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<Deleted User> (6895)

Thu 30th Dec 2010 20:14

Hi again Ann-like many animal lovers we all know what a difficult period it must be for you-I really am with you in your sorrow.You did her proud in the way you laid her to rest-a very kindly way of thanking her for all her lovely companionship-of course if and when you might think of getting another pet I,m sure you will consider one from a sanctuary-but as you mention it most certainly would be disrespectful to do so too soon.I will be thinking of you and return my best wishes and love wholeheartedly-thank you for all your wonderful poetry in 2010-Stefan.xx

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

<Deleted User> (6895)

Thu 30th Dec 2010 19:40

nice to see you back young man! hope thou art coping-best to you Dave-Stef.

Comment is about Dave Dunn (poet profile)

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Penny Pepper

Thu 30th Dec 2010 19:28

Hehe. Thanks guys. No comment re nympho... I just know what I like :)

Comment is about Fire (blog)

Original item by Penny Pepper

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Ann Foxglove

Thu 30th Dec 2010 18:15

I agree with Banksy. This is a truly lovely poem! Happy New Year and thank you so much for all your lovely words of encouragement to me in 2010. It was lovely to meet you too! xx

Comment is about Winter Walk (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Ann Foxglove

Thu 30th Dec 2010 18:07

Yes, I was imagining some great big equine wooden beastie - an unwanted chrissie present! For the woman who has everything! Sorry about the horsething! Sounds scary! Happy New Year if I don't get round to it! xx

Comment is about Lynn Dye (poet profile)

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 30th Dec 2010 15:52

@Cynthia: Thank you for your comment on 'Nearly Moon'. The grammar IS the very thing at issue here. Words encroach, words displace and they do so awkwardly. As you read it the flow of the poem IS jarred as is my 'thinking'. My 'thinking' interferes with my emotions. I'm glad you have noted this Cynthia. :o)
PS a revision.

Comment is about The Nearly Moon (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 30th Dec 2010 15:50

@Winston: Thank you for your comment on 'Daughter...'. :o)

Comment is about Winston Plowes (poet profile)

Original item by Winston Plowes

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 30th Dec 2010 15:46

@Isobel: Thank you for your comment on 'Daughter...'. You have the poem summed up. Please do not feel unsure re ANY of my poems nor any comment of mine. :o)

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 30th Dec 2010 15:42

@Cynthia: Thank you for your comment on 'Nearly Moon'. The grammar IS the very thing at issue here. Words encroach, words displace and they do so awkwardly. As you read it the flow of the poem IS jarred as is my 'thinking'. My 'thinking' interferes with my emotions. I'm glad you have noted this Cynthia. :o) PS I will do a version just for you.

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 30th Dec 2010 15:29

@Isobel: Thank you for your comment. You have the poem summed up. Please do not feel unsure re ANY of my poems nor any comment of mine. :o)

@Philipos: Thank you for your comment.'silencing' is the effect upon my 'want' to retort not something within. More outward than inward.

@Winston: Thank you for your comment. :o)

Comment is about Daughter: In the year 2020 (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

<Deleted User> (7212)

Thu 30th Dec 2010 13:19

Love it - you're a Star :)

Comment is about The Sun and The Moon. (blog)

<Deleted User> (7212)

Thu 30th Dec 2010 13:13

Wow, Cynthia - you might be trying to be shmaltzy, but for me this is the best of yours I've read by a long way... you've put some feeling & love & depth into this one. Yours are always clever, erudite & well-crafted, but (for me) often a little too-well thought-out or knowing, but this one feels like it comes straight from the heart - and is all the better for it.
5 Gold Stars!
(BTW - can I put this on my website under Faves by other authors?)

Comment is about Winter Walk (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Thu 30th Dec 2010 13:08

Of course, poetry of a religious leaning fits on this site! Why wouldn't it? Poets are thinking creatures, mostly. Just ignore those who aren't. The duck-billed platypus reminds us that God didn't always make perfection. Although, God knows :) that creature may be perfection after all, and we are the uncompleted version. I said once to a friend that homosexuals may be the refining form of human life and he nearly fainted.

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Thu 30th Dec 2010 13:02

I like this more every time I read it. IMO, I would revisit 'it's those words .... etc.. duster'. The grammar doesn't fit and is therefore a distracting hiccup in a good work.

Comment is about The Nearly Moon (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Thu 30th Dec 2010 12:37

Last year was a cheeky final poem. Something lyrical for 2010, gentle and non-confrontational. Happy New Year to Everyone. I do enjoy you all.

