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Ann Foxglove

Sat 18th Dec 2010 19:23

Written last March - when it was a time of primroses and tadpoles!And it must be about six years ago that we saw the lights in the sky and heard our chickens sleeping.

Comment is about primroses and tadpoles (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove


Sat 18th Dec 2010 19:14

Hi Winston - thanks for the feedback on 'When' very much appreciated - gave me the chance to check the 'Dreaming of Dad' ghazal- lovely - has any of your bardsmanship rubbed off on the little one - time alone will tell I suppose

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Julian (Admin)

Sat 18th Dec 2010 17:09

Nice one. So Santa really was a Catholic priest?

Comment is about You better watch out! (blog)

Original item by Anna McCrory


Sat 18th Dec 2010 16:34

I liked this a lot - light hearted and liberating - who'd of thought - Santa eh - call Rudolph to the witness stand but tell him to be careful with those antlers

Comment is about You better watch out! (blog)

Original item by Anna McCrory

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Greg Freeman

Sat 18th Dec 2010 15:22

Thanks for commenting on Nets, Ann. It was written about three years ago, when I had difficulty coming to terms with the journey my mother was setting out on.

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Greg Freeman

Sat 18th Dec 2010 15:18

Thanks for commenting on Nets, Isobel. It was written about three years ago, at the start of a journey for my mum. The snow has stopped me going down to Sussex to see her today, meals on wheels have cancelled, and I've had to ask good neighbours to look in on her to make sure she's ok.

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

Original item by Isobel

<Deleted User> (7212)

Sat 18th Dec 2010 13:12

you want to come & sit on my knee little girl?

Comment is about You better watch out! (blog)

Original item by Anna McCrory

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Lynn Dye

Sat 18th Dec 2010 12:17

Thank you for kind comments Francis.

And thank you, Larisa xxx

Stefan and Banksy, you do make me laugh - I don't think videos were invented back then - well, maybe cine films, very expensive though. Actually, I wasn't originally an Essex girl, but I suppose never been too far away! Thanks for comments :)

Thank you Philipos, brilliant comment :D What can I say? It was all so long ago! ;)

Comment is about Essex (blog)

Original item by Lynn Dye

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sat 18th Dec 2010 12:05

thanks for the warning!-yours sindeerly-S.,ve been banned from my grotto

Comment is about You better watch out! (blog)

Original item by Anna McCrory

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Ray Miller

Sat 18th Dec 2010 11:46

Thanks very much, Isobel and John. You're lucky to have all these poetry nights. Next to nowt down here.Had to look up dactyl, thought it were an extinct reptile.

Comment is about Riverside Inn (blog)

<Deleted User> (8672)

Sat 18th Dec 2010 11:13

Just spotted this one but as a fan of Goya myself, there are some great lines here, Alan and you've clearly put a lot work into this, which deserves serious study. I particularly like 'terror scythed my melancholy'. There is a lot of truth in myths, particularly in this one as jealousy is perennial.

Comment is about saturn (blog)

Original item by alan barlow

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winston plowes

Sat 18th Dec 2010 10:58

Hi Isobel, Thanks for your very kind comments on Ghazal(there) I feel like I am on a roll with them, It's true that you can get so tied up in conforming to the criteria that you end up with just a bunch of 'forced phrases' and not a 'poem' I would love to see those lights. Win X (snowed in today)

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

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winston plowes

Sat 18th Dec 2010 10:03

Ann, thanks for commenting on my last blog entry. Never knew you could get the lights in Cornwall. You are very lucky to see them, see if you can dig out the poem, I am a big fan of the lights. Yes, a while ago I couldn't write a ghazal at all for some reason. But as ever with these things time changes everything. Win X. P,S, snowed in!

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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winston plowes

Sat 18th Dec 2010 09:54

Hi there Greg, Glad you liked my last blog, Ghazal (There). I think thats my fav sher also, Win

Comment is about Greg Freeman (poet profile)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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winston plowes

Sat 18th Dec 2010 09:53

Hi there, Glad you liked my last blog, Ghazal (There). Notice I have used the word 'I' as a takkhalus this time as we chatted about recently. Win x

Comment is about John Aikman (poet profile)

Original item by John Aikman

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Dominic Berry

Sat 18th Dec 2010 08:29

ha ha! i am sure my choice in tags says as much if not more about me than the poem! Probably too much... heh heh heh!!

Comment is about Hero (blog)

Original item by Dominic Berry

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Greg Freeman

Sat 18th Dec 2010 07:31

No, it's not Scarborough, John; the much balmier region of Hastings! We know Scarborough very well, though; my father-in-law hails from there, and my wife speaks very fondly of her childhood holidays and Peasholm Park.

Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)

Original item by John Coopey

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Ann Foxglove

Sat 18th Dec 2010 06:45

I love the way the "tags" are about as long as the poem! They are quite a poem in themselves!

