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<Deleted User> (6895)

Sun 28th Nov 2010 19:00

Hi Freda-your time taken over reading'Honour or illusion'is much appreciated-as to the poem itself,I would think fair for it to be down to any interpretation as with many others? thank you very much-Stefan.

Comment is about Freda Davis (poet profile)

Original item by Freda Davis

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sun 28th Nov 2010 18:52

evenin sparky the flitter'er-ta for loan of fairychops-took her from you to save her teeth! she,s told me so much about you-my god!tut tut! re title-twas an 'Honour to have her in my presence..or was it an for you being an illusion-what about the d-s and i missing off the front of that word-(ONLY JOKING)was going to title it'privilege or fantasy'-you notice I sent the 'cloud horses' to the Witches knackers yard? thanks Anniekins-Wildey the wizard-xx

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

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Freda Davis

Sun 28th Nov 2010 17:51

Too right Cynthia. I have never gone in for pills, but the mess around me threatens to swallow me up. It had some sort of rhyme and reason to it before Mum died, but then I moved all her nostalgic junk in here, just in case she came back for it, maybe, or in the slim hope that the next generation will be interested, and I am overwhelmed by it. There are two boxes of photographs tabulating the last century for example. I should be turning them all into poems, but I am also working at improving my drawing, selling the Moon calendar and involved with two voluntary organisations, one as Chair, so I am now having to get my head round redundancy legislation. This government are the pitts, so poetry slips into the background, much as it is my first love.

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas


Sun 28th Nov 2010 17:17

Sun 28th Nov 2010 16:46Hi Cynthia - thank you for the suggestion I will try and re work it as you suggest even if a format doesn't spring easily to mind - much obliged

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sun 28th Nov 2010 16:18

John, what a deft hand at rhythm and rhyme you are. I was very impressed. I was already anticipating a final '-ong' rhyme in the last stanza, but the change is effective. I'm almost prodded to see what I might come up with myself, just for fun. The poem is a humourous, fast-paced bit of fun, with a serious message.

Comment is about Tale from the North Country (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sun 28th Nov 2010 16:08

Well, at least you are not 'decomposing'. There are brilliant poems left in you. IMO, a poet needs to clean up the physical mess around him/her, ditch pills if possible, put a piece of blank paper on the table. and think of 10 ways to inspire a poem (workshop style). Nobody with wild, wonderful hair ever gives up. It is WRITTEN! Speaking of: IMO, the poem itself is a tad ordinary, but at least words are coming, however grudgingly. Love your titles.

Comment is about Discomposed (blog)

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Rachael Dunn

Sun 28th Nov 2010 15:44

Hi Cynthia,
Thankyou for your comments on 'throwing out the sun'
your interpretation was spot on :)
kind regards
Rachael. x

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

<Deleted User> (7164)

Sun 28th Nov 2010 14:10

Thanks for your lovely comment on my poem 'Charibdes Effect.'
Very much appreciated ;-)

Comment is about Larisa Rzhepishevska (poet profile)

Original item by Larisa Rzhepishevska

<Deleted User> (7164)

Sun 28th Nov 2010 12:16

Hi Laura, i haven't attempted a ghazal yet and doubt i will for some time to come. Got stacks of paperwork for college and what i'm writing at moment is just a brain clearing thing which is why they are mostly short poems.
Small brain equals little poems, ha ha.
Good to hear from you.x

Comment is about Laura Taylor (poet profile)

Original item by Laura Taylor

<Deleted User> (7164)

Sun 28th Nov 2010 12:07

Hi, just wanted to say, i did sense your 'snow on the pass' has a personal element and story to it.
I chose to comment on what it meant for me as opposed to the sentiments within it because i wasn't sure how recent your friends demise is/was :-)
I really enjoyed the story too and your sensitive write.x

Comment is about Greg Freeman (poet profile)

Original item by Greg Freeman

<Deleted User> (7164)

Sun 28th Nov 2010 11:32

This is great fun if not a little sad in some ways :-)
I doubt very much you will ever really get writer's block Ann. You are a natural.x

Comment is about poetry fairy (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Greg Freeman

Sun 28th Nov 2010 10:46

I agree with Win, Ann. Give her a few days off and she'll come back to you fresh as a daisy!

Comment is about poetry fairy (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Greg Freeman

Sun 28th Nov 2010 10:40

Thanks for your comment on Snow on the Pass, John. It's good to see you back here again.

