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Tommy Carroll

Fri 10th Dec 2010 12:06

I have a strong feeling that I too, have been here before. As the child, and the father.

Comment is about Sh*t Christmas (blog)

Original item by MissLucy

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Fri 10th Dec 2010 11:22

re kissed , yes you are right , and this month is the first month i am beginning to see how to link ideas together in a poem ... watch this space i guess , :)

Comment is about garside (poet profile)

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David Cooke

Fri 10th Dec 2010 09:39

Right, I'll get on the site and check it out. Thanks for liking the Wolf Man on my FB wall.

Comment is about Rachel McGladdery (poet profile)

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David Cooke

Fri 10th Dec 2010 09:38

Hi Greg Oz was brilliant in every way: People, Scenery, food and as for the weather - what a pain to go from 36 degrees in Brisbane to the 'big freeze' here! Managed to get one poem, too, and working on another one.

Comment is about Greg Freeman (poet profile)

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Fri 10th Dec 2010 09:36

feels like you could have carried on passed the word love and opened this work out...time is as time as I suppose x

Comment is about Kissed (blog)

Original item by Shoeless Carole

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Rachel McGladdery

Fri 10th Dec 2010 09:34

Hi Philip, good to see you on here! The lennon poems are now up on the Beatles Story website, think they're attached to the press release about the competition. Thanks again,

Comment is about PHILIP BURTON (poet profile)

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Rachel McGladdery

Fri 10th Dec 2010 09:32

Hiya Dave, the poems are up on The Beatles Story site think they're attached to the press release about the competition. As for the oem of the month thang, you deserve it, I bloody love that poem! :)

Comment is about David Cooke (poet profile)

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Andy N

Fri 10th Dec 2010 08:15

my other half knows a lot more about Egypt than i do, so i will pass it onto her for a second opinion, but it looks fine to me... x

Comment is about I Dream of Egypt (blog)

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Andy N

Fri 10th Dec 2010 08:12

i actually read the original line 'as careless whisper' by accident, dave - lol

but good one m8.. enjoyed it a lot

Comment is about unwanted wants (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Fri 10th Dec 2010 07:56

Thank you, Philipos.

Comment is about Friend (blog)

Original item by Larisa Rzhepishevska


Fri 10th Dec 2010 00:36

Hi Larisa - I liked the acronym and the picture used to illustrate it

Comment is about Friend (blog)

Original item by Larisa Rzhepishevska


Thu 9th Dec 2010 23:07

Hi Dave - how true the last line - very cleverly phrased

Comment is about unwanted wants (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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John Coopey

Thu 9th Dec 2010 22:36

My word!
This does seem to have attracted some interest very quickly.
I think I've discovered a new form of niche advertising.

Comment is about The Pit and the Pendulum (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

<Deleted User> (4235)

Thu 9th Dec 2010 22:32

Thank you. "Life is lived in the mind" because it is what defines who we are to become.

Comment is about Keep Fighting (blog)

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John Aikman

Thu 9th Dec 2010 22:26

Works a treat!



Comment is about Triolet de la Petite Mort (blog)

Original item by John Aikman

<Deleted User> (6315)

Thu 9th Dec 2010 22:24

aye I used to enjoy the very same experience at the Cheshire Oaks but sadly never again..such a shame..loved the write

Comment is about Borders (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

<Deleted User> (6315)

Thu 9th Dec 2010 22:20

well blimey..still laughing over the arachnid species..jeeez..dunno what to say really..cept she looks as if she conditions and combs!

Comment is about The Pit and the Pendulum (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Thu 9th Dec 2010 22:10

Hi, John! I found this poem to be very interesting. Enjoyed listening to it. Liked the sound of your voice. far as English is a foreign language for me I would like to know why you pronounced [if wimin soRinsaid menz maindz] Do you understand me? I mean that sound [R]

With warmest wishes,

Comment is about The Pit and the Pendulum (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

<Deleted User> (8672)

Thu 9th Dec 2010 21:40

Very true to life and touching, honest stuff. We sometimes forget our life is lived 'in the mind.'

Comment is about Keep Fighting (blog)

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David Cooke

Thu 9th Dec 2010 21:01

Hi Rachel Just remembered that thanks to your good offices I'm 'poem of the month'. Thanks for that and for your kind introduction. By the way still haven't seen your prize winning poem yet.

Comment is about Rachel McGladdery (poet profile)

Original item by Rachel McGladdery

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David Cooke

Thu 9th Dec 2010 20:58

Hi again Ann just played the audio clip. A lovely rendition.

Comment is about ghazal (ruby slippers) (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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David Cooke

Thu 9th Dec 2010 20:56

Hi Ann I think you've struck gold with your ghazals!

Comment is about ghazal (ruby slippers) (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

<Deleted User> (8672)

Thu 9th Dec 2010 20:44

Goodness gracious! We haven't passed the watershed yet. :) Very entertaining. Is that arm pit hair? Or some arachnid species that David Attenborough hasn't discovered?

Comment is about The Pit and the Pendulum (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Chris Dawson

Thu 9th Dec 2010 20:37

Love it - under-stated, simple, just lovely.