Comment is about Winter Walk (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

<Deleted User> (8943)

Thu 30th Dec 2010 11:20

PS. Love the description of your grandfather's hands too... Prompts me to write about one of my earliest childhood memories, also a visit to a grandparent, thanks for the inspiration.

Comment is about David Cooke (poet profile)

Original item by David Cooke

<Deleted User> (8943)

Thu 30th Dec 2010 11:16

I think it must have been poem of the month then as I have read it before. Thanks for helping me remember :)

Comment is about David Cooke (poet profile)

Original item by David Cooke

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winston plowes

Thu 30th Dec 2010 10:54

What an interesting take on the life / death of birds, enjoyed reading this Moira. Winston

Comment is about Buried Birds (blog)

Original item by Moira Eribenne

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winston plowes

Thu 30th Dec 2010 10:49

Powerful, this one Penny. Not sure about 'Giddy up down' but liked 'The thread is my blood' and the fire and fetish chain themes. Great stuff, Winston

Comment is about Fire (blog)

Original item by Penny Pepper

<Deleted User> (7212)

Thu 30th Dec 2010 09:24

So there's two nympho's on WOL?
Great Poem - "A sword to stroke" = you saucy bitch :)

Comment is about Fire (blog)

Original item by Penny Pepper

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Thu 30th Dec 2010 02:48

Tu es fou !


Comment is about self scan (blog)

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 30th Dec 2010 02:16

@Cynthia: The 'nearly' is a representation of both the partial physical obliteration by cloud and the diminution by reflection and the feelings that are encroached with the need to formulate a representation -literally-.

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 30th Dec 2010 02:16

@Cynthia: The 'nearly' is a representation of the partial physical obliteration by cloud and the diminution by reflection and the feelings that are encroached with the need to formulate a representation -literally-.

Comment is about The Nearly Moon (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 30th Dec 2010 00:20

@Steve: Thank you for your comment. 'I think therefore I disconnect' You have touched upon this and upon: 'I think, therefore I connect' The difference between 'feeling' and 'thought', sometimes the concious mind elbows out or over the feeling sub-brain. Tommy

Comment is about The Nearly Moon (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

<Deleted User> (6895)

Wed 29th Dec 2010 23:51

ah and heres me thinking someone had dumped a bloody great wooden mare on yer doorstep!-I.T?..wotsat then-lol! Stef.xx

Comment is about Lynn Dye (poet profile)

Original item by Lynn Dye

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Penny Pepper

Wed 29th Dec 2010 23:48

I love this and I love rhyme! Good on ya.

Comment is about A less formal (peformance based) approach to analysing my lyricism (blog)

Original item by Mark Mr T Thompson

<Deleted User> (6895)

Wed 29th Dec 2010 23:29

mmmm....Lynn Dye?...Lynn Dye?....oh yes! its you with the bunionless foot! lol! clarify trojan horse m'dear? catch you later lovely mater...SW.xx

Comment is about Lynn Dye (poet profile)

Original item by Lynn Dye

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Lynn Dye

Wed 29th Dec 2010 23:20

Thanks Stef, but please take the above with a huge pinch of salt - don't think I've ever had one that was really that bad!! xxx

Comment is about Christmas Cook's Lament (blog)

Original item by Lynn Dye

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Lynn Dye

Wed 29th Dec 2010 23:17

Oh, Ann, so sorry about Gemma, many commiserations from me too. xxxxx

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

<Deleted User> (6895)

Wed 29th Dec 2010 23:16

I,m convinced that you will know how sorry I sincerely am about Gemma-knowing how much she meant to you-please accept my condolences.Am I right in assuming you found a nice resting place for her? the consolation is that she isnt suffering anymore and of course she will never be forgotten by us.Commiserations Ann.Stef-xx

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Rachael Dunn

Wed 29th Dec 2010 21:54

who are you looking at?

haha I enjoyed this very much, :)

Comment is about eyes (blog)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

Tony Hillier

Wed 29th Dec 2010 21:30

so colourful Michael
so cool
so clean
...and what, pray Michael
colour are your pupils ?

Comment is about Michael Scott at the WOL Big Weekend, October 2010 (photo)

Tony Hillier

Wed 29th Dec 2010 21:23

curry gives Tony redeye but he loves it at the Great Big WOL weekend

Comment is about Tony Hillier tucks into the curry at the WOL Big Weekend, October 2010 (photo)

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Wed 29th Dec 2010 20:15

'transforming an
ancient passion
into a smudge.'

