The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

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Malcolm Saunders

Wed 19th Dec 2007 10:29

Thank you Zuzanna.

Comment is about Guilty (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

Malcolm Saunders

Wed 19th Dec 2007 09:47

Thanks Kevin. Yes, like a merket or the internet it did sort of write itself to begin with, but then I revised it and shortened it. Yet another case of meddling that may have made things worse rather than better. ;-)

Comment is about Simply Organic (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (4281)

Wed 19th Dec 2007 02:53

Hello Pete,
Nice meeting you and thank you for the warm welcome, Kevin is my friend too. He emailed me about this lovely site. Pleased to meet you and all the other Poets and Poetess as well. ---Now let’s go to the business. You’re "So Long since I have laughed" poem - prompts sympathy for you… But reading it further I came to realize that it was just a muse...Great write. It is important to have a good laughter. Day with out of a good laugh it is a lost day. I am sure you are aware of that! Thank you for sharing your art in writing...Zuzanna

Comment is about So long since I laughed (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Wed 19th Dec 2007 02:38

Malcom, she has nice legs! so true the streets can take a nice person and change them into such a sad person.

Comment is about Adventure (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Wed 19th Dec 2007 02:36

Bubo, this is wonderful!

Comment is about I Think I Love You More Than Chocolate (blog)

Original item by Bubo

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clarissa mckone

Wed 19th Dec 2007 02:32

nice poem!

Comment is about Disturbia (blog)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

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clarissa mckone

Wed 19th Dec 2007 02:31

hum I felt this way a few times, its a nice poem.

Comment is about So long since I laughed (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Wed 19th Dec 2007 01:57

Hi Bubo, I remember an owel with your name! I like your poems they flow very well and you have a great talent or a wonderful muse!

Comment is about Bubo (poet profile)

Original item by Bubo

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clarissa mckone

Wed 19th Dec 2007 01:55

If its enough to say that I like it, then good! I feel like I understand it, seems to be a longing for more and a fear at the same time,so much of this in life. Its a nice poem, if this is real feelings say the words, it helps at times to speak!

Comment is about Arthur Matthew (poet profile)

Original item by Arthur Matthew

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clarissa mckone

Wed 19th Dec 2007 00:48

You know it does not have to be this way. ah its my day off, I had a wonderful christmas party I have a had a few drinks, putting the tree up. life is good for the most part xx me

Comment is about Microwave Michael (blog)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Tue 18th Dec 2007 23:02

I think it is excellent write! You have used a lot of creativity in your poem. It does paint a nice picture for me. Awesome write Daniel....Great work!

Comment is about Disturbia (blog)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

Kevin Connolly

Tue 18th Dec 2007 22:04

Night time creatures come out to play
moonlight fear has its way,
owls howl,
wolves growl,
I am glad it’s over I hate the dark
But when shadows fall
and the cold moon glows bright
it will happen again in the night

I thought this was Lon Chaney Jr fearing the full moon, when he would turn into the wolf man...

waiting for the sun to rise
I’ll have to wait for the deathly haze to lift
and my loneliness not to disappear but to shift
away in the sun lit day.

I prefer the dark to the sunlight, but I can appreciate fear of the dark.
I like the 'loneliness not to disappear, but to shift' line. Even the sun is no comfort when you're all alone.
Good poem, Daniel.

Comment is about Disturbia (blog)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

Kevin Connolly

Tue 18th Dec 2007 19:37

Curled fingers hold wire
Baskets fold handles
By tills
Choices, instant vitamin pills
Sunday roasts
The atrocious toasts
And the ills of
frozen gravy lazy
chicken ready meal for one
mounted upon
Solid state and silicon
A white Platter
To the vendor
It does not matter
That he is lonely
Michael has embraced
The furious pace
Of the modern man
And his vacant housewife
Lives only in imagination
Yet is real in desire
Like traditional cooking
And coal fires
No time in the modern age
A missing ring 3rd finger
Clinks bars an imaginary cage
become prisoners
Yet there is no escape
From the bland
4 minute wonder
The mini meal cellophane lid
Is torn,
seeps steam when born
a soggy frown
and a palette worn out
by chemicals
yet sharp for the taste
of something real.

- It's amazing the crap we eat nowadays. If it's frozen and it can be microwaved in a couple of minutes, that's our Sunday lunch. Whatever happened to traditional values?
John Cooper Clarke couldn't have written this better, Pete. Wonderful poetry.

