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Stephen Atkinson

Fri 27th May 2022 17:50

True John. I prefer a war of words, it's less bloody!
And Julie, sorry for putting you on a downer. But at least it's Friday! ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿท๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Comment is about Senseless (blog)

Original item by Stephen W Atkinson

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Stephen Gospage

Fri 27th May 2022 17:45

Many thanks, Julie, Carol and John.

In a way, I feel quite bad about this, as there are many well-meaning, liberal people who attend Davos. However, I have always found the spectacle of the rich and well-connected networking in this Alpine bubble to be rather off-putting. Perhaps inadvertantly, the cosy nature of it gives a bad impression of politics and business.

And thanks to Frederick, Rudyard, Stephen, Holden, Hugh and Reggie's Ghost for the likes.

Comment is about Davos (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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julie callaghan

Fri 27th May 2022 17:44


Comment is about Senseless (blog)

Original item by Stephen W Atkinson

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John Coopey

Fri 27th May 2022 17:42

Senseless indeed, Stephen. Although itโ€™s difficult to imagine any war as sensible.

Comment is about Senseless (blog)

Original item by Stephen W Atkinson

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John Coopey

Fri 27th May 2022 17:12

You never disappoint, Stephen.

Comment is about Davos (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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John Botterill

Fri 27th May 2022 16:29

Utterly charming Julie! ๐Ÿ˜€

Comment is about Woody Woodpecker (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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John Coopey

Fri 27th May 2022 16:25

In one sense I think you are right, MC. Anyone who blows the brains out of schoolkids has to have something wrong with them upstairs. But not everyone who has something wrong with them upstairs feels the need to blow the brains out of kids.
Do the 50 Republican senators who refuse to address gun laws have something wrong with them upstairs or are they defending their personal state majorities?
Were the militiamen who stormed the White House all drugged up or suffering from 21st century stress?
Whatever happened to personal responsibility or even not committing murder?
And thanks for the Likes, Hugh and Bethany.

Comment is about IT'S FOR THE GUN WE SPEAK (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 27th May 2022 14:07

Agree about the absurdity of availability of assault rifles and the like. But I can't agree about the casual dismissal of drug abuse and mental health. The concern about over-prescription of
certain drugs in a psychiatry-dominated culture is also a matter
that needs urgent consideration. These can only exacerbate the
distorted dangerous-to-deadly activity indulged in by certain
clearly unbalanced individuals driven by their own demons to
do what they do.

Comment is about IT'S FOR THE GUN WE SPEAK (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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julie callaghan

Fri 27th May 2022 12:19

A lesson to us all. ๐Ÿ™

Comment is about Shapes (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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John Botterill

Fri 27th May 2022 12:14

Thanks for the great comments Frederick! ๐Ÿ˜ I have to say that "round" most accurately describes my shape haha ๐Ÿ˜‚

Comment is about Shapes (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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Red Brick Keshner

Fri 27th May 2022 09:55

To the child "circle" is appropriate language; oval is precise and spherical is quite acceptable, so as the years and tutelage add on he shall speak more adeptly if nurtured in such things. Granddad is an excellent teacher! Quite "shapely" too, in the way that God has configured His creation. Thanks for sharing, John.

Comment is about Shapes (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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Reggie's Ghost

Fri 27th May 2022 07:32

It's not so bad Julie.

Comment is about Ghostly Request (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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Red Brick Keshner

Fri 27th May 2022 07:04

I like how the feeling of movement, like motoring on a highway, culminates in a centering image like a crowded place in which a face is still seen! This is good. Thanks for sharing, Caleb.

Comment is about I-95 (blog)

Original item by Caleb Gorey

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Red Brick Keshner

Fri 27th May 2022 07:00

Thanks, John! Sorry for the wait. #mud

Comment is about Atacama symphonic (blog)

Original item by Red Brick Keshner

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John Botterill

Fri 27th May 2022 06:48

Absolutely beautiful, Frederick. Stunning! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Comment is about Atacama symphonic (blog)

Original item by Red Brick Keshner

<Deleted User> (33618)

Fri 27th May 2022 05:17

What a delight to read! You drew me in completely.๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Comment is about The uncool romantic (blog)

Original item by Kevin Vose

<Deleted User> (33618)

Fri 27th May 2022 05:13

A great write! I particularly like the first stanza.

