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John Botterill

Thu 21st Apr 2022 22:10

We certainly need a higher power at the moment Stephen. I pray, just in case... Yet another fine poem!

Comment is about Let us pray (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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John Botterill

Thu 21st Apr 2022 22:05

Fascinating, funny, truthful, enlightening (who knew? I didn't) and wonderful! Thank you Clare. 😀

Comment is about Bling (blog)

Original item by Clare

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John Botterill

Thu 21st Apr 2022 21:00

Lovely stuff MC. Really enjoyed this! 😀

Comment is about LIFE IS BUT A JOKE (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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John Botterill

Thu 21st Apr 2022 20:01

Thanks MC. I am pleased that you picked up on the dark humour. Death at least releases one from obligations. (Not that I'm anxious to try it!) 😀
Thanks Bethany, Tom and Stephen A for the likes.

Comment is about A Convenient Time (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

<Deleted User> (33540)

Thu 21st Apr 2022 19:14


Comment is about From The Hollow (blog)

Original item by Stephen W Atkinson

<Deleted User> (33540)

Thu 21st Apr 2022 19:13

I like the way that you use simple wording and still manage to get a lot of brilliantly meaningful depth

Comment is about Launch of my fifth book, The Pleasure of Firing Back (blog)

Original item by Graham Buchan

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 21st Apr 2022 15:56

The sardonic humour is enjoyably captured in this literary
realisation of the awkward timings that permeate our lives.
The last line is perfect.

Comment is about A Convenient Time (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 21st Apr 2022 15:48

Tom - happy to oblige! 😌

Comment is about LIFE IS BUT A JOKE (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 21st Apr 2022 15:44

I enjoyed taking this trip, not least for the chance to revisit the
rarely seen printed word "English". The image of the one-armed
man with his conspiratorial wink, brought back the sort of
elderly men I knew here in the London of my own youth before
the great change set in..

Comment is about I'd like to walk that way again (blog)

Original item by John E Marks

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Thu 21st Apr 2022 15:43

Thanks for this MC. The glass coffins one got me 😂

Comment is about LIFE IS BUT A JOKE (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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John Botterill

Thu 21st Apr 2022 10:45

Thanks Holden. That line was a last minute amendment. Glad I did it! 😀

Comment is about A Convenient Time (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

Jock Strapp Jr

Thu 21st Apr 2022 09:55

Verra verra neece ma goode friend M.C.

Comment is about GOD, MY DOG AND ME (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

Jock Strapp Jr

Thu 21st Apr 2022 09:54

na thess es grrrand!

Comment is about Pollen (blog)

Original item by Cody Roach

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 21st Apr 2022 09:29

Thanks Graham re "A turning look"

Comment is about Graham Sherwood (poet profile)

Original item by Graham Sherwood

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 21st Apr 2022 09:28

Thanks Stephen re "A turning look"

Comment is about Stephen Gospage (poet profile)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 21st Apr 2022 08:39

Thank you, Frederick, for your fascinating analysis of this. One of the values of this blog is that it gives writers food for thought and a chance to revisit the original poem. Thanks again.

Comment is about Tears (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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John Coopey

Thu 21st Apr 2022 08:27

You might well be right, K. It would certainly give anthropological provenance to Our Gert (or “Farts in her Sleep” as she is known”).
And thanks for the Like, Stephen A.

Comment is about DANCES WITH WOLVES (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 21st Apr 2022 08:27

Thanks, John and Graham, for your comments on this one. I am in your camp and generally prefer to put my faith in the living. Having said that, I have often noticed that prayer can be separated from belief. Some will need to pray, especially in terrible situations like wars, even while being profoundly sceptical about the existence of any god. In this way, prayer may represent hope and optimism, a belief that humanity can do better.

And thanks for liking this one: Stephen, Rudyard, Holden and Bethany.

Comment is about Let us pray (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

K. Lynn

Thu 21st Apr 2022 04:19

I like Indigenes, which Louise Erdrich uses in her novel, The Sentence.

But didn't some ancient Americans double back to Eurasia and mix with the Proto-IndoEuropeans? The PIE supposedly had more DNA in common with the Americans than with the Farmers in Europe. Out of America as well as Out of Africa ...

