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<Deleted User> (7212)

Sun 12th Dec 2010 20:31

Lovely - don't you think it really deserves a title though? all the best. B

Comment is about Untitled. (blog)


Sun 12th Dec 2010 20:11

Hi Steve - thanks for commenting on the Abbey Road poem - line markers do make a difference don't they much obliged for that - just checked out your recent one 'Untitled' and saw how well it works there - read your biog too -awesome

Comment is about garside (poet profile)

Original item by garside

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Sun 12th Dec 2010 18:56

the ending seems sleepless in Seattle or some such film

i do like the disjointed narrative between second and third lines

i think this has potential; but i would move forward with only the first 3 maybe 4 lines

Comment is about Untitled. (blog)

<Deleted User> (7789)

Sun 12th Dec 2010 17:54

Very amusing Alison - unfortunately they seemed to have started the Christmas music in Sainsburys but must asmit they seem to have delayed it from mid-November, which iis when it normally starts.

Comment is about 42nd Noel (blog)

Original item by Alison Smiles

<Deleted User> (7789)

Sun 12th Dec 2010 17:34

Interesting and informative!!

Comment is about "I'll Be All Right Tomorrow" and "Touch" reviews (blog)

Original item by Alain English

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David Cooke

Sun 12th Dec 2010 16:11

Hi John Good to make your acquaintance and glad you like the poem.

Comment is about John Aikman (poet profile)

Original item by John Aikman

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sun 12th Dec 2010 15:24

hi Ann-just popped on to say-where the heck are you! hope alls well-S.W.x

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Sun 12th Dec 2010 14:52

Thank you for the comments - you are right about the sprouts! I'm toying with adding something in about being over-faced with plates and guest places.

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

Original item by Isobel

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Sun 12th Dec 2010 14:12

I loved the down to earth Ozzie humour - it is in keeping my own. I can remember a huge bill board encouraging people not to litter. It said 'Don't be a tosser, take your rubbish with ya!' Could you imagine our goverment allowing anything like that to go up in this country?

Comment is about Greg Freeman (poet profile)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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David Cooke

Sun 12th Dec 2010 14:08

My clever wife won it all as a prize promoted by Mr and Mrs Hotels in conjunction with Waterstones. So it was boutique hotels all the way. Great! In Byron Bay - a fantastic place - we were in this big 'Tuscan' villa with never more than one other couple there. Just us and the 'housekeeper' looking after our every need! I've just done this poem about the Byron Bay Lighthouse. I'll bung it on and see what you make of it. Might still need a bit of tinkering.

Comment is about Greg Freeman (poet profile)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Greg Freeman

Sun 12th Dec 2010 13:56

Hi David. Were you staying with friends or in hotels in Australia, or a bit of both? What amazed me was the richness of the Australian language. So many different words for everyday things that we'd never heard before. So many of them very comic! I started writing them down but gave up in the end and have now lost the notebook anyway. I suppose someone has published an English-Australian phrasebook by now ... maybe I'll have a look for it on Amazon ...

Comment is about David Cooke (poet profile)

Original item by David Cooke

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Sun 12th Dec 2010 13:55

You forgot to mention the stinky brussel sprouts that only appear on the table at Christmas. This made me smile - you paint the upside down nature of it all very well. x

Comment is about 42nd Noel (blog)

Original item by Alison Smiles

<Deleted User> (7790)

Sun 12th Dec 2010 13:45


Comment is about Tax the Rich (blog)

Original item by Freda Davis

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Sun 12th Dec 2010 13:41

Well done for protesting Freda! They should tax all the rich and give it to me. Then when I've spent it all, they should tax them all again.

I don't know about bankers fleeing abroad cos of their bonuses not being as big... My children will certainly end up going abroad if they want a degree now - to Australia - where they have citizenship and cheaper education - and so we have a brain drain - and a heart drain...

Comment is about Tax the Rich (blog)

Original item by Freda Davis

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Lucy Marsh

Sun 12th Dec 2010 13:31

Thanks for the comments guys. Apologies for the morbid topic! x

Comment is about Sh*t Christmas (blog)

Original item by MissLucy

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Graham Sherwood

Sun 12th Dec 2010 11:23

Great first two lines Alison. Can't remember a pudding in the nativity though! Heaven help us all. Merry Christmas. Graham.