Comment is about Davos (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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Red Brick Keshner

Fri 27th May 2022 03:57

Thank you kindly for your honest responses (Rudyard K., Stephen Gospage, and Nigel Astell). I too prefer version 1 and wrote version 2 at the suggestion of some well-meaning critics. Sighs.

Comment is about ginko (blog)

Original item by Red Brick Keshner

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Ruth O'Reilly

Fri 27th May 2022 01:19

King for the day was awesome Nigel Thanks! You should record it so I can play it. I'm always a fan of your poetryโ˜บ

Comment is about Nigel Astell (poet profile)

Original item by Nigel Astell

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Ruth O'Reilly

Fri 27th May 2022 01:15

Ha, Ha Nigel Between your mud packs & this lotion we can start a new cosmetics company! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Comment is about Lotion Love (blog)

Original item by Ruth O'Reilly

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Nigel Astell

Fri 27th May 2022 00:29

Number one flows much better for me Frederick.

Comment is about ginko (blog)

Original item by Red Brick Keshner

Holden Moncrieff

Fri 27th May 2022 00:17

Thank you so much, Stephen! I'm really glad there were no literal thunderbolts in your case! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Comment is about Son of the Sun (blog)

Original item by Holden Moncrieff

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Nigel Astell

Fri 27th May 2022 00:10

Thanks for your likes
Stephen G
Your Royal Poetess.

Comment is about Tiny Terror (blog)

Original item by Nigel Astell

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Nigel Astell

Fri 27th May 2022 00:09

Barking mad like his new owner
cheers Stephen

Comment is about Tiny Terror (blog)

Original item by Nigel Astell

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Dave Morgan

Fri 27th May 2022 00:08

Shaun isn't writing to please people now and get approval, he's writing to make them feel damned uncomfortable. And he's succeeding. Always slightly diffident about his performances in his early days as a writer/performer, his confidence and craftsmanship have soared over the past couple of years. If you're able-bodied don't expect an easy ride. We 're all complicit in the apartheid that affects so many people with disabรญlities. Shaun is very clever at identifying the barriers, evident and hidden that hinder full participation in everyday life. He's kept his Wigan sense of humour but you can feel the frustration boiling over at times. I hope the changemakers, whoever they are these days, read this and take the trouble to listen to a man on the front line of disability discrimination. He tells it straight.

Comment is about They Race Me In The Streets: Shaun Fallows, Lulu (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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John Coopey

Fri 27th May 2022 00:00

Thanks for your thoughts, Stephen and MC.
I suppose in a country of 300,000,000 there's bound to be a number of barmpots who would want to murder schoolkids, blacks or Jews. And I don't think drug use and mental health issues is much of an explanation. Why on earth anyone would feel the need to buy assault rifles and kevlar vests is beyond me. We all got a glimpse of where this might lead in January of last year.

Comment is about IT'S FOR THE GUN WE SPEAK (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 26th May 2022 23:46

SA - much obliged for the comment. I certainly agree that being
at ease in one's own company is a vital step towards personal
Thanks are also due to those who kindly "liked" this post.

Comment is about I LOVE ME (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 26th May 2022 23:37

The proper teaching of the need for disciplined respect for a
deadly weapon is paramount in the prevention of its misuse,
not least in a huge country that was born out of armed revolution
against the perception of overweening state power. Today's
ongoing dilemma is the current malaise of drug abuse and mental
health issues - often connected in a society that seems ill at ease
with itself., a deadly recipe for repeated examples of deranged

Comment is about IT'S FOR THE GUN WE SPEAK (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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julie callaghan

Thu 26th May 2022 21:14

Hi Ruth, happy for you to use any lines or verses from Our Stylish Queen or Platinum Jubilee from February. Hope the show goes well.

Comment is about Radio Royalty (blog)

Original item by Ruth O'Reilly

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julie callaghan

Thu 26th May 2022 20:01

According to my website this is no 800 attempt at poetry. Now I wish had tried harder. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Comment is about Ghostly Request (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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julie callaghan

Thu 26th May 2022 19:36

Echo Stephens words, some wonderful lines. Sheโ€™s a lucky lady to have this written for her.

