The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

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clarissa mckone

Wed 12th Dec 2007 04:18

The more I read this one, the more I like it and understand it. You are so smart and you have a way with words.

Comment is about the imminent (blog)

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Steve OConnor

Tue 11th Dec 2007 21:27

Hello you.

Well, 'Let me be your cello'! That'll be a pleaser then.

I thought it was filthy. Really filthy.

In a good way.


Comment is about Mia Darlone (poet profile)

Original item by Mia Darlone

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Steve OConnor

Tue 11th Dec 2007 21:20

'Familiarity seems a contemptuous song'

I like how you manage to suggest the original phrase whilst utterly avoiding it. Also, in the line that follows it. Very clever.

It's good to see that your work has a similar relentless rhythmic quality on the page/screen as it does hearing it. That and your obvious love of wordplay makes for enjoyable reading.

Good stuff, Pete.

Comment is about the imminent (blog)

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Paul F Blackburn

Tue 11th Dec 2007 12:56

Don't Worry Paul, I'm sure Santa won't get your present wrong! :)

Comment is about Christmas time (blog)

Original item by Paul H Tubb

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clarissa mckone

Tue 11th Dec 2007 12:44

This ones very nice Malcom

Comment is about Winters (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Tue 11th Dec 2007 02:52

This is very good, seems full of thorns.seems full of bitterness. everyday life feels this way to me. no person needed. I think I need a good friend, I feel like I may freak out. but you have your own problems. to be free as a bird, that would be nice. great poem full of feelings.

Comment is about the imminent (blog)

<Deleted User> (7790)

Mon 10th Dec 2007 21:03

Hi Phil, the 'alien' analogy is strong and provocative and strange -- unsettling and sad, too. It gives a real insight into the shock of finding your body is not entirely your own, that an illness has claimed a right to your life. Shocking indeed and the writing itself is an act of bravery.

Comment is about Alien Inside (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

darren thomas

Mon 10th Dec 2007 17:38

Thanks for your comments about 'Craig'.
He was fed Viaga in the Far East and smuggled into the UK inside a consignment of walking sticks.
His name is of course a pseudonym. Or should that be, a psssssssssseudonym?
His sister Sharon doesn't appear to drink either. Temperance snakes - whatever next.
I like what is inside your head.

Comment is about Mia Darlone (poet profile)

Original item by Mia Darlone

darren thomas

Mon 10th Dec 2007 16:46


Comment is about Childhood in the garden (blog)

<Deleted User>

Mon 10th Dec 2007 11:08

What i especially like about this poem, and i like it v much, is that it is not 'laying any big message on us', that it exists as itself. That is one of the hardest things to learn, to let it speak for itself. We can slant and select to 'tidy up' a piece, but to contort it to what we want to say is most of our biggest blunders
All power to you!

Comment is about David Franks: Walkabouts Verse (poet profile)

Original item by David Franks: Walkabouts Verse

<Deleted User> (4260)

Mon 10th Dec 2007 07:17

they are good, Happy holidays

Comment is about The Lost Poet (poet profile)

Original item by The Lost Poet

<Deleted User> (4260)

Mon 10th Dec 2007 07:10

it's like a story told to each generation, like sitting on grandpa's lap and hearing about it. its very nice.
legendary in a way. i'm babbling on now.....

Comment is about The Fisherman's rest (blog)

<Deleted User> (4260)

Mon 10th Dec 2007 06:52

This poem made me smile! it is very good i really love the ending,lol. Happy Holidays

Comment is about Praying man gut man boob (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Mon 10th Dec 2007 02:11

This is wonderful, I know it is a feeling deep within you, this pain oh Im sorry, I lived this too. xx Ill go life is too much at times

Comment is about Childhood in the garden (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Mon 10th Dec 2007 02:08

ah this is so good, Im havin a great night with the ex and his demon I take a break and read your poems. rolls of fat, well...stop the bread, cheese, pizza, beer, and the list goes on and on. at an autopsy, they cut men open and find,yeast...yes yeast.its a belly whopper. ah but you will never have this. you are perfect, im almost its been a shit of a month. great poem, got me going! sorry

Comment is about Praying man gut man boob (blog)

Pete Crompton

Mon 10th Dec 2007 01:42

Very entertaining poetry. Refreshing. Racy. Pacy.
let's go go go for more.

Comment is about Mia Darlone (poet profile)

Original item by Mia Darlone

Pete Crompton

Mon 10th Dec 2007 01:19

I think you could condense this even more and it will be even more powerful

Comment is about Alien Inside (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

Pete Crompton

Mon 10th Dec 2007 01:18

Phil, I like this style of poem and I like the metaphor. I think by making the subject more vague it allows a wider audience to access and interpret this. The alien inside is a good title too. I like the new style it is a step in a direction I can relate to and this new poem excites me.

