictionary."syrup clad" is great.


Comment is about Snow at Solstice (blog)

Original item by Rachel McGladdery

<Deleted User> (6534)

Tue 21st Dec 2010 10:11

If Gods were elected I'd vote for your God Dave but I'm not sure his/her principles would survive the inevitable coalition that would result

Comment is about Christmas (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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Ann Foxglove

Tue 21st Dec 2010 09:22

Hi Rach - lovely and sunny here! Did you seen the lunar eclipse earlier? Lovely poem - not sure about "stinking" though. Have a good solstice! xx

Comment is about Snow at Solstice (blog)

Original item by Rachel McGladdery

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Rachel McGladdery

Tue 21st Dec 2010 09:16

Thanks John,Have a brill solstice x

Comment is about John Darwin (poet profile)

Original item by John Darwin

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John Darwin

Tue 21st Dec 2010 09:03

marvellous piece Rachel, curlicued is a great word;

'when we're
syrup clad in a noon
that's almost dawn and nearly dusk' a perfect ending.



Comment is about Snow at Solstice (blog)

Original item by Rachel McGladdery

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Greg Freeman

Tue 21st Dec 2010 08:46

Thanks for your Christmas wishes, Ann, and the same to you! You're never alone on WOL, are you ... I've really enjoyed my year and a bit here. Greg x

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Greg Freeman

Tue 21st Dec 2010 08:44

Thanks for your best wishes about my mum, Isobel. I did feel helpless on that Saturday, but you're right, she does have some very good neighbours. We go down to fetch her up for Christmas tomorrow. We will have a houseful which will hopefully blur any tensions! Hope you have a very good Christmas yourself. Greg x

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

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Andy N

Tue 21st Dec 2010 08:24

made me smile, ann... nice one x

Comment is about You better watch out! (blog)

Original item by Anna McCrory

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Andy N

Tue 21st Dec 2010 08:23

nice stuff, dave.. im like ann christian but it's beauitfully wrote..

Comment is about Christmas (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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Andy N

Tue 21st Dec 2010 08:22

lovely stuff, cynthia.. possibly a bit long for me, but it is a story within a poem so fair enough... xx

Comment is about First Love (revised) (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Andy N

Tue 21st Dec 2010 08:17

i agree with the sentiment, life is a leap of faith and having the guts to follow your dream is often the hardest part.. happy christmas xx

Comment is about 2010 Onward (blog)

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Andy N

Tue 21st Dec 2010 08:13

Hi Alan;

Regarding 'Percy' - thanks Alan.. I've never met him sadly and won't now in this lifetime, but glad you liked it... means a lot to me...

Comment is about alan barlow (poet profile)

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Andy N

Tue 21st Dec 2010 08:12

thanks Alan.. I've never met him sadly and won't now in this lifetime, but glad you liked it... means a lot to me...

Comment is about Percy (blog)

Original item by Andy N

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Tue 21st Dec 2010 05:35

I have never understood how people could confuse love and abuse... It comes down to self esteem.

Comment is about Hello darling, I'm home again (blog)

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Tue 21st Dec 2010 05:15

I love it when you rant...
Sainsbury's is my favourite place to shop ; )

Comment is about 25 things I dont really need for xmas (blog)

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Tue 21st Dec 2010 05:05

Wow... I've never been, but I feel like I've just experienced it!

Comment is about Another Night in A Travel Lodge (blog)

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Mon 20th Dec 2010 22:27

White collar or red collar?

They're all peddling blood money anyway.

War and capitalism are intertwined businesses, it's just one of them is privately endorsed by the military whilst the other and does so publicly with no shame.

Comment is about We're All in this Together (blog)

Original item by Ushiku Crisafulli

<Deleted User> (6895)

Mon 20th Dec 2010 22:21

count me in brother-especially after seeing tonights programme on bankers(white collar thieves)bonuses-!!!!!!

Comment is about We're All in this Together (blog)

Original item by Ushiku Crisafulli


Mon 20th Dec 2010 22:04

Re; Hospice Cat Dave, absolutely -animals are so much more aware than we think - saved people from earthquakes too - many thanks for the kind words

Comment is about Dave Bradley (poet profile)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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alan barlow

Mon 20th Dec 2010 20:55

a worthy dedication to mother nature i feel such imagery truly does it justice, "her" up there would appreciate it ;-)

Comment is about Iris (blog)

Original item by Moira Eribenne


Mon 20th Dec 2010 20:50

Hi Alan - thanks for your comments on Hospice Cat - I think all animals have greater insight than we give them credit for although I choose not to have one myself - from the little I know of catspeak Prrrp is a kind of 'job done - I'm off' statement - I happen to know there is a group called Pets for Theraphy which aids cancer patients - thanks again

Comment is about alan barlow (poet profile)

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Ann Foxglove

Mon 20th Dec 2010 18:57

Fabaroonie! (Bet that wasn't on your list!)