Comment is about John Aikman (poet profile)

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Greg Freeman

Sun 28th Nov 2010 10:39

HI Alison. Thanks for your comments on Snow on the Pass. Well done for spotting that line: it was a late addition and does jut out a little. It may be in the wrong place. Greg

Comment is about Alison Smiles (poet profile)

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Greg Freeman

Sun 28th Nov 2010 10:38

Hi John. Thanks for your much-valued comment on Snow on the Pass. Greg

Comment is about John Darwin (poet profile)

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Ann Foxglove

Sun 28th Nov 2010 07:37

Hi Freda - I have sold a few of my paintings in the past but now I stick to ceramics. These are usually based on the female form. I'm a member of the Cornwall Glass and Cerasmics Group and some of my stuff is on their website under my real name. But I am just an amateur. Looking forward to getting the calendars - two will make lovely presents for a couple of friends who very much admired last years. Thanks for recent nice comments too! xx

Comment is about Freda Davis (poet profile)

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Freda Davis

Sun 28th Nov 2010 00:08

Do you sell your artwork Ann?

Comment is about poetry fairy (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Freda Davis

Sun 28th Nov 2010 00:08

Actually I suspect she has been visiting Stefan.

Comment is about poetry fairy (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Freda Davis

Sun 28th Nov 2010 00:07

Ann, you are quite right to stop those tendrils curling under your door. Your emotional life is far too valuable to waste on wasters. As for the poetry fairy, she is on holiday and hopes you will be extra kind to yourself while she is gone. She needed a break maybe?

Comment is about love visits from another planet (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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Freda Davis

Sun 28th Nov 2010 00:00

Hi Ann, I got your order. Will post it on Monday. Cheers.

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sat 27th Nov 2010 23:10

Hi Ann-took inspiration from you to re-hash an old fairy fing-hope thou doth not mindeth! -Stef-xx

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sat 27th Nov 2010 21:25

Hi Ann-thanx for 'Spectrum' viewing-funny you suggesting my restraint-makes a change from nutter!(jesting)I,m really grateful-Stefan-xx

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sat 27th Nov 2010 20:53

Hi Freda-I,m very thankful for your reading and commenting on 'Spectrum' I,m a fan of Hardy too,my favourite short poem by him is'A thunderstorm in town' as for the comedians(Badiel and Skinner)very funny! thank you-Stefan.

Comment is about Freda Davis (poet profile)

Original item by Freda Davis

<Deleted User> (8672)

Sat 27th Nov 2010 18:51

This is great! Absolutely love it. Even an Anglo-saxon like myself can appreciate it!

Comment is about Tale from the North Country (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

<Deleted User> (7212)

Sat 27th Nov 2010 18:31

For me, the answer is - don't try. I've gone years without writing anything, then 4 or 5 "write themselves" in a day - whether any of them are worth writing down is another matter ! xx

Comment is about poetry fairy (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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winston plowes

Sat 27th Nov 2010 18:18

Come on Ann. Surely the poetry fairy deserves a day off now and again. Win x

Comment is about poetry fairy (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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winston plowes

Sat 27th Nov 2010 18:01

My morning routine tomorrow will be get up. saw wood (a good activity to keep warm), stoke boiler , put on wood. eat breakfast :-) This is my kind of poetry topic Alison. I am keen on prose but also on something like this when it's done well and fits together (As this does) Well Done Win x

Comment is about Song of triumph (blog)

Original item by Alison Smiles

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John Coopey

Sat 27th Nov 2010 17:51

Excellent A. I can enjoy free verse but, for me, rhythm is the essence of poetry. If this was your first attempt at trochaics then I'm impressed. I usually struggle with assembling enough double syllables for the end hero words. Also I find abab rhyming patterns very testing.
Really enjoyed it. Post more.

Comment is about Song of triumph (blog)

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Sat 27th Nov 2010 17:39

This was my first try at trochaic rhythm - I've been reading Song of Hiawatha and am all inspired.

Comment is about Song of triumph (blog)

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John Coopey

Sat 27th Nov 2010 17:02

Thanks for your thoughts on Tale from the North Country. I think Public Service Information like this ought to be more widely broadcast on the BBC.

Comment is about Greg Freeman (poet profile)

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John Coopey

Sat 27th Nov 2010 17:01

Thanks for your comments on Tales from the North Country. I have a suspicion that the cold weather we are having at the moment is nothing compared to winters you have seen.

Comment is about Larisa Rzhepishevska (poet profile)

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John Coopey

Sat 27th Nov 2010 16:58

Thanks for your thoughts on Tale from the North Country.
I'm happy to present you with the image of a frozen prong! Many of us have spent a lifetime blaming the cold weather in that department!