Comment is about Kissed (blog)

Original item by Shoeless Carole

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John Aikman

Thu 9th Dec 2010 20:22

The usual Dave....quietly brilliant.

Thank you.


Comment is about unwanted wants (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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John Coopey

Thu 9th Dec 2010 20:11

Hello Dave
Haikus don't generally do much for me.
This was an exception; so much so that I'd read it twice before I realised it was one.
Nice work.

Comment is about unwanted wants (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

<Deleted User> (6315)

Thu 9th Dec 2010 19:41

hello Dave..what a profound haiku..i realy enjoyed that last line it made me think yup!..

Comment is about unwanted wants (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

<Deleted User> (6315)

Thu 9th Dec 2010 19:38

such a gentle, intimate write. Lovely work.

Comment is about Kissed (blog)

Original item by Shoeless Carole

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chris stevenson

Thu 9th Dec 2010 17:37

...thanks Andy...I get up and sing my songs here and there...not used to reading poems though,possibly best just read in silence!...cheers.

Comment is about Andy N (poet profile)

Original item by Andy N

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Lynn Dye

Thu 9th Dec 2010 17:33

Really enjoyed this, love it!

Comment is about THE OLD CROW (blog)

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chris stevenson

Thu 9th Dec 2010 17:30

..hello Ann...yes, it is off-balance, but this is a girl who says what she wants, how and where, all the previous lines mean nothing..

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Chris Co

Thu 9th Dec 2010 17:18

I like the humour of this satirical poem. Very much in keeping with the cartoons that manage to poke fun jibes very close to the bone in Westminster.

Well written, good targets, good fun...what isn't there to like?

I also strongly approve of the final line/thought.


Comment is about Tax the Rich (blog)

Original item by Freda Davis

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carol falaki

Thu 9th Dec 2010 16:35

Hi Bernadette, Thanks for your kind comment on my blog

Comment is about bernadette herbertson (poet profile)

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Chris Co

Thu 9th Dec 2010 16:30

Hi Laura,

Thx for the comment on my latest poem. You make really interesting points about youth holding as it does the pinnacle of beauty.

This begs the question; why it is that most of us as we get older alter our sights?

It would be easy to say we do this on the basis of what is an achievable target. Whilst there maybe some truth in that, I wouldn't generally buy into that cynical option.

I honestly think that there is more to being human, more to love and how the physical side of things ties everything together for most of us. Afterall, we could all be the lech..but so few are.

I think there is something very human and more decent than we would imagine about most of us...connecting with someone and it being right is a huge thing for most of us I think.

I think that is the reason we alter our sights when it comes to the opposite sex...wanting to connect and obtain meaning on a deeper level.

Feel free to have any debate on the poem page...Its great to see and really interesting...also liked the interesting angle in reference to differing sexual orientation and the angle from youth as well.

Thx for your insight and thoughts...

My Best


Comment is about Laura Taylor (poet profile)

Original item by Laura Taylor

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Chris Co

Thu 9th Dec 2010 16:22

Hi Andy,

Thx for the comment on my latest poem.

The line you mentioned was my favourite in the writing looking back...

Thx mate


Comment is about Andy N (poet profile)

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Chris Co

Thu 9th Dec 2010 16:21

Hey Isobel,

Thx for the kind feedback on my latest poem...appreciated.

The debate is really interesting and something of real interest.

The poem took a very long time to write...maybe longer than anything I have previously that a good or bad thing.

My Best


Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

Original item by Isobel

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Chris Co

Thu 9th Dec 2010 16:18

Thx for the feedback on my latest poem John....glad you like it.

My Best


Comment is about John Darwin (poet profile)

Original item by John Darwin

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Laura Taylor

Thu 9th Dec 2010 16:10

Hehe - read your poem, and afraid to say I'm the worst boy-racer I know, and road rage is an integral part of my driving experience. I once terrified some dickhead who was trying to bully his way past me on a single lane road, by winding my window down as he drew close and screaming obscenities at him. He pulled back and behaved after that, heh ;D

I would quite happily put a bullet in Clarkson's head though.

Ah now - you know what happens when two women share the same working and living space don't you? Yep - PMT x 2!

As for lesbians being happier? I'd say that depends on the relationship ;)

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

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Thu 9th Dec 2010 14:55

This was a funny rant - I think there's a lot of truth in it though. x

Comment is about Laura Taylor (poet profile)

Original item by Laura Taylor

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Thu 9th Dec 2010 14:53

Discussion on the page never works. You say one thing and people read another. I was generalising - there are exceptions to every rule and a zillion grey areas inbetween. Men and women are fundamentally different though - perhaps that is part of the attraction - it often leads to sadness though. I once wrote a poem called 'I wish I was Gay' I might post you a link to it. I think lesbians probably have a greater chance of happiness than most - though you may rap my knuckles for saying that and I may have offended in some way I'm not yet aware of.

Comment is about Laura Taylor (poet profile)

Original item by Laura Taylor

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Laura Taylor

Thu 9th Dec 2010 14:41

I appreciate your response Isobel, thank you. I'm not wanting to have an aggressive type of argument, more just to talk through a few issues I had.

