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<Deleted User> (7164)

Sat 4th Dec 2010 12:54

Thanks Isobel. To tell the truth i was a little worried those last two lines would make people feel guilty about enjoying Christmas.x

Steve - Why not Samoa?
I wrote this after i'd seen a really sad photograph of a child from Samoa at a time when it seemed everyone around was getting excited about festivities. It really touched my heart and i wanted to show the stark differences within the poem.x

Comment is about December (blog)

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Ray Miller

Sat 4th Dec 2010 12:04

Thanks for your comments, Isobel. There is loads to like about WOL, as you know, but there is all too much of it and I feel so guilty if someone comments on my poems and I never get round to theirs. I'm taking a month out and then I'll see. Best Wishes, Ray

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

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Ray Miller

Sat 4th Dec 2010 11:55

Thanks for your kind words, Lynn. I'm taking a month's break from WOL then I'll see how I feel about it.

Comment is about Lynn Dye (poet profile)

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Cate Greenlees

Sat 4th Dec 2010 10:25

Oh I so loved this! Had me laughing out loud!!
Cate xx

Comment is about Two Litre Capri (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Cate Greenlees

Sat 4th Dec 2010 10:18

Interesting Dave. Im not familiar with Ghazal format, and would have thought you were experimenting with repetition if Winston hadnt put up a comment. You`ll have to tell me more about it when we next cross paths at a venue!
Cate xx

Comment is about Daily Battle (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

<Deleted User> (8672)

Sat 4th Dec 2010 09:54

I like this a lot too, Ann. I didn't get time to read it last night but it has just jumped out at me right now - after a few internet problems! If you keep producing stuff like this it can only spur the likes of me on...

Comment is about ghazal ( snow for me) (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Sat 4th Dec 2010 09:20

No - forget that - it is too corny. Leave as is - it is raw but makes your point. x

Comment is about ghazal ( snow for me) (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Sat 4th Dec 2010 09:17

Can't stop thinking about that last line now. How about 'my true love dead, all men as snow for me'
It is lovely as is but John just got me thinking - easy to blame it on men :)

Comment is about ghazal ( snow for me) (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Ann Foxglove

Sat 4th Dec 2010 07:41

Thanks for kind comments on my gahazal, and good luck with your journeyings this weekend. All thawed out here - for now anyway! xx

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

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Sat 4th Dec 2010 03:41

all men cast in snow for me?

Better/worse/wrong metre? It's too late in the day/early in the morning for me to know. x

Comment is about ghazal ( snow for me) (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Sat 4th Dec 2010 03:38

This is lovely Ann - really beautiful. I love the way you have really got inside the snow shapes and linked it to emotions. I also loved the line about the wolves padded feet
Unlike John, I love the 'all men are as snow for me'. It is the 'my man is dead' which I find a bit brittle - though perhaps that is what you wanted.
It seems like your poem follows the traditional roots of the form -the longing for a love lost and the coldness of life without. That last line is crucial in that. x

Comment is about ghazal ( snow for me) (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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John Aikman

Sat 4th Dec 2010 01:23

Absolutely fabulous. I mean, like, blindingly good. I would echo Greg on this...your finest moment for me. I am agog with envy. I would maybe try and re-work the final's good, but somehow stumbles over the excellence of the previous ones. It's such a poignant line...surely there is an alternative to 'all men are as' which seems to trip up in the snow a bit for me. I'd probably just dump the 'as' and live with the cryptic metre. Just fabbo. Thank you.

: )


Comment is about ghazal ( snow for me) (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Joy France

Sat 4th Dec 2010 00:57

Love it! Very evocative & "tight"
ps - notice only women have commented? I wonder why?

Comment is about Raspberry fib (blog)

Original item by Shoeless Carole

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Greg Freeman

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 22:25

This must rank among your finest poems, Ann. No, on second thoughts, it is the finest. Carefully, beautifully crafted.

