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Sat 1st Jan 2011 17:58

I think it was Wilfred Owen who said that Poet's warn - your poem makes a good point

Comment is about Respect (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sat 1st Jan 2011 16:36

very moving-thank you

Comment is about SWANSONG (blog)

Original item by Ian Gant

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Dave Bradley

Sat 1st Jan 2011 16:21

Enjoyable and thought-provoking. Have you seen the 'humorous' book which claims to help motorists identify road-kill?

Comment is about Road Kill, A Lapin Lament (blog)

Original item by Ian Gant


Sat 1st Jan 2011 16:12

Sat 1st Jan 2011 16:11

A special Spanish word for greetings as in The New Year

Comment is about Winston Plowes (poet profile)

Original item by Winston Plowes

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sat 1st Jan 2011 15:48

such a clever and wonderful read-thanks.

Comment is about Road Kill, A Lapin Lament (blog)

Original item by Ian Gant

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Ann Foxglove

Sat 1st Jan 2011 15:39

Happy New Year Dave. Lovely sentiments! Nice to have you back around the place! ;-)

Comment is about New Year Wishes (blog)

Original item by Dave Dunn

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 1st Jan 2011 13:55

there was a competition??

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Sat 1st Jan 2011 13:24

Hi Isobel - thanks for commenting on New Year Wishes - all the best to you and yours for 2011,

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

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Sat 1st Jan 2011 13:18

Happy New Year you old dog. Will you be learning any new tricks this year, jumping through any new hoops? Is your New Year's resolution to stop writing erotic poetry or is that still the Holy Grail?
Big hugs and kisses. xx

Comment is about John Aikman (poet profile)

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Sat 1st Jan 2011 13:17

Cheers folks, let's hope 2011 will be used to bring about positive changes in our world :)

ATB Dave

Comment is about New Year Wishes (blog)

Original item by Dave Dunn

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Sat 1st Jan 2011 13:16

I'm impressed - I tinker about for ages with mine (poems).
What I was trying to say was that it was funny you should be inspired to write about Pandora weeks after the competition and not during. I was just pulling your leg really - as I'm sure you like to pull mine! x

Comment is about Tommy Carroll (poet profile)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

<Deleted User> (7164)

Sat 1st Jan 2011 12:04

I like it Cynthia. Love the down to earth 'rich chocolate tart' which kind of goes against the general idea of tea that is supposed to be good for you ha ha

Happy new year ;-)

Comment is about Would you care for tea? (for Elaine) (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

<Deleted User> (7164)

Sat 1st Jan 2011 12:00

Very topical thoughts running throughout this with the new year upon us. It feels hopeful and extremely heart warming. Lovely piece :-)

Comment is about The Passions and The Place (blog)

Original item by Ian Gant

<Deleted User> (7212)

Sat 1st Jan 2011 12:00

Marvellous !

Comment is about The Passions and The Place (blog)

Original item by Ian Gant

<Deleted User> (7212)

Sat 1st Jan 2011 11:55

Hey Cyn - Winterwalk - (only my 2 cents!!) - I wouldn't fiddle with it - this poem is just about perfect as it is - "girlhood" included. IMHO, if you fiddle too much you can sometimes get a technically "better" work (maybe) but you often lose it's flow, it's soul, it's heart, and this one is so strong at that, that it'd be a real shame. Absolute perfection doesn't exist & for me, this is the best poem I've seen on WOL in a very very long time. all the best. B

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

<Deleted User> (7164)

Sat 1st Jan 2011 11:51

I agree with Steve and Isobel.
Nice one for the new year and all the very best to you :-)

Comment is about New Year Wishes (blog)

Original item by Dave Dunn

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 1st Jan 2011 11:47

A bit of fun, pretty much off-the-cuff, but enjoyable to write. It's probably a performance piece, leaning on clippity-clop rhythm.

Comment is about Would you care for tea? (for Elaine) (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 1st Jan 2011 11:30

Re: 'girlhood/childhood' I take the point of universality curtailed, and will think seriously about it. Ironically, this small poem took a lot of work, many many revisions. And I'm not completely satisfied yet.