I don't believe for a second that you ARE homophobic. It was the generalising that I picked up on. I still think you are doing it, but I don't think pushing this point will get us anywhere right now. I will say that the definition of emotional satisfaction will be dependent on a number of factors, not just what sex you are.

I wasn't looking for other explanations - I was asking you questions. Perhaps I could have worded it differently, maybe it doesn't work on the page.

Anyhow, thanks again for your comments

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

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Thu 9th Dec 2010 14:28

Laura - I am sorry if I have caused you any offence. I am absolutely 100% not homophobic - bring my kids up to be totally accepting of everybody. I only mentioned the issue of sexual desire within homosexuals cos you brought the subject up initially. My original point was that men bond less than women emotionally - have less need for emotional satisfaction - especially over the long haul of marriage. I presumed this might be down to the fact that males may be biologically driven to scatter their seeds. You countered this by saying that this could not apply to homosexuals. I presumed you were looking for other explanations for why homosexuals didn't settle with one partner for life... I have not claimed anything I've said to be absolute truth. It is just me - feeling my way through what I see around me - the evidence of what I see around me....
I am not making any moral judgements on the life styles of anybody - male or female, heterosexual or homosexual.

Comment is about Laura Taylor (poet profile)

Original item by Laura Taylor

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Laura Taylor

Thu 9th Dec 2010 14:17

It was the generalisation, based on the stereotype of gay people, that I found offensive.

Fair enough if you wish to agree to disagree, but I would welcome more debate with you on this. If you don't, that's your shout :)

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

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Thu 9th Dec 2010 14:12

I don't understand why you find anything I say offensive. You would only do so if you think changing partners more frequently is derogatory. I wasn't saying that it was. I don't give a fig how often people change partners or how much fun they pack into one small life - in fact I often wish I had lived a bit more before having children...
I just think that having children for many people, not all, alters the way they are able to behave. Possibly we will not agree on this one and we will just have to live in disagreement :)

Comment is about Laura Taylor (poet profile)

Original item by Laura Taylor

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Laura Taylor

Thu 9th Dec 2010 14:05

Eh up - didn't wanna keep derailing Chris's poem.

I take issue with a number of your statements on there as they are massive generalisations. I believe I can say this to you without you thinking this is any kind of personal attack. It isn't, it is merely a response, a debate, a very different set of understandings, attitudes and opinions.

In order of your points, I believe you can try and rule people of an age out, but you never ever know when someone of that age WILL attract you. Whether you act on it is another matter, but to say it will never happen is kinda painting yourself into a corner.

I think the women's lib to which you refer relates to radical feminism crossed with french feminism. Which is to say that both were useful, and necessary, but both are deeply flawed in their setting in stone what it is to 'be' a woman. Women are continually 'becoming', through their own ages and through history. And this of course does not even acknowledge transgendered people.

Re homosexuals, 'they' change partners more often? I'm not sure where to start with this, as I admit to being more than a little offended by it. It's another massive generalisation, of lesbians, of gay men, of the whole spectrum of queerness (and I use that term in a reclamatory manner, as it relates to queer theory), both about the frequency of partners, and about children (both having and the staying together for). Plus I think you have premised it on the 'scene' population only.

There's more to say on this, and I would love to discuss it further with you, in person sometime, over a few pints. I really don't wanna cause you any offence by what I've written here, as already stated, but felt I had to say something. Can't keep quiet on issues such as this.

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

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Dave Bradley

Thu 9th Dec 2010 13:29

Good poem Freda and good luck with your crusade. Many of the rich put a great deal of money and effort into avoiding taxation, and a few of them into evading it. They're not going to go to all that trouble piling up cash, only to give it to the rest of us, are they.

Some of them would deny the status, but there are more tax havens linked to the UK than any other country. Was it an issue at the last election? No - partly because the people who control the agenda at elections have mostly got money in tax havens.

A lot more could be said!

Dave (former tax inspector)

Comment is about Tax the Rich (blog)

Original item by Freda Davis

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Thu 9th Dec 2010 13:22

A tongue in cheek ghazal - I like it. You can almost imagine a Mr Bean type character dodging in and out of the aisles. I would have thought that the purchasing of anti-tape worm products would be enough to dampen anyone's ardour - but obviously not yours Dave! x

Comment is about Shopping Ghazal (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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Paul F Blackburn

Thu 9th Dec 2010 13:17

I endorse this poem though the pic ain't me

Comment is about Tax the Rich (blog)

Original item by Freda Davis

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Ann Foxglove

Thu 9th Dec 2010 13:07

Why the picture of Paul Blackburn, Freda? ;-)

Comment is about Tax the Rich (blog)

Original item by Freda Davis

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winston plowes

Thu 9th Dec 2010 11:02

Tom, Actually John Hollander once produced a Ghazal about ghazals. Its called Ghazal on Ghazal. I will email it to you as am not sure its out there on the web and there may be copyright issues, H

Comment is about Laura Taylor (poet profile)

Original item by Laura Taylor

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