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Tue 28th Dec 2010 21:32

I'm always wary of commenting on yours in case I've misinterpreted them. I'll risk it this time.

I like this. It is life affirming. Something I can identify with. The love of parent for child - child for parent is unquestionable, constant (for the lucky ones anyway)- that is why I love this simple exploration of that.

Comment is about Daughter: In the year 2020 (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll


Tue 28th Dec 2010 21:23

Hi Winston - thank you for reading and commenting on Passing Clouds - much appreciated

Comment is about Winston Plowes (poet profile)

Original item by Winston Plowes

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winston plowes

Tue 28th Dec 2010 21:21

Really liked this one Peter, see you in the new year hopefully. Win X

Comment is about The Icicles (blog)

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winston plowes

Tue 28th Dec 2010 21:12

yes, an interesting piece Ray. Keep posting. Win

Comment is about Flannel (blog)

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winston plowes

Tue 28th Dec 2010 21:09

Mark, I agree. Totally unatural but necessary I guess in this age, I awake to the tune of the happy toymaker each morning! Winston

Comment is about Something a little more formal! (blog)

Original item by Mark Mr T Thompson

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winston plowes

Tue 28th Dec 2010 21:07

a lovely little read Ann. Very gentle, Win X

Comment is about you called me (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove


Tue 28th Dec 2010 21:07

I enjoyed this Tommy - fav: (from a strangers mouth)your deepest love for me-

struggled though with 'I burn with a silencing ache'. Wondered if 'silenced' might flow better

Comment is about Daughter: In the year 2020 (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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winston plowes

Tue 28th Dec 2010 20:56

enjoyed this Tommy. Perceptive Perspective. Win X

Comment is about Daughter: In the year 2020 (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll


Tue 28th Dec 2010 20:54

Nice gentle feel to this - my fav:
When blackthorn blossomed and the sea was soft.

Comment is about you called me (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

<Deleted User> (7212)

Tue 28th Dec 2010 19:48

I thought you'd run out of poems to write ? eh?

Comment is about you called me (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

<Deleted User> (7789)

Tue 28th Dec 2010 18:11

I sympathise... but you should invest in one of those things that gradually fills the room with light. Also, why people choose to wake themselves up with sudden loud bleeping alarm clocks is just as much of a mystery...

Comment is about Something a little more formal! (blog)

Original item by Mark Mr T Thompson

<Deleted User> (7789)

Tue 28th Dec 2010 18:07

Some lovely bitter-sweet images there Ann!

Comment is about you called me (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Mark Mr T Thompson

Tue 28th Dec 2010 17:01

Thanks Steve

Comment is about Something a little more formal! (blog)

Original item by Mark Mr T Thompson

<Deleted User> (7212)

Tue 28th Dec 2010 16:30

Hi Cyn - I'm sorry, I can't remember. I just had a quick look back & none ring any bells on that score. I did post one called "when we met" but that was about a dream, and not the missus (and it said so in the poem). We've been married nine years in January & she's called Yuree. thanks. all the best. B

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

<Deleted User> (5593)

Tue 28th Dec 2010 15:21

Season's greetings to you too. I've passed your comment on to the techies who are the ones who deserve the praise - nothing to do with me guv.

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Tommy Carroll

Tue 28th Dec 2010 15:09

@Cynthia: thank you, maybe an explanation is needed.

@Francine: I would be interested in your interpretation of the line.

@Philipos: Thank you for the comments. :o)

Comment is about The Nearly Moon (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Tue 28th Dec 2010 13:22

Thank you for paying me a visit and for your lovely comment Cynthia. My latest offering was one our priest commissioned for the Christmas eve mass - it was so difficult hitting the right mark - not too controversial but not too pious. I decided to post it cos it is a memory of how I saw 2010 out. I'm not sure it fits on this site though, which is why I disabled comments.
It is far too long since we met! I will try to pay a visit to Sale at the end of Jan - that is always a very good night. I was sorry to miss your guest spot recently - I would like to have been there. Hope you and Stan had a good Christmas - it is lovely to hear from you. xx

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Tue 28th Dec 2010 13:14

Very clever, short, sharp and ironically shafted on quite a serious subject for some people.