Comment is about Alien Inside (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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clarissa mckone

Sun 9th Dec 2007 23:52

LOL very good poem!

Comment is about Whether Forecast (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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Mia Darlone

Sun 9th Dec 2007 23:36

I am nothing short of fulfilled with merriment at receiving such a pleasant comment - many gleeful thanks to you. I am working on some clean poems to put up - most of them are for therapy and would probably have me arrested if they left my scribble book.

Comment is about Malpoet (poet profile)

Original item by Malpoet

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Mia Darlone

Sun 9th Dec 2007 23:28

Many joyous thanks for your comment Monsieur Morgan.
I drink guiness too - except I put a shot of Tia Maria in it which generally unsettles people. I'll join you for one at Wigan if you're going.
Can't believe you know our lovely neighbours - it's a small old world.

Secret Agent Mia Darlone checking out.

Comment is about Remembrance Sunday (blog)

Original item by Dave Morgan

<Deleted User> (4260)

Sun 9th Dec 2007 18:17

Hi, thanks for introducing me to the site.

i like you're poem, 'Taboos' is a cute one.

the bit

'Then she would go and make a pot of tea.
And the end of the world was averted.'

made me giggle, reminds me of how my Mother-in-law reacts to pressure or stress

'make a cup of tea!'


Comment is about London Writers Cafe (group profile)

Original item by London Writers Cafe

<Deleted User> (4249)

Sun 9th Dec 2007 17:07

Such depth of grief and sadness in so few weords. You have touched me (as well we know)


Comment is about The Lost Poet (poet profile)

Original item by The Lost Poet

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clarissa mckone

Sun 9th Dec 2007 01:46

not sure how 2 got there

Comment is about the choking, RIDERS ON STORM (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Sun 9th Dec 2007 01:45

Its a nice poem,Your emotion is there and has been all along. I need not say anything more for I know whats there need to thank, but its nice to hear from you.

Comment is about the choking, RIDERS ON STORM (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Sun 9th Dec 2007 01:45

Its a nice poem,Your emotion is there and has been all along. I need not say anything more for I know whats there need to thank, but its nice to hear from you.

Comment is about the choking, RIDERS ON STORM (blog)

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Dave Morgan

Fri 7th Dec 2007 17:01

Cellos and bikes
Bikes and Cellos
When it comes down to it
We're all fiddlers

Love the imagery
it does it for me Mia


Comment is about Mia Darlone (poet profile)

Original item by Mia Darlone

Malcolm Saunders

Fri 7th Dec 2007 10:18

Great. I love the poetry. Let's have some more.

Comment is about Mia Darlone (poet profile)

Original item by Mia Darlone

Malcolm Saunders

Thu 6th Dec 2007 09:48

Thanks for your performance at Dead Good Poets last night Dave. I really enjoyed it, as always.

Comment is about David Bateman (poet profile)

Original item by David Bateman

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clarissa mckone

Thu 6th Dec 2007 03:47

this is very nice, Im not sure if I got it all. But it would be nice to have a little stone home there and a garden , some sheep and other animals, flowers and children playing..ah yes I can see it, not that big home in the picture. oh well I did enjoy reading your poem

Comment is about Valley (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Thu 6th Dec 2007 03:44

WOW! This is amazing, they sure do sell fear very well, the mass of brain dead feed on it Peter. Some is real and some is not, I tell you Im so tired of trying to figure out whats truth and whats a lie...loved the poem. Happy Holidays! ;)

Comment is about Fear (Norton Personalities) (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Thu 6th Dec 2007 03:38

OH My this is rich, I really enjoyed reading this at times it was so sad and at other just to funny. great job. Happy Holidays! ;)

Comment is about Spam for Richard (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Thu 6th Dec 2007 03:23

OMG ...ekkkkk! Well Dads are almost always right. Wow what a deal, so she had another boy friend all along?! Thats tragic. I did enjoy reading your poem seems so real life. Happy Holidays!

Comment is about 2 X Girls = Don't (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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clarissa mckone

Thu 6th Dec 2007 03:20

This is so wonderful! I feel the same way in winter. I guess I need the sun. At times I think it would be nice to be a bear and sleep all winter long. I really enjoyed your poem Melissa and Happy Holidays to you! ;)

Comment is about Winter's Passing (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Thu 6th Dec 2007 03:16

this is great, reminds me of my drive to work everyday that takes an hour. I really hate it. but soon wont have to deal with it, the corps just anounced mass lay-offs, aprox 2-3000 of us across the USA. So love the poem, its so real. I know people dont think like me, but if you leave a little early, put some tunes on and just relax and say Im going to get there in one piece and on time, it really works for the most part.oh god cold calling..ekkkk hated it. nice poem Peter.

Comment is about Cold Calling (blog)

Pete Crompton

Thu 6th Dec 2007 03:11

I'm spending time at the moment typing streams in order to find material to use in poems.