Comment is about Just a Synechdoche (blog)

Original item by Dave Carr

<Deleted User> (7212)

Mon 20th Dec 2010 18:42

Mega ! thorough entertainment :) B

Comment is about Just a Synechdoche (blog)

Original item by Dave Carr

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Mon 20th Dec 2010 18:08

I'm not sure I ever would have stretched that far - to poetry, I mean - even knowing the penchant for poetry as 'babies'. But 'as much mystery as I can muster remains concealed within' might have been a clue; it didn't make much sense in any other context. Also the title itself. Good brain teaser.

Comment is about This Virtual Life (blog)

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Mon 20th Dec 2010 17:57

Delightful, Ann. My fave line: 'cannot remember eating fish'. I also love to polish some silver treasures, maybe worth a few quid in today's market, but precious to me for memories also. I've never used Brasso except on brass.

Comment is about silver polish (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Mon 20th Dec 2010 17:09

I do thank you all for your input. John, I must have been revising as you were commenting (have no idea how that works; do you see me in action?) If anyone cares to re-look, I have made several changes, because I knew the poem hadn't 'settled', was way too prosy in the rough. I know better. I will henceforth exercise the discipline needed for longer themes. Once again, super opinions much respected.

Comment is about First Love (revised) (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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John Aikman

Mon 20th Dec 2010 16:42

It's a fabulous story although I think it could be edited strongly and gain a bit on the poetry front. Mind you, I say that about anything longer than a sonnet :-)

I think you could edit out clunky bits like 'years of age' (what else would they be?)'one night' (unnecessary)'another man' (we didn't think she'd married him and the next line confirms that) 'he never recovered from losing her' (well, that's partly what the poem is about so it doesn't need spelling out) and I think some stuff, like terminal cancer could be alluded to...unless it was a flat 'matter of fact' vibe that you were going for.

Hope you don't mind my does contain some lovely lines and...'She knows wooing memories is a twisted risk.' is worthy of a poem of its own.Thank you.Jx

Comment is about First Love (revised) (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Ray Miller

Mon 20th Dec 2010 15:40

I enjoyed the tale. For me, there isn't enough of what we'd call poetic, I suppose. This is lovely:
with a sophomorphic smile lips half parted.
But I feel there's too much explaining going on e.g. most of the 4th verse.

Comment is about First Love (revised) (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Ray Miller

Mon 20th Dec 2010 15:12

Many plaudits, Dave. And actually you can't have just one plaudit.

Comment is about Just a Synechdoche (blog)

Original item by Dave Carr

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Mon 20th Dec 2010 13:58

I hope your mum is managing ok Greg - hopefully the neighbours will all rally. This snow is something else. I would have to bloody work at the only school in Wigan that stays open...

Comment is about Greg Freeman (poet profile)

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Mon 20th Dec 2010 13:51

I don't feel too disappointed Ray. Replace 'someone' by poem and much of my speculation makes sense.

I've never considered my poetry to have orifaces before - but yes they are like babies and releasing them is like cutting a chord - started writing one along those lines myself once but didn't finish it.

I suppose we could always resurrect when we hit the big time and get famous...

Comment is about This Virtual Life (blog)

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Ray Miller

Mon 20th Dec 2010 13:13

Hello Isobel. Ta for comments on This Virtual Life. I almost feel as if I've let you down after all that speculation on the subject of the poem!

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

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Ray Miller

Mon 20th Dec 2010 13:06

Thanks for your comments, Ann.Spittly, stubbly = rough draft poems? That was the idea anyhow! Difficult deciding how much to tell people.

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Laura Taylor

Mon 20th Dec 2010 12:49

Awwww. Thanks Janet - nice poem there too.

Comment is about 2010 Onward (blog)

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Mon 20th Dec 2010 11:45

only if i get to hear the Darwinian Drawl... x

Comment is about John Darwin (poet profile)

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John Darwin

Mon 20th Dec 2010 11:19

cheers Steve, I am hoping to witness the Garside step-away tonight

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Mon 20th Dec 2010 09:46

And so a litany of thanksgiving arise, Cynthia. My gratitude for your support and interaction. Mys suspicion is that paginated poetry like everything classical shall endure the test of time. Cheers, Frederick

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Dave Bradley

Mon 20th Dec 2010 09:39

Amazing, Dave. Very funny and a surprisingly good poem considering what had to be stuffed into it.

Comment is about Just a Synechdoche (blog)

Original item by Dave Carr

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Greg Freeman

Mon 20th Dec 2010 09:33

Tour de force!

Comment is about Just a Synechdoche (blog)

Original item by Dave Carr

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Mon 20th Dec 2010 09:30

Hey Ann, thanks for your kind words of comment on 'Cry Petey...'. You are much appreciated.

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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