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Ann Foxglove

Thu 9th Dec 2010 13:07

Why the picture of Paul Blackburn, Freda? ;-)

Comment is about Tax the Rich (blog)

Original item by Freda Davis

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winston plowes

Thu 9th Dec 2010 11:02

Tom, Actually John Hollander once produced a Ghazal about ghazals. Its called Ghazal on Ghazal. I will email it to you as am not sure its out there on the web and there may be copyright issues, H

Comment is about Laura Taylor (poet profile)

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Laura Taylor

Thu 9th Dec 2010 10:59

Now then John - I reckon miserabilism is a word, yeh. If it sounds right, it is right, imo. ;)

I like the boozing and the days of lying on the couch watching shite on the telly. Not James Bond films though, hate them. I quite like fairy lights too. The rest of it can get stuffed.

Comment is about John Aikman (poet profile)

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Laura Taylor

Thu 9th Dec 2010 10:54

*crackle* Houston - we have a problem. It's called christmas. There's a secondary issue called 'enforced happiness' to deal with too. It's a SNAFU alright. Over and out. *crackle*

A christmas ghazal? Owww! Am giving my head a little rest before the next one, heh ;) I was thinking about writing a ghazal about how hard it is to write a ghazal, but my brain melted at that point.

Nice profile pic btw. I do love your boat :)

Comment is about Winston Plowes (poet profile)

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Laura Taylor

Thu 9th Dec 2010 10:49

Cheers for comment on the Lament Ann. Don't know about you, but I only have to hear that phrase 'are you all set for christmas' and I cringe. Humbug. Although I do like the excuse it gives me for buying expensive booze ;)

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

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Ann Foxglove

Thu 9th Dec 2010 08:29

Re Triolets - I hear that they are very like Pantoums! I liked yours but as a form I find them a bit irritating. ;-)

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Bernadette Herbertson

Thu 9th Dec 2010 00:09

lovely poem..

Comment is about Silver (blog)

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Bernadette Herbertson

Thu 9th Dec 2010 00:04

few words with with lots of impact.. i like this ..bernadette x

Comment is about Signature (blog)

Original item by Carol Falaki

<Deleted User> (6315)

Wed 8th Dec 2010 22:00

oh lovely Ann..point ruby slippers made me smile rather wistfully lol x

Comment is about ghazal (ruby slippers) (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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John Coopey

Wed 8th Dec 2010 21:44

Can I watch?
Better still, borrow your slippers?

Comment is about ghazal (ruby slippers) (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

<Deleted User> (7212)

Wed 8th Dec 2010 21:23

I've been twice to Hull - which was about two times too many

Comment is about Laura Taylor (poet profile)

Original item by Laura Taylor


Wed 8th Dec 2010 20:50

Copped a lung full of someone's used fag smoke today to remind me of my addiction days - liked your poem though particularly the droll style - well done

Comment is about Gaspers (blog)

Original item by John Coopey


Wed 8th Dec 2010 20:44

Hi Dave - many thanks for the comments - was especially pleased to get through the first hurdle attempt

Comment is about Dave Bradley (poet profile)

Original item by Dave Bradley


Wed 8th Dec 2010 20:36

Thank you for the positive feedback - how do I tag my Ghazal please

Comment is about Winston Plowes (poet profile)

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John Coopey

Wed 8th Dec 2010 20:09

Thanks for your comments on Gaspers.
What fabulous ingredient do they put in fags which makes people stand in all kinds of shite to smoke?

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

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winston plowes

Wed 8th Dec 2010 19:54

This sounds like a very exciting event! Where can I get tickets.

Seriously though... liked the jumping situations and red words. Lovely and light hearted Ann, Win x

Comment is about ghazal (ruby slippers) (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

<Deleted User> (7075)

Wed 8th Dec 2010 19:26

Hi Mark, Welcome to our web site, hope you find something of interedt here, Winston (Admin)

Comment is about Mark Mr T Thompson (poet profile)

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John Aikman

Wed 8th Dec 2010 19:11

Yeah, but did you like it?