Comment is about Microwave Michael (blog)

Kevin Connolly

Tue 18th Dec 2007 19:31

20 million giga watts of fancy stringy fairy lights
desperately clinging on to slipping tile suburbia
while impoverished consumers
fight for a slice of the action
in Asda

global warming heat me up
an idiot made power gobbling
Xmas tree lights.
killed a million farm fed feathered friends
and asked we turn the oven down

A rat race bus fuss top piled up tv shite
wintered spray snow delights
of piped rock and roll Xmas tunes
in every god forsaken bauble room
from the unemployed
to the silver spoon

don’t pretend your having fun
let the office party blood run
when the beer boy office joker
spills his cock hard intentions
all over her dress
and wrecks the spotted specs
of the director whom when sober name checks
a god
and when pissed envies his wallet wad
and calls him every name under the sun

I'm sure we can all see ourselves in there somewhere.
The office party often leads to nightmares until Easter.
You have suc a way with words, Pete. Yet another gem.

Comment is about in the name of xmas (blog)

Kevin Connolly

Tue 18th Dec 2007 19:25

"You see this lovely fifty note.
I'll roll it nice and tight.
Just sniff the line of powder.
Life will be alright."

"Good evening Miss. Who is this man
whose car you'e leaning in?
You're the lady in the court last week
soliciting again."

"He's just a friend." she slurs
and cries. "A friend that's all. I swear."
"You'll know his name then won't you luv.
And know his wife as well."

"OK, OK. Just take me in.
As you will always do.
Take my money and send me back
to pay for gear, my pimp and you."

Lofty ambitions can so easily turn into a road to perdition. This poem would be a great Christmas present for Amy Winehouse.
An excellent flow and a brilliant poem, Malcolm.

Comment is about Adventure (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

Kevin Connolly

Tue 18th Dec 2007 19:15

A little fatal flaw
I think I love you
More than chocolate
More than those lyrics
In that song you remiss,
Perhaps more than yawning seas
Or buttercup sun’s artery,
Or the softness of God’s breeze


More than mythology, theology or
More than life’s mysteries

Position me wisely
I’ve not far to fall.

The very title of this poem would bring the house down at a poetry recital, Bubo. Now that's what I call true love.
Brilliant stuff.

Comment is about I Think I Love You More Than Chocolate (blog)

Original item by Bubo

Kevin Connolly

Tue 18th Dec 2007 19:12

I’m not going to roar at seagulls
Scavenging left over pickings
As they flap
Unsettling silence in the air,
Don’t really see me
When careless eyes stare.
Is there an Oliver
In all of us
Asking for more
Palms out flat
Weight of the world on our backs?

Smooth all my worry lines
Smooth my laughter lines
Lift my breasts so they sit just right,
Mold my world
While my toes curl
And Prozac hour arrives
As we develop our swallowing reflex
Guzzling a gallon of God’s water
To wash away the pain
Flood your cosmetic pores
But can’t quite numb the brain,
As I whisper in the mirror
“I don’t think so”
Today, leave me alone.

- This poem would be the star piece at any recital. The words just rolled off my tongue as I read it.
You will go far, Bubo!

Comment is about Bubo (poet profile)

Original item by Bubo

Kevin Connolly

Tue 18th Dec 2007 19:07

I pull you into the future
You pull me beyond
I am the adult
I should be strong,
But I’m lying between a sandwich
Of right and wrong
My loss, my son,
Stretching my configurations
Staunch and stem
To a society that will bend
Allow us to blend
In a museum of transgenders.

Judge not my child
For she came from God
And I,
I her mother
Shall be the road she is standing on
As I journey into her eyes,
Cradle the tears
Bind the ties,
I shall be the society
That shall accept
As we follow the path down
Grappling to stay in control,
But losing a foothold
On her precious soul.

- A mother's love is a blessing. You write absolutely sublime poetry, Bubo. I won't pretend I understand it all - some of it is way above my head: as all great poetry should be.

Comment is about Bubo (poet profile)

Original item by Bubo

Kevin Connolly

Tue 18th Dec 2007 19:02

Call me damaged, call me strange
I am not this woman you claim,
But for you
Perhaps I could spread my legs
Take out those dead
In your imagination
You’re ever possessiveness that you are blinded
By me,
Think of me
While she waits for the exorcism of your hate.

