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keith jeffries

Tue 31st May 2022 13:24

A beautiful and meaningful poem.

Comment is about De-Spite (blog)

Original item by Kealan Coady

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kealan coady

Tue 31st May 2022 13:17

The only sincerity in the wef is that they're sincere about have a global tyrannical medical dictatorship. Children are eating bugs in a Welsh school while those in Davos feast on steaks. Just look at whose there. I wish ppl would wake up before it's too late and stop.us9ng Ukraine like a playground to try out their new weapons at the expense of innocent Ukrainian lives.. Our 'leaders' do not have out best interest in mind.

Comment is about Davos (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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John Botterill

Tue 31st May 2022 12:52

Puts us all to shame! Nice one Mike!

Comment is about Granny hi tech (new ending) (blog)

Original item by mike booth

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Tue 31st May 2022 11:18

Thanks so much Nigel, Stephen Graham and Holden for appreciating this poem. I edited it to within an inch of its life.


Comment is about PRACTISING FOR PEACE (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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Julian (Admin)

Tue 31st May 2022 10:31

It doesn't bear thinking about, M. C.

Comment is about 'Incensed' Julian Jordon's video riposte to Dorries and Johnson (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Tue 31st May 2022 08:57

Thnq Nigel. I hope so🌷

Comment is about Extension (blog)

Original item by Sunshine

<Deleted User> (33618)

Tue 31st May 2022 05:40

This made me laugh out loud! Delightfully playful! Or is that pelightfully dayful! 😁

Comment is about Where's Queen? (blog)

Original item by Stephen W Atkinson

<Deleted User> (33618)

Tue 31st May 2022 05:36

Go Granny go! 😄

Comment is about Granny hi tech (new ending) (blog)

Original item by mike booth

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John Marks

Tue 31st May 2022 01:23

Thank YOU dear Keith.

“Blessed is the servant who loves his brother as much when he is sick and useless as when he is well and
is of service to him. And blessed is he who loves his brother as well when he is afar off as when he is by his side, and who would say nothing behind his back he might not, in love, say before his face” – St. Francis of Assisi

Comment is about Our kid (blog)

Original item by John E Marks

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keith jeffries

Tue 31st May 2022 00:37

This poem reminds me of a documentary I saw some years ago. It depicted a scene from the New York Stock Exchange where people were frenetic in their activity to create wealth. Juxtaposed was a scene from a small African village where a young man who should have been in school was making mud bricks to build a house for his mother as his father had recently passed away. Two worlds so far apart but on the same planet.
A good poem, well crafted and thought provoking indeed.
Thank you for this

Comment is about Davos (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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keith jeffries

Tue 31st May 2022 00:31

Knowing and loving oneself is the way to wisdom.
Good poem
Thank you for this

Comment is about I LOVE ME (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 30th May 2022 23:47

Maybe if BoJo joins the ranks of the ennobled, he can adopt the
motto "Deceiving is Believing". He has plenty of examples
from the past to turn to.

Comment is about 'Incensed' Julian Jordon's video riposte to Dorries and Johnson (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Nigel Astell

Mon 30th May 2022 23:47

Thanks Stephen
A community in uttermost grief was told the police waited over an hour before moving in.

Comment is about Bloodstains On The Blackboard (blog)

Original item by Nigel Astell

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 30th May 2022 23:43

KT - glad to raise a smile. Life can be so serious sometimes!

Comment is about I LOVE ME (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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keith jeffries

Mon 30th May 2022 23:32

you excel your poetic skills when it comes to raw emotion, grief and loss. This poem was written by you but could be written for you. I was drawn to the line "No pair of humans can attend each other's funerals". A strange but true thought which had never occurred to me before I read this poem. Suicide has a devastation which other sudden deaths cannot compare with. It is often a loss which cannot be explained which adds to the sense of grief. Well crafted and straight from a broken heart.
Thank you for this

Comment is about Suicide of a friend (blog)

Original item by John E Marks

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keith jeffries

Mon 30th May 2022 23:23

A deeply moving poem that must have been heart wrenching to compose. It is filled with love and a profound sense of loss; the desire to turn back the clock and restore and explore the emotions you so avidly express. This poem took my breath away by its depth of feeling. Very well written, a gem in fact.
Thank you

Comment is about Our kid (blog)

Original item by John E Marks

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keith jeffries

Mon 30th May 2022 22:01

This is a quality poem which must have required quite some thought. The imagery is incredible. I enjoyed this enormously. Thank you

Comment is about hurt and soul (blog)

Original item by Edbreathe

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keith jeffries

Mon 30th May 2022 21:58

Tantalising and full of imagery. " Do you smell as good as you look?" This line encapsulates the poem. Well written and well thought out.
Thank you for this

Comment is about One Last Affair (blog)

Original item by Tom

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keith jeffries

Mon 30th May 2022 21:48

This poem reminded me of my father who fought the Japanese during the Second World War. I was an immediate post war child and my father and mother steadfastly refused to talk about the war years and what they had experienced. I can so well relate to this as war bring personal tragedies as well as the wounded and the dead.
Thank you for this. A special poem indeed.