Triolets are basically a bit easier than a Villanelle..wot I find fiendishly difficult...easier than a ghazal too if you can find a 'killer couplet' to start off with...after that they nearly write themselves, what with the repetition etc. I found this link very helpful. Have a go...if they are anything like your ghazals you will dazzle us!



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John Aikman

Wed 8th Dec 2010 19:07

Excellent stuff!...Ghazals though, so 'yesterday'.


Comment is about ghazal (ruby slippers) (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Chris Co

Wed 8th Dec 2010 19:00

Hey Laura,

Thx for comments on my moderate man (rant).

Glad you liked the sentiments and spirit.

My Best


Comment is about Laura Taylor (poet profile)

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Chris Co

Wed 8th Dec 2010 18:56

Hi Isobel,

Thx for the feedback and proper thoughts on both my last two poems...very kind.

The Starstuff one is a little more me and closer to my heart..but the rant can have its place too Hehe

It seemed to go down quite well at the Tudor...worked with the Bohemian atmosphere LOL

My Best


Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

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Chris Co

Wed 8th Dec 2010 18:51

Hi Steve,

Glad you liked the moderate man rant.

Hope to se ya soon...that meal remember.


Comment is about Steve Regan (poet profile)

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Chris Co

Wed 8th Dec 2010 18:50

Hi Marianne,

Thx for the feedback on my moderate man poem...glad you approve of the spirit Hehe

My Best


Comment is about Marianne Daniels (poet profile)

Original item by Marianne Daniels

<Deleted User> (8672)

Wed 8th Dec 2010 18:50

'Dervish (i.e. Sufi?) dances...' Interesting, considering the origin of Ghazals? Etc, etc. I like this, very clever, very topical. Must have a go at one sometime myself.

Comment is about ghazal (ruby slippers) (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Chris Co

Wed 8th Dec 2010 18:44

I generaly don't like Ghazal as a form. I usually find it mind bendingly repetitive, in a bad and boring way (unlike the villanelle).

Not here however; you always seem to do whimsey so well Dave and here is no exception.

The change of context for the last repetition gave the poem the killer line and punch required to make this work well.

Afforded a nice smile.

Well written.


Comment is about Shopping Ghazal (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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Chris Co

Wed 8th Dec 2010 18:36

Never smoked in my life...but I like the spirit.

Good fun this John


Comment is about Gaspers (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Rachael Dunn

Wed 8th Dec 2010 18:35

thanks Lynn,
for your comment on 'hope through a telescope' always appreciated :) x

Comment is about Lynn Dye (poet profile)

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Ann Foxglove

Wed 8th Dec 2010 18:11

What's a triolet then? Blimey, just nearly getting into them ghazal thingys! x

Comment is about Triolet de la Petite Mort (blog)

Original item by John Aikman

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Ann Foxglove

Wed 8th Dec 2010 18:05

Glad to know you are at least getting some fresh air John! xx

Comment is about Gaspers (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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John Coopey

Wed 8th Dec 2010 17:54

Thanks for the comments on Gaspers, John. I don't smoke myself (or drink, or eat meat) so pleasures are at a premium.
I do enjoy, though, trying to cause accidents on the motorway.

Comment is about John Darwin (poet profile)

Original item by John Darwin

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John Coopey

Wed 8th Dec 2010 17:51

Thanks for your comments on Gaspers.
I don't actually smoke, although in my younger days I have smoked anything combustible.
Nevertheless I admire the hardiness of those who brave the elements for a drag - they must be good those fags!

Comment is about Laura Taylor (poet profile)

Original item by Laura Taylor

<Deleted User> (6895)

Wed 8th Dec 2010 17:43

your comments on 'obligation'very much appreciated Lynn-thanks love.x

Comment is about Lynn Dye (poet profile)

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John Aikman

Wed 8th Dec 2010 14:56

Glad you liked the Triolet. I found this very helpful..

If you can find a good opening two lines of 8 syllables each that don't rhyme...then you've written half the poem to start with!

Good fun!



Comment is about Laura Taylor (poet profile)

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Lynn Dye

Wed 8th Dec 2010 12:50

Ah, he has added it to the list now!