Comment is about Winter Walk (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Dave Bradley

Sat 1st Jan 2011 09:51

I like this Ian. "Cast all but love and faith away" indeed.

Comment is about The Passions and The Place (blog)

Original item by Ian Gant

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 1st Jan 2011 04:32

Isobel-''Hmph - will you be tagging this with Pandora's Box then?
I like the poem - shame you didn't post it back then - I guess that might have been too conformist for you...
Are you into deep posh gravelly voices then? xx''
@Isobel: I posted the poem within 1 hour of writing it.

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John Aikman

Sat 1st Jan 2011 03:38

Happy New Year...



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kath hewitt

Sat 1st Jan 2011 02:56

hi andy, just wanted to thank you for the title suggestion. to be honest i rarely give any thought to titles, i just tend to write whatever comes into my head and if it comes with a title then ....
i am flattered, and a little surprised that anyone would bother to read my stuff in the first instance , never mind re - read!
kath x

Comment is about Andy N (poet profile)

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Sat 1st Jan 2011 02:45

And a Happy New Year to you Dave. What a lovely first poem for 2011!


Comment is about New Year Wishes (blog)

Original item by Dave Dunn

<Deleted User> (7212)

Fri 31st Dec 2010 21:26

sounds like I'm not the only one who wasted all my spending money on weedkiller & sugar, pot permang & mag powder, carbide, zinc & sulpur etc etc etc HaHa

Comment is about Some Sort of Baby Food (blog)

Original item by Ian Gant


Fri 31st Dec 2010 20:53

Clever technique of blinking to rejuvenate the readers attention and a lovely poem in its entirety

Comment is about The Nearly Moon (revised draft) (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Rachael Dunn

Fri 31st Dec 2010 19:27

Hiya Isobel :)
Glad you liked 'perfect line'
thanks for your kind comment,
Wishing you an amazing 2011

Rach x

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

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Tommy Carroll

Fri 31st Dec 2010 19:15

Rodney, I'm a tad confused by your latest post on my site. You open with: 'I don't know' you don't know what Rod? And following: '...overshadowed...' would you explain please?

Comment is about Rodney Wood (poet profile)

Original item by Rodney Wood

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Rachael Dunn

Fri 31st Dec 2010 19:15

hiya Andy
thanks for your comments and suggestions on 'perfect Line'
Happy 2011 X

Comment is about Andy N (poet profile)

Original item by Andy N

<Deleted User> (6895)

Fri 31st Dec 2010 17:18

blimey Dave! you have been through the wars! we will keep fingers crossed for your good recovery and improving health in the coming New Year-to which I raise glass for you and yours-thank you Sir-Stef.

Comment is about Dave Dunn (poet profile)

Original item by Dave Dunn

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Rodney Wood

Fri 31st Dec 2010 16:47

It's a good one.

Comment is about Winter Walk (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Rodney Wood

Fri 31st Dec 2010 16:44

I don't know. That you're such a sensitive writer aware of surrounding and personal feeling overshadow the poem.

Comment is about The Nearly Moon (revised draft) (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Rachel Bond

Fri 31st Dec 2010 16:29

simply beautiful captures the elusive nature of love and the fascination of its otherworldliness for me...i really like the image of mirroring fingerprints, like desperate effort to catch the truley beautiful, that in nature will always pass,impermanent, fragile and impossible to hold. gorgeous x

Comment is about Perfect line (blog)

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winston plowes

Fri 31st Dec 2010 15:47

What a cozy and reflective poem Cynthia. Perfect for this time of year, I too would have liked childhood, Less clunky and having a broader appeal (but thats just me), some great expressions, Win X

Comment is about Winter Walk (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Mark Mr T Thompson

Fri 31st Dec 2010 14:22

Results announced at 6pm!