Comment is about A Conversation with my Father (blog)

Original item by Clare

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keith jeffries

Mon 30th May 2022 21:43

This poem intrigues me as it generates a sadness all of its own. Somehow I think many readers will relate to this. It is quite beautiful.
Thank you

Comment is about The Lonely Old man Sits by the Window (blog)

Original item by Clyde McCulley

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keith jeffries

Mon 30th May 2022 21:38

I enjoyed this poem as the last line provoked memories of my mother organising tupperware parties in the 1950's or 60's. I have a vague recollection of pale green cups with a white interiors. They seemed to be plastic to me. However, thanks for this.

Comment is about Tupperware (blog)

Original item by mike booth

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Mon 30th May 2022 20:18

Hear, hear!

Comment is about God Save Our Queen (blog)

Original item by hugh

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John Botterill

Mon 30th May 2022 19:50

Thanks Keith. Much appreciated 😀

Comment is about We all live in the past... (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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keith jeffries

Mon 30th May 2022 18:31

You take the words out of my mouth John. Excellent poem.
Thank you

Comment is about We all live in the past... (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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John Botterill

Mon 30th May 2022 17:39

This speaks to me, Keith. I agree with the sentiment. It takes us longer to construct buildings and furniture with no aesthetic appeal.

Comment is about Deprecated (blog)

Original item by keith jeffries

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Stephen Gospage

Mon 30th May 2022 17:31

Thankyou, Keith. Knowing a little about your background, your comment means a great deal to me. Yes, this is a tragic situation for so many.

And thanks to Frederick, Stephen, John and Julie for liking.

Comment is about Letters (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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keith jeffries

Mon 30th May 2022 14:35

this poem trips along almost as a sing song which brings to life the theme of celebration. I too remember street parties with lurid memories of jellies and the dreaded blancmange. A treat nonethe less during a time of ratioing. I am of course referring to the Coronation of 1953 when I was five years old.
Thank you for this

Comment is about Where's Queen? (blog)

Original item by Stephen W Atkinson

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keith jeffries

Mon 30th May 2022 14:29

A very moving poem which speaks to us today as we see the suffering of war, a problem which plagues humanity. Those who are left, women and children are the most affected and this is a scar on their lives. Very well crafted and poignant.
Thank you

Comment is about Letters (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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John Coopey

Mon 30th May 2022 10:27

IndeedStephen. There is a James O’Brien clip on YouTube where he identifies Johnson’s strategy as “It’s too early to talk about it until the Met reports”. Then “it’s too early until the Gray report”.Then “ it’s too late now we’ve got the Gray report. It’s time to move on”

Comment is about JUST LOOK AWAY TODAY (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Stephen Gospage

Mon 30th May 2022 08:53

Thank you, John. And thanks to Steve and Bethany for liking.

Comment is about Davos (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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Stephen Gospage

Mon 30th May 2022 08:41

Thanks, Julie. I think I'll stay with kilos where I am!

Comment is about Imperial Measures (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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Stephen Gospage

Mon 30th May 2022 08:36

I think you have captured all the terror and confusion of this tragedy, Nigel.

Comment is about Bloodstains On The Blackboard (blog)

Original item by Nigel Astell

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Stephen Gospage

Mon 30th May 2022 08:28

Very good, John. The 'move on' mantra is becoming an all-purpose method of washing away the past. And if you pretend something didn't really happen, then you didn't really lie, I suppose.

Comment is about JUST LOOK AWAY TODAY (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Nigel Astell

Mon 30th May 2022 00:51

Thanks for all your likes
Stephen G
Stephen A
John B
Your Royal Poetess.

Comment is about Bloodstains On The Blackboard (blog)

Original item by Nigel Astell

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 29th May 2022 21:43

JC - do remember that in this country government offered salutary condign punishment in exchange for the act of the
population in giving up their firearms back in the day when they
were .- and for countless years had been - lawfully held. Check
for example, old f/arms cunningly disguised in various ways..
But in typical deceitful political style, the protection of the law
has been steadily eroded down the years until it now merely
pays lip service to punishment and, instead, offers huge
satisfaction to the "we are all guilty" brigade who see no evil and hear no evil. let alone admit that evil actually exists! The,
US on the other hand, has a somewhat less gullible attitude to what is promised and rigorously defends their enshrined citizens rights., whatever the cost in sporadic albeit tragic individual terms. Their evolution was far quicker - and harsher
as a consequence - and they are prepared to pay its cost...from the
fight for independence through various
subsequent conflicts across its vast
continent in a relatively short period of history, always mindful of all the many sacrifices made along the way.

Comment is about IT'S FOR THE GUN WE SPEAK (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Rick Varden

Sun 29th May 2022 18:04

Thank you Stephen. I originally wrote it as a childrens poem.

