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<Deleted User> (6895)

Sun 5th Dec 2010 22:18

oi Ledge-titlewise-worrabout-Crow versus Vulture? popular species at funerals eh-enjoyed the poem-keep bunging-ta ZZ!-SW

Comment is about THE OLD CROW (blog)


Sun 5th Dec 2010 22:04

Hi - in spite of its darkness and irony I enjoyed the Old Crow overlord analogy and the way you dealt with this macabre subject in a way that made you want to read on - and to wonder about the mind set of souvenir hunters - well done

Comment is about THE OLD CROW (blog)

<Deleted User> (7789)

Sun 5th Dec 2010 19:30

I enjoyed this Larisa, the emotion really comes through. A lot of people have felt the same way - it brings a song to mind immediately from Jamaica in the 1970s for instance, about how people use the church just to fill their own pockets. In other words, this has always been going on all over the world.

Comment is about A Voice In the Wildness (blog)

Original item by Larisa Rzhepishevska

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Jeff Dawson

Sun 5th Dec 2010 18:14

Nice thoughts Janet with a bit of reality at the end! My latest poem has the reality in the middle and finishes nice, hope you like it, hope you're okay Jeff X

Comment is about December (blog)

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Ann Foxglove

Sun 5th Dec 2010 18:10

S'me again! I've written another ghazal, more light hearted this time, but I didn't rhyme it. Toooo hard! Maybe next time. Won't post til tomorrow prob - but you know me- it might appear at any time!! xx

Comment is about Winston Plowes (poet profile)

Original item by Winston Plowes


Sun 5th Dec 2010 17:57

Hi Paul - that's a lot of figures -you guys up there must be doing something right keeping the site administrated - take a bow all of you at HO - and onwards with the show

Comment is about November 2010 Stats (blog)

<Deleted User> (8657)

Sun 5th Dec 2010 16:57

No im all for overthrowing theology and I think that is what your intention was with this. It achieves it pretty well.

The choice to not include punctuation is always interesting to me as I feel there is always a reason for leaving it out. Not so much in performance but when I read it on the page i wonder why the poet made that choice.

I do feel the title is a little too shocking compared to the content.

Comment is about weed seeds on a cumtissue (blog)

Original item by owen calvert

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Rachael Dunn

Sun 5th Dec 2010 16:44

Hiya Jeff,
thank you kindly for your lovely comments on my poems :) much appreciated, will have to try and get to one of your guitar and verse nights, bring my acoustic guitar, and my poems and my voice

Rach x

Comment is about Jeffarama! (poet profile)

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David Mac

Sun 5th Dec 2010 16:30

Banksy, i love your tits!

Comment is about Perfecto (blog)

Original item by David Mac

<Deleted User> (7212)

Sun 5th Dec 2010 12:16

Aw ! thanks for noticing - I do have particularly bountiful tits these days :(

Comment is about Perfecto (blog)

Original item by David Mac

<Deleted User> (7212)

Sun 5th Dec 2010 12:13

as you get older & grumpier you'll find the list extends to all McDonalds "staff", every F "celeb" on every F "celeb" programme, every twat behind every counter, God, Allah, Buddha (etc etc), every advertising exec ever born, every fucker who rings you up from Bombay (Mumbai ??) offering everything you never wanted, every F halfwit in B&Q....
Once you start thinking of your Mum in these terms it's probably time to take a look in the mirror (no, no that one, the one on the wall). :)

Comment is about Job Interview Tip (blog)

Original item by David Mac

<Deleted User> (8659)

Sun 5th Dec 2010 11:58

Thanks Banksy-I too have suffered from ME and would not know where to begin writing about it, so fair play to you.

Comment is about HUNTING THE GREAT WHITE PRAWN (blog)

<Deleted User> (8659)

Sun 5th Dec 2010 11:56

Thanks for the thumbs up, down or sideways everyone.

Comment is about NOT ME MATE! (blog)

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Ann Foxglove

Sun 5th Dec 2010 10:52

Hi Win - hope you have thawed out by now! Lovely and sunny here! I did tag my poem a ghazal, but later it seemed to "untag" itself. I think maybe it happens if you edit a poem? Cos I'd added the extra two words. I think other's may have the same prob - yesterday there were more ghazals listed than there are today. It is a mystery!! xx

Comment is about Winston Plowes (poet profile)

Original item by Winston Plowes

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sun 5th Dec 2010 10:22

now I,ve sobered up from too many squirrels and badgers,I can see your photo much clearer-its absolutely....tell you when I ,ve had a drink!(but not of squirrel or badger! tee hee)

Comment is about jean lucy thompson (poet profile)

Original item by jean lucy thompson

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sun 5th Dec 2010 10:18

hi Greg-glad me and old navvy gave you a laugh.thanks re comments.