Comment is about Alison Smiles (poet profile)

Original item by Alison Smiles

<Deleted User> (7212)

Sat 27th Nov 2010 16:23

Hi - thanks for the comments on "when I grow up" - sorry it's taken a while - I've been away. all the best. B

Comment is about Elaine (poet profile)

Original item by Elaine

<Deleted User> (7212)

Sat 27th Nov 2010 16:18

Hi - "I love" - (sorry, been away) - the horrid finger picture - so, you've never seen The Piano? -you've missed out on a first-rate sniffle-movie. Her husband chops off her finger (cos she's a-shaggin someone else = fair enough?) - anyway, at the end her real love has her made up this silver finger, cos playing the piano with one digit missing's not quite the same: Chopsticks, maybe, but Flight of the Bumblebee...

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

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Ann Foxglove

Sat 27th Nov 2010 15:38

Just a few light-hearted thoughts on having writer's block (Grrrrrrrrrrr)

Comment is about poetry fairy (blog)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

<Deleted User> (7164)

Sat 27th Nov 2010 14:49

Rarely perfect is it :-)

Comment is about Rzhepicks (blog)

Original item by Larisa Rzhepishevska

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Ann Foxglove

Sat 27th Nov 2010 14:04

Oh god Alison - I think I'd have just burst into tears! You are indeed WonderWoman! x

Comment is about Song of triumph (blog)

Original item by Alison Smiles

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Sat 27th Nov 2010 12:04

Thanks Freda, x

Comment is about Freda Davis (poet profile)

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Greg Freeman

Sat 27th Nov 2010 11:58

It's funny how these new boilers need more TLC than the old ones. As a bloke with few DIY skills I can relate to your sense of triumph. Heat is one of the keys to happiness: thanks for this spirited and cheering winter warmer!

Comment is about Song of triumph (blog)

Original item by Alison Smiles

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Sat 27th Nov 2010 11:34

hahahaha. Listening to it in your accent really does make it come together. Frozen prong is still making me chortle and the image will definitely stay with me!

Comment is about Tale from the North Country (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Freda Davis

Sat 27th Nov 2010 11:28

Thank you Greg. Its what we write for, isn't it? To have someone say 'this gave me pleasure'. Lovely of you to tell me so.

Comment is about Greg Freeman (poet profile)

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Freda Davis

Sat 27th Nov 2010 11:23

Thanks for the comment Larisa. Hope you like our mild snowfalls.

Comment is about Larisa Rzhepishevska (poet profile)

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Freda Davis

Sat 27th Nov 2010 11:21

Thank you for your comment, Shoeless. That 4am feeling. Reading your first poem there I am amazed at how well you express the loss, how articulate you are about grief. I was just reading Stefan's blog entry, and you sum up something he may be reaching for in 'watch me split like prismatic light'. Sleep easy tonight.

Comment is about Shoeless Carole (poet profile)

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Freda Davis

Sat 27th Nov 2010 11:11

Thanks for the comment, Ann. I am trying out all kinds of how to.. methods but it is worth the effort. Ah, calendars. I need an address to send to. Simplest things would be for you to go to and order that way, paying by Paypal if it suits you, or get my address off there and post me a cheque. Does the snow inspire you?

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

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Greg Freeman

Sat 27th Nov 2010 10:52

I keep reading this poem again and again, Freda. Its simplicity is its strength. Beautiful final two lines.

Comment is about As Autumn Leaves (blog)

Original item by Freda Davis

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Ann Foxglove

Sat 27th Nov 2010 06:53

Oh Freda, I've got "writers' block", feel like nothing will ever inspire me again and anything that vaguely comes to mind is too tedious to bother with. Your poem touched me very much but also made me feel that we have all "been there." And can I order three moon calendars please? xx

Comment is about Discomposed (blog)

Original item by Freda Davis

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Sat 27th Nov 2010 03:48

i woke tonight in the darkest hour, distressed beyond my own exsistence, it happens. thanks for leaving this poem here to distract me

Comment is about Discomposed (blog)

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Sat 27th Nov 2010 00:33

My God! I think it's just perfect. You are so right telling: "How hard it is to make a simple rhyme".
Love you fore that.
With warmest wishes,

Comment is about Discomposed (blog)

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Sat 27th Nov 2010 00:24

Beautiful! Just beautiful! I really enjoy reading and more than that: listening to the nice poems. Thank you.

Comment is about Tale from the North Country (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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winston plowes

Fri 26th Nov 2010 23:47

just left this comment to Andy N and thought it might help - a feature of the ghazal form is that the couplets seem unconnected but somehow related as a whole. I sometimes think of it as a painting with the couplets describing features within the picture, Win :-)

also yes, His singing voice does absolutely give that impression of freedom and suits the lyrics wonderfully. Laura, there has got to be a poet in you if you like lyrics/music like this.

Comment is about Laura Taylor (poet profile)

Original item by Laura Taylor

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