Comment is about Colours (blog)

Original item by Rick Varden

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jennifer Malden

Sun 29th May 2022 17:51

Thanks Stephen G, Holden and K.Lynn. See that now Trump is saying that the only solution is to arm the teachers!!!!!!! Am sure Far West schools in the 19th C weren't so dangerous, if they had them in some places.

Comment is about Twisted (blog)

Original item by Jennifer Malden

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John Marks

Sun 29th May 2022 17:30

September’s Baccalaureate
A combination is
Of Crickets — Crows — and Retrospects
And a dissembling Breeze

That hints without assuming —
An Innuendo sear
That makes the Heart put up its Fun
And turn Philosopher.

Emily Dickinson

Comment is about (blog)

Original item by John E Marks

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John Marks

Sun 29th May 2022 17:25

Thank you sincerely Holden.

The summer ended. Day by day, and taking its time, the summer ended. The noises in the street began to change, diminish, voices became fewer, the music sparse. Daily, blocks and blocks of children were spirited away. Grownups retreated from the streets, into the houses. Adolescents moved from the sidewalk to the stoop to the hallway to the stairs, and rooftops were abandoned. Such trees as there were allowed their leaves to fall - they fell unnoticed - seeming to promise, not without bitterness, to endure another year. At night, from a distance, the parks and playgrounds seemed inhabited by fireflies, and the night came sooner, inched in closer, fell with a greater weight. The sound of the alarm clock conquered the sound of the tambourine, the houses put on their winter faces. The houses stared down a bitter landscape, seeming, not without bitterness, to have resolved to endure another year.

James Baldwin, Just Above My Head

Comment is about (blog)

Original item by John E Marks

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clyde McCulley

Sun 29th May 2022 16:03

Yes, the mystery continues! Perhaps she was going to see her lover, the groceryman.
Thanks for comment

Comment is about I wonder (blog)

Original item by Clyde McCulley

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John Coopey

Sun 29th May 2022 12:45

Thankyou Bethany. You’d have to go a long way back to my early school reports to find anyone calling me “clever”. “Too clever by half” was what I think they wrote.
I agree with you, MC, about being “economical with the truth”. The point though is that he may have gone beyond that by actually lying. There is a difference!
And as for getting the broad brush strokes right and painting over his ethics, it’s up to us to care. If we don’t it shows what sort of society we are becoming. A sad departure from those standards our predecessors set.
And thanks for the Likes, Frederick, Stephen and Holden.

Comment is about JUST LOOK AWAY TODAY (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 29th May 2022 12:10

The post of Poet Laureate has not been without controversy.
Robert Browning is reported to have written "The Lost Leader"
in some anguish after William Wordsworth, formerly a radical,
had agreed to become Poet Laureate. But then poetry and the
term "precious" are hardly strangers at certain levels of the
written word.

Comment is about ‘Shaman’ Ted Hughes and the royals: Simon Armitage on a previous laureate’s reverence for the monarchy (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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John Botterill

Sun 29th May 2022 12:10

Loved your comments Stephen and Bethany. Made me laugh out loud!!! 😂👍
Thanks for the like, Nigel.

Comment is about Becoming a Nokia G50 (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 29th May 2022 11:27

I have long suspected that those entering politics approach the
job with built-in personality adjustments that adapt to suit the
situation and that today's variety merely reflect the fluid
morality that pervades public life today. Behind Bojo there's
someone else just as "flexible" - or as a certain senior civil
servant once observed in a famous case involving the government and its ministers - a readiness to be "economical
with the truth"! I think that as long as Bojo is successful with
the "broad strokes" of his office, he'll survive in a society that
itself has become very forgiving of all manner of social
solecisms and a marked decline of standards that used to be
taken for granted.

Comment is about JUST LOOK AWAY TODAY (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Nigel Astell

Sun 29th May 2022 11:11

Glad you liked it Ruth.

Comment is about Nigel Astell (poet profile)

Original item by Nigel Astell

<Deleted User> (33540)

Sun 29th May 2022 11:02

I most definitely fall in with the previous comments John

but don't phone me and I won't phone you 😁

Comment is about Becoming a Nokia G50 (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

<Deleted User> (33540)

Sun 29th May 2022 10:52

yet another of Mr Coopey's constant clevernesses! 👍

Comment is about JUST LOOK AWAY TODAY (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Nigel Astell

Sun 29th May 2022 10:26

Good will keep evil far away😈

Comment is about Extension (blog)

Original item by Sunshine

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Nigel Astell

Sun 29th May 2022 10:24

Any thing sour is sweet at the start😍

Comment is about Not a poem; diagnosis (blog)

Original item by Sunshine

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 29th May 2022 10:00

We are all becoming slaves to our phones, John. I recommend one with a dodgy battery and a slow charger, enforcing hours of non-use!

Comment is about Becoming a Nokia G50 (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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