Comment is about Greg Freeman (poet profile)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Jeff Dawson

Sun 5th Dec 2010 10:16

Hi interesting, I love travel, anything to do with maps etc, I'm sad tho & know nearly every capital in the world so enjoyed this! Jeff x

Comment is about To know these lands (blog)

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Jeff Dawson

Sun 5th Dec 2010 10:14

And you know how youn layer despair, great line, great poem Rachel, Jeff x

Comment is about Kiss, promise, tell (blog)

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winston plowes

Sun 5th Dec 2010 09:33

John, Can you please Tag this one as "Ghazal" there are an increasing number of people posting them now. Win

Comment is about Lost Ghazal (blog)

Original item by John Aikman

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winston plowes

Sun 5th Dec 2010 09:30

Lovely, thankyou for posting. Winston

Comment is about Eye of the Beholder (blog)

Original item by Poetry in Translation Group

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winston plowes

Sun 5th Dec 2010 09:27

Ann, Can you please Tag this poem "Ghazal". Win

Comment is about ghazal ( snow for me) (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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winston plowes

Sun 5th Dec 2010 09:25

Hi Ann, thanks. Will your next one have rhyme too. This last one had all 7 other criteria present. Isn't it strange how easy it is to miscount the syllables, you would think that this would be really easy! I have more to come too. Win x

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Ann Foxglove

Sun 5th Dec 2010 08:42

Wow Greg - you are so kind! I am glad you liked my ghazal. I aim to write some more. Have you any interest in trying one? xx

Comment is about Greg Freeman (poet profile)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Ann Foxglove

Sun 5th Dec 2010 08:41

Hi John, thanks so so much for your amazingly kind comments on my ghazal. xx

Comment is about John Aikman (poet profile)

Original item by John Aikman

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Ann Foxglove

Sun 5th Dec 2010 08:38

Hi Lynne, thank you so much for your kind comment on my ghazal. I really enjoyed writing it, and I'm going to try some more. Hope your poor foot is getting better! xx

Comment is about Lynn Dye (poet profile)

Original item by Lynn Dye

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Ann Foxglove

Sun 5th Dec 2010 08:33

Ta Win, ( my ghazal)- I never could count past ten - should have taken my slippers off! ;-) Your words are very very much appreciated. I do love the form, and I feel that poetic language is neccessary for it to really work. I love the yearning quality. I have now thought of several phrases to make more ghazals - just need to write them! Look forward to more of yours. I really thought your last poem was stupendous! xx

Comment is about Winston Plowes (poet profile)

Original item by Winston Plowes

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Ann Foxglove

Sun 5th Dec 2010 08:29

Ta Win, I never could count past ten - should have taken my slippers off! ;-) Have added a couple more words.

And thatnks everyone else for kind comments! xx

Comment is about ghazal ( snow for me) (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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clarissa mckone

Sun 5th Dec 2010 02:46

really funny, and great. men should have hair, just not in ears or noses.the uni brow should be trimmed, and ur hair dresser should take care of all but the nose hair.

Comment is about real men have body hair (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Sun 5th Dec 2010 02:44

you put it all so well,Im different then u and many others I guess, I keep things, still have the letters from ex husband begging me to come back, and love letters. I used to save emails to. great write, very helpful to write like this, even if u burn nothing.

Comment is about Setting fire to a hundred and one things of love (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Sun 5th Dec 2010 02:44

you put it all so well,Im different then u and many others I guess, I keep things, still have the letters from ex husband begging me to come back, and love letters. I used to save emails to. great write, very helpful to write like this, even if u burn nothing.

Comment is about Setting fire to a hundred and one things of love (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Sun 5th Dec 2010 02:44

you put it all so well,Im different then u and many others I guess, I keep things, still have the letters from ex husband begging me to come back, and love letters. I used to save emails to. great write, very helpful to write like this, even if u burn nothing.