Comment is about ghazal ( snow for me) (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Fri 3rd Dec 2010 21:55

Thanks for your comment Lynn. Glad you enjoyed my poem. x

Comment is about Lynn Dye (poet profile)

Original item by Lynn Dye

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Fri 3rd Dec 2010 21:53

Thank you for your generous comment on my latest Ann. I don't think my poetry is out of the ordinary in terms of poetry - I just know how to move people and sometimes it's just about sharing emotions. I'm way behind on all my reading of others and feeling guilty but I'll be child free next week so plan on doing plenty of reading and banter! Will no doubt cross paths. Isobel x

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove


Fri 3rd Dec 2010 20:53

Hi Ann - so kind of you comment on the Profile poem - the Old Boy mentioned quaffs at Wetherspoons in Woking and is a local personality

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Ann Foxglove

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 20:17

Core what? Core Blimey??

Comment is about mole (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Lynn Dye

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 20:16

I found this intriguing too, Dave. Enjoyable.

Comment is about Where are You? (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

<Deleted User> (7212)

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 20:15

Core !

Comment is about mole (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

<Deleted User> (7212)

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 20:08

Hi - I self-published a non-fiction book on M.E. (chronic fatigue) cos I'd had it & learned stuff which I had not read anywhere else. Iguess I sold maybe 150 copies - not exactly going to make me rich !!
good luck with it. B

Comment is about HUNTING THE GREAT WHITE PRAWN (blog)

<Deleted User> (6534)

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 19:55

I think the problem is that more people write poetry than read it. Wendy Cope tells stories of people bringing their poems for her to read at her book signings and not wanting to buy one of her books. I dont think numbers of comments indicate how good a poem is. My main worry is that my true genius will not be recognised until after my death. I hope you keep posting because even despite my lack of comments I enjoy reading your work.

Comment is about The Last House In Birmingham (blog)

<Deleted User> (6534)

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 19:42

It made me think of this song

Comment is about Made of Love (blog)

Original item by Isobel

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Lynn Dye

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 19:29

Is this your first haiku, Ann? I think it's really good, but so sad - hope you find one soon!!! Well done xx

Comment is about life'sabitchhaiku (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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winston plowes

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 19:16

Dave, Can you tag this poem with Ghazal please. Cheers Win x

Comment is about Daily Battle (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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Ann Foxglove

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 19:06

I just posted it - I am really pleased with it. Thanks for your help! xx

Comment is about Winston Plowes (poet profile)

Original item by Winston Plowes

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winston plowes

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 18:56

Hey Ann. no, thank you, there were 11 syllables in the 2nd line of the penultimate sher(couplet). 'Hour' does realy have 1 but I hear 2 ! Win

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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winston plowes

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 18:41

Ann, Re Ghazal (just before dawn) there are supposed to be 10 syllables in each line. But I have counted 'hour' as having two. Struggled to decide how many there were in hour, maybe normally one but in yorkshire two! Win

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Lynn Dye

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 18:26

I enjoyed this too, Steven, good poem.

Comment is about Revelation (blog)

Original item by Steven Kenny

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Lynn Dye

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 18:18

I have only just read this, Ray, and must say that I enjoy practically all of your work, so I agree with Ann and hope you will come back and post again soon.

Comment is about The Last House In Birmingham (blog)

<Deleted User> (8659)

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 17:17


Comment is about NOT ME MATE! (blog)

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winston plowes

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 17:05

thanks ann, getting there now. A ghazal can have as many sylablles per line as you like. But needs the same number of sylables in EVERY line. win

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Chris Co

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 17:01

Hey Isobel,

I said what I said about that poem because of the poem..nowt else. It IS a fantastic poem...simple as!

I would have said exactly the same to a stranger....I guess that affords a certain integrity.

Please only comment on the odd poem of mine that you are really need for us to do mutual pats on backs Hehe.

Good writing...


Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

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Ann Foxglove

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 16:56

Oh poor Winston! I do hope all your woes are soom melted away! I'm a happy bunny now (or a happy mole) cos my coal has arrived. And the snow is melting! I might put a ghazalish poem on tomorrow. But I don't think it has the right number of syllables. But it has the right feel I hope. xx

Comment is about Winston Plowes (poet profile)

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Chris Co

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 16:08

Hi Ann,

Thx for the kind comment/feedback on Starstuff.

I missed it somehow with it being the end of the month HeHe

Anyway appreciated.


Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

<Deleted User> (6895)

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 16:02

inspiring laughter wins hands down every time in my beano! ta big guy-S/W

Comment is about NOT ME MATE! (blog)

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Ray Miller

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 15:57

Ann, thanks for your kind words. I'm taking a break from WOL for at least a month, then I'll see. I overreacted re my poem but I think I was looking for the excuse. I use another poetry site and I'm gonna concentraye on that for a while. In contrast to WOL that site suffers from too few punters, though the standard of writing and criticism is higher, in general. There is just so much on WOL!There is more pressure on my time at the moment so summat has to give.Perhaps see you next year. Again, thanks.

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

<Deleted User> (8659)

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 15:47

You are right. I stand corrected.

Comment is about NOT ME MATE! (blog)

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Fri 3rd Dec 2010 15:44

What a sad ending Janet - I was getting carried with all the joy of Christmas, waiting for the turkey and roasted chestnuts and then bang - you hit us!
Curds and whey would be a fine dish - I imagine it's a lot worse than that - food for thought indeed. x

Comment is about December (blog)

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winston plowes

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 15:42

Hi Cynthia. Sure this has become coloured and colourful since I last looked. Its fantastic. You have managed to do something with the text poster that noone else has managed. You have not just done it though (that would be quite easy), you have done it brilliantly. My fav bit is the barely legible essence in space. Win x :-)

Comment is about november robin (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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winston plowes

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 15:09

well I am struggling on the frozen canal. Water run out. burst pipe, blocked chimney. ice on the inside of my windows, You have got it easy in your burrow! Mr grumpy :-(

P.S. Nice poem... i suppose,
well actually, very nice. harumph

Comment is about mole (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Ann Foxglove

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 15:04

No offence mate but why do men still have this ancient idea that women want to marry them? Soooo old hat!

Comment is about NOT ME MATE! (blog)

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winston plowes

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 14:59

What is it with you and moths? Actually I think we are both interested in them (just from a different angle) A bit different this one, liked a silver tongue through my jaw, a pendulum,. I have had 2 words in my head lately which fit with these, weirdness to be continued lol. Win

Comment is about The Yell Room (blog)

Original item by Marianne Daniels

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Laura Taylor

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 14:36

Eh up Houston - awww, a credit! ;D Cheers me dear - am still thrilled that two poems have now sprung into life, influenced by Jeff's genius. I'd love to know if there's more out there - I bet there are. I might have a gander on t'net and see if there's any kind of forum or whatnot.

Anyhoo - you've created a little piece of brilliance to add to this world - I think you should celebrate tonight with a nice jug o'porter ;)


Comment is about Winston Plowes (poet profile)

Original item by Winston Plowes

<Deleted User> (8659)

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 14:10

Thank you for the feedback Stefan, it is most thought provoking and I will certainly bear it in mind.

Comment is about HUNTING THE GREAT WHITE PRAWN (blog)

<Deleted User> (6895)

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 14:04

if I invest(string)in your literary adventure-how does 75/40 sound in my favour? if I don,t see you before I die,remember this old saying of mine handed down by my four fathers-look after loose women! must go(not permanently I hasten to add)gotta boil on me kettle-xx(just in case you are a trick cyclist..)

Comment is about HUNTING THE GREAT WHITE PRAWN (blog)

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winston plowes

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 13:47

Hi Val... A real issue for many. nicely expressed. Win x

Comment is about Invisible (blog)

Original item by Valerie Cook

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winston plowes

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 13:30

Hmm . yes, this has a philosophical quality. Liked. Win x

Comment is about Success! (blog)

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winston plowes

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 13:24

Hi Dave, Interesting Ghazal style poem this. The differences between this and a classical Urdu ghazal are only important if they are important to you (For me it satisfies 4 of the 8 criteria)I like it. It has an interesting refrain and comments.

I think generally modern ghazal writters have largely moved away from the traditional subjucts of lost love etc so no prob there. In fact if it is to survive I think that this diversification is essential. Win

Comment is about Daily Battle (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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winston plowes

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 12:50

Hi Cynthia, thanks for the comments on In My Dreams You're Alive. I have left some more on the blog page. Glad you liked, Win X

maybe required reading for British poets, Who live in Yorkshire, on a boat, etc. lol

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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