Good ole catholic boy
Judge me, judge my heart
Splintering glass across years of suffocation

Until light of lies will shine past
Alone you will stand, calling yourself a man
Amongst debris and disease,
That you call your life.

You're following in the footsteps of Seamus Heaney - only a brave poet would dare to do that. Fantastic!

Comment is about Bubo (poet profile)

Original item by Bubo

<Deleted User> (4281)

Tue 18th Dec 2007 17:22

Bubo - This is great write. Lots of metamorphosis in your romantic write. I loved the entire muse. Your creativity shines! 'I Think I Love You More Then Chocolate'...Really great poem...Thank you...Zuzanna

Comment is about I Think I Love You More Than Chocolate (blog)

Original item by Bubo

Pete Crompton

Tue 18th Dec 2007 17:20

Oy you thanks! Im reading it a DGPS! on Wed.

Comment is about in the name of xmas (blog)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Tue 18th Dec 2007 15:58

Your creativity shines in this futuristic poem. The read is genuinely appreciated as it shows great picture of reality in life. GREAT POEM!!


Comment is about Guilty (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

Kevin Connolly

Tue 18th Dec 2007 11:38

My two favourite stanzas:

A market is unknowably complicated.
Nobody can manage it.
Humans have the idea of a market,
but markets make themselves.
Humans thought of the internet
but the internet made itself.
Humans sow seeds.

God is a simple thing.
Easy for man to make.
Grass is complicated.
Rocket science is easy.

Sorry, three...

Once god was improved
from being a piece
of painted wood,
he didn't work.

Excellent, Malcolm. I guess this poem wrote itself...

Comment is about Simply Organic (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

Kevin Connolly

Tue 18th Dec 2007 11:22

They approached me in a mild manner, chanting incantations while flaying my hide with a slightly warm, stout oaken branch blessed by the high priest of Nayhead. 27 years later I discovered poetry, it’s uncanny

- Even your bio is funny!
Sorry for repeating your own words back to you, but I'm highly impressed. I've never seen a genuinely funny woman before (French & Saunders and Victoria Wood and that Jenny somebody think they're funny...).

Comment is about Mia Darlone (poet profile)

Original item by Mia Darlone

Kevin Connolly

Tue 18th Dec 2007 11:19

Ironically she could probably do with getting undressed
(There’s a likely need for a darn good shag)
I’ve just said the word nob and she’s not impressed
Thank God I didn’t do ‘Cockney Rhyming Slag’
It’s not taken as intended - tongue in cheek
Do they really think I’ve slept with 8 blokes in one week?

Post-performance friendliness is directly proportional to the audience’s reaction to your poem:
They’re very friendly
If you get laughs
But they can’t possibly be seen talking to you
If you die on your ass
So assuming this type of environment exists
Will I return to the stage?
I’d rather slit my wrists!

Who am I kidding…
Next time I’ll wear tighter jeans and do ‘What a bummer’.

- LOL. You're fantastic, Mia. I always go for humour in my performances (especially on stage). It's easy to know if an audience likes you or not, if they laugh. I thought my stuff was funny, but I think I'd pay to see you.

Comment is about Mia Darlone (poet profile)

Original item by Mia Darlone

Kevin Connolly

Tue 18th Dec 2007 11:13

Stacks of DVDs are found
Mainly of the Tour de France
And a photo that has Olympic champion Chris Borderman’s face
Superimposed onto the body of a man wearing pants
They also found a bike with a hole in the seat
A dildo was positioned vertically underneath
Attached to the pedals – so it can be controlled by the feet
(At this stage an accompanying police officer’s face lit up – but she resisted taking her urge further – she was a wife and mother).

Mike was charged
He got 3 years probation
He was ordered to rehab
Where they are trying to replace bike-fucking with standard masturbation

- Jesus, Mia, that's feckin' brilliant! Absolutely hilarious - and true! LOL. I love the Queen intro.

Comment is about Mia Darlone (poet profile)

Original item by Mia Darlone

Pete Crompton

Tue 18th Dec 2007 10:19

Kevin, Mia, Darren, Clarissa. Thank you very much for all this support and feedback! Its touching that you take the time to comment and read my ramblings!

Well you know I sometimes just feel an emotion even if its not about me.

as long as I can somehow feel it. Im sure you know what I mean with your writing.