Comment is about Flannel (blog)

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Tue 28th Dec 2010 12:39

Isobel, I'm so glad we have personally met. I like your work so much; I always anticipate the words and ideas because you write with great feeling and equal emotive skill. Higher praise I cannot give.

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

Original item by Isobel

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Tue 28th Dec 2010 12:27

Re- instantaneous thinking and blogging, Ann. I can't do it, because I don't have the immediate imagination and the corresponding well of words that just seem to spill out of a fascinating mind, like yours. I have some, of course; I used to keep originals forever, to make sure I hadn't lost the 'first-flavour spice' in the finished piece, but not much now. You will never run out of ideas, never. Meeting you was one of the highlights of my year.

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove


Mon 27th Dec 2010 21:14

Hi Tommy - I really liked the freeze-framed activity of all this and take on board the comments of others - how about as a suggestion in stanza 1 - turning 'distant wait' into distant eye - just a thought but hey it's your poem

Comment is about The Nearly Moon (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Mon 27th Dec 2010 19:35

I love this!
I think it is your best.

Fabulous line...
'transforming an
ancient passion
into a smudge.'

Comment is about The Nearly Moon (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll


Mon 27th Dec 2010 18:40

I really enjoyed reading all the imaginative job-descriptions given to normally mundane wintry items but which you present to our attention in a different way - well done

Comment is about The Icicles (blog)


Mon 27th Dec 2010 18:04

Hi Cynthia - thank you very much indeed for troubling to comment on Dusk Patrol, The Truce and Christmas Cameos - I certainly agree about spacing on the latter - will try to work the lower case idea subject to memory which you suggested on Dusk Patrol - and in answer to your question about canals in the Sale area - I haven't visited there yet but aren't canals just a gift for painting a picture with the pen - also I would love to see some of your scenic poems on screen - thanks again for giving me such encouragement you're a star

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Mon 27th Dec 2010 17:18

I love the positive and creative change of perspective at the end...


Comment is about The Icicles (blog)

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Mon 27th Dec 2010 15:48

Very lyrical and musical, a gentle veneer over dark ideas 'its cerebral obliterating duster'. The passion of moonlight never dies; although, if just written, the moon is on the wane. I presume the 'nearly moon' is just 'almost full' whether going or coming. Or have I missed a major point? Quite possibly. I really do like this poem, Tommy.

Comment is about The Nearly Moon (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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winston plowes

Mon 27th Dec 2010 08:54

Hi Andy, Re Hulme idea. ok thats great. A good subject worthy of a retrospective project, I will cogitate and see what happens. Keep me posted. Win X

yes that is my current email address (

Comment is about Andy N (poet profile)

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Mon 27th Dec 2010 04:15

Happy New Year to you Rachel and to your dear Shug, Jeffy, Morrisey and Carman.

Comment is about I Am a Little Rabbit (blog)

Original item by Larisa Rzhepishevska

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Andy N

Mon 27th Dec 2010 01:06

Hi Win - Regarding the Hulme thing... I am not sure what is going to be going with this as we are trying to get people interested at the moment more than anything else, but certainly if it comes off - i would love you onboard...

Are you still on your googlemail address at the top????

Comment is about Winston Plowes (poet profile)

Original item by Winston Plowes

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Rachel Bond

Sun 26th Dec 2010 22:27

happy new year from shug, jeffy, morrisey and carman my 4 lovely bunnywunnies xx they like the poem but say they prefer to live in 2 storey luxury hutch xx

Comment is about I Am a Little Rabbit (blog)

Original item by Larisa Rzhepishevska

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 26th Dec 2010 13:53

Thanx Win, First draft, so I'll try and explain it.

Comment is about The Nearly Moon (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Rachel Bond

Sun 26th Dec 2010 13:28

have just got round to reading your work (shame!).
so glad I did its really good. i loved the stark images of bones and a carnivorous Africa.... and your summer poem...i am always looking at crying skies...
hope to see you perform in the new year xx

Comment is about Louise Coulson (poet profile)

Original item by Louise Coulson

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Chris Co

Sun 26th Dec 2010 09:53

You think this tradition is questionable John, take a look at these!