The poet Adrian C. Louis hated the name 'Native American' and called himself a half breed because of his mixed heritage ...

Comment is about DANCES WITH WOLVES (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

Holden Moncrieff

Thu 21st Apr 2022 01:14

This is very cleverly written, John! "To finish off my earthly rhyme" is a really great line! 😎

Comment is about A Convenient Time (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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jennifer Malden

Wed 20th Apr 2022 22:11

Thanks John, Stephen G and Stephen A,nbHolden and K Lynn for the likes! (The sufferer wasn't amused by the blue blood quip!)


Comment is about Circulation (blog)

Original item by Jennifer Malden

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John Botterill

Wed 20th Apr 2022 21:26

Thanks Clare. I really appreciate your comments. I agree. It's all a comedy of errors! 😀

Comment is about A Convenient Time (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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Wed 20th Apr 2022 21:24

There's never a convenient time for death, or birth. It's a miracle the human species has survived! Love the poem, John.

Comment is about A Convenient Time (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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Rasa Kabaila

Wed 20th Apr 2022 21:21

Thanks Graham! Would you like to join in? 😃 I believe Stephen now has to pick the next word. 😃

Comment is about Tears (blog)

Original item by Rasa Kabaila

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John Coopey

Wed 20th Apr 2022 18:47

If someone wants to believe in a higher power that’s fine by me. But, like Graham, I prefer to take personal responsibility.

Comment is about Let us pray (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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John Coopey

Wed 20th Apr 2022 18:42

I enjoyed this, Russell. I’m sure we all regret the things we didn’t do. And find excuses for not doing them.

Comment is about Is it too late to kick start a wasted life? (blog)

Original item by JD Russell

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John Coopey

Wed 20th Apr 2022 18:33

Many thanks for your thoughts Graham, MC and Bethany.
“First Nation” you say, Graham? This is even more contrived than “Native American”. I am no expert on early “American” history but I’d be extremely sceptical that the Mohicans of the North East would have any sense of nationhood with the Apache of the South West, or the Crow of the Mid-West with the Cherokee of the South-East; or pretty much any tribe with any other!
And I would be flattered beyond belief, Bethany, to be called “ Him Tickles Girls’ Fancies” (or even “Tickled”), although that might attract the attention of Operation Yewtree!

Comment is about DANCES WITH WOLVES (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Graham Sherwood

Wed 20th Apr 2022 17:03

JC I rather think you might be named
‘Plays without Silver’ just a thought!

Comment is about DANCES WITH WOLVES (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

<Deleted User> (33540)

Wed 20th Apr 2022 16:29

John can I suggest remembering my mums overused saying

him tickle girls fancy

Comment is about DANCES WITH WOLVES (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 20th Apr 2022 16:29

SG - thanks for that! I'm ringing back with the one about the
guy who invented the door-knocker and won the no-bell prize!

Comment is about LIFE IS BUT A JOKE (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 20th Apr 2022 16:19

My own knowledge of Putney is limited to a long-ago visit to a
well-known bike shop called - perhaps appropriately, considering this poetical diversion - "Holdsworth"! To which i could add:
"Get a grip, Ray". 😊

Comment is about WHILST IN PUTNEY (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 20th Apr 2022 16:06

The generic term "First Nation" seems illogical, not least because
tribal identities were so varied and were frequently in conflict
with each other. Who then was first among the so-called nation
across that vast continent? Get in line and put your case! 😉

Comment is about DANCES WITH WOLVES (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Graham Sherwood

Wed 20th Apr 2022 15:59

Well well JC I thought you were more woke than that. You really need to keep up. The correct term for those you call native Americans is now people of the ‘First Nation’.

Always happy to moderate 😉

Comment is about DANCES WITH WOLVES (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 20th Apr 2022 15:59

Know the feeling. A signed copy of my self-published "Singing
Words" turned up in a charity shop (now closed) in Paddington
here in central London. It pleased me to note that the asking price
was almost that of the original RRP.