Comment is about 42nd Noel (blog)

Original item by Alison Smiles

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Mark Mr T Thompson

Sun 12th Dec 2010 00:41

Hi Winston,

Had to justify your efforts!



Comment is about Mark Mr T Thompson (poet profile)

Original item by Mark Mr T Thompson

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sun 12th Dec 2010 00:24

very early good morning Winston-thanks for comments on 'journey'- most grateful-Stefan

Comment is about Winston Plowes (poet profile)

Original item by Winston Plowes

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sun 12th Dec 2010 00:20

ta for time spent reading and leaving nice comments on 'me pooims' Lynn-but above all I,m glad I(and Banksy and Bernadette)were able to give you a laugh-sorry bout the rude language 'nice Lady'-my best regards to you always-Stefan.xx

Comment is about Lynn Dye (poet profile)

Original item by Lynn Dye

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Lynn Dye

Sat 11th Dec 2010 22:43

I love the humour of this, Freda and SO agree with the sentiment!
Lynn x

Comment is about Tax the Rich (blog)

Original item by Freda Davis

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winston plowes

Sat 11th Dec 2010 21:22

Hi Mark, since your profile was properly activated we seem to have uncorked a bottle... great! Winston

Comment is about Mark Mr T Thompson (poet profile)

Original item by Mark Mr T Thompson

<Deleted User> (7212)

Sat 11th Dec 2010 20:15

BTW - I LOVE E.Dowd's comment further down - hilarious !

Comment is about unwanted wants (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

<Deleted User> (7212)

Sat 11th Dec 2010 20:14

great Dave - very well observed - this has happened to me on more than one occasion :)

Comment is about unwanted wants (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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Lynn Dye

Sat 11th Dec 2010 19:09

I like this very much, Larisa. Love, Lynn xx

Comment is about Give Me Your Password (blog)

Original item by Larisa Rzhepishevska

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Sat 11th Dec 2010 17:36

Hi Thom

is the omission of full stops deliberate?

Comment is about Too Much Space, Too Much Time (blog)

Original item by Tom

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Gus Jonsson

Sat 11th Dec 2010 15:48

Delightful Ann...

However I changed your Gaz line to Skimpy Knickers and reread the poem....

Forgive me but I prefer my adaptation...

Lots of love xx

Comment is about ghazal (ruby slippers) (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Gus Jonsson

Sat 11th Dec 2010 14:58

Well you know what I think about it ....dont ya?!!

Well done

Gus xx

Comment is about Kissed (blog)

Original item by Shoeless Carole


Sat 11th Dec 2010 14:47

Hi Larisa - not sure if this type of password really exists except in our imagination - liked the crafty play on 'soul' and 'sole' and the overall effect of the poem - well done

Comment is about Give Me Your Password (blog)

Original item by Larisa Rzhepishevska

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sat 11th Dec 2010 09:06

(respectfully) resign all ghosts to Christmas,s past.Very moving poem-been there-read the wordless card-worn the ripped,filthy t shirt-seen the horror movie-picked up my 'present' after it had been thrown across the room.

Comment is about Sh*t Christmas (blog)

Original item by MissLucy

<Deleted User> (4235)

Sat 11th Dec 2010 02:13

Thank you, steve. :)

Thank you, andy. :)

Comment is about I Dream of Egypt (blog)

<Deleted User> (4235)

Sat 11th Dec 2010 02:12

Life is so much better now and so much more. :)

Comment is about Keep Fighting (blog)

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Bernadette Herbertson

Sat 11th Dec 2010 00:33

Hi Dave thank you for your kind comment on my blog 'someday soon..who knows..maybe. I will look up the blog entries that you have suggested for me when i get chance and am sure I will find them interesting. thank you ..bernadettexx

Comment is about Dave Bradley (poet profile)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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Bernadette Herbertson

Sat 11th Dec 2010 00:24

Hi Steven thank you for your kind and understanding comment on my blog ..'someday soon..who knows wishes ..Bernadette xx

Comment is about Steven Kenny (poet profile)

Original item by Steven Kenny


Fri 10th Dec 2010 22:12

This was really good I enjoyed it -phraseology and brevity - well done

Comment is about Lines written in theTudor House on the 30th Anniversary of the death of John Lennon (blog)

Original item by Dave Morgan

<Deleted User> (6315)

Fri 10th Dec 2010 22:06

I so enjoy moment writes and this moment of yours is well captured..nice work indeed.