I see it as not being able to clearly express yourself as before due to partial memory loss.

Comment is about Tommy Carroll (poet profile)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

<Deleted User> (8943)

Wed 29th Dec 2010 18:51

Really enjoyed your poems David, I recently read "Your Cahir" but I can't remember where, it will intrigue me until I unearth the memory...

Comment is about David Cooke (poet profile)

Original item by David Cooke

<Deleted User> (8943)

Wed 29th Dec 2010 18:39

Hi Andy
Thanks for your comment about my poem "Autumn Comes" funnily enough when we had a frost prior to the snowfall I began a piece about Winter... so watch this space perhaps! ;) xXx

Comment is about Andy N (poet profile)

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Ray Miller

Wed 29th Dec 2010 17:05

No, I've been sitting in the bath thinking. Thanks all.

Comment is about Flannel (blog)

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Andy N

Wed 29th Dec 2010 13:44

just re-reading this Kath and was thinking of a title.. How about 'Raindrops' or 'Inside your World'???? x

Comment is about (blog)

Original item by Kath Hewitt

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Wed 29th Dec 2010 12:47

And then the net result will be beautiful or not beautiful - lyrical or non lyrical - depending on the eye or the vision of the reader.

I don't suppose it matters much so long as the artist enjoys and values what he has created though. There are plenty of great works of art that I don't like. Everything - poetry, art, religion is just about belief and opinion.

I am waxing a bit today. Forgive me. Some poetry sets me off like that.

Comment is about Moving the same theme towards poetry (blog)

Original item by Mark Mr T Thompson

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Wed 29th Dec 2010 12:43

I like this one too. One to inspire all with hope, I think. Whenever I'm feeling ugly and old I will reflect on my invisible aura and take heart. Not so good for those who are unloved though...

I enjoyed your poems.

Comment is about More on a theme (blog)

Original item by Mark Mr T Thompson

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Mark Mr T Thompson

Wed 29th Dec 2010 11:24

For the non-hip-hop heads to bite in rapping is to copy.

"Mine's" in Souwf Lundun vernacular is just personal possessions pluralised.

Comment is about A less formal (peformance based) approach to analysing my lyricism (blog)

Original item by Mark Mr T Thompson


Wed 29th Dec 2010 11:21

Thank you for your encouragement with 'The Truce' - not sure I could cope with a menage a troise as Anton suggests too dodgy by half

Comment is about Andy N (poet profile)

Original item by Andy N


Wed 29th Dec 2010 11:12

Thank you for commenting on 'feeding the Birds' Andy - much appreciated

Comment is about Andy N (poet profile)

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Mark Mr T Thompson

Wed 29th Dec 2010 10:57

Thanks Isobel I have written a few around this subject, I'll post a couple the others up.

Comment is about Hardly original, but still my perspective (blog)

Original item by Mark Mr T Thompson

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Wed 29th Dec 2010 10:34

This deserves a few readings Mark. I love the ideas in this and the conclusion about being 'beauty-filled' rather than beautiful is a marvellous play on words and ideas.

I would agree that people who love and are loved look different. The love and the happiness and confidence that they get from that love uplifts them in some way. I've had the piss taken out of me for saying it - but you really have to feel good inside to project that onto the outside - not that your poem is too concerned with looks - I understand that much. x

Comment is about Hardly original, but still my perspective (blog)

Original item by Mark Mr T Thompson

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Andy N

Wed 29th Dec 2010 08:24

i think the three i could's at the end of the piece are lovely in particular, but enjoyed the full piece!

Comment is about The Icicles (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Wed 29th Dec 2010 00:42

its really nice

Comment is about The Icicles (blog)

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winston plowes

Tue 28th Dec 2010 21:40

Hi Snowfox... Glad you liked 'Seat 58A Coach D'. Thanks for looking in. Win X

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Tue 28th Dec 2010 21:32

I'm always wary of commenting on yours in case I've misinterpreted them. I'll risk it this time.

I like this. It is life affirming. Something I can identify with. The love of parent for child - child for parent is unquestionable, constant (for the lucky ones anyway)- that is why I love this simple exploration of that.

Comment is about Daughter: In the year 2020 (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll


Tue 28th Dec 2010 21:23

Hi Winston - thank you for reading and commenting on Passing Clouds - much appreciated

Comment is about Winston Plowes (poet profile)

Original item by Winston Plowes

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