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<Deleted User> (6534)

Wed 15th Dec 2010 19:11

If Bertrand Russell couldn’t convince you I’m certainly not going to try. I’m not that evangelical about my atheism. In fact some of my best friends are Christians. My Dad bought me the book for Christmas many years ago, not that we celebrated Christmas. He was like the pope of atheism. I believe it had something to do with being a bomb aimer in Lancasters during the Second World War not that he talked about it much. His older brother had been a Japanese prisoner of war and became a Methodist lay preacher on his return. They would have some wonderful discussions, warm never heated. My Dad had the last word at George’s funeral when he started the eulogy with the line- I hope George is quickly coming to terms with the lack of an afterlife.......

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Ann Foxglove

Wed 15th Dec 2010 19:10

Hi Lynne - yes, Hayle is a few miles away but I often pass through it on the bus - on my way to St Ives. Do you ever visit your sister? Cornwall is great! xx

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Chris Co

Wed 15th Dec 2010 19:02

The feedback on the protest poem- appreciated Laura.

The lines that you quoted were exactly the level of contempt and targets I was aiming at...bloody tragic.

My Best


Comment is about Laura Taylor (poet profile)

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Chris Co

Wed 15th Dec 2010 18:58

Hi Andy, thx for the feedback on my latest.


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Chris Co

Wed 15th Dec 2010 18:57

Thx for reading Tommy- appreciated.

Hope you are well- my best


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Ray Miller

Wed 15th Dec 2010 18:55

Lynn, thanks for comments on Santa. Appreciated.

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Ray Miller

Wed 15th Dec 2010 18:53

Hello Cynthia. Thanks for comments on Santa. I can see what you mean about Dickens, Darwin, but the way I say the poem it would disrupt the rhythm too much.And rhythm is king.

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Ray Miller

Wed 15th Dec 2010 18:47

Ann, thanks for the comments on Santa. Appreciated.

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Ray Miller

Wed 15th Dec 2010 18:44

Could be a slow poison, Lynn. Of course, he's given you every incentive to get better. Enjoyed.

Comment is about Oh, For A Modern Man! (blog)

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Dave Bradley

Wed 15th Dec 2010 17:31

A very enjoyable one, Lynn. I'm the proud owner of the invaluable 'Cooking for Blokes' which does give all the detail which all those fancy cookbooks don't. However, even Cooking for Blokes must assume you knew what a baking tray was, because it isn't defined in the very basic 'Tools' section (pages 6 -14). (-:

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Wed 15th Dec 2010 17:12

If you'd been married to someone who criticised anything you ever cooked - for its fat content, its digestive content, its lack of imagination, or its timing, you might just learn to adore the man you've got :) Sometimes it's good not to live with 'perfection'.
An amusing poem Lynn. x

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Ann Foxglove

Wed 15th Dec 2010 17:03

Lovely images Marianne. Really enjoyed this. x

Comment is about Rhombus (blog)

Original item by Marianne Daniels


Wed 15th Dec 2010 16:40

Hi there Marianne I particularly enjoyed the last line Kistch of cunning - where did you get that stonker from - a great take on dualism as well - well done

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Lynn Dye

Wed 15th Dec 2010 16:25

I really like this too, Ray. Lots of very good lines. x

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Lynn Dye

Wed 15th Dec 2010 15:39

I don't doubt it, Francis. Thank you for comment.

Glad it made you laugh, Rachael, thanks. Actually, hubby laughed too!

Thanks Stef, luckily, I can do pity!! ;)

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Wed 15th Dec 2010 15:20

The last line is superb; a punchline that sums up a whole idea needs great skill. IMO, I would drop the two 'Charles' and leave 'Dickens' and "Darwin' to tell the whole point, making a snappier line as well. 'dreams are melting; drip, drip, drip go the decorations' is a super metaphor using vibrant alliteration and onomatopoeia.

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Ann Foxglove

Wed 15th Dec 2010 14:58

ooops - thanks Cynthia, didn't see that typo! x

Comment is about plump blond girl (blog)

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Wed 15th Dec 2010 14:55

Another evocative timely observation that catches your readers by the heartstrings. Did you mean 'plump blonde girl starts to laugh' ie no 's' for a plural? Liked your point about not laughing out loud at canned comedy; your mind is probably scads ahead of the script.