Comment is about Snowflake (blog)

Original item by MissLucy

<Deleted User> (6315)

Fri 10th Dec 2010 22:03

such a powerful write..i liked this very much.

Comment is about Sh*t Christmas (blog)

Original item by MissLucy

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winston plowes

Fri 10th Dec 2010 20:41

Nice one dave

A man of many parts (Lennon) and with a fantastic middle name IMHO ! Win x

Comment is about Lines written in theTudor House on the 30th Anniversary of the death of John Lennon (blog)

Original item by Dave Morgan

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Jeff Dawson

Fri 10th Dec 2010 18:14

Like this, great ending, the vastness does my head in, think I will write something, love space, the stars and concept of it all, good stuff Jeff X

Comment is about Space (blog)

Original item by Lynn Dye

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Jeff Dawson

Fri 10th Dec 2010 18:12

And so you should have a song! Thanx for comment on my winters poem, have a good amxas Jeff X

Comment is about Ghazal (blog)

Original item by Lynn Dye

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Laura Taylor

Fri 10th Dec 2010 14:20

Oh. That's strange. I posted a comment and it's disappeared!

Anyway. I said something like:

Mmmm. Warm, sensual and lovely. Love it :)

Comment is about Kissed (blog)

Original item by Shoeless Carole

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John Coopey

Fri 10th Dec 2010 14:18

Hello L
Thanks for your comments on Pit and Pendulum.
I didn't realise that I ran on "saw inside" to make it sound like "saw rinside". Just a laziness of pronunciation on my part, I expect.
Do you find regional variations in English hard to understand or are you OK with these differences?
I worked in Scotland some time ago at a factory where there were a lot of Polish workers. They could not understand me but could understand perfectly the locals (from Glasgow) whom I could not understand!

Comment is about Larisa Rzhepishevska (poet profile)

Original item by Larisa Rzhepishevska

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Laura Taylor

Fri 10th Dec 2010 14:16

Oh beHAVE! Hahaa!

Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)

Original item by John Coopey

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John Coopey

Fri 10th Dec 2010 14:11

Thanks for your comments on Pit.
How did you know my other fetish was armpit farting?

Comment is about Laura Taylor (poet profile)

Original item by Laura Taylor

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Fri 10th Dec 2010 14:11

Ha ha - glad you posted it Dave. Not bad for summat you scribbled down in the Tudor. I love the blunt ending. x

Comment is about Lines written in theTudor House on the 30th Anniversary of the death of John Lennon (blog)

Original item by Dave Morgan

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Andy N

Fri 10th Dec 2010 14:05

i'll go through this with you next time over some of the line endings, but content wise i think is lovely.. nice one xx

Comment is about Snowflake (blog)

Original item by MissLucy

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Andy N

Fri 10th Dec 2010 14:04

phew - powerful stuff, luce.. well done - a very honest piece indeed - i like this a lot xx

Comment is about Sh*t Christmas (blog)

Original item by MissLucy

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Laura Taylor

Fri 10th Dec 2010 13:55

Yay - an ode to pit hair! *sticks left fist up and reveals pit hair* ;)

Fab stuff sir! You wouldn't wanna do that to me though, I am the master of armpit farting ;D That'd take you down (a peg or two, cackle)

Comment is about The Pit and the Pendulum (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Laura Taylor

Fri 10th Dec 2010 13:52

'Scuse my manners - thanks for your comment on my space pome.

Cislunar. Remember what it is now? ;)

Comment is about Dave Carr (poet profile)

Original item by Dave Carr

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Laura Taylor

Fri 10th Dec 2010 13:50

Very close to my own heart and life Melissa. You made it back - nice one sistah! Isn't life so much better now? :)

Comment is about Keep Fighting (blog)

<Deleted User> (8672)

Fri 10th Dec 2010 13:00

A testimony of how Christmas can be, indeed. I like this very much.

Comment is about Sh*t Christmas (blog)

Original item by MissLucy

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