Comment is about Setting fire to a hundred and one things of love (blog)

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Sat 4th Dec 2010 23:29

Thanks for this Cynthia, it all started with me hearing the sound of those leaves, it really was like a hum of a stadium crowd (the tree was truly huge! :)

Comment is about November (Massive at last) (blog)

Original item by Dali

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winston plowes

Sat 4th Dec 2010 22:02

loved the maqta and your takkhalus. Foxy :-) x

you could have "my man IS dead..." I think this line is in keeping and powerful. Win

Comment is about ghazal ( snow for me) (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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winston plowes

Sat 4th Dec 2010 21:58

Seasonal superlatives! Loved this ghazal Ann. Very evocative. some great pictures in words,

Well worth waiting for your 1st ghazal. For me this is as good as most in the "beautiful book" Win x rhyme in this one but thats fine with me.
these lines "my man dead..." & "The red sun..." have one less syllable than all other lines (wink)
(easily fixed)

Should brackengold be 2 words?
hope I am not being too critical :-)

can you please Tag this one "Ghazal" Ann.

Comment is about ghazal ( snow for me) (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Sat 4th Dec 2010 21:38

I really like this, Ann. The words you use to evoke images, such as, swirling tempests, glass hexagons, thunder the tympani, are fabulous. I also love the allegory between man and snowflakes - no two are alike, and the emotions expressed.

I will probably try one of these too, next!

Comment is about ghazal ( snow for me) (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Sat 4th Dec 2010 20:05

Hello Cate! Thank you for your comments on 'Passionate Fib'...
I was inspired to try something new and different.

Comment is about Cate (poet profile)

Original item by Cate

<Deleted User> (8672)

Sat 4th Dec 2010 19:51

I think this is terrific. 'Smiling eyes offer more' – beautifully put. I like the way it ends, too. So true. 'Resolute lips and steadfast hands.' These words put you there. Lovely.

Comment is about Kiss, promise, tell (blog)

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winston plowes

Sat 4th Dec 2010 19:35

Hi John, glad you liked the last one... "childhood memories of chapel on sunday and love hidden behind piety" hits the nail on the head. Maybe Yorkshire can be like South Wales too! Thanks . Wino X

Comment is about John Darwin (poet profile)

Original item by John Darwin

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winston plowes

Sat 4th Dec 2010 19:28

Hi Steven, thanks for looking at In My Dreams You're alive. Mor experimental pieces to come I feel. Keep well. Win

Comment is about Steven Waling (poet profile)

Original item by Steven Waling

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Chris Co

Sat 4th Dec 2010 18:57

Thx for the comment on my latest poem Lynn...

My Best


Comment is about Lynn Dye (poet profile)

Original item by Lynn Dye

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Chris Co

Sat 4th Dec 2010 18:56

Thx for the kind comment on my last one John....appreciated.


While away your one of the people I continued to read...really like your work.

My Best


Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)

Original item by John Coopey

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Chris Co

Sat 4th Dec 2010 18:54

Thx for the comment on my last one Cate...appreciated.

My best


Comment is about Cate (poet profile)

Original item by Cate

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Lynn Dye

Sat 4th Dec 2010 18:51

This is so good, Ann. So crafted, well done. xx

Comment is about ghazal ( snow for me) (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Lynn Dye

Sat 4th Dec 2010 18:25

Enjoyed this one, most amusing!

Comment is about NOT ME MATE! (blog)

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John Coopey

Sat 4th Dec 2010 18:11

Thanks for you comment on Two Litre Capri. I think you can see why it doesn't work on paper.
I think you have to be from Barnsley to understand it, but if you're from Barnsley then you don't get the joke.

Comment is about Cate (poet profile)

Original item by Cate

<Deleted User> (7789)

Sat 4th Dec 2010 14:11

Life is indeed a battle on so many fronts. In fact, I might even need to go for that easy option in a short while!

Comment is about Daily Battle (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

<Deleted User> (7789)

Sat 4th Dec 2010 14:07

Funny - until the last line!

Comment is about NOT ME MATE! (blog)

<Deleted User> (7164)

Sat 4th Dec 2010 12:57

Hi Isobel, thanks for comment on December. I was a bit worried the last two lines would make people feel guilty which wasn't my intention.xx

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

Original item by Isobel

<Deleted User> (7164)

Sat 4th Dec 2010 12:54

Thanks Isobel. To tell the truth i was a little worried those last two lines would make people feel guilty about enjoying Christmas.x

Steve - Why not Samoa?
I wrote this after i'd seen a really sad photograph of a child from Samoa at a time when it seemed everyone around was getting excited about festivities. It really touched my heart and i wanted to show the stark differences within the poem.x

Comment is about December (blog)

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Ray Miller

Sat 4th Dec 2010 12:04

Thanks for your comments, Isobel. There is loads to like about WOL, as you know, but there is all too much of it and I feel so guilty if someone comments on my poems and I never get round to theirs. I'm taking a month out and then I'll see. Best Wishes, Ray

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

Original item by Isobel

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