Comment is about Hero (blog)

Original item by Dominic Berry

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alan barlow

Fri 17th Dec 2010 23:25

thanks again for showing an interest philipos much appreciated
truth be known i have lost friends, family and pets to cancer, i have friends and family still fighting and friends in the clear so yes i have had a lot of exposure to "it". i just think it so cruel as the sufferers on the whole are so undeserving in my opinion, not that i feel such an affliction should be readily hurled upon someone with whom you get road rage with etc. but as isobel said i think that the stark contrast between life and cancer was what i was looking for and leading the reader astray was most definitely my intention. many thanks again to you both


Comment is about motherhood (blog)

Original item by alan barlow


Fri 17th Dec 2010 23:14

Hi again Alan - just got your follow up - then decided to read another of yours called Motherhood the analogy between that state and the condition you describe in the last line is quite powerful and I did wonder if there might be some biographical connection within your peer group or family as it is quite a clever conceit (wit) to engage with - some poems just need to be decoded - best regards

Comment is about motherhood (blog)

Original item by alan barlow

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Dominic Berry

Fri 17th Dec 2010 23:10

Cheers folks really nice to hear positive feedback appreciate it!

Comment is about Hero (blog)

Original item by Dominic Berry

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alan barlow

Fri 17th Dec 2010 22:56

thanks for your message and no problem ;-)
my back is far from up no fear everyone is entitled to a set of beliefs so long as it means something to them, just so long as they are of the understanding that others are not open books to be recruited to the same school of thought being as individualism is like evolution/mutation. me dark naahhhh.... um well maybe quite a bit lol

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

Original item by Isobel


Fri 17th Dec 2010 22:49

Hi Alan devilishly decent of you to comment on my poems Mad Festive Dog and Consumed - read your Saturn which reminds me of an out of body experience there must a niche market out there somewhere for your work - thanx again

Comment is about alan barlow (poet profile)

Original item by alan barlow

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alan barlow

Fri 17th Dec 2010 22:48

thankyou very much for your time taken to read this piece i know not of where the inspiration came from but i often catch myself looking at things from both sides or perhaps look at things from the "other" view point than what is widely accepted as the norm. perhaps that mindset lends itself to my different slant on the world, but yes most of it is dark as that often feels more natural than anything else ;-) but thankyou x

Comment is about motherhood (blog)

Original item by alan barlow

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Fri 17th Dec 2010 22:38

Dark - very dark and sad. I was totally wrong footed to the very end so the poem worked in the way it shocked. I don't think you could possibly have created a more shocking metaphor for cancer than motherhood - the antithesis of life for so many.
I'm fascinated by your motivation to write like this - I must admit - it is so alien to me - but then I've never been able to get my head round horror films either and millions of people pay good money to watch them.
That's not criticism at all. If we all wrote to the same theme and tone, it would be a bloody boring site and your poetry is definitely different. x

Comment is about motherhood (blog)

Original item by alan barlow

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Fri 17th Dec 2010 22:33

LOL - when I saw your profile pic and a comment I thought the devil had come to give me a good roasting! What a pleasant surprise to read it. I am delighted by what you had to say. I really wasn't wanting to come across as preachy and am relieved I didn't - we all have to reach our own conclusions or those conclusions are worthless. I'm just delighted to be able to get my meaning across to even one atheist without putting backs up.
Your poetry is very dark indeed - tried some of the links but got nowhere. Will take another look on WOL.
Isobel x

Comment is about alan barlow (poet profile)

Original item by alan barlow

<Deleted User> (6895)

Fri 17th Dec 2010 22:26

hey up! izzys in the building! repeat after me-fuckoff Wilde-but don,t forget the xxxx,s!

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

Original item by Isobel

<Deleted User> (7789)

Fri 17th Dec 2010 21:12

Hi Lyn - thanks for reading! It's difficult to know whether to split long poems or not. I think maybe we should as it puts people off otherwise or they are more likely to skim read it at least.

Comment is about Lynn Dye (poet profile)

Original item by Lynn Dye

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alan barlow

Fri 17th Dec 2010 21:02

a poignant view and a fitting ode to your uncle i think he will like it when he comes to peer over your shoulder to read it. thankyou

Comment is about Percy (blog)

Original item by Andy N

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alan barlow

Fri 17th Dec 2010 20:51

the last stanza is great and speaks volumes maybe its just because i can relate to it more but i like the quirkiness and the inferences you put out there. "like"

Comment is about plump blond girl (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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winston plowes

Fri 17th Dec 2010 20:11

Re Ghazal (branches). John, I don't find your comments 'nit picky'. 1) You have spotted a missing apostrophie and 2) The line 'filing down the wind's teeth' and 'branches' raises an important point when writting ghazals in english. The poem is a compromise between, on the one hand maintaining the criteria and on the other creating a poetic voice worth hearing. In the first sher (As Philipos pointed out the voice was compromised as boughs would have been more harmonious) and yes in the 3rd sher also. To try and get round this to some degree other poets have inserted a lot of punctuation. Maybe a dash would improve the reading, some english ghazals are almost overwhelmed with punctuation IMHO,
Cheers john

Comment is about John Aikman (poet profile)

Original item by John Aikman

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John Coopey

Fri 17th Dec 2010 20:07

This is my kind of stuff, Ray. Love it, especially the dactyls in the bridge.

