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Andy N

Wed 1st Dec 2010 23:47

it's very written ray certainly, and i love the first few lines in particular but it does seem to be a bit wordy in places to me..

did enjoy it however... lot of passion went into this certainly..

Comment is about The Last House In Birmingham (blog)

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Ray Miller

Wed 1st Dec 2010 23:34

Thanks, Greg, but you know what, though I'm pissed off by the football, I know what's what. This is one of my better poems, a lot better than much of the tosh that's been posted here today and you are the only one who's bothered. I feel like I'm wasting my time. So, adios and bon chance.

Comment is about The Last House In Birmingham (blog)

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David Cooke

Wed 1st Dec 2010 21:55

We absolutely loved OZ - both the cities and the countryside. A bit pricey, though, given the strength of the Ozzie dollar against poor pathetic sterling! Still, I'd rather bask in 30+ degrees of heat in Brisbane than be snowbound here in Grimsby. Maybe that's why they all seem pretty cheerful over there, whereas here it's all moans and groans and feeling sorry for ourselves!

Comment is about Greg Freeman (poet profile)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Dave Carr

Wed 1st Dec 2010 21:52

This is indeed a paradox.
Great stuff.
I'm glad there are still people out there writing heroic verse.

Comment is about Discomposed (blog)

Original item by Freda Davis

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Greg Freeman

Wed 1st Dec 2010 21:47

Much obliged for your recent comments, David, and congratulations on getting a sheaf of poems into Agenda magazine. I haven't sent off much lately, but many thanks again for your consistent encouragement! How was Oz ... Melbourne and Brisbane?

Comment is about David Cooke (poet profile)

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Wed 1st Dec 2010 21:45

Hi Dave - it looks like you are on a space binge at the moment :)
Thought I'd better point out that it is Senryu - not Kuryu - or whatever it was that I made up. I was just being silly by imagining what we could call a cross between the Haiku and Senryu forms. Apparently Haiku is to do with nature and Senryu more to do with emotions. I didn't realise that till Steve Black pointed it out. x

Comment is about Dave Carr (poet profile)

Original item by Dave Carr

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Dave Carr

Wed 1st Dec 2010 21:32

I like the way you did this with the link to the previous lines.
I can see you are still in Beatles mode.
I didn't know that about Haiku and Kuryu either.

Comment is about Space Beat Haiku (blog)

Original item by Isobel

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Dave Carr

Wed 1st Dec 2010 21:28

Lovely words. That is quite a rare talent to be able to spontaneously generate a poem in that way. I dread to think what I would come up with. It is very descriptive, nicely paced and gives the listener time to reflect on the words.

Comment is about space (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Greg Freeman

Wed 1st Dec 2010 21:26

It must have been tough for your dad when the area went downhill, Ray, as so many once-decent areas have around the country. It's a funny yet heartfelt and almost apocalyptic vision.

Comment is about The Last House In Birmingham (blog)

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Dave Carr

Wed 1st Dec 2010 21:19

This is very powerful and thought provoking. I like the line
Suddenly, this cell was just mine.

Comment is about Too Much Space, Too Much Time (blog)

Original item by Tom

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Dave Carr

Wed 1st Dec 2010 21:14

I like the feeling of cold this poem portrays. Very powerful words. I wondered if it was influenced by the Doors song but I doubt it. This is much better.

Comment is about The Other Side (Space Poem) (blog)

Original item by Andy N

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Wed 1st Dec 2010 20:48

Well now that I've read it a few more times - I get what you are saying!
What do expect from someone who comes from the planet Venus?!

Comment is about Planet Earth (blog)

Original item by Isobel

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Wed 1st Dec 2010 20:36

:( I didn't need to.

I'm not sure whether peeps are getting the irony in this. I live on Planet Earth - which is a different planet from the one that a lot of folk live on :)) I never lose my sense of humour though. x

Comment is about Planet Earth (blog)

Original item by Isobel

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John Aikman

Wed 1st Dec 2010 20:08

You've told him then?

: (


Comment is about Planet Earth (blog)

Original item by Isobel

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Marianne Louise Daniels

Wed 1st Dec 2010 18:32

pete, it is quite weird and brilliant but that IS the same picture that I had in my mind...

Comment is about The Ask of Conversation (blog)

Original item by Marianne Daniels

Pete Crompton

Wed 1st Dec 2010 18:00

Hi Val
thanks for feedback on the hairy beast!!! I will read especially for you, not that you are hairy of course xxxxx Love Pete

sorry I have not been around a while! I'll be back one day!!!!!!


Comment is about Valerie Cook (poet profile)

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Marianne Louise Daniels

Wed 1st Dec 2010 16:50

thankyou, i am happy with those comments. I don't want you to pick out a secret code, but if you have felt a little something then it just reflects what i felt whilst writing...much appreciated

Comment is about The Ask of Conversation (blog)

Original item by Marianne Daniels

<Deleted User> (8672)

Wed 1st Dec 2010 15:58

I like this a lot. First one of yours I have read. I read it out aloud to myself and I can't pretend to understand but that's sometimes the curse of this age. It wants to know, it wants to know now. The analogy is tearing the wings of a butterfly... Let it be.