This one was inspired by a recent drive home on the M62

Comment is about Cold Calling (blog)

<Deleted User> (7790)

Wed 5th Dec 2007 22:35

Hello Daniel, it was terrific and thoroughly enjoyable talkiing to you this evening. We must skype again soon. Thank you for your poems -- powerful and poignant and memorable. Speak with you soon! Best Wishes, Moxy

Comment is about Daniel Hooks (poet profile)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

Malcolm Saunders

Tue 4th Dec 2007 09:41

Thanks folks. Not much is sweet in those sardine can carriages! :-)

Comment is about Underground (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

Malcolm Saunders

Tue 4th Dec 2007 09:39

Thanks Clarissa

I try to keep a focus. I regularly attack the stupidity and misbehaviour of my own government and its friends, so I consider it some sort of responsibility not to ignore the far worse abuses carried out by some others.

The criminal Sudanese regime is responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of people in Darfur and the systematic rape of thousands of women. This revolting regime represses its people in the name of Islam. That is the biggest possible insult to religion. Far greater than any insult that I could deliver. When a well meaning teacher is imprisoned, and even threatened with death, they shame and ridicule themselves. Now let the international community stop the rape, murder and torture by this illegal regime.

Comment is about Bear Facts (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Tue 4th Dec 2007 00:31

In ways I can really understand this poem, at least I hope that I do. I have felt this way. Your right the one that looks back is the only one that can help/ being positive helps to a point, self help books help a bunch and for me it was realizing that family really does for the most part try and be good and that they do love you in their own sick way. Forgiveness is the cure forgive self and everyone else.and apply positive words and thoughts to life. Its not 100% but after applying it for a time it sinks in and really helps. I enjoyed this poem it reminded me of me long ago and in ways reminds me of friends and family. I think it may be a poem many can understand if honest. we are all just children looking for friends and a person that cares. great poem and feelings!

Comment is about the escape artist and the man in the mirror. (blog)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

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clarissa mckone

Tue 4th Dec 2007 00:22

this is very smart

Comment is about Underground (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Tue 4th Dec 2007 00:13

OK Malcom this is brilliant! I really liked the bear touch...did you mean to do it? As for the latest story of grace from such a hell, the teacher. poor lady, I wonder if the kids get beating's for naming it ? You know I really try to have an open mind, but the more I hear of them/that place, the more a massive pig blood drop sounds like the best idea. They should thank Allah everyday that Im not the president. I have known for years about these people, and they are so back ass ward, I get enraged! Great poem, got me pissed off!

Comment is about Bear Facts (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (4249)

Mon 3rd Dec 2007 23:07

Hello Lenford

I have just registered on the site and was drawn to yout poems.

I am looking forward to reading more.


Comment is about Lenford White (poet profile)

Original item by Lenford White

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Andy Sewina aka Danny Wise

Mon 3rd Dec 2007 00:48

Dolce Vita! Mia,
You really do have a nice way with words...

Comment is about Mia Darlone (poet profile)

Original item by Mia Darlone

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clarissa mckone

Mon 3rd Dec 2007 00:31

its nice

Comment is about The Fisherman's rest (blog)

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Dave Stannage

Sun 2nd Dec 2007 17:53

You had me going there Phil. While i was getting into the story I was just thinking that I must lead a very sober life.
I reckon you must have been brought up on Jack London.

Comment is about Winters Dice (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (7790)

Sun 2nd Dec 2007 15:06

Hello Daniel, poet of originality, vision and imagination -- I am really looking forward to the skype sessions.

Comment is about Daniel Hooks (poet profile)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

darren thomas

Sun 2nd Dec 2007 13:20

I put my hand in this tombola of poetic orthography and pulled out your ticket. How glad I am. 'Shadows' is a fantastic multi-layered piece. The last three lines are, and I use this word on very few occasions, brilliant.

Comment is about Frank Burton (poet profile)

Original item by Frank Burton

darren thomas

Sun 2nd Dec 2007 12:52

Yes, wonderful. This is very precise.

Comment is about Two Grandfathers (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (7790)

Sun 2nd Dec 2007 12:12

Deeply moving and touched on a bit of family history -- this week in Lincoln a recovered memorial tablet was re-dedicated in All Saints church after the original church, a methodist, was demolished to build a car park. The tablet turned up in a back garden, was restored by the finder, a Mr Hudson, who also did some research about the named soldiers, all members of the Lincolnshire Second Battalion. The first name on the tablet was that of my father's grandfather, a man who had died at the age of 40 in the trenches -- quite old for a soldier. My dad had never known how his grandfather had died and it seems he was over 6ft tall, not a good height for trench warfare, and he had his head blown off by a sniper. Shocking details even now. Your poem is very haunting and beautifully controlled -- the narrative balanced and yet so very shocking.

Comment is about Two Grandfathers (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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