Comment is about Lady Generosity (blog)

Original item by Tom

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julie callaghan

Thu 26th May 2022 19:31

Another great one Stephen. I just wish you didnโ€™t have so much to write about. ๐Ÿ˜ข

Comment is about Davos (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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Stephen Atkinson

Thu 26th May 2022 19:30

The West is still wild John. And tragically always will be I fear. The right to... buy a sub machine gun, purely for home security of course ! Ridiculous

Comment is about IT'S FOR THE GUN WE SPEAK (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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julie callaghan

Thu 26th May 2022 19:29

Another tragic story emerges from the gun crazy USA. Defies belief. Good to see you here Hugh.

Comment is about Americans,tighten your gun ownership laws and avoid carnage !!! (blog)

Original item by hugh

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Stephen Atkinson

Thu 26th May 2022 19:21

Lovely stuff, Tom. Some wonderful lines. I especially like:
Iโ€™ve filled you full of art
and a night can feel a decade
on the timeline of a heartโ€ฆโ€™ ๐ŸŒˆ

Comment is about Lady Generosity (blog)

Original item by Tom

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julie callaghan

Thu 26th May 2022 19:13

thank for the likes.

Comment is about Our Stylish Queen (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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John Coopey

Thu 26th May 2022 17:45

Give them assault rifles, thatโ€™s what I say, Stephen.
And thanks for the Likes, Frederick, K, Holden and Kamryn.

Comment is about IT'S FOR THE GUN WE SPEAK (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 26th May 2022 17:31

And thanks to Nigel, John C, Holden, Brenda and K Lynn.

Comment is about City Tour (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 26th May 2022 17:29

So sorry about this, John. Some things can never be explained, or understood.But this doesn't stop you wondering and feeling all the things you describe so movingly here.

Comment is about Suicide of a friend (blog)

Original item by John E Marks

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 26th May 2022 17:15

I think you said it, John. The 'right' to bear arms? What about the 'rights' of those children and teachers?

Comment is about IT'S FOR THE GUN WE SPEAK (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 26th May 2022 17:10

A very fine poem, Holden. My dad once regretted allowing me to use his motor bike, especially when I demolished the front gate.
No thunderbolts, though, at least not literally.

Comment is about Son of the Sun (blog)

Original item by Holden Moncrieff

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 26th May 2022 17:05

Like Rudyard, I prefer the first.

Comment is about ginko (blog)

Original item by Red Brick Keshner

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 26th May 2022 17:02

Terrifying terror, Nigel.

Comment is about Tiny Terror (blog)

Original item by Nigel Astell

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 26th May 2022 16:52

Interesting read, Laura. It's a shame there are so many morons who can't resist piping up in this way. I think you gave them the answer!

Comment is about RBF (blog)

Original item by Laura Taylor

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Graham Sherwood

Thu 26th May 2022 16:31

Why has it become common parlance to ask people "Are you alright", when it is obvious from their demeanour that they are definitely not.

One of my grandsons is autistic and I have learned that the correct way to show concern is to ask "Can I help".

I am soon advised whether I can or not.

These are very strongly worded lines and pretty much sum up the current times.

Comment is about RBF (blog)

Original item by Laura Taylor

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Laura Taylor

Thu 26th May 2022 15:52

Cheers Trev!

Comment is about RBF (blog)

Original item by Laura Taylor

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Trevor Alexander

Thu 26th May 2022 13:18

A stark reminder of the gender inequality that exists even in so-called 'enlightened' times. Well said Laura!

Comment is about RBF (blog)

Original item by Laura Taylor

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Laura Taylor

Thu 26th May 2022 13:02

Thanks Greg. That may be because it isn't used against you ๐Ÿ˜‰

Comment is about RBF (blog)

Original item by Laura Taylor

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Greg Freeman

Thu 26th May 2022 12:20

Powerful words, Laura. I must admit, I hadn't come across that term before. But I'm an old git that doesn't get out much.

Comment is about RBF (blog)

Original item by Laura Taylor

<Deleted User> (27399)

Thu 26th May 2022 11:18

No 1 wins for me, it reads better at least for me.

Comment is about ginko (blog)

Original item by Red Brick Keshner

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