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Ann Foxglove

Wed 15th Dec 2010 14:50

I really like this Ray
"The last of the believers has outgrown
stockings and keeps her own counsel"
"December cracks and there's condensation
above the bed where I'm not sleeping"
being my favourite bits. Full of the disillusion of being a grown up, as we used to call them (us!) Have a good one! x

Comment is about Santa (blog)

<Deleted User> (8672)

Wed 15th Dec 2010 14:40

"I'm just being a boring old miseryguts fart of late!" I'm like it all the time.

Comment is about plump blond girl (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

<Deleted User> (8672)

Wed 15th Dec 2010 14:37

Some lovely imagery here, Marianne, in my opinion. I particularly like 'my body is a hare'. I have a thing about hares – I find them 'spiritual', is that odd?

Comment is about Rhombus (blog)

Original item by Marianne Daniels

<Deleted User> (8672)

Wed 15th Dec 2010 14:32

Very good I think, Lynn. I enjoyed it. Not all men are like this, of course. In fact, I'm the best cook in our house...

Comment is about Oh, For A Modern Man! (blog)

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Rachael Dunn

Wed 15th Dec 2010 14:01

haha Lynn, thanks for making me laugh...x

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Lynn Dye

Wed 15th Dec 2010 14:00

Hi Alison, have to say, I enjoyed this just as it is.

Comment is about 42nd Noel (blog)

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Rachael Dunn

Wed 15th Dec 2010 13:58

Thanks Francis and Andy...this song is on my album 'Alpha Ghost'
nice to strip out the music sometimes. Let the voice do the work :) x

Comment is about Seasons left behind (blog)

<Deleted User> (6895)

Wed 15th Dec 2010 13:57

yeah but-yeah but-yeah but...I can boil eggs and pour water on pot noodles-I do however struggle opening bags of crisps-have pity! SW-xx

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Rachael Dunn

Wed 15th Dec 2010 13:54

wonderful Isobel...vocal talent always runs in the family, :)

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Lynn Dye

Wed 15th Dec 2010 13:52

Ah Tom, I was married so long ago there were no modern men then!! And he is certainly not useless in other areas. Just a bit of fun. Ta for comment.

Ann, yes, you are right, he has been a good lad, love him really. xx

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Wed 15th Dec 2010 13:42

Hiya Steve – thanks for taking another look at Iconic. Yes – I think it needs more than one read to fully understand – I didn’t appreciate that at first. I’ve started telling people who the icons are now before I perform it so they have time to get the references (John Lennon, Lady Di, Marilyn Monroe, JFK, Che Guevara, Martin Luther King). I wanted to get Elvis in but it would have been too much of a squeeze ;)
Sorry you can’t make Thursday – Christmas does get manic with dos to go to – though I’m not too bad this year. Will look forward to seeing and hearing from you in the New Year – your stuff always makes me laugh! Take care and have a good one. xx

Comment is about Stephen Pass (poet profile)

Original item by Stephen Pass

<Deleted User> (7212)

Wed 15th Dec 2010 13:08

well, it's nice that you can still take pleasure in someone else's happiness.
I end up laughing at the one-liners in the card shops - I can't help it ! everyone must think I'm a complete nutter :)

Comment is about plump blond girl (blog)

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Ann Foxglove

Wed 15th Dec 2010 12:49

Oh, he means well! Poor lamb! ;-)

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Tommy Carroll

Wed 15th Dec 2010 12:35

Erm, Lynn, did you not meet your spouse before the engagement? How could you not ascertain the fact that he is a dufus?

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Ray Miller

Wed 15th Dec 2010 11:46

Thanks, Isobel. Good to be back. Wolverhampton can wait.

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Ray Miller

Wed 15th Dec 2010 11:38

Hello Laura. Thanks for the comments on Santa. I've actually been Father Xmas 3 times at a kids' nursery. The red nose and beer belly help a lot.