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Laura Taylor

Wed 8th Dec 2010 12:09

Isobel - that sounds like a challenge to me! ;)

Good stuff John - enjoyed this, must look up the form so I can torture myself a little more ;)

Comment is about Triolet de la Petite Mort (blog)

Original item by John Aikman

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Laura Taylor

Wed 8th Dec 2010 12:04

Nice one Lynn!

Comment is about Ghazal (blog)

Original item by Lynn Dye

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Laura Taylor

Wed 8th Dec 2010 12:00

'I rehearse a manly pose' :D

Great stuff Dave - blimey - I've been away for a couple of days and the place is now swimming with ghazals!!

Comment is about Shopping Ghazal (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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Laura Taylor

Wed 8th Dec 2010 11:55

Hehehe - made me laugh this one John, love the sing song quality to it as well :)

I see I'm not the only one to eroticise fags :D

Comment is about Gaspers (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Lynn Dye

Wed 8th Dec 2010 11:49

Hi Rachael, have just reread this a few times, and it gets more and more lyrical. Lovely work. x

Comment is about Hope through a Telescope (blog)

<Deleted User> (8659)

Wed 8th Dec 2010 11:47

Thank you all for the feedback on this one. It's a poem which I enjoyed writing but was unsure of how it would come across to others. Your response has been much appreciated.

Comment is about THE OLD CROW (blog)

<Deleted User> (5593)

Wed 8th Dec 2010 11:27

Hi Lynn,
Added Shoeless to the list - thanks

Comment is about Lynn Dye (poet profile)

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John Darwin

Wed 8th Dec 2010 11:25

Don't bloody remind me John. 74 days and counting, such sweet misery.

Nice piece though!


Comment is about Gaspers (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Lynn Dye

Wed 8th Dec 2010 11:15

Hi Carole. Have you not tagged your excellent space poem with "Space"? As I cannot see it in Paul's list for voting. All the Best, Lynn x

Comment is about Shoeless Carole (poet profile)

Original item by Shoeless Carole


Wed 8th Dec 2010 10:54

Great stuff - the comments below say it all really - who'd of thought Ghazals and Tescoes eh well done

Comment is about Shopping Ghazal (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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John Coopey

Wed 8th Dec 2010 09:55

When are these sessions?
I must have more success than "dancing" round a handbag.
You should get out more!

Comment is about Shopping Ghazal (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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Ann Foxglove

Wed 8th Dec 2010 09:51

Eggsellent! (Ann, by the squashy tomatoes counter!) Yes, we are all extremely beautiful in my local Costcutters - and we don't have tapeworms either! (Where-ever do you shop!) ;-)

Comment is about Shopping Ghazal (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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John Coopey

Wed 8th Dec 2010 09:49

Thanks for your thoughts on One Anglaland. I've just added a few spark notes to help understanding.

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

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John Coopey

Wed 8th Dec 2010 09:47

For the geeks among us (myself included)
1 Eoferwic was Saxon for York
2 Northumbria was, of course, anywhere north of the Humber ie including Yorkshire
3 Blood-eagling was an old Viking party game. Google it yourself.
4 Not sure of the accuracy of this - I read that the Saxon equivalent of Valhalla was Wael. Tiw was their Boss God (hence Tuesday).
5 The 9th century was a time of religious flux with Christianilty slowly displacing Paganism.
6 Wessex (and Alfred) did, of course, turn round the fortunes of the Saxons at the Battle of Edington.
7 He did hide/regroup at Athelney in the Somerset marshes where he established his great claim in English history - burning the Xmas pudding.
7 If the tide of the Danes had not been turned our history and contemporary society would be much different - a humongous "What If".
We would speak a variant of Danish - but why would we care - we speak a variant of Angle-ish now.

Comment is about One Anglaland (blog)

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Greg Freeman

Wed 8th Dec 2010 09:38

Marvellous, Dave, top drawer. Tomatoes, anti-tapeworm dose, potatoes ... lovely stuff. But which branch of Tesco's is this? Full of beautiful women? I can't say the same of mine.

Comment is about Shopping Ghazal (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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winston plowes

Wed 8th Dec 2010 09:28

...and any resenblence to characters in real life is purely coincidental ! Nice one Dave.

Can you tag this as Ghazal please. Win

Comment is about Shopping Ghazal (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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