I find love poetry quite fulfilling and there seems no end to the variations. You can draw on the past if you still are touched by it.

Comment is about Part of your pain (blog)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Tue 18th Dec 2007 07:03

I enjoyed reading your poem about Circus. It brought the memory back from a childhood. Great description of particular performances. Here in the Western part of Canada we do not have the Circus that often. Great work!

Comment is about A Day at the Circus (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Tue 18th Dec 2007 04:19

buy local! one of the big poluters and contributars of global warming is the transport of products all over the world.Those tankers use mass amounts of oil/gas and they puff out black smoke.when they took your factories and mine to china they made the world such a shit place. but I still love my energy saving christmas lights!

Comment is about in the name of xmas (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Tue 18th Dec 2007 02:50

Oh they are such good protests! i love the one with all the cars honking and the one where you slink up the roller coaster with a sign. whatever happend to the little newts?

Comment is about (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Tue 18th Dec 2007 02:48

My bet is its Rose

Comment is about Part of your pain (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Tue 18th Dec 2007 02:21

lucky, sorry got kids with the flu here, running around, doing all the good mommy stuff!

Comment is about Part of your pain (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Tue 18th Dec 2007 02:17

So true Keven its very hard to convince them of your love, I read this poem over and over and just wonder who the luck girl is.

Comment is about Part of your pain (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Tue 18th Dec 2007 02:01

Malcom you do so well keeping me up with whats going on, I missed the circus this year, You know my fav is the big cats and elephants, and the girls that spin by a pony tail, its amazing! great poem!

Comment is about A Day at the Circus (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Tue 18th Dec 2007 01:58

Ah the Michael TV dinners! Well I have purchased them before for a fast lunch, not very filling and Im sure not as good as my/our home cooking.I worry about the plastic being microwaved and wonder if the plastic becomes toxic when heated.I try not to mico anything except like rice and popcorn.good poem and Im sad about your words here, its not good to be lonely

Comment is about Microwave Michael (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Tue 18th Dec 2007 01:54

well its very sad, drunk at times is fine. I think people need the diversion of xmas as you call it.For many its pressure, I dont look at it that way, as Im not sucked into all the adverts. I do see what your saying, I have felt this way before.For me its family, food,the lights and a spirit of good will. I dont let the media suck me in. They start at halloween here, with the xmas adverts and shopping insanity. Good poem , its good to get it off your chest!

Comment is about in the name of xmas (blog)

Kevin Connolly

Mon 17th Dec 2007 23:56

Say I’m into Pamela Anderson’s bikini thong
They painted her on the side of a bomb
Females don’t belong
On the side of double barrel bombs
Say America can do no wrong
When Mr. propaganda sings his song
And Tony’s quick to chant that out
Flashing ice white teeth like bathroom grout
with buzzing Hitler hands that twist and shout
the articulate mover
the Brussels sprout
oh yea Brussels
we paid for it
Tony the articulate mover
and George, the gunpowder groover
dancing on graves
Still holding hands
Blair and bush
Still holding hands
As the sun sets on conquered lands
And we embrace their culture
And share their views
As we all get fatter
As we choke and lose
Our right to freedom
And peaceful moves.

- If only the rap artists of the world were as fluent in the English language as you are, Pete!
Classic stuff.

Comment is about you paid for it (blog)

Kevin Connolly

Mon 17th Dec 2007 23:47

We chased the missing
found disappointment
So many times
From the failing tries
To bland sublime

For you can never force love
When it wants to arrive
pray the dreams in which
We nightly dress
Finally unfold in the waking time

We share the same
Rough at the edges
But with stars in our eyes

- This is a sublime love poem, Pete. We're all so different - and yet, on a deeper level, we're exactly the same.
The hard part is convincing the one you love that that's the truth.