Comment is about Poet's 'rite of passage' after book turns up in Oxfam shop (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 20th Apr 2022 15:54

Another entertaining and informative post from a source that
offers these - plus the occasionally contentious variety - with
pleasing frequency. This topic reminds me of a builders'
van I saw nearby that proclaimed: "You've known the cowboys -
now try the Indians." Wit transcends many aspects of life.
MC (AKA: Sighs Over Size) 😊

Comment is about DANCES WITH WOLVES (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Grant Aspinall

Wed 20th Apr 2022 15:25

Outside .
High Royds Asylum,
West Yorkshire.

Comment is about Casino Square Monaco. (photo)

Original item by Grant Leonard Aspinall

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Graham Sherwood

Wed 20th Apr 2022 11:26

Good to see you getting this thing off the ground!

Comment is about Tears (blog)

Original item by Rasa Kabaila

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Graham Sherwood

Wed 20th Apr 2022 11:25

Thought provoking stuff as always Stephen.
I prefer to put my faith in the living (friends, family etc) and do my
best to look after them the best I can.
While I wouldn't castigate people with the 'other' type of faith, I do believe we all need a degree of certainty (good or bad) to get by.

Comment is about Let us pray (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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Rasa Kabaila

Wed 20th Apr 2022 11:19

Thank you so much Stephen and John. 😃 Wishing you both a lovely day.

Hehe, thanks for validating going over the ten lines John! And Stephen, I often seek out movies that I think will make me cry-to give me an outlet!

Best wishes,

Comment is about Tears (blog)

Original item by Rasa Kabaila

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Wed 20th Apr 2022 10:30

Thank you Stephen! Much appreciated and glad you think so. 😃

Comment is about Young Family In The Sunshine (blog)

Original item by Tom

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John Botterill

Wed 20th Apr 2022 10:22

Thanks Holden. Your appreciative comments mean a lot 😀

Comment is about My Mother, Waving Goodbye. (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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Stephen Gospage

Wed 20th Apr 2022 06:25

Lovely poem on the theme, Clare.

Comment is about Osmosis Of Emotion (blog)

Original item by Clare

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Stephen Gospage

Wed 20th Apr 2022 06:23

A wonderful, surreal poem, Ray.

Comment is about WHILST IN PUTNEY (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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Red Brick Keshner

Wed 20th Apr 2022 03:17

Picks up the internal slack and brings about an emotional tension that allows for one to face the day and the prospects of oncoming ones. When tears are the only external evidence of having lived a life, existence ceases and like the fresh after-rain, brings a moist clarity that fills in the cracks and mends the broken places. Thanks for sharing. Frederick 👍

Comment is about Tears (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

Holden Moncrieff

Wed 20th Apr 2022 02:05

Thank you so much for your kind words, Ursula! 😊

Comment is about Futility (blog)

Original item by Holden Moncrieff

Holden Moncrieff

Wed 20th Apr 2022 02:00

A genuinely moving poem, John! 🌷 I loved the lines
"A mother's smile was on her face
Epitomising all her love and grace." 😊

Comment is about My Mother, Waving Goodbye. (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

<Deleted User> (32907)

Wed 20th Apr 2022 01:47

Well written and well expressed. Thumbs up for this Holden.👍

Comment is about Futility (blog)

Original item by Holden Moncrieff

Holden Moncrieff

Wed 20th Apr 2022 01:39

Thank you so much for the kind comment, John, I truly appreciate it! I wouldn't have even written the poem if it hadn't been for your suggestion to try the 'tears' challenge! 😎

Comment is about Futility (blog)

Original item by Holden Moncrieff

<Deleted User> (32907)

Wed 20th Apr 2022 01:39

Hi Maxine. I just read your wonderful sample poems. Fabulous! I loved 'Last Night'. You are very talented. Shetland sounds lovely. Would love to see more of your poems on the site. Best wishes, Ursula👍

Comment is about Maxine Rose Munro (poet profile)

Original item by Maxine Rose Munro

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Graham Sherwood

Tue 19th Apr 2022 23:12

I always fight shy of assuming poetry is largely autobiographical. However, this is an interesting piece, which can be read in several ways. Surely the central tenet of the work. I hope!

Comment is about WHILST IN PUTNEY (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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