Comment is about Le Pere Fouettard (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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winston plowes

Sat 25th Dec 2010 22:22

Tommy, this is wonderful. Flowed beautifully and some great words in there. Not sure on the meaning but liked a lot, right I am going to look at the nearly moon before bed. Win x

Comment is about The Nearly Moon (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Ann Foxglove

Sat 25th Dec 2010 22:07

I hope your day was a good one - keep well! xx

Comment is about Just a moment dear (blog)

Original item by Alison Smiles

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Sat 25th Dec 2010 09:54

A reet funny read John. It reminds me of somewhere down South I used to live where the parents were all highly competitive. Men smashed into each other, women broke tendons and there was a lot of genuine cheating goint on (holding eggs on spoon so they couldn't fall off etc) - one woman even refused to be disqualified and got all uppity about it. It was amazing to watch. I always ran like the clappers mind cos I like to do my bit for the kids - but I never begrudged losing...

Your poetry is always so funny. x

Comment is about 70m Dash (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

<Deleted User> (7212)

Fri 24th Dec 2010 23:19

HaHa - and a Merry Christmas to all those naughty girls out there :)

Comment is about Le Pere Fouettard (blog)

Original item by John Coopey


Fri 24th Dec 2010 22:52

A very moving poem which leaves much to the ' don't go there' imagination - it ticks the right boxes for me - and my seasonal best wishes also

Comment is about Just a moment dear (blog)

Original item by Alison Smiles

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winston plowes

Fri 24th Dec 2010 22:20

Dave, Thanks for your metaphysical comments. It will broaden my reading in this area. Difficul to get into at first but when you get used to the style you can be transported. Win X

Comment is about Dave Bradley (poet profile)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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winston plowes

Fri 24th Dec 2010 21:53

nice one Ann, have a great holls. Win XXX

Comment is about questions (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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winston plowes

Fri 24th Dec 2010 21:52

Hi Andy, Rachel has been asking if I am part of your Hulme project? Well obviously not as I didn't know about it but if you want me to TRY and write something then I will. If not also fine. I reckon John Darwin could deliver on this too, Win X

Comment is about Andy N (poet profile)

Original item by Andy N

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John Coopey

Fri 24th Dec 2010 21:50

Thanks for your comments on 70m Dash, Win.
Bugger culture - that's what I say!

Comment is about Winston Plowes (poet profile)

Original item by Winston Plowes

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winston plowes

Fri 24th Dec 2010 21:44

Hi Pam, er John. Great Stuff... This sort of poetry needs to be spot on else it jars terrible, Lots of this supasses that mark, (verse 3 for example) Win X

Comment is about 70m Dash (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Ann Foxglove

Fri 24th Dec 2010 19:52

Thanks for your kind comments on my Questions poem. Have a lovely christmas - hope your foot is continuing to mend! xx

Comment is about Lynn Dye (poet profile)

Original item by Lynn Dye

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Ann Foxglove

Fri 24th Dec 2010 19:51

Thank you Alison for your kind comment on my Questions poem. xx

Comment is about Alison Smiles (poet profile)

Original item by Alison Smiles

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Ann Foxglove

Fri 24th Dec 2010 19:50

Yes, I think you should. xx

Comment is about Just a moment dear (blog)

Original item by Alison Smiles

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Fri 24th Dec 2010 19:48

ah, one thing you could assist with - the last two lines, should i swap them round?

Comment is about Just a moment dear (blog)

Original item by Alison Smiles

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Ann Foxglove

Fri 24th Dec 2010 19:48

Don't know what to say - but have a good christmas! xxxx

Comment is about Just a moment dear (blog)

Original item by Alison Smiles

<Deleted User> (6895)

Fri 24th Dec 2010 19:42

can I be excused from attending your part-but not excused from the drinking! lol!inciting laughter..right up my street! lotsa love-Stefanxxxx

Comment is about Christmas Cook's Lament (blog)

Original item by Lynn Dye

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