Comment is about Part of your pain (blog)

Kevin Connolly

Mon 17th Dec 2007 23:33

I’ve a good spot again this year, opposite this posh shop
Each window contains these mannequins, my family
They are proper posh you know, given them names too
As the seasons come and go they get dressed for me, it’s my world
Yet still I have my faith, try hard to rejoice each Christmas, be a Christian

My reality with rats, dog turds, and flea ridden clothes
Wondering where my next hot meal will come from
I see you, up there in your central heated world
Stuffing yourself with food, knowing half will be thrown away next day

Sometimes they have some society cast offs, new clothes for me
I get given this ticket to take to a place for my annual bath
The day after, ‘Boxing Day’, I call ‘Bonanza Day’
All the treasures thrown, I collect from a dumpster and re-sell

Drunkards spill out looking for sport, to look big in front of mates
They spotted me last month, three of them, ended up in hospital
I heard on girl shout ‘film it, film it’, as another rib breaks
Police arrived just in time; they had poured lighter fuel on me

To my real family, I am but a shadow of a past they seek to forget
My window family are fine; they try to welcome, but there isn’t room at the inn
Once, many Happy Christmas’s ago, I too felt the warmth of my family
A tear seeps, freezes, cold gnaws at my core, my failing body, I feel weak
Please release me from my pain I pray as sleep overtakes, a bright white light appears

- Those are my favourite lines - and there are so many of them.
This is a poem that everybody should read at Christmas, Phil. Brilliant.

Comment is about Remember me at Christmas Time (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

Kevin Connolly

Mon 17th Dec 2007 23:24

Must we keep to the flame
in hopes that our dreams and hope
will not die,
and if we fear
to turn fire into smoke,
will we indeed lose everything
that we struggled to find
in this past year?
And the wax runs down
like tears shed over the pain
written like sand
in this past chapter of our lives,
black ink and blue tears,
and was this year so bad
that it should die quickly?
Was this year worth remembering?

This poem reminds me of my new year resolution from 12 months ago. It remains unfulfilled, but... should I keep the flame alive for the next year, or just give up all hope?
I think I'll try, try and try again.
Brilliant poetry, Melissa. You have renewed my faith in myself.

Comment is about Candlelight (blog)

Kevin Connolly

Mon 17th Dec 2007 23:18

The Ring Mistress
opened proceedings.
Puffing out her crimson chest
and with a sweep
of her turquoise tail

I couldn't believe it
when he put his paw
in the beast's mouth

The troupe
of health and safety inspectors
were very entertaining.
The circus
is so much more fun
since they were introduced.

The clowns were wonderful.
I think the best part was when
they walked in on hind legs

The vicar and those
blue haired ladies
farting and jabbering,
are so realistic.

- A circus from a bird's eye view! Great stuff, Malpoet.

Comment is about A Day at the Circus (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

Kevin Connolly

Mon 17th Dec 2007 23:08

If Charles Dickens had written poetry, this is the sort of poem he would have written.
Excellent stuff, Andy.

Comment is about When It Is Winter In The Soul Place (article)

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Dave Morgan

Mon 17th Dec 2007 19:39

By all means wear tighter jeans next time, Mia, but I think you just have to write it off to experience, take stock when you've done ten. Good poem though, not a bit unlike Hilary's diatribe against slams, but she bounced back,
keep slamming


Comment is about Mia Darlone (poet profile)

Original item by Mia Darlone

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Dave Morgan

Mon 17th Dec 2007 19:20

Comment is about Mia Darlone (poet profile)

Original item by Mia Darlone

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clarissa mckone

Sun 16th Dec 2007 19:24

Hi Melissa,
This is such a nice poem about reflection the past and then to move on and embrace. great poem super nice it! Thanks

Comment is about Candlelight (blog)

Malcolm Saunders

Sun 16th Dec 2007 19:01

HB Mox. Half Baked. Half baked pencils are really crumbly and do horrid miracles.

Comment is about Simply Organic (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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clarissa mckone

Sun 16th Dec 2007 17:14

Hi Phil, is this a true story?Seems part of It i read about in the news.People dont understand how good they really have it, compaired to the homeless.bless you this Christmas, the poems very nice

Comment is about Remember me at Christmas Time (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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Mia Darlone

Sun 16th Dec 2007 14:40

Thanks for your comment Pete, at least I don't totally die on my arse on paper! Well done at the slam by the way.
Your poetry is much more cleverer than what mine is, my mother still says to me 'I wish you'd speak proper like what I do'.

Fellow writing addict Darlone.

Comment is about Part of your pain (blog)

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Nick Cable

Sun 16th Dec 2007 14:34

I feel warmed as if sitting too close to the fire myself.

Comment is about Warmed by the Words (article)

<Deleted User> (7790)

Sun 16th Dec 2007 11:51

So God used to be a pencil? Wow. Function, ergonomics... and traces could be erased. How were the shavings regarded? Relic status or slough? Was he soft or hard or perfectly HB?

Comment is about Simply Organic (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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