Comment is about Laura Taylor (poet profile)

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Lynn Dye

Wed 15th Dec 2010 10:10

Excellent, Isobel and family, I am well impressed!
Merry Christmas to you too xxx

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Stephen Pass

Wed 15th Dec 2010 09:00

Hi Isobel, Hope you're doing alright. Soz I'm not coming to Wigan tomorrow as I'm working late (after the Christmas Party tonight!) but will get along in January. Hope you have a good Xmas and New Year. Just read and heard your Iconic poem - I needed to hear it a second time after Wigan and also read it to appreciate the craft of it as there are complicated themes (for me!) in there - it sparked the old debate for me in pubs, would you prefer to live a long life or burn brightly and out? I thought the recording was great also - I do love your use of song! Take care and all the best for Xmas. Love Stevexxxxxxxxx

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Ann Foxglove

Wed 15th Dec 2010 08:39

Ta chaps. Of course I laugh out loud, in real life as it were. But I simply can't laugh at comedy, on TV, radio, live etc.. I know I'm being egged on to laugh so I can't. Just plain cussed I guess! I might crack a smile! This is another train journey poem. I so envied her, cos of her sheer natural joy. While I sat gazing out of the train window she had brought her own jolly world into the carriage with her. I'm just being a boring old miseryguts fart of late! ;-)

Comment is about plump blond girl (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

<Deleted User> (7212)

Wed 15th Dec 2010 08:25

I also love "cute as a muffin top". so why cant you laugh out loud ? is it plain inhibition? or is this just the narrator talking?? you should hear us at work - all the belly laughs on all sorts of subjects - most of them not very "PC" xx

Comment is about plump blond girl (blog)

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Andy N

Wed 15th Dec 2010 08:18

nice piece, rachel.. particularly like the repeating of 'Yesterdays shadows

Are in seasons left behind' xx

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Andy N

Wed 15th Dec 2010 08:13

Cheers Philipos for the comment.. I'll double-check for the typo later on.

I know my Uncle Percy was a member of the Lancashire Fullisers - as far as I am aware he wasn't one of Wingate's Chindits but I will have to ask my father over that...

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Ann Foxglove

Wed 15th Dec 2010 06:15

Very invigorating! xx

Comment is about Gaudete (blog)

Original item by Isobel

<Deleted User> (3841)

Wed 15th Dec 2010 00:15

Yes beautiful, love this.

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Dave Bradley

Tue 14th Dec 2010 23:33

Eat your heart out Steeleye Span. Lovely

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winston plowes

Tue 14th Dec 2010 23:27

Hi There, Thankyou for looking at Ghazal (branches) you comments were and are always really appreciated. A detailed reply left on the blog entry itself, Win x

Comment is about Laura Taylor (poet profile)

Original item by Laura Taylor

<Deleted User> (3841)

Tue 14th Dec 2010 23:24

Enjoyed this, very conventional look at Christmas and that loss of innocence both in terms of santa but also kids growing up too fast, the lines about celebrity culture being more popular excellent and sad. I find it difficult to write Christmas poems because of the 'bah humbug' thing but you tackled this brilliantly.

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Tue 14th Dec 2010 22:07

Christ liked to rebel in his own way...

Technically Greater Manchester but in spirit Lancashire and I think you would love it up here. I'd lost touch with just what I was missing.

Comment is about Gaudete (blog)

Original item by Isobel


Tue 14th Dec 2010 22:01

Hi Laura - re Halo - yes the dreaded M word linked in my case I think to recent eye problems - you sound like a fellow sufferer

Comment is about Laura Taylor (poet profile)

Original item by Laura Taylor

<Deleted User> (6895)

Tue 14th Dec 2010 21:58

just reporting in to say me little blue light(as in broadband is back on at home-yaye!!) catch you soon Lynn-thanks-Stef.xx

Comment is about Lynn Dye (poet profile)

Original item by Lynn Dye


Tue 14th Dec 2010 21:39

Minor typo in stanza 5 line 6 'you' should read 'your' I think but otherwise a superb overview of war overseas - was your uncle one of the forgotten army in Wingate's Chindits I wonder

Comment is about Percy (blog)

Original item by Andy N

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