Comment is about I need help in this online competition, voting closes at noon on NYE (blog)

Original item by Mark Mr T Thompson

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winston plowes

Fri 31st Dec 2010 12:54

Hi Dave, thanks for you comments on Seat '58A coach D' people forced together in a small space on a train from all backgrounds got to be a fascinating area for poety I think. glad you liked. Win x

Comment is about Dave Bradley (poet profile)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Fri 31st Dec 2010 12:17

Gorgeous. I have always found that words can be as destructive as constructive; and if words don't come, they aren't needed.

Comment is about The Nearly Moon (revised draft) (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

darren thomas

Fri 31st Dec 2010 10:25

Great to see you posting again Pete. 'Shark's teeth' is a great simile and the last line is as enigmatic as it is...sinister?

Comment is about The Icicles (blog)

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Fri 31st Dec 2010 09:38

Ha - I once remember commenting on one of yours thinking it was about the end of a loving relationship. It was actually about a very 'actively engaged' menage a trois! LOL - I felt such a prat. Only in my wildest dreams could I have identified with that ;-)

It is good to see you back posting again Tommy. x

Comment is about Daughter: In the year 2020 (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Fri 31st Dec 2010 09:33

I like the gentle reflective nature of this poem - so in keeping with the falling snow. Graham is right - charming is the word for it - almost like you are shaking up a snow globe with your younger self inside.
Happy New Year to you to Cynthia. x

Comment is about Winter Walk (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Fri 31st Dec 2010 09:29

I like this one too - such an original way to describe the love game. I like the underpinning sadness about it - the impermanence, the transience.
A really lovely poem.

Comment is about Perfect line (blog)

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Graham Sherwood

Fri 31st Dec 2010 09:01

This appears to read like one would blink, then miss the event completely. How did you do that?

Comment is about Perfect line (blog)

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Graham Sherwood

Fri 31st Dec 2010 08:57

Cynthia hello. I haven't commented for a little while but thought that I would add my thoughts to this charming piece. Absolutely loved the idea of Lux flakes (well remembered) tumbling from an open box. I would have liked the ending to have said "the cellar of my childhood (to me girlhood doesn't sit right). Anyway, a lovely bit of work to end 2010 on. Look forward to your next year's offerings. Graham

Comment is about Winter Walk (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Andy N

Fri 31st Dec 2010 08:20

really enjoyed this Rach, but am wondering shouldn't you consider splitting the piece up to something like

'We are all dots … just waiting
to be connected to each other.

We mirror fingerprints to find a match.
Planets align as ink lines draw freely.
For a while, on borrowed time.

We find formation in crimson skies.
In backlit flight we say goodbye
To a once engaging perfect line.

Just food for thought, but I particularly like the first two lines..

top stuff - Andy N x

Comment is about Perfect line (blog)

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Andy N

Fri 31st Dec 2010 08:18

lovely (if that is the right word), Georgina. I particularly the use of the sun 'here, gone, left, right'.. Perhaps the next line with the Moon should have 'And I am merely the Moon' in it... but enjoyed it either way xx

Comment is about The Sun and The Moon. (blog)

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Andy N

Fri 31st Dec 2010 08:16

love the last line Cynthia here in particular, but enjoyed the full poem x

Comment is about Winter Walk (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Tommy Carroll

Fri 31st Dec 2010 00:55

@Steve: I usually give some few hours before responding (in order to 'mull')but an interim is in order as a thanks for taking the time.

Comment is about The Nearly Moon (revised draft) (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Dave Bradley

Fri 31st Dec 2010 00:28

I agree with the others. Lovely!

Comment is about Winter Walk (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas


Thu 30th Dec 2010 23:53

Your paucity of words achieves much and hints strongly at the interconnectedness in all things - a poem of considerable depth

Comment is about Perfect line (blog)


Thu 30th Dec 2010 23:40

You hinted at some hidden jewels - I see some glimmer leaking from Pandora's chest - beautiful

Comment is about Winter Walk (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Mark Mr T Thompson

Thu 30th Dec 2010 23:14

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