Comment is about The Ask of Conversation (blog)

Original item by Marianne Daniels

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Lynn Dye

Wed 1st Dec 2010 15:46

Enjoyed this very much, Rachael, I love the imagery too.

Comment is about Silver Moons Throne (blog)

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Wed 1st Dec 2010 15:25

I know! So sad... I was trying to post and inadvertently deleted everything because I am on my cell phone! Ughhh! I am without Internet at the moment, so I will re-post later when I go to the library.

Comment is about Shoeless Carole (poet profile)

Original item by Shoeless Carole

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Laura Taylor

Wed 1st Dec 2010 15:19

Must admit, I do struggle with yours Marianne. They always sound beautiful, but I'm buggered if I know what they're about. I do love this phrase though 'meaning by theft'

Comment is about The Ask of Conversation (blog)

Original item by Marianne Daniels

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Laura Taylor

Wed 1st Dec 2010 15:16

Wow that was quick! :D Ahhh, well it wasn't quite the poetry alone that made me love myself, but it was all tied up with words, and language, and creating my own self. The poems DO lay waste to that inner chaos though...can't begin to tell you the relief I feel from writing it all out. Makes so much sense to do it, feels so RIGHT. Thanks :) Feels good, don't it :D

Hope to meet you at the xmas wol 'do'! xx

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

Original item by Isobel

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Rachael Dunn

Wed 1st Dec 2010 12:54

hi Steven,
really enjoyed this, beautiful imagery. Im converted :)


Comment is about Revelation (blog)

Original item by Steven Kenny


Wed 1st Dec 2010 10:59

Guess we all got angry with that outrage - well expressed and I liked the poem you wrote on pink especially the last line

Comment is about Shahla Jahed is dead (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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Laura Taylor

Wed 1st Dec 2010 10:46

Powerful. Made me cry. Made me angry - again. Well done, had to be written about, and this is written very well.

Comment is about Shahla Jahed is dead (blog)

Original item by Dave Bradley

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Freda Davis

Tue 30th Nov 2010 23:47

Yes you are a moon goddess. My website is if you want to find out all about the calendar, and on that site you will find a button that says BUY NOW, linked to PayPal, but if you prefer the oldfashioned way, you can just copy the address and send me a cheque and I will send you moon calendars as per order. I have put quite a few poems on the website too.'girl' is not easy to rhyme is it, and you see I had elided 'glass' in the second stanza, a nice example of cohesion there, so I had to put 'glass' in somewhere. Also people make such a fuss about to rhyme or not to rhyme that I feel embarrassed to be searching for rhymes. It can get too contrived easily.

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Tue 30th Nov 2010 23:16

Thanks for your comment on my poem Ann. I took your advice and read Chris's poem and link - a most unusual song - unlyrical and unpoetic words that somehow sounded musical (I mean the utube link) - that's an achievement! Thanks.

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Tue 30th Nov 2010 20:08

I remember the same exercise, searched all over for the resultant poem, but must have lost it. Maybe it was Steve Waling's 'Experimental Poetry', Freda.

This poem is really good. It would be great to 'fight' for a line to give another rhyme with 'girl' in the second stanza.

Comment is about The Plain Girl (blog)

Original item by Freda Davis

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Tue 30th Nov 2010 20:00

I think you are a free and wondering spirit with fire in your belly and hot coals in your brain just waiting to be fanned into flame again. All you need now is a sleek white mare, snorting and champing at your grip on the reins, to take on the whole world once more. Who says only men have to be knights on white horses! Yes, I'm an idiot, but something about you really inspires me.

BTW, tell me about your MOON calendars. 'Cynthia' is the 'Goddess of the Moon'; so I'm interested.

Comment is about Freda Davis (poet profile)

Original item by Freda Davis


Tue 30th Nov 2010 18:45

I enjoyed this - like the illusions of the snowflakes here today but gone tomorrow providing they last that long - nice one economic use of words and flows nicely - gateways eh? Who or what do we pass on the way

Comment is about There are doors (blog)

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Tue 30th Nov 2010 18:20

Thank you John, for reading and commenting so nicely on my poem 'Passionate Fib'... I was inspired to try something new. : )

p.s. Funny you think I'm a 'Nightbird'... And you should write a Fibonacci poem about the 'statue type thing'... : )

Comment is about John Aikman (poet profile)

Original item by John Aikman

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Tue 30th Nov 2010 18:02

What planet are you from then?

Comment is about Planet Earth (blog)

Original item by Isobel

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Tue 30th Nov 2010 18:00

You've added a photo!