Comment is about Riverside Inn (blog)

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Dave Bradley

Fri 17th Dec 2010 19:46

How did I miss this. Excellent.

Enjoyed your contributions at the Tudor last night too, John

Comment is about Colliers and Kids (blog)

Original item by John Coopey


Fri 17th Dec 2010 17:56

Some great lines here one especially alluded to already by Ann and the one earlier on about rescuing smiles - definitely a want to read more poem - well done

Comment is about Hero (blog)

Original item by Dominic Berry


Fri 17th Dec 2010 17:21

You married to a tree-trembler and worried he can't cook - some people are never content - seriously though liked the mood of gay abandon in your poem although I would never do anything like that myself - well not that I would admit to anyway

Comment is about Essex (blog)

Original item by Lynn Dye

<Deleted User> (6895)

Fri 17th Dec 2010 17:17

aint it good Lynn when people ride on the back of ones originality!anyhow I don,t mind banksy-how could I not pity a man who thinks his lounge is on the roof! re title of this lovely poem Lynn-
Es-Sex?....I,ll get me coat..SW.x

Comment is about Essex (blog)

Original item by Lynn Dye

<Deleted User> (7212)

Fri 17th Dec 2010 16:22

I'll second Stef's sentiments.
when folk ask whether you want to see the video of the wedding, I reckon I'd rather see the video of the honeymoon ;) nudge nudge

Comment is about Essex (blog)

Original item by Lynn Dye

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Chris Co

Fri 17th Dec 2010 16:05

Hi Laura,

I know exactly what you mean- reference your last comment on the OK society poem.


It was nice to meet you at the Tudor.

fantastic performance of your space poem....really enjoyed it!

Happy Christmas


Comment is about Laura Taylor (poet profile)

Original item by Laura Taylor

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Chris Co

Fri 17th Dec 2010 16:03

Thx for the feedback and kind comment on the Ok Society poem.


Cheers Isobel

Might see you at the Howcroft..if not have a really happy Christmas.


Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

Original item by Isobel

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Chris Co

Fri 17th Dec 2010 15:59

Thx for the generous and detailed feedback on the OK Society poem Steve.

I did perform it at The Bards and it went down in the tone/manner that felt apt.

It'll be good to be back at the Bards in the New Year!


Comment is about Steve Regan (poet profile)

Original item by Steve Regan

<Deleted User> (6895)

Fri 17th Dec 2010 15:57

Lynn-more importantly-did you take any photo,s or video,s-if so-how much and do you do concessions for pensioners-lovely sexy summery poem-Stef.x

Comment is about Essex (blog)

Original item by Lynn Dye

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Chris Co

Fri 17th Dec 2010 15:56

Appreciate the comments on the OK Society poem- if it strikes a chord then that is good.

Of course I wish our society spent less time on tittle tattle and paid far more attention to real news stories. I wish our media had more decorum, decency and taste.

If only something could be done.


Comment is about Dave Bradley (poet profile)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Fri 17th Dec 2010 15:50

Yes! Sometimes and always (I certainly speak only about myself) the best things in life are those which are not planned.
Love this poem Lynn.With warmest wishes,

Comment is about Essex (blog)

Original item by Lynn Dye

<Deleted User> (7212)

Fri 17th Dec 2010 15:41

ah, yes - the salty tang of an Essex girl ;)

Comment is about Essex (blog)

Original item by Lynn Dye

<Deleted User> (8672)

Fri 17th Dec 2010 14:32

I say! Sometimes (always?) the best things in life are those which are unplanned. First two lines set the scene perfectly, the alliteration, seaside = fun, rippling corn = summer promise... But enough! Very enjoyable, I like it.

Comment is about Essex (blog)

Original item by Lynn Dye

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Dominic Berry

Fri 17th Dec 2010 14:10

Thanks Ann. I love your 'fox' profile pic- what a great image! Cheers for kind words on poem, glad it made a connection :)

Comment is about Hero (blog)

Original item by Dominic Berry

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Ann Foxglove

Fri 17th Dec 2010 14:01

Wow, how fab! (could even rewire a star is a great line.)

Comment is about Hero (blog)

Original item by Dominic Berry

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Dominic Berry

Fri 17th Dec 2010 13:43

hey folks, have printed a new poem up on me Write Out Loud blog- 'Hero'. be cool to see what folk think :)

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Original item by Dominic Berry

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Fri 17th Dec 2010 13:03

This has great beauty of idea and poetic presentation. I find it very spiritual, like a parable.

Comment is about The way you walk (blog)

Original item by Moira Eribenne

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winston plowes

Fri 17th Dec 2010 10:09

Hi Ann, Yes. Mission accomplished. and just before the weather went wrong again. I will patch you in to the report in due course. Win :-)

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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