Comment is about Raspberry fib (blog)

Original item by Shoeless Carole

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Tue 30th Nov 2010 17:58

Thank you Carole, for checking out my attempt at a Fibonacci poem...
Yes, they are fun to write... sometimes the syllable count depends on how you pronounce a word too - enough to drive you mad! I wrote one for you too - not sure if it's comedic, but it's on the blog of my 'Passionate Fib'... x

Comment is about Shoeless Carole (poet profile)

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Tue 30th Nov 2010 17:50

Thank you Winston, for reading and commenting so nicely on
'Passionate Fib'... and what a surprise it was that you dug through
the archives to read 'Alone'... : )

Comment is about Winston Plowes (poet profile)

Original item by Winston Plowes

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Rachael Dunn

Tue 30th Nov 2010 17:33

really like this poem Anne, the sense of preservation,

'Safe for the future

In acid-free sleeves'.

really enjoyed this

Rachael :)

Comment is about priviledged boy (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

<Deleted User> (8672)

Tue 30th Nov 2010 17:03

Lovely, a window on another world...

Comment is about priviledged boy (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Ann Foxglove

Tue 30th Nov 2010 16:08

Wow! Love it Marianne! Esp the dangerous ankle! I'm afraid I've always had very boring ankles! Power pop pulse! Fab! xx

Comment is about Mr Camera (blog)

Original item by Marianne Daniels

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Ann Foxglove

Tue 30th Nov 2010 16:06

I really like this poem Isobel. I think you should have called it Planet Isobel though! I just read Chris Co's poem which I enjoyed, the youtube video he put a link to is just wonderful, don't know if you 'd like it, check it out as they say! xx

Comment is about Planet Earth (blog)

Original item by Isobel


Tue 30th Nov 2010 14:41

Hi Greg
Many thanks for your comments on Rocket Man - I agree about 'is' and 'are' - appreciated. P

Comment is about Greg Freeman (poet profile)

Original item by Greg Freeman


Tue 30th Nov 2010 14:38

Hi Ann

Much obliged for your comments on Rocket Man - greatly appreciated.

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove


Tue 30th Nov 2010 14:35

Hi John
Much obliged for the comments on Rocket Man - appreciated.


Comment is about John Aikman (poet profile)

Original item by John Aikman

<Deleted User> (6895)

Tue 30th Nov 2010 10:52

Mornin to Dye,s dog-Dye,s dad-and family including the English patient!-Mr Blind Pugh(moi) finally got to see the typo you tried so hard to point out in 'Baggage'-DOH! ta Lynn-lotsa love and get wells soon to you-Mr W-xx-B-xx

Comment is about Lynn Dye (poet profile)

Original item by Lynn Dye

<Deleted User> (6895)

Tue 30th Nov 2010 10:38

Mornin sniffy-I,ve got me ski,s on and me satnav round me neck,a large bag of cattylitter in me backpack-now where is this hovel...sorry-cottage, of yours? as to me poo-im...its a pikky I took from my hang glider as I soared above your 'ouse-which he -was-divebombing or indeed committing hari-kari-please look in your fireplace-put me down for a wing and a leg with stuffing! ta Coughing Gertie-get well soon! do NOT be worrying your 'blocked'little cranium about me-I,ll struggle through or pass into martyrdom! ps have changed me suicidal seagull/skylark poo-im to...oh look fer yerself! hmph!-xx-G-xx

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Julian (Admin)

Tue 30th Nov 2010 10:29

Lovely reflections, nicely curated. I love the question about whether he could possibly have considered us looking at his photo all these years later.
By the bye, are you pro- or

Comment is about priviledged boy (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Laura Taylor

Tue 30th Nov 2010 10:21

Eh up - yes, it could change the world I believe if we were all given that clean slate, if all of us damaged ones could break the cycle. Unfortunately it doesn't often work out that way, but I was damned sure that my lass would not suffer the same way I did...that she would know herself to be loved, and would be treated with dignity and respect, as should all humans.

Thanks for your comment :)

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

Original item by Isobel

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Greg Freeman

Tue 30th Nov 2010 09:56

It's an endearing poem, Ann, full of interesting exhibits. The line "Oh whatever next!" made me laugh.

Comment is about priviledged boy (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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winston plowes

Tue 30th Nov 2010 09:50

Hi John, Re Ghazals . Yes, I have been studying these for over 2 years now. You can see / hear more background about this here... thanks for looking Win x

Comment is about John Aikman (poet profile)

Original item by John Aikman

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Ann Foxglove

Tue 30th Nov 2010 09:31

Spent a chilly weekend at our local museum cataloguing 121 old glass negatives, one family's album. This poem came from that. And so did my cold! ACHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Comment is about priviledged boy (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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John Aikman

Tue 30th Nov 2010 09:23

Thanks for your kind comments on my Ghazal. It's a bit of a cheat really, I wrote it ages ago, long before WOL, it was one of my very first experiments with writing poetry. Traditionally Ghazal's are always about love..longing and separation, though that tradition seems to be slipping a bit as more folks experiment with them. I really, really was lost when I wrote